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Republic of the Philippines

The result of this test may matter Department of Education

but how you obtain the number Region XII
matters more. Don’t be just right. Kidapawan City Division
BE TRULY RIGHT. Saniel-Cruz Ave., Kidapawan City
-Mam Remz-

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1. In conducting researches, there are rules and standards strictly followed. They provide guidelines for
responsible conduct of research. How do we call them?
A. Autonomy C. Research Ethics
B. Beneficence D. Ethical Dilemma

2. Every person has the right to choose and decide. Hence, a researcher must never force anybody to participate
in his research. What ethical consideration is emphasized here?
A. Justice B. Autonomy C. Beneficence D. Confidentiality

3. When conducting a research, the proponents must not only think of what they can get from the research but
they must also think of the welfare of the participants. What ethics is presented here?
A. Justice B. Autonomy C. Beneficence D. Confidentiality

4. The identity of the participant especially when the topic is sensitive must not be disclosed. This is under what
ethical rule?
A. Justice B. Autonomy C. Beneficence D. Confidentiality

5. Which of the following BEST describes the importance of research?

A. Doing research can make researchers popular.
B. Doing research provides opportunities of employment.
C. Research finds solutions to problems which eventually improve the quality of life.
D. Research provides memorable experiences for students before they can earn a degree.

6. Nena is doing qualitative research about garbage collectors experiences. She decided to spend two days to
witness and observe their daily tasks. What characteristics of research is shown here?
A. Qualitative research requires the skill in writing paragraphs since it deals with words.
B. Qualitative research uses interview as the only data gathering technique.
C. Qualitative research requires personal engagement and experience.
D. Qualitative research uses inductive research method.

7. Daryl wants to conduct a qualitative research, which of the following is NOT one of the steps to do it?
A. He must select a topic.
B. He must write his hypothesis.
C. He must read books about a topic.
D. He must plan how he will gather data.

8. Sheryl is conducting a qualitative research about minors who committed a crime. She interviewed her subjects
and recorded the information they gave her. She scheduled interviews not just once but twice or thrice to get
all information she could get? Based on her action, what is the goal of Sheryl?
A. In-Depth Investigation C. Local Meaning
B. Generate Hypothesis D. Write Generalization

9. Faryl wants to know how teenage gays feel about their father. Hence, he selected teenage gays in the campus to
participate in the focus group discussion. What characteristic of research is shown here?
A. Sampling is purposeful.
B. It talks about controversial issues only.
C. Anybody can be a subject of research.
D. It uses inductive research method.

10. Tony found a unique case of learners with disability who finished elementary level at regular pace. He decided
to investigate this case. He scheduled interview with the subject and his parent. Also, he decided to observe the
subject in his classroom while he attends his grade 7 classes. What type of research is used by Tony?
A. Grounded Theory C. Historical
B. Case Study D. Phenomenology

11. Julian wants to understand the experiences of out of school youth. His goal is to formulate a theory. What type
of research is he up to?
A. Grounded Theory C. Historical
B. Case Study D. Phenomenology

12. Donnie wants to understand the life of his ancestors who were known politicians of the country. He asked his
parents if he could borrow his grandparents diaries and if he can have photo albums of them. What is the type
of research he is conducting?
A. Action Research C. Historical
B. Case Study D. Phenomenology

13. Jose is a store manager, he noticed some problems in the system of inventory of the store. He decided to
investigate on it to specify the problems and so he can provide appropriate action. What research is he
A. Grounded Theory C. Historical
B. Action Research D. Phenomenology

14. Dianne lives in the province. She observed that in her province, there are still tribes who were able to preserve
their unique culture. She grew her desire to understand them more. If she pursues her desire, what research
will she use?
A. Grounded Theory C. Historical
B. Action Research D. Ethnographic

15. Glory believes there are rich stories she could tell about female members or the AFP. She wants to write those
stories. What research does she intend to do?
A. Phenomenology C. Case Study
B. Narrative Research D. Ethnographic

16. Which of the following does NOT refer to qualitative research?

A. is Word-based C. uses inductive method
B. is number-based D. uses Survey Checklist


17. Our project in school is a research paper. My father is a researcher and he has many unpublished researches. I
get one of his studies, changed his name to mine, printed it and pass it to my teacher.
A. unethical B. Ethical
18. Julienne has hated Mr. Surilla since she was a kid. Now that she became an adult, she realized how powerful is
research in building people up or breaking them down. So, she planned a research that will involve Mr. Surilla
and destroy his name.
A. unethical B. Ethical
19. Annie was a student. Her teacher was conducting a research about rape. Her teacher knew that she was a
victim of that kind of crime. She was invited to participate in her teacher’s study but she refused to. Her teacher
got mad and threaten her. Reflect on what the teacher did.
A. unethical B. Ethical
20. Coliene is a popular researcher known for her integrity. Mr. Depolito meet her to ask her help. He wants her to
alter the result of her research in favor of him. He handed down 1 Billion to Coliene and she accepted it.
A. unethical B. Ethical
21. Drell found a very controversial story about a popular personality in their city. After interviewing his
participants, he went to his best friend’s house and told him about the story.
A. unethical B. Ethical
22. Darwin was in a hurry. So, he conducted focus group discussion and interview before he discusses the
informed consent and let the participants sign it.
A. unethical B. Ethical
23. What is the ethical issue involved in item no. 19?
A. Autonomy B. Beneficence C. Truthfulness D. Falsification of Documents
24. Why should Coliene (in item no. 20) accept or refuse the offer of Mr. Depolito?
A. ACCEPT because researchers should really be paid.
B. ACCEPT because what Mr. Depolito is asking is very difficult.
C. REFUSE because she must make sure that there is no bias in reporting of result.
D. REFUSE because she might be caught by authorities and lose everything she has.
25. Why did Darwin do the right or wrong thing in item no. 22?
A. RIGHT. He must finish his research to meet deadlines.
B. RIGHT. Everybody’s doing it anyway.
C. WRONG. The result will surely be wrong.
C. WRONG. He must inform the participants about the research first before they answer
For items 26-35, choose from the choices below:
A. Qualitative research B. Quantitative Research

26. Ben would like to know whether Boys and Girls differ in their perception about extrajudicial killing. Hence, she
conducted a survey measuring the perception of 30 boys and 30 girls in the campus. She analyzed the data
using statistical treatment.
27. Drew wants to answer the question: is there a significant relationship between age and hobbies? He wants to
test the hypothesis.
28. Mema has been encountering students who are very noisy in class. So, she decided to conduct a research about
being noisy and why those students are behaving that way in the class. She conducted interview with them and
analyzed their previous records.
29. Sollie theorized that the use of social media has influenced communication skills/verbal skills of teens. So she
conducted a research to test her hypothesis.
30. Vernie called his statistician to compute the difference between the scores of girls and boys in reading
motivation test.
31. Feny investigates on the effect of cyberbullying to parents of victims. She conducted focus group discussion
where children and parents participated.
32. Garry is fond of watching news and News Anchor Kabayan is his favorite. He became interested with his
speeches and so he decided to analyze few of the most popular.
33. Hernan is a researcher of American Embassy. He focuses on the situation of the youth in provinces where
American Embassy plans to extend help. He did a research in North Cotabato before the project entered the
area. He conducted interview with selected youth from a specific tribe.
34. Kris is interested in Agriculture. He conducted research to find out what is the most common crop in North
Cotabato. He distributed survey questionnaires to his respondents.
35. Lorrie wants to measure happy index of North Cotabato residents. He went from place to place to distribute the
survey questionnaire where respondents were asked to rate statements from 1 to 10.
Arrange the following steps of the research process by writing the letter of the steps in order starting
with item number 36 as the first step and ending with the last step in item number 46.
A. Design your study F. Search about your topic
B. Limit the topic G. Prepare preliminary bibliography
C. Decide on the topic H. Gather data
D. Write your draft and revise. I. Take notes
E. Outline your report J. Formulate thesis statement.
47. Which of the following is NOT a good characteristic of a research question?
A. Leading B. Clear C. Specific D. Complete
48. How do junior high school students with single parents feel about his family? Why is this research
A. GOOD because it is not leading.
B. GOOD because it is simple.
C. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT because it did not specify the location
D. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT because it specifies the participants who are junior high school.
49. How much is the most expensive clothing of a teen? Explain why this question is NOT GOOD or GOOD
A. NOT GOOD because it is not specific
B. NOT GOOD because it talks about expensive clothing
C. GOOD because it is an interesting topic.
D. GOOD because it is something new.
50. How long will it take for a student in average to answer a difficult math problem? Why is this question
right or wrong?
A. RIGHT because it is asking for numerical data
B. WRONG because it is asking for numerical data
C. RIGHT because it is clear
D. WRONG because it is clear and concise.

51. What do parents of Junior High School learners in KCNHS feel about their children being sent to
guidance office? Why is this question right or wrong?
A. RIGHT because it is complete and specific
B. WRONG because it is unclear
C. RIGHT because it is long.
D. WRONG because it is too long

52. What are the perceptions of parents of grade 7 students of KCNHS regarding entering into
boy/girlfriend relationship at early age? Why is this question right or wrong?
A. RIGHT because it is complete and specific
B. WRONG because it is unclear
C. RIGHT because it is long.
D. WRONG because it is too long

53. Which of the following is NOT part of the introduction of a research paper?
A. Reasons for conducting a research
B. Historical Background
C. General Background
D. Specific beneficiaries of the research

54. In what part of research can we read the focus of the research and its limitations?
A. Significance of the study
B. Beneficiaries of the study
C. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
D. Focus and Background of the Study

55. In what part of research can we read those who will benefit from the research?
A. Significance of the study
B. Beneficiaries of the study
C. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
D. Focus and Background of the Study

56. Patrick decided to study online gamers because he noticed that many boys are playing and are giving so much
attention to it. Based on his criteria what did he consider in selecting a topic?
A. Interestingness of the topic
B. Specificity of the Topic
C. Familiarity of the Topic
D. Availability of books

57. Jonah doesn’t have any idea about what to research. She went to the library and she noticed that there are
many references about bullying. Hence, she decided to choose the topic. Based on the given detail, which
among the following did Jonah consider in choosing a topic.
A. Interestingness of the topic
B. Specificity of the Topic
C. Familiarity of the Topic
D. Availability of books

58. Kim’s teacher rejected his chosen topic. On his paper he wrote, MEANING OF LIFE. What is wrong with his
chosen topic?
A. The topic is very broad.
B. The topic is very specific.
C. The topic is not interesting.
D. The topic does not exist.

59. Jess decided to study about kids who have down syndrome, but he doesn’t know anything about the topic. The
teacher suggested that he change his topic. What makes his first choice not a good one?
A. Down Syndrome is a sensitive issue
B. Jess is not familiar with the topic
C. Down Syndrome is not an interesting topic
D. Jess is not a good researcher

60. Which of the following is a GOOD TOPIC for qualitative research?

A. Alcohol Content of Tuba C. Reading Experiences of Grade 7 Struggling Readers in Saniel-Cruz NHS
B. Joy and Pain D. Why We have 365 Days every year

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