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1. The instrument used for measuring light intensity is called (a) anemometer
(b)barometer (c)galvanometer (d)photometer
2. The study of plants is called (a)botany (b)ecology (c)parasitology (d)entomology
3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of living things? (a)expansion (b)feeding
(c)growth (d)reproduction
4. The basic unit of classification is the (a)class (b)genus (c)kingdom (d)species
5. Which of these animals is an invertebrate? (a)Lizard (b)Rat (c)Starfish (d)Tilapia fish
6. The deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of man leads to (a)anaemia (b)beri-beri
(c)pellagra (d)ricket
7. The instrument used for measuring wind speed is the (a)anemometer (b)barometer
(c)hydrometer (d)rainguage
8. Which of the following is NOT a monocotyledonous seed? (a)beans (b)maize (c)millet
9. Which of the following groups of plant is the most advanced? (a)Bryophytes
(b)Pteridophytes (c)Schizophytes (d)Spermatophytes
10. The following conditions are necessary for photosynthesis except (a)carbon(iv)oxide
(b)chlorophyll (c)light energy (d) oxygen
11. Which of the following organisms carries out photosynthesis? (a)Amoeba (b)Euglena
(c)Paramecium (d)Plasmodium
12. Land snails belong to the phylum (a)Annelida (b)Echinodermata (c)Mollusca
13. Which of these is a water soluble vitamin? (a)A (b) C (c)D (d) E
14. The mode of nutrition of mushroom is (a)autotrophic (b)epiphytic (c)parasitic
15. Carnassial teeth are found in (a)dog (b)cow(c)goat (d)man
16. The deficiency of proteins in a developing child results in (a)beriberi (b) kwashiokor
(c)night blindness (d)rickets
17. The following are characteristics of the tropical rain forest EXCEPT ( a)abundant grasses
(b)high rainfall (c)low temperature (d)abundant trees and shrubs
18. Which of the following is not a trace element? (a)Boron (b)Copper (c)Iron (d)Manganese
19. Which of the following modes of nutrition is autotrophic? (a)Holophytic (b)Holozoic
(c)Parasitic (d)Saprophytic
20. The splitting of water molecules by light during photosynthesis is called
(a)chemosynthesis (b)haemolysis (c)hydrolysis (d)photolysis
21. Loamy soil is used for crop production because of its (a)high humus content (b)high
percentage of clay (c)high porosity (d)low humus content
22. The following biotic communities are found in Nigeria except (a)afro-alphine (b)sahel
savanna (c)swamp (d)tropical rain forest
23. Which of the following is a biotic factor that affects population? (a)Predator (b)salinity
(c)space (d)water
24. Which of these factors least affect population size? (a)Availability of food (b)Variation
(c)Disease (d)Immigration
25. The following are procedures involved in population studies except (a)counting the
number of organisms (b)dividing the selected habitat into portions (c)feeding the
organisms (d)selecting the habitat
26. Which of the following is used for testing the presence of protein in food? (a)Benedict
Solution (b)Fehling’s Solution (c)Iodine Solution (d)Millon’s Reagent
27. The by-product of photosynthesis is (a)carbon(iv)oxide (b)hydrogen (c)oxygen (d)sugar
28. Which of these instruments is used for measuring turbidity of water? (a)Hygrometer
(b)Quadrat (c)Rainguage (d)Secchi disc
29. Which of the following belongs to the class Pisces? (a)Dog (b)Lizard (c)Spider (d)Tilapia
30. The earliest form of life in animal kingdom is the class (a)amphibian (b)aves
(c)mammalia (d)pisces
31. Which of the following is not a function of the mammalian skeleton? It A. gives the
body its shape B. provides a framework on which internal organs are suspended C.
protects soft and delicate parts of the body D. provides attachment for muscles E.
contracts and relaxes to bring about movement. (W90, N11)
32. Which of the following statements is not correct about the functions of each group of
mammalian vertebrae? A. cervical vertebrae supports the neck B. thoracic vertebrae
articulates with the ribs C. lumbar vertebrae provide attachment for abdominal
muscles D. sacral vertebrae support the skull and allow nodding and rotating
movements. E. caudal vertebrae support the tall and provide attachment for tall
muscles (W90, N14)
33. The following are functions of the skeleton excepts A. providing support for the body
B. protection delicate internal organs C. maintenance of the shape of the body D.
providing attachment for muscles E. controlling growth rate in animals. (W91, N7)
34. The upper part of the trachea in mammals is called A. palate B. epiglottis C. larynx. D.
glottis E. bronchus (W91, N11)
35. Which of the following structures functions as an excretory system found in flatworm?
A. contractile vacuole B. nephridium C. flame cell. D. malphigian tubule E. kidney
(W93, N14)
36. Ultra-filtration in the kidney takes place in the A. loop of henle B. renal vein C.
bowman’s capsule. D. pelvis E. pyramid (W93, N16)
37. Which of the following performs the same function as the contractile vacuole of a
unicellular organism? A. kidney. B. alimentary canal C. liver D. pancreas E. bladder
(W94, N20)
38. Reabsorption of the metabolic products along the kidney tubules is made possible by
the A. closeness of the intestine to the kidney B. convoluted nature of the tubules C.
presence of convoluted tubules in the medulla D. presence of network of capillaries
around the convoluted tubules. E. joining of the main collecting tubules to the kidney
tubules (W95, N17)
39. Ultra-filtration process at the bowman’s capsule is facilitated by A. the volume of
water in the blood B. high concentration of urea in the blood of the bowman’s capsule
C. the different blood pressure between the glomerulus and the bowman’s capsule. D.
the different blood volume between the glomerulus and the bowman’s capsule E.
heavy weight of the urea, glucose and amino acids in the bowman’s capsule (W95,
40. In which of the following groups is nephridium found? A. crustaceans B. reptiles C.
birds D. mammals E. annelids. (W96, N15)
1. Which of the following organelles helps to remove excess water from cells? A.
mitochondrion B. ribosome C. contractile vacuole. D. golgi body E. nucleus (W97, N5)
2. The malphigian tubule plays major role in A. inspiration B. digestion C. secretion D.
reproduction E. excretion.
3. Flatworms are classified as A. Platyhelminthes B. coelenterate C. annelida. D. nematode E.
4. In which part of the kidney does ultra-filtration take place? A. bowman’s capsule. B. distal
convoluted tubule C. proximal convoluted tubule D. collecting duct E. afferent arteriole
(W98, N18)
5. Which of these is not a function of the kidney? A. production of urine B. maintenance of
acid-base balance in the body C. osmo-regulation D. removal of urea E. production of bile.
(W98, N17)
6. The first known scientist to classify living organisms was (a) Robert Hooke (b) Carolus
Linnaeus. (c) Aristotle (d) Paul Matthew
7. Which of the following arrangements gives the correct order of organization of life? I.
System II. Tissues III. cells IV. Organs (a) I, IV, II and III (b) I, II, IV and III (c) III, IV and III
(d) III, II, IV and I.
8. Which of the following shows an organism that has been named using the binomial
system? (a) bacterium (b) Rattusrattus. (c) flowering plant (d) HIV
9. During which of the following processes is food for animals produced?
(a) respiration (b) nutrition (c) photosynthesis. (d) digestion

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