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Human Flourishing

Human Flourishing is an effort to achieve self-actualization and

fulfilment within the context of a larger community of individuals,
each with the right to pursue his or her own such efforts.
Human flourishing encompasses the uniqueness, dignity, diversity,
freedom, happiness, and holistic well-being of the individual within
the larger family community and population. Achieving human
flourishing is a lifelong existential journey of hopes, achievements ,
regrets, losses, illness , suffering and coping.
According to Anthony Bradley, in an article on the World Magazine
writes: “ an emphasis on human flourishing, ours and others,
becomes important because it is characterized by holistic concern
for the spiritual , moral, physical , economic, material, political,
psychological and social context necessary for human beings to live
according to their design.”
Human Flourishing Versus Progress of
Science and Technology
The whole range of science and technology examine one or
more of the following aspects of human flourishing:
The structure of physical world in which we live
The nature of human identity and human mystical experiences
Character formation in adverse circumstances
Relationship between scriptures and modern scientific
Notion or purpose of biology
The Good Life
-It is a philosophical term for the life that one would like to live.

Concerns That Make Up the Good Life

The values that make up the foundation of a life well-lived is not money.
The ultimate expression of life is not the pay check, not Mercedes Benz,
Cruise Ship, not even a billion peso in the bank.
What then constitute a good life?

1. Produce as much as you can

2. Develop good friends
3. Keep your culture alive
4. Your spiritually counts a lot
5. Don’t miss anything
6. Inspire your family and the inner circle
When Technology and Human Cross

Whether we like it or not, technology will radically

alter not just our society and economy but our values
and lifestyle as well. It is between techno mania and
nostalgia in a lost world.
Examination of human Rights
Human being has an innate right to be valued , respected,
and to receive ethical treatment. In the Philippines, the
constitution sets forth the basic rights of the Filipino people.
These rights are embodied in Article III and Article IIIX .
When both sets out basic rights they are referred to as
constitution of liberty.
1. Natural Rights
These are rights possessed by man but conferred to him by God and nature so that he
may live happily.

2. Statutory Rights
These are rights granted to individuals by laws which are promulgated by the law-making
body and consequently may be abolished by the same body.

3. Constitutional Rights
These are rights of the citizens to participate directly or indirectly to the
establishments or administration of the government.
Ethical Dilemma of Robotics
Asimov’s suggested laws were devised to protect humans form interactions
with robots. He argued that intelligent robots should all be programmed to
obey the following three laws:
1.A robot may not injure a human being, or , through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm.
2.A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the first law.
3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Local Government Policies that Protect the Well-
Being of the Person in the Face of New Technolog
1. Republic Act No. 10173 approved on January 6, 2012. This law protects the fundamental human rights
of privacy of communication which ensures free flow of information to promote innovation and growth.
2. 1987 Constitution which stipulates that the “State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a
balance and healthful ecology with the rhythm of nature”
3. Philippine Agenda 21 which serves as the nation’s blueprint for sustainable development.
4. Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change which aimed at harnessing and synergizing the various
activities undertaken by national government and civil society in response to the crisis pose by the growing
problem on climate change.
5. Republic Act 8749 that moves for an effective air quality
management program that will mitigate the worsening problem of air
pollution in the country.
6. Republic Act No.8435 states that the Department of Agriculture
should take into account climate change, weather disturbance, annual
productivity cycle in order to forecast and formulate appropriate
agricultural and fisheries programs.
7. Republic Act No. 9003 aimed at providing a comprehensive solution
to the country’s garbage problem.
8. Republic Act No. 9275 moves for a comprehensive water quality
9. Administrative Order 171, 2007 created Presidential Task Force on Climate
Change to address and mitigate the impact of climate change in the Philippines.
10. Republic Act No. 9729 systematized and integrated the concept of climate
change in policy formulation and development plan of all government agencies
and units to prepare the government for the impact of climate change.
11. Philippine Climate Change Commission under the office of the President
as the policy making body of the government to coordinate, monitor and
evaluate the program and action plan relating to climate change.
12. Natural Framework Strategy on Climate Change 2010-20-22 committed
towards ensuring and strengthening the adaptation of our natural ecosystem and
human communities to climate change
Current Issues in Science and Technologies
The Notre Dame’s John J, Relly Center for Science and technology announced a
list of emerging ethical issues as well as policy issues in science and technology.
They are as follows:
1.Personalized genetic test/ personalized medicine
2.Hacking into medical devices
3.Driveless Zipcars
4.3-D printing
5.Adaptation in climate change
6.Low-quality and counterfeit pharmaceuticals
7. Autonomous systems
8. Human- animal hybrid
9. Ensuring access to wireless and spectrum
10. Human enhancements

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