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Definition of Indigenous People through acronym

I – Native
N – Non-dominant
D – Descendants
I – Inhabiting
G – Generations
E – Existing
N – Nations
O – Original
U – Unique
S – Survivors
Monarchy significant or involvement in the milestones of Indigenous people.
Monarchy may have had significant involvement in the milestones of Indigenous people in
certain countries where Indigenous territories were colonized or ruled by European monarchies.
This involvement often had negative impacts, with Indigenous peoples facing colonization,
forced assimilation, land dispossession, and cultural suppression as a result of monarchy's
policies and actions. In some cases, monarchies have played a role in recognizing Indigenous
peoples' rights and supporting Indigenous communities in their struggles for self-determination
and rights protection. Overall, the relationship between monarchy and Indigenous peoples is
complex and varies depending on historical context and country.

3 Rules of UN Organization that significantly contributed to the Indigenous people. Explain in
one sentence each.
1. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Affirms the rights of Indigenous peoples
to self-determination, traditional lands, and resources, and cultural heritage.
2. UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: Provides a platform for Indigenous peoples to
actively participate in discussions and decision-making processes at the UN regarding issues
affecting them.
3. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Calls for the recognition and protection
of Indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories, and resources, as well as respect for their
cultures and traditions.

1. Establishment of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations (1982): This group was
established by the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities in 1982. The Working Group was tasked with reviewing and proposing
measures to address the human rights situation of Indigenous peoples around the world. It
eventually became known as the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

2. Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007): After over two
decades of negotiations, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples on September 13, 2007. The Declaration recognizes the rights of
Indigenous peoples to self-determination, participation in decision-making processes, cultural
preservation, and control over their lands and resources. It is considered a milestone in the
advancement of Indigenous rights at the international level.

3. Establishment of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2000): The Permanent Forum
on Indigenous Issues was established by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in
2000. The Forum serves as a platform for Indigenous peoples to engage with UN member
states, UN agencies, and other stakeholders on issues affecting Indigenous communities. It
meets annually to discuss a wide range of topics, including land rights, environmental
protection, education, health, and economic development.

These events highlight the growing recognition and respect for the rights and concerns of
Indigenous peoples within the United Nations system. Indigenous peoples continue to advocate
for their rights and participate in UN processes to ensure their voices are heard and their needs
are addressed.

Activiting Prior Knowledge

1. Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other

atmospheric conditions on Earth. It is primarily caused by human activities that result in
increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and
other significant impacts on the environment.

2. Five examples of climate change include:

- Rising global temperatures: Average temperatures worldwide have been increasing
over the past century, leading to increased heatwaves and changing weather patterns.
- Melting ice caps and glaciers: The melting of polar ice caps and glaciers is contributing
to rising sea levels and impacting ecosystems that rely on ice for survival.
- More frequent and intense natural disasters: Climate change is leading to more severe
storms, hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters around the world.
- Shifts in ecosystems and biodiversity: Climate change is causing disruptions in
ecosystems and endangering various plant and animal species that are unable to adapt
quickly to changing conditions.
- Ocean acidification: Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are being
absorbed by oceans, leading to acidification which can harm marine life and coral reefs.

3. Based on the examples provided, the threat that climate change could possibly bring
to humankind includes:
- Displacement and migration: Rising sea levels and extreme weather events may force
people to leave their homes and communities, leading to increased displacement and
migration of populations.
- Food insecurity: Changes in weather patterns and disruptions in agriculture will likely
result in food shortages and increased prices, leading to food insecurity for many people
around the world.
- Health risks: Climate change can exacerbate air pollution, spread of infectious
diseases, and heat-related illnesses, posing significant health risks to individuals and
- Economic impacts: The effects of climate change can result in substantial economic
losses due to damage to infrastructure, loss of livelihoods, and disruptions to industries
such as agriculture and tourism.
- Political instability: Climate change can exacerbate existing social and political
tensions, leading to conflict and instability in regions already facing challenges related to
resources and adaptation to changing conditions.

Think and Share
Enumerate 3 rights of Filipino citizens explain briefly and simple.
1. Right to free speech – the right to express opinions and beliefs without fear of
government censorship or punishment.

2. Right to due process – the right to fair treatment and legal procedures in court, ensuring
that individuals are given a fair trial and the opportunity to defend themselves.

3. Right to education - the right to receive quality education and have access to learning
opportunities, ensuring access to knowledge and skills for personal and professional

Rights are important in every individual because they protect individuals from discrimination,
abuse, and arbitrary actions by the government or other individuals. They ensure that every
person is treated fairly and has the opportunity to live a dignified life with freedom and

If I could suggest a right, I would advocate for the right to education. Education is essential for
personal development, empowerment, and economic progress. By guaranteeing access to
quality education for all, we can create a more equitable society where everyone has the
opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute positively to their communities.

Create graphic organizer showcasing your in-depth understanding of Indigenous People Right
The Indigenous People's Rights Act (IPRA) is a landmark legislation in the Philippines that
recognizes and protects the rights of Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the country. Some key points
about the IPRA include:

1. Recognition of Indigenous Peoples: The IPRA recognizes the cultural, social, economic, and
political rights of IPs, as well as their ancestral domains and territories.

2. Ancestral Domains: The law provides a legal framework for the recognition and protection of
ancestral domains, which are defined as the land, territories, and resources traditionally owned,
occupied, or used by IPs.

3. Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC): The IPRA requires that IPs give their free, prior, and
informed consent before any project or activity that may affect their rights, lands, or resources is

4. Customary Laws: The law recognizes the validity of customary laws and practices of IPs in
resolving disputes and governing their communities.

5. Participation and Representation: The IPRA mandates the inclusion of IPs in decision-making
processes that affect their communities, as well as the representation of IPs in local and
national government bodies.

6. Protection of Indigenous Knowledge: The law protects the intellectual property rights of IPs
over their traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, and genetic resources.

Overall, the IPRA aims to promote and protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples while ensuring
their participation in development processes that affect them. It is a crucial step towards
addressing historical injustices and promoting the rights and well-being of Indigenous
communities in the Philippines.

Now you see me

 Igorot
 Eastern Luzon
 Luzon
 Region

Correlation of the word Region to population.
When considering the correlation between the word "Region" and population, one can analyze
how different regions may have varying population sizes or densities. A region can be defined
as an area that is larger than a single town or city but smaller than an entire country, and
populations within regions can vary significantly based on factors such as geographical size,
economic opportunities, cultural attractions, and quality of life.
In some cases, regions with large urban centers or industrial hubs may have higher populations
due to job opportunities and amenities, while more rural regions may have smaller populations
due to limited economic activity or access to services. Additionally, historical factors,
government policies, and natural resources can also impact population sizes within different
By studying the correlation between the word "Region" and population, researchers can gain
insights into migration patterns, urbanization trends, economic disparities, and social dynamics
that shape demographic changes within and between regions. This analysis can inform urban
planning, resource allocation, infrastructure development, and policy decisions to address
population growth or decline in specific regions.

5 rights of Indigenous people that you think it is also applicable to all Filipinos. Expound your
1. Right to self-determination: Indigenous peoples have the right to freely determine their
political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development. This right is
applicable to all Filipinos as well because every individual should have the autonomy to make
decisions about their own lives and participate in shaping their future.

2. Right to land and resources: Indigenous peoples have the right to access, own, and control
the lands, territories, and resources they traditionally occupy or use. This right is important for
the preservation of indigenous cultures and ways of life. Similarly, all Filipinos should have
access to and be able to benefit from the land and resources in the country to ensure
sustainable development and equitable distribution of wealth.

3. Right to cultural identity: Indigenous peoples have the right to practice and revitalize their
cultural traditions, languages, and customs. This right is important for preserving the diversity
and richness of cultures in the Philippines. All Filipinos should also have the right to celebrate
and preserve their cultural heritage, as it is an essential part of national identity.

4. Right to education: Indigenous peoples have the right to receive education in a manner that is
culturally appropriate and respects their traditional knowledge and values. This right is crucial
for ensuring that indigenous communities have the opportunity to develop and thrive. Similarly,
all Filipinos should have access to quality education that respects and integrates the diverse
cultural heritage of the country.

5. Right to participate in decision-making: Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in

decisions that affect their lives, communities, and territories. This right is important for ensuring
that indigenous voices are heard and their perspectives are taken into account in governance
and development processes. All Filipinos should also have the opportunity to participate in
decision-making at all levels of society to promote inclusivity, transparency, and accountability.

Scramble words
Different groups of IP’s in the Philippines
The mention of the word "Iraya" in the context of Philippine communities brings to mind thoughts
of the indigenous people residing in the island of Mindoro. The Iraya community is known for
their unique culture, traditions, and way of life, which may include distinct practices, rituals, and
beliefs that have been passed down through generations. However, the Iraya people may face
various challenges such as land rights issues, poverty, and limited access to essential services
like education and healthcare. Despite these challenges, there are likely efforts to preserve and
promote the cultural heritage of the Iraya community, with initiatives to document their language,
traditions, and history. Additionally, the Iraya community may be involved in sustainable
practices such as traditional farming methods and conservation efforts to protect their
environment and natural resources. In essence, the word "Iraya" in the context of Philippine
communities invokes thoughts of indigenous identity, cultural diversity, and the importance of
acknowledging and honoring the traditions of marginalized groups in the country.
Create a poem showcasing the lesson about Island and Lumand group composed of 2 stanza
and 4 lines
Lumad’s Diverseness
On a distant island, Lumand group did reside,
Their culture unique, their traditions they abide.
Living in harmony with nature’s grand design,
Teaching us the lesson of being gentle and kind.

They showed us the value of community and love,

The importance of peace, the beauty of a dove.
Their island wisdom shines like a beacon bright,

Guiding us towards a future full of light.

IP’s/Lumad Location: Hilawan, San Andres Catanduanes
No.of Household: 2390
Physical Description of IP’s/Lumads area
In the physical description of IP's/Lumad areas, it is important to note that these communities
typically reside in remote and mountainous regions with lush forests, rivers, and diverse flora
and fauna. The terrain may be rugged, making transportation and access to basic services
challenging. The traditional houses of the IP's/Lumad are often made of natural materials such
as bamboo and cogon grass, reflecting their connection to the environment.
How long have you been in the area?
When I visited the IP’s/Lumad area, I noticed that it was surrounded by lush green forests and
fertile agricultural land. The area was rich in natural resources such as rivers, mountains, and
diverse flora and fauna. The community lived in traditional houses made of natural materials
such as bamboo and nipa palm, reflecting their close connection to the environment.
Lifestyle’s/ Traits of the IP’s/Lumad
As an IP/Lumad elder, I have lived in this area for my entire life. My ancestors have been here
for generations, passing down our cultural practices, beliefs, and way of life to us.
Issues and concerned they encountered
The IP’s/Lumad people have a strong sense of community and tradition. We value harmonious
relationships with nature and practice sustainable agricultural methods. Our culture is rich in oral
traditions, music, dance, and craftsmanship. We have a deep connection to our ancestral lands
and spiritual beliefs, which guide our way of life.
Government’s program in addressing the problem encountered by IP’s/Lumad people.
One of the main issues we have faced is the encroachment of our ancestral lands by large
corporations and government projects. Our traditional way of life and livelihoods have been
threatened by mining, logging, and agricultural expansion. We have also faced discrimination
and marginalization, leading to limited access to basic services such as education and
Your own suggestion on addressing this issue
As an IP/Lumad elder, I believe that true development can only be achieved through genuine
recognition and respect for our rights as indigenous peoples. I urge the government to consult
and involve us in decision-making processes that affect our lives and lands. We need
sustainable development that upholds our cultural integrity, promotes self-determination, and
ensures the protection of our ancestral territories for future generations. Education and
awareness programs are also essential to combat stereotypes and prejudices against
IP's/Lumad people.

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