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What Is ‘Carnival’: The Origins Of The World’s



PART 1 Discuss the following questions with your partner:

1. Where do people usually celebrate Carnival?
2. Do you celebrate Carnival?
3. How do people celebrate Carnival in your country?
4. Do you know any traditions for Carnival from other countries?

PART 2 Tick (🗸) the correct word that you think matches each short definition below.

1 luxurious or classy plain / fancy / artificial

2 very exotic or colorful flamboyant / modest / trendy
3 loud and festive party-goers rebels / revelers / residents
4 cultural or ethnic ancestry adoption / heritage / ritual
5 a special occurrence or event root / farewell / phenomenon

PART 3 The images below are related to ‘Carnival’, which is a type of festival. Write at least 3
sentences describing Carnival using some of the words above in Part 2.

WHAT IS CARNIVAL: THE ORIGINS What Is ‘Carnival’: The Origins Of The World’s
Largest Party (B1)

PREVIEW DISCUSSION: Read the discussion topic below and

discuss it with your partner or teacher.

Do you know anything about the history of Carnival? If so


PART 1 Watch the video until 1:45 and then pause the video. List the historical events of Carnival in order
from 2 - 6. The first one has been done as an example.

Carnival spread across Europe through the spread of Christianity.

Carnival spread to Ancient Greece after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. Over time,
European rituals fused with African ones in Brazil.
1 Carnival originated as a pagan festival in ancient Egypt.
The Romans then assimilated Carnvial, who made it Christian.
Portuguese colonists took the tradition of Lent and African slaves to Brazil.

PART 2 Match the locations around the world with the information described about Carnival.

Trinidad Quebec New Orleans

India Rio

1 - 1.1 million tourists during Carnival in 2016
-Contributed $900 million to the economy
2 - French colonists introduced Lent to this area
2:21 -Slaves created parties to mock the French
3 - Celebrated in a southern state of the country
-Parades occur with bands, dances, and floats
2:45 4 - Carnival here is called ‘Mardi Gras’
-Contributes to over 2% of the city’s GDP
5 - A winter festival
-Contributes 3% to the city’s GDP
What Is ‘Carnival’: The Origins Of The World’s

1 2
PART 1 Discuss the questions below.
Would visiting Carnival interest you atWhat do you think could be the all? Why or wh

The text has five paragraphs (1–5). Choose the best title for each paragraph from A–F below
and write the letter (A–F) on the lines below. There is one title you don’t need
Paragraph 1
Carnival is a festival that takes place in many Roman Catholic countries in the last few days and hours
before the season of Lent. Once Lent begins, many Catholics abstain from eating meat and also may
give up other food and activities in order to replicate Jesus’s sacrifice and 40 days in the desert.
Although it is not certain where the name ‘Carnival’ comes from, some people believe it can be traced
to the Medieval Latin phrase carnem levare, which means to take away or remove meat.
Paragraph 2
The first day of Carnival varies each year, depending on when Easter is celebrated. The time Carnival is
celebrated is also different in different places. In France, the celebration is for one day only, on Shrove
Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins. In Bavaria, Germany, the period of Carnival
starts on 6th January and continues until Ash Wednesday. In some parts of Spain, Ash Wednesday is
also included in Carnival celebrations as this day has not always been included in Lent.
Paragraph 3
In the past, the most important Carnival celebration was in Rome, Italy. The celebration lasted eight
days and ended on Shrove Tuesday. People came from all over Italy to take part in the celebrations
and games. People wore masks of characters from folk tales and there were shows, music, and people
selling food and drink from stalls. In addition, people took part in competitions such as throwing spears
at targets and horse races.
Paragraph 4
Perhaps the most famous Carnival celebration today takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Over two
million people per day go out onto the streets to watch and participate in the processions. The groups
performing in the processions are known as Samba Schools, usually made up of groups of friends or
neighbours with a common background who want to attend Carnival together. Each Samba School
makes floats and decorative costumes, and members perform choreographed dances which usually tell
a short story.
Paragraph 5
Another famous Carnival celebration takes place in New Orleans, USA. This is often
known as Mardi Gras, which is a French word meaning Fat Tuesday. This name comes
from the custom of using up all the fat in the house such as butter and oil before the
abstinence of Lent begins. In Venice, Italy, people celebrate Carnival by going to masked
balls, where people hide their identity using the world famous Venetian masks. There
are competitions to see who has the best costumes and masks, often judged by
international fashion designers.
What Is ‘Carnival’: The Origins Of The World’s
Largest Party (B1)
A. Carnival around the world
B. An important historic Carnival celebration
C. Carnival dates around the world
D. The origins of the festival
E. Food and drink at Carnival
F. A well-known procession
Write the exact word, phrase or number on the lines below.

1. Once Lent begins, many people give up meat or another food or activity in order
to make a ____________________.
2. The exact date of Carnival relates to the date of ____________________.
3. The old festival of Carnival in Rome was celebrated for ____________________.
4. In Rio, Samba Schools work together to make floats and costumes and they
prepare ____________________.
5. In Venice, there are competitions for the best masks and the winners are chosen by


Discuss the questions below about the video.

1. What was the origin of Carnival and how did it spread across the world?
2. What does ‘carne vale’ mean in Latin? How is this related to the festival?
3. What kind of economic impact has Carnival had?
4. What is the word used in the video that means “festive party-goer”? How many of these are there
per year for Carnival?
5. Which Carnival celebration mentioned in the text would you like to
attend? Why?
6. Have you ever taken part in a Carnival celebration?
7. Do you ever dress up for a festival in your country?
8. Do you like dressing up? When was the last time you wore a
9. Have you ever tried to give something up, for example meat or chocolate?
10. If you had to give something up for Lent, what would be the most difficult thing for you?

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