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Significance of Developmental Theories to stimulation.

Two important educational questions

Education relevant to this issue are the extent to which children
can be taught particular concepts or skills prior to
entering a given developmental stage, and whether
Personality development includes boosting concepts learned in one domain are automatically
one’s confidence, improving communication and transferred to other similar domains as a child reaches
language speaking abilities, widening one’s scope of a new developmental stage.
knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills,
learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and
A distinct but related theme centers on the existence
grace to the way one looks, talks and walks.
of critical or sensitive periods in human development.
The significance of developmental theories A critical or sensitive period is defined as a time of
to education is they build upon the children’s growth during which an organism is maximally
responsive to certain environmental or biological
combined funds of knowledge to foster each child’s
events. Critical periods emphasize the interaction of
learning and understanding. Educators design
both nature and nurture, with environmental
activities that follow the predictable sequences in experiences (nurture) activating biologically
which children acquire specific concepts, skills, and programmed (nature) developmental changes, or,
abilities and by building on prior experiences and conversely, biologically determined changes enabling
understandings. an organism to assimilate certain environmental
experiences. In terms of language development,
The knowledge of human growth and educators often wonder whether there is a critical or
development helps teacher to provide appropriate sensitive period during which children should learn a
help for students with developmental problems. By second language. While certain components of
understanding the different stages that a student’s life language, such as phonological processing, are
goes through, educators can more efficiently develop believed to be constrained by sensitive periods in
each learner to achieve their full potential. development, other elements of language, such as
vocabulary, clearly evolve over the lifespan.
The teacher or educator must understand the
importance of developmental theories. When teachers
understand how children develop, they’ll know to The final theme concerns the importance of early
separate the child from the behavior to prevent experience in shaping later growth and development.
children from internalizing harmful messages. Developmental scientists such as Mary Ainsworth,
Looking at how children grow and what they need at Alan Sroufe, and Freud emphasize the significance of
different stages of development will also help early attachment and emotional conflict in predicting
teachers see a bigger picture of education. later psychological adjustment. It is argued that early
risk factors have a more permanent influence on the
Why are developmental theories course of development than later experiences. Early
significant to classroom and school practice? negative circumstances such as family conflict and
It focuses on the process of children’s thinking, not social disadvantage have been linked to later
just its products. Recognition of the crucial role of delinquent behavior and school failure. Nevertheless,
many children display resilience in the face of such
children’s self-initiated, active involvement in
early adverse social and environmental conditions.
learning activities.
Thus, it is the cumulative impact of both early and
Developmental psychology attempts to understand later experiences that determines a child's
the nature and sources of growth in children's developmental outcome. Children's literacy
cognitive, language, and social skills. Within that development, for example, is a product of both early
context, there are four central themes that are unique experiences, such as parent–child book reading, as
to a developmental perspective and that bear on well as later experiences, such as reading instruction
issues in childhood education. The first is the role in school.
of nature versus nurture in shaping development.
Specifically, developmentalists want to know the
contribution of genetic or maturational influences on Modern developmental theory centers on these four
development as well as the role played by central issues. An in-depth examination of these
environmental experiences. One important topics within a historical context will provide a more
educational issue related to this topic is the question comprehensive understanding of developmental
of whether a child's en-trance age, or maturational theory and its relevance for educational policies and
level, is important for school success. For this and practices.
other important educational questions, nature and
nurture interact in complex ways to shape a child's
Nature Versus Nurture
academic growth.
Philosophers and psychologists have debated the
relative roles of nature and nurture in human
The second question focuses on whether children's development for centuries. The seventeenth-century
growth proceeds in a continuous or more stage-like English philosopher John Locke described a young
fashion. Stage theories, such as those proposed by child's mind as a tabula rasa (blank slate) upon
Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, and Sigmund Freud, which the child's experiences are written. Jean-
contend that development progresses through Jacques Rosseau, an eighteenth-century French
maturationally determined stages. While this philosopher, also argued that human development
perspective underscores the contributions of both was primarily a function of experience. He believed
biology and the environment, a greater emphasis is in the existence of a natural, unspoiled state of
placed on a maturationally predetermined progression humankind that is altered and corrupted by modern
through a fixed developmental sequence. Many civilization. In contrast, nineteenth-century scientists
researchers and theorists dispute such a rigid, step- such as Gregor Mendel, Charles Darwin, and Sir
like theory of development, emphasizing instead a Francis Galton highlighted the importance of heredity
more continuous, gradual process influenced equally in shaping development. While all of these scientists
by both brain maturation and environmental
provided meaningful insights into the role of heredity Lerner, Gilbert Gottlieb, Esther Thelen, and Linda
and the environment, modern researchers have sought Smith have taken this conceptualization one step
to further explore the dynamic interactions between further with the introduction of dynamic systems
nature and nurture that shape human development. theories, which emphasize that the source of
developmental change is in the process of
bidirectional interaction among complex
The twentieth century saw the evolution of various environmental and biological systems.
theories of development that differentially
emphasized the role of biological versus
environmental factors. These theories can be Frederick Morrison and colleagues have explored one
classified according to four major developmental facet of the nature-nurture question relevant to
frameworks: (1) environmental learning education by examining the importance of entrance
(empiricism), (2) biological maturation (nativism), age, or maturation level, on school readiness and
(3) cultural context, and (4) constructivist. academic growth. They found that younger first
graders benefited as much from instruction in reading
and math as older first graders, and that the younger
The environmental-learning framework, best students made significantly more progress than older
exemplified by the behaviorist theories of John B. kindergarteners of essentially the same age. Thus,
Watson and B. F. Skinner, underscores the paramount entrance age–or maturation level–is not an important
importance of empirical learning in development. indicator of learning or academic risk.
According to behaviorist theories, learning is
characterized as the process by which an organism's
behavior is shaped by experience. While The dispute over the relative importance of nature
environmental-learning theorists do not completely and nurture in children's development has endured for
discount the role of innate factors, they argue that it is several centuries, and will no doubt continue to
the external environment that has the greatest divide theorists for a long time to come. Increasingly,
influence on development. however, developmental scientists are concluding
that, for most human characteristics, nature and
nurture are inextricably linked and interact in
Biological-maturationist theories represent the complex ways to shape human growth.
opposing swing of the theoretical pendulum. This
framework posits that biologically and genetically
predetermined patterns of change have a greater Stages in Development
impact on development than environmental
influences. During the early twentieth century, According to Piaget's stage theory, children progress
theorists such as Freud and Arnold Gessell proposed through a sequence of qualitative transformations,
that experiential influences were secondary to innate advancing from simple to more complex levels of
maturational mechanisms. This perspective regained thought. Piaget believed these transformations to be
popularity in the late twentieth and early twenty-first universal, innately programmed shifts in a child's
centuries as a result of major advances in genetic perception and understanding of the world. He
research, as well as the introduction of twin studies proposed four main stages of cognitive development:
and behavioral genetics. Researchers such as Robert sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational,
Plomin, Noam Chomsky, and Steven Pinker assert and formal operational.
that human characteristics such as personality,
intelligence, and language acquisition are, to a great
extent, genetically grounded and maturationally The transition from preoperational to concrete
controlled. operational thought, at about five to seven years of
age, corresponds with entry into formal schooling.
While children in the preoperational stage are able to
The cultural-context perspective of psychologists internally represent reality through the use of
such as Lev Vygotsky and Barbara Rogoff contends symbols such as language and mental images,
that while both biological and experiential factors concrete-operational children move beyond this
exert important influences on development, such simple mental representation of objects and actions
factors are filtered through an individual's social and and are able to logically integrate, order, and
cultural context. Lev Vygotsky believed that the transform these objects and actions. For instance,
activities, symbols, and customs of particular social because preoperational children cannot integrate
groups are formed by the collective social, cultural, information about height and width simultaneously,
and historical experiences of their ancestors. Through they are unable to recognize that water poured from a
influences on social customs and practices, parenting, short, wide container into a tall, narrow container
and the environment, culture shapes children's represents the same volume of water. Yet once they
cognitive, language, and social development. For reach the age of reason, their maturational level
example, children's academic performance has been converges with their accumulated experiences to
found to vary cross-culturally, as demonstrated by facilitate a qualitative shift toward concrete
studies showing that Asian immigrant children operational thinking.
outperform their white peers in the United States, as
well as the black-white test score gap.
In addition to Piaget's stage theory of cognitive
development, several others have proposed stage
Finally, the constructivist, or interactionist, approach theories of psychosexual/personality development
stresses the balanced interaction of nature and nurture (Freud), psychosocial/identity development
in forming the foundation for developmental change. (Erikson), moral reasoning (Lawrence Kohlberg), and
In such a framework, both genetics and environment social development (Theory of Mind). These theories
play an important role, and it is the dynamic relations claim that children proceed through universal, age-
among such internal and external influences that specific stages of growth. Yet not all psychologists
ultimately shape development. Piaget's theory of agree with such a rigid, step-like representation of
cognitive development asserts that development. Recently, neo-Piagetian theorists such
children construct their knowledge based on the as Kurt Fischer, Robbie Case, Annette Karmiloff-
combination of input received from both maturational Smith, and others have attempted to reconcile the
and environmental sources. Theorists such as Richard variability and domain-specificity observed in
children's cognitive growth with Piaget's static stage influence. Evidence demonstrates that some
theory. physiological and psychological processes are
constrained by critical periods.

In general, the neo-Piagetian perspective expands

upon Piagetian theory by asserting that, while some The existence of sensitive periods in children's
general constraints or core capacities are hard-wired psychological development has been noted in aspects
at birth, learning and experience lead to variation and of language acquisition. Children deprived of verbal
domain-specificity in the acquisition of knowledge stimulation during the first few years of life are
and skills. Cross-cultural studies have shown that severely impaired in their capacity to learn language
varying cultural experiences result in the acquisition and have great difficulty acquiring normal language
of different, contextually relevant skills. For example, later on. In addition, while young infants are able to
children from a Mexican village known for its distinguish among the variety of phonemes present in
pottery-making learn conservation of solids (e.g., the all human languages, after about six months of age
fact that a ball of clay has the same mass even when the infant's knowledge becomes more focused, and
it is molded into a long, thin roll) before conservation they are only able to discriminate between the various
of number, which is generally mastered first in phonemes in their own native language.
formally schooled children. Thus, most neo- Consequently, infants can learn any language that
Piagetians believe that while learning is constrained they are exposed to, yet it is more difficult for an
by innate mechanisms or information processing older child or adult to completely master a non-native
capacities, it proceeds in an individualized, domain- or secondary language.
specific manner.

Taken together, such information lends support to the

The question of whether certain knowledge or skills argument that the first few years of life represent a
can be acquired before a child has reached a specified sensitive period for certain aspects of language
stage of development has also been addressed by neo- development. However, the fact that children
Piagetians. Renee Baillargeon conducted experiments continue to benefit from exposure to new vocabulary,
with young infants and found that they recognize semantics, and grammatical rules well into
properties of object permanence prior to reaching that elementary school and beyond leads researchers to
designated Piagetian stage of development. In question whether all language learning is restricted
addition, researchers have demonstrated that children by a sensitive period. During the first few years of
can be taught concrete-operational concepts even life, children's brains grow and become more
before they have formally reached that stage of organized, specialized, and efficient. Yet brain
cognitive understanding–though these children are growth and development does not end at three years
unable to transfer such knowledge outside the context of age, but rather continues throughout childhood,
of the testing situation. benefiting from the effects of schooling and other
environmental stimulation. Thus, the question of
when educators should teach children a second
Other theorists construe development as a language depends on the components of language
constructive web (Kurt Fischer) or as a series of being considered (e.g., phonology, semantics,
overlapping waves (Robert Siegler), rather than a vocabulary, grammar) and the level of proficiency
sequence of qualitatively distinct steps. They desired.
recognize that cognitive development is the result of
gradually acquired skills and abilities that build upon
each other. Siegler, in particular, emphasizes the Another area of development believed to be
overlapping use of progressively more advanced constrained by a sensitive period is attachment.
strategies in the acquisition of skills such as addition. Psychologists such as John Bowlby, Ainsworth,
He found that children learning addition use various Sroufe, Erikson, and Freud contend that children's
strategies in "overlapping waves," such as finger early attachment to their primary caregiver (e.g.,
counting, verbal counting in their head, the Min mother, father) during the first few years of life sets
strategy (taking the larger of two numbers as a base the foundation for their later socioemotional
and adding the smaller number to it) and, eventually, development. Research conducted by Harry Harlow
retrieval from memory. They gradually move from on infant monkeys found that those deprived of
using easier, less efficient strategies to more difficult, maternal attachment prior to six months of age had a
but more efficient, strategies. more difficult time recovering socially than those
deprived of maternal contact after six months of age,
thus lending support to the existence of a critical
The neo-Piagetian view resembles the information- period for social development in monkeys. Yet many
processing perspective in that both contend that "natural experiments" looking at orphan children who
cognitive development is limited by general have been deprived of adequate affection and
constraints that are hard-wired at birth. Information- sensitivity from a primary caregiver have found that,
processing researchers such as Robert Kail, if removed from such a socioemotionally
Wolfgang Schneider, and David Bjorklund argue that impoverished environment and placed in a loving
children's learning is restricted by the broad adoptive home, most children are able to recover
processing capacities of the brain, which improve socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Thus, while
with age. This perspective regards development as a early experiences can and do have an impact on later
more gradual, continuous process that evolves as development, children often demonstrate resilience in
children's processing speed or capacity for holding response to adverse early experiences.
information increases. Thus, the step-like progression
of development is rejected for a more linear
representation. Early Experience
Early experience is the consummate critical period.
Critical Periods During the broad social reform of the late 1800s,
scientists in the newly evolving field of
A critical, or sensitive period is defined as a period of developmental psychology brought attention to the
time in development when a particular environmental harmful effects of child industrial labor and validated
experience or biological event has its greatest the importance of a healthy and nurturing
environment for promotion of normal development. while there is ample evidence that early experiences
Throughout the twentieth century, psychologists such have a substantial effect on later cognitive and social
as Bowlby, Freud, Erikson, and Sroufe have stressed outcomes, the real question is whether early
the profound importance of early socioemotional experiences are any more important than later
experiences on later psychological outcomes. In experiences. Growing evidence suggests that it is the
addition, scientists and policymakers have recognized cumulative effects of both early and later experiences
the importance of early intervention programs, such that define an individual's trajectories later in life.
as Head Start, that seek to enrich the cognitive
development of socially disadvantaged children.
During the late twentieth and early twenty-first In summary, developmental theory pursues four
centuries, public interest and government policy has central themes: (1) the importance of nature versus
advocated even earlier interventions, focusing nurture, (2) stages in development, (3) the existence
on zero to three as the most important age range on of critical or sensitive periods, and (4) the impact of
which to concentrate resources. Yet, as theorists such early experience. Significant progress has been made
as John Bruer argue, the importance of the first three over the last thirty years on each of these topics,
years of life has reached "mythical" proportions. resulting in a more complex view of human
According to Bruer, it is important to recognize the psychological growth and the forces that shape it.
cumulative nature of development, emphasizing both With regard to educational practice, modern
early and later experiences in shaping children's developmental theory stresses that rigid notions of
growth. genetic determinism, stages, critical periods, or the
lasting impact of early experience are being replaced
by more flexible views that emphasize the
Evidence from researchers such as Baillargeon and malleability of human nature and its potential for
Susan Rose has demonstrated that cognitive skills change.
begin to develop very early in life, and that these
skills follow rather stable trajectories over time. Such
findings suggest that children's developmental course
begins to solidify before they enter formal schooling, Individual Differences: Types, Causes and Role
and even before they utter their first words.

Definitions of Individual Differences:

A problem of particular interest is the poor state of
literacy in America, and the impact of early 1. Drever James:
experiences on literacy development. The amount of
cognitive enrichment, verbal stimulation, and book “Variations or deviations from the average of the
reading, for example, that children are exposed to at group, with respect to the mental or physical
an early age is predictive of later literacy skills.
Research conducted by Betty Hart and Todd Risley characters, occurring in the individual member of
(1995) found a wide range of variability in young the group are individual differences.”
children's vocabulary skills as early as two years of
age, and this variability was highly correlated with . Good, C.V.:
the number of words spoken by their parents. “The variation or deviations among individual is
Socioeconomically disadvantaged toddlers were
exposed to a substantially lower number of words per regard to a single characteristic or a number of
day as compared to toddlers from professional
characteristics, those differences which in their
families. It is clear from such research that children's
early experiences can lead to striking differences totality distinguish one individual from another.”
among children from enriching versus impoverished
environments. Furthermore, studies have shown that 3. Skinner, C.E.:
the achievement gap between low- and high- “Today we think of individual differences as
performing children widens once children enter
school. including any measurable aspect of the total
With respect to socioemotional development, 4. Woodworth, R.S. and Marquis, D.G.:
psychologists such as Freud, Sroufe, Bowlby,
“Individual differences are found in all
Erikson, and Mary Main have claimed that children's
early attachment relationships with their primary psychological characteristics physical mental
caregivers lay the foundation for later social
functioning. Researchers have found that securely abilities, knowledge, habit, personality and
attached children are more cooperative with their character traits.”
mothers, achieve higher cognitive and academic
scores, are more curious, and maintain better “The psychology of individual differences is largely
relationships with teachers and peers, as compared to the study of group differences. This study classifies
insecurely attached children. Taken together, such
research affirms the impact of early attachment and individuals by age, traits, sex, race, social class and
socioemotional experiences on later psychosocial and so on, and observes the differences within and
cognitive development.
between those groups. Physical, mental, social and

While early risk factors such as poor attachment and cultural differences etc. are being studied, under
socioeconomic disadvantage can have long-term individual differences.” – John P.De Ceeceo
effects on children's cognitive, academic, social, and
emotional development, children do demonstrate Perhaps the first task of every teacher in a class
varying levels of vulnerability and resilience toward should be to know and study individual differences
such early conditions. Differences in temperament
and coping abilities, for example, can moderate the among his pupils. Individual differences in bodily
degree to which a child's early experiences forecast appearance and physique, habits and skills, interests
their later developmental outcomes. Furthermore,
be calculated since this difference is based on
and temperaments, abilities and attainments have
already been recognised. 8. Differences due to nationality:
Individuals of different nations differ in respect of
According to Skinner, “Today we think of individual physical and mental differences, interests and
differences as including any measurable aspect of the personality etc. ‘Russians are tall and stout’;
‘Ceylonese are short and slim’; ‘Germans have no
total personality.” It is clear from this definition of sense of humour’; ‘Yellow races are cruel and
individual differences that it comprehends every revengeful’; ‘Americans are hearty and frank’;
Indians are timid and peace-loving’ and the like
aspect of human personality which is in some manner observations enter into our common talk.
9. Differences due to economic status:
Differences in children’s interests, tendencies and
character are caused by economic differences.
Types of Individual Differences:
1. Physical differences: 10. Differences in interests:
Shortness or tallness of stature, darkness or fairness Factors such as sex, family background level of
of complexion, fatness, thinness, or weakness are development, differences of race and nationality etc.,
various physical individual differences. cause differences in interests.
2. Differences in intelligence: There are differences 11. Emotional differences:
in intelligence level among different individuals. We Individuals differ in their emotional reactions to a
can classify the individuals from super-normal (above particular situation. Some are irritable and aggressive
120 I.Q.) to idiots (from 0 to 50 I.Q.) on the basis of and they get angry very soon. There are others who
their intelligence level. are of peaceful nature and do not get angry easily. At
3. Differences in attitudes: Individuals differ in their a particular thing an individual may be so much
attitudes towards different people, objects, enraged that he may be prepared for the worst crime
institutions and authority. like murder, while another person may only laugh at
4. Differences in achievement: It has been found it.
through achievement tests that individuals differ in 12. Personality differences: There are differences in
their achievement abilities. These differences are respect of personality. On the basis of differences in
very much visible in reading, writing and in learning personality, individuals have been classified into
mathematics. many groups.
These differences in achievement are even visible Spranger, for example, has classified personalities
among the children who are at the same level of into six types:
intelligence. These differences are on account of the (a) Theoretical,
differences in the various factors of intelligence and (b) Economic
the differences in the various experiences, interests (c) Aesthetic,
and educational background. (d) Social,
5. Differences in motor ability: There are differences (e) Political, and
in motor ability. These differences are visible at (f) Religious.
different ages. Some people can perform mechanical Jung classified people into three groups:
tasks easily, while others, even though they are at the (a) Introverts,
same level, feel much difficulty in performing these (b) Extroverts, and
tasks. (c) Ambiverts.
6. Differences on account of sex: McNemar and Trottor divided individuals into:
Terman discovered the following differences between (a) Stable minded, and
men and women, on the basis of some studies: (b) Unstable minded.
(i) Women have greater skill in memory while men Jordon thinks of personalities into:
have greater motor ability. (a) Active, and
(ii) Handwriting of women is superior while men (b) Reflective type.
excel in mathematics and logic. Thorndike has classified people into four
(iii) Women show greater skill in making sensory categories on the basis of thinking:
distinctions of taste, touch and smell etc., while men (a) Abstract thinkers,
show greater reaction and conscious of size- weight (b) Ideational thinkers,
illusion. (c) Object thinkers, and
(iv) Women are superior to men in languages, while (d) Thinkers in whom sensory experience is
men are superior in physics and chemistry. predominant.
(v) Women are better than men in mirror drawing. Terman has classified people into nine classes
Faults of speech etc. in men were found to be three according to their level of intelligence:
times of such faults in women. (a) Genius,
(vi) Women are more susceptible to suggestion while (b) Near genius
there are three times as many colour blind men as (c) Very superior,
there are women. (d) Superior,
(vii) Young girls take interest in stories of love, fairy (e) Average,
tales, stories of the school and home and day- (f) Backward,
dreaming and show various levels in their play. On (g) Feebleminded,
the other hand boys take interest in stories of bravery, (h) Dull, and
science, war, scouting, stories of games and sports, (i) Idiot.
stories and games of occupation and skill. It is an admitted fact that some people are honest,
7. Racial differences: others are dishonest, some are aggressive, others are
There are different kinds of racial differences. humble, some are social, others like to be alone, some
Differences of environment is a normal factor in are critical and others are sympathetic. Thus we see
causing these differences. Karl Brigham has that the differences in personality are dependent on
composed a list on the basis of differences in levels personality traits. Teacher should keep in mind these
of intelligence among people who have migrated to differences while imparting education to the pupils.
United States from other countries. Causes of Individual Differences:
On the basis of these average differences between the Some of the main causes of individual differences are
races, the mental age of a particular individual cannot as under:
1. Heredity:
One of the most significant and chief causes of school work is planned on group basis it presents a
individual differences is heredity. Individuals inherit formidable challenge to all teachers.
various physical traits like face with its features, Hence some practical procedures for adapting
colour of eyes and hair, type of skin, shape of skull school work to individual differences are
and size of hands, colour blindness, baldness, stub- suggested:
finger and tendency to certain diseases like cancer 1. Limited size of the class:
and tuberculosis, mental traits like intelligence, Generally there are 50 or more than 50 students in a
abstract thinking, aptitudes and prejudices. Now it is class. In such a large class, it is not possible for the
an admitted fact that heredity differences result in the teacher to pay individual attention to the students.
quantity and rate of physical as well as mental The size of the class should be small. It should be
development being different and different divided into various units so that after class-room
individuals. work their various difficulties may be found out.
2. Environment: 2. Proper division of the class:
Environment significantly influences individual Now there are separate classes for the students, who
differences. Changes in child’s environment are have different intelligence. While bringing about this
reflected in the changes in his personality. classification, the teacher should keep in mind the
Psychologically speaking, a person’s environment difference in age, interests, emotional and social
consists of sum total of stimulation which he receives qualities.
from conception until his death. 3. Home task:
Environment consists of physical, intellectual, social, The teacher should assign home task to the students
moral, political, economic and cultural forces. All while keeping in view the individual differences.
these forces cause individual differences. Modern 4. Factor of sex:
psychologists believe that individual differences are Boys and girls are to play different roles in society.
caused by both heredity and environment. Personality Hence the factor of sex should be kept in mind.
is the outcome of mutual interaction between heredity 5. Curriculum:
and environment. The curriculum should be modified to suit the needs
3. Influence of caste, race and nation: of all types of children. A large number of subjects
Individuals of different castes and races exhibit very should be included in the curriculum so that
marked differences. It is generally seen that son of a education can be provided to each child according to
Kshatriya has a more of courage in him while the son his interests, needs and abilities. Curriculum should
of a trader has the traits of business. not be rigid but it should be flexible.
Similarly individuals of different nations show If we lay down the same curriculum for all the
differences in respect of their personality, character students, the brilliant students will not be able to have
and mental abilities. These are the outcome of their full mental diet, and the backward students and the
geographical, social and cultural environment. Many students of lower I.Q. will lag far behind in the class,
studies have shown the existence of differences and they may start playing truancy from the school.
between Americans and Negroes, Chineese and 6. Methods of Teaching:
Japaneese, English and Indian individuals. Methods of teaching should be chosen on the basis of
4. Sex differences: individual differences. It is not advisable to use the
Development of boys and girls exhibits differences same method of education in the case of all children-
due to difference in sex. The physical development of gifted or backward.
the girl takes place a year or two earlier than the 7. Educational Guidance:
boys. Between the age of 11 and 14, girls are taller Teacher should impart educational guidance to the
and heavier than the boys. After 15, boys start students while keeping in view their individual
winning the race. differences. He can assist them in the selection of
Girls are kind, affectionate, sympathetic and tender educational career, selection of subjects, selection of
while the boys are brave, hard, choleric, efficient and books, selection of hobbies and co-curricular
competent. activities and in many other areas connected with
5. Age and intelligence: education.
Physical, intellectual and emotional development is 8. Vocational Guidance:
caused by the growth in age. Many individuals differ While keeping in view the individual differences the
because of the differences in intelligence. Individuals teacher can guide the students in the vocation that
who are below the average in intelligence and mental they should adopt.
age find much difficulty in learning and the average 9. Individual Training:
intelligent persons can learn quickly. Many plans and techniques for individualizing
6. Temperament and emotional stability: instructions have been advocated.
Some people are by temperament active and quick, Some of these plans are as under:
while others are passive and slow, some humorous (i) Dalton Plan:
and others short tempered. Emotional stability of the (ii) Morrison Plan:
individual is differently affected by physical, mental (iii) Winnetka Plan:
and environmental factors. Differences in emotional (iv) Contract Plan:
stability cause individual differences. (v) Project method:
7. Other Causes:
Interests, aptitudes, achievements, sentiments,
character, educational and home background lead to
individual differences.
8. Economic condition and education: Individual
differences are caused by economic condition of the
parents and the education of the children. It is not
possible for the children of two economic classes to
have a similarity and equality.
Role of Individual Differences in Education:
One of the important objectives of modern education Reporter:
is the complete development of the individual.
Individuals have different goals, different interests, ASLAINIE D. CASAR
different emotional problems and different abilities.
We cannot afford to ignore these individual MAED 2 – FOUNDATION OF
differences in imparting education to children. Since EDUCATION

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