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Fakultät Angewandte Naturwissenschaften und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Lecture: Advanced Modelling and Simulation Semester: 1

Study Pro- Mechatronic and Cyber Physical
gram: Systems
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Firsching Submission date 20.05.24
Exam Type: Portfolio Exam

Instructions for completing and submitting the exam:

• Work through the tasks in a structured and comprehensible man-

ner. Simply stating a calculation result is not sufficient.
• Please hand in the completed tasks in an organised PDF file.
Please state your name and matriculation number on the title
page. Please also upload the Scilab script files with Your addi-
• The submission takes place as an upload in iLearn.
• Please note the latest submission deadline. Submission after the
deadline is not possible!
• If you encounter any difficulties when uploading to iLearn, please
inform me immediately by email ( and
send me your submission file by email as well.
• If you encounter difficulties when using the Scilab scripts, please
contact me immediately by email. However, no questions regard-
ing the content of the assignments will be answered!

Good Luck!
Question 1: State Space Modell of a Mechanical System

Fig. 1 shows the reaction of a mechanical independent wheel suspension for two different
cases of input signals. In case 1 the suspension system is subjected to a load step
FL = 300 N · -1(t), in the second case to a sudden displacement u(t) = 0.05 m · -1(t).

Fig. 1: Independent Wheel Suspension

a) Determine the state space model of the suspension system in control ca- (10)
nonical form.

(Remark: the term controllable canonical form is used in the lecture notes which is not
the usual technical expression)

b) Check the validity of the system model by Scilab simulation of the load (10)
step response and the step response function for the sudden displace-
ment u(t). Use the following parameters for simulation:
- m = 120 kg
- c = 20000 N/m
- d = 1000 N sec / mc
Display the result of the simulation in the form of two plots (step re-
sponses case 1 and 2). Do the respective steady-state values of the step
response function match your expectations? (justification by calculation)

You can use the Scilab script PoE1_Q1.sce for the simulation.

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Question 2: Identification of the Parameters of the Suspension System

The behaviour of the suspension system has changed considerably due to wear. Fig. 2 shows
the force step response function (same force value as in Q1) for the weared system.

Fig. 2: Weared Suspension System

a) Identify the time constants of the given according to the method of (10)
STREJC. Specify the complete transfer function F(s) = X(s) / F_L(s).
(A bigger plot of Fig. 2 is available on page 4)

b) Verify your identification results with a simulation of the new transfer (5)
function and the given behaviour of the system. The plot data is available
in file PoE1_Fig2.sod.

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