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University of Caloocan City(UCC)

Bachelor of Public Administration

2nd Semester, SY 2022-2023

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each item number.(10 Points)

__C___ 1.) Which of the following kinds of robots performs useful none commercial
tasks, usually used by lay persons?
a. ) Service robot c.) Personal service robot
b. ) Professional Service robot d.) Both b and c
__B___ 2.) An actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree
of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform an intended task.
a.) Machine b.) Robot c.) Computer d.) Automotive
__D___ 3.) Which of the following is the first country to develop a service robot?
a.) UK b.) USA c.) Russia d.) Germany
__A___ 4.) A worldwide system of interconnected networks that facilitate data
transmission among innumerable computers.
a. Internet b.) Google c.)Bioinformatics d.) World Wide Web
__C___ 5.) The application of information technology to store, organize and analyze
vast amount of biological data.
a.) Internet b.) Google c.)Bioinformatics d.) World Wide Web
__C___6.) Term used to describe the enormous variety of life on earth.
a.) Habitat b.) Ecosystem c.) Biodiversity d.) Both a and b
__B__ 7.) Threats to biodiversity which pertains to the slow response of biological
system to the changes in the surrounding environment that cause
irreversible damage to species and varieties.
a. Over-exploitation c. Habitat loss and destruction
b. Global climate change d. Pollution and contamination
__C__ 8.) The year the Organic Agriculture Act was issued encouraging organic
Agriculture than GMO-related agriculture.
a.) 2005 b.) 2009 c. 2010 d.) 2012
__A___9.) In which year, there was an establishment of the Negros Organic Island
through a Memorandum of Agreement(MOA), issuing a provincial Ordinance
to ban the entry of GMO’s
a.) 2005 b.) 2009 c. 2010 d.) 2015
__C__10.) A medical approach used to treat or prevent diseases by correcting the
underlying genetic problem.
a.) Nanotechnology c.) Gene Therapy
b.) GMO’s Biosafety d.) Both a and c
II. ENUMERATION. (In any order)
11-13 What are the Three Laws of Robotics?
✓ A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow
human being to come to harm
✓ A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the first law
✓ A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the first and second law

14-18 Give at least Five(5) types of computers

✓ Mainframe
✓ Desktop computer
✓ Wearable computer
✓ Laptop
✓ Server

19-22 Four(4) ways to check the reliability of web sources

✓ Check What is the quality of information provided on the website
✓ Check Who is the author of the article/site
✓ Check Who published the site
✓ Check What is the main purpose of the site

23-27 Five(5) Threats to biodiversity

✓ Climate change
✓ Over exploitation of resources
✓ Extinction
✓ Habitat loss
✓ Over population

28-32 Five(5) GMO involvement in Non-crops

✓ Bioremendation
✓ Flower production
✓ Enzyme and drug production
✓ Paper production
✓ Pharmaceutical

33-38 Six(6) potential human health risks caused by GMO’s

✓ Cancer
✓ Loss of nutrition
✓ Toxicity risk
✓ Antibiotic resistance
✓ Allergic reactions
✓ Immuno suppression

39-41 Give at least Three benefits of using Nanotechnology

✓ Solve major health problems
✓ Increase the efficiency of energy consumption
✓ Help clean the environment

42-45 Give at least Four(4) primary causes of climate change

✓ Consuming too much
✓ Manufacturing food
✓ Generating power
✓ Cutting down forests

III.) ESSAY (15 Points)

46-50 Discuss Biodiversity
= The diversity of living organisms on Earth, including plants, animals, microbes, and
fungi, is referred to as biodiversity. The Earth's biodiversity is so diverse that many
species are still undiscovered, but because of human actions, many species are facing
extinction, endangering the Earth's amazing biodiversity. The variety of animals, plants,
fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural environment are
all included in what is known as biodiversity. These various species and critters
collaborate in complicated web-like ecosystems to keep things in balance and support
life. Biodiversity plays a major role in maintaining the balance of the earth. Importance
of Biodiversity is extremely important to maintain the ecological system. Most
Noteworthy many species of plants and animals are dependent on each other. Therefore
if one of them gets extinct, the others will start getting endangered too. Moreover, it
is important for humans too because our survival depends on plants and animals. For
instance, the human needs food to survive which we get from plants. If the earth does
not give us a favorable environment then we cannot grow any crops. As a result, it will
no longer be possible for us to sustain on this planet. Biodiversity in flora and fauna is
the need of the hour. Therefore we should take various countermeasures to stop the
reduction of endangering of species. Furthermore, pollution from vehicles should
decrease. So that animals can get fresh air to breathe. Moreover, it will also decrease
global warming which is the major cause of the extinction of the species. The systems
that sustain all life on Earth, including humans, depend on biodiversity. We cannot have
the healthy ecosystems that we depend on to give us the air we breathe and the food
we consume without a diverse variety of animals, plants, and microorganisms. People
also appreciate nature in and of itself.

51-55 Discuss Gene Therapy

= Gene therapy is a method for treating or curing disease by changing a person's DNA.
Gene therapies can be effective by replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy
copy of the gene, among other methods. putting a defective gene that causes an illness
intoactive. The goal of gene therapy is to treat or cure disease by altering the genes or
genetic makeup of a patient's cells. In order to accomplish this, new or altered genes
are often introduced into the patient's cells in order to supplement or replace damaged
or absent genes. Future significance of gene therapy lies in its potential to free patients
from the burden of ongoing medical care and illness management. We go beyond
assisting patients in controlling their illnesses. Every stage of their lives should be
successful for them. Gene therapy primarily comes in two different forms. The first
corrects a particular genetic mutation that causes an illness. These are aimed at
inherited genetic diseases such Duchenne muscular dystrophy and hemophilia. The
second enables cells to fight sickness by granting them new functions. Gene therapy
will revolutionize medicine By making precise alterations to the human genome, these
cutting-edge technologies have the potential to create one-time, permanent
treatments for infectious and non-communicable diseases (such as HIV and sickle cell
disease), which affect tens of millions of people worldwide, the majority of whom
reside in LMICs.

56-60 Discuss Climate Change

= A long-term change in the typical weather patterns that have come to characterize
local, regional, and global climates on Earth is referred to as climate change. The
phrase is synonymous with a wide variety of observed outcomes that are a result of
these changes. the reasons for climate change. Climate change is the long-term
alteration of temperature and weather patterns. Despite the fact that some of these
changes may be natural, since the 1800s, human activity has been the main driver of
climate change. This is primarily due to the gases released by the burning of fossil fuels
like coal, oil, and gas, which retain heat. Climate change is anticipated to have a
significant detrimental impact on the ecosystem and human health, but significant
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions may also have a negative impact on the
economics of the world, the nation, and surrounding countries. It follows that if cutting
greenhouse gas emissions has an impact on humans as well as the economies at the
global, national, and local levels, it will also have an impact on how badly climate
change affects our health. destroying rainforests and burning fossil fuels Two examples
of human activities that have a rising impact on the environment are fuels and the
Earth's atmosphere and temperature. This boosts greenhouse gas emissions. gases in
the atmosphere that are already present, enhancing the greenhouse effect, and
increasing the rate of global warming. The likelihood that climate change will have an
impact on decreasing access to food will have an effect on local, regional, and global
food security, influencing food availability and making food consumption more difficult.
the most defenseless People and tropical regions are most at risk from climate-related
food hazards security. Effects of Climate Change on Weather result in significant
weather changes. trends that amplify and make disasters like hurricanes and
earthquakes more unpredictable droughts, floods, and hurricanes. incidences of
extreme weather, which may have very occasionally happened during the time of our
grandparents, but are becoming common today. frequent. But not every place will be
equally impacted. Consider the climate. Change may make it more likely for floods to
occur in one place while producing severe worse droughts that endure longer, higher
average temperatures Stronger storms and strong wildfires. Melting sea ice is one of
the most noticeable effects of climate change on the environment. The effects are also
most pronounced in the world's coldest regions, the polar regions. Should we fail to
reduce emissions, melting sea ice and glaciers, as well as the volumetric expansion of
warmer water, could result in sea levels rising by as much as 3.61 feet by the end of
the century, Warmer ocean waters and marine heat waves: Oceans are bearing the
brunt of our climate crisis, Flooding: In addition to coastal flooding caused by sea level
rise, climate change influences the factors that result in inland and urban flooding:
snowmelt and heavy rain, Ecosystem stressors: Ecosystems on land, including old-
growth forests, savannahs, and The condition of tropical rainforests is not better.
Climate Change's Impacts on Agriculture less consistent growing seasons: Crop
production is more difficult as global temperatures rise. unpredictable—and animals
that are susceptible to severe weather become reduced soil health, making it harder
to grow things: Healthy soil has good moisture and mineral thriving with
microorganisms, fungi, bugs, and other organisms that in turn repercussions to our
agriculture sector, healthy crops, and ultimately, food shortages mechanisms directly
endanger the world's food supply.


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