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A Pharmacology Primer: Techniques

for More Effective and Strategic Drug

Discovery 5th Edition Terry P. Kenakin
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A Pharmacology Primer Techniques for More Effective and

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In vitro bioassay techniques for anticancer drug
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Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiological Approach

Second Canadian Edition Michael P. Adams
A Pharmacology Primer
A Pharmacology Primer
Techniques for More Effective and Strategic
Drug Discovery

Fifth Edition

Terry P. Kenakin, PhD

Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina
School of Medicine, United States
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Science is an evolving process, so books on science should models of what actually is going on in pharmacological
routinely be expected to evolve from being “out of date” systems on a molecular level. This makes comparison of
to “needing to be updated.” From that standpoint alone, a the verisimilitude of pharmacological data to models, in
book such as “A Pharmacology Primer” should be brought the process of determining predictive parameters of drug
up to date every so often. But in this particular case, there activity, a more facile process with the potential to attack
are unique reasons why “A Pharmacology Primer” should the presently most important reason for new drug candi-
be updated. This book describes the role of pharmacology date failure, namely, lack of therapeutic efficacy. There
in drug discovery and also that pharmacology is a unique are at least two reasons for the high (50%) rate of candi-
discipline made up of an amalgam of biological and chem- date failure; one may be with us for some time, namely,
ical disciplines. Therefore, any advancement in any one of the lack of understanding of exactly what it is we need to
those component disciplines impacts pharmacology and do to correct faulty physiology in disease. However, we
emerges as its modification; the result is a constantly may be able to impact the second reason by doing a better
changing landscape of possibilities. In this most recent job of determining the true pharmacological efficacies of
edition, the advances in structural protein chemistry and the molecules we advance to the clinic and to better trans-
increased understanding of cellular signaling has changed late the clinical results with pharmacological profiles.
the landscape of discovery and the way pharmacologists This text is part of the application of new pharmacological
approach research challenges. Specifically, the “null data toward that endpoint.
method” approaches used in the past, necessary because
of the lack of knowledge of the cellular processes that Terry Kenakin
drugs modify, are giving way to detailed mechanistic Research Triangle Park, 2018

Chapter 1

What is Pharmacology?

I would in particular draw the attention to physiologists to this type of physiological analysis of organic
systems which can be done with the aid of toxic agents . . ..
—Claude Bernard (181378).

1.1 About This Book 1 1.7 System-Independent Drug 1.11 DoseResponse Curves 16
1.2 What is Pharmacology? 1 Parameters: Affinity and 1.12 Chapter Summary and
1.3 The Receptor Concept 3 Efficacy 10 Conclusions 19
1.4 Pharmacological Test Systems 4 1.8 What is Affinity? 13 1.13 Derivations: Conformational
1.5 The Nature of Drug Receptors 7 1.9 The Langmuir Adsorption Selection as a Mechanism of
1.6 Pharmacological Intervention and Isotherm 13 Efficacy 20
the Therapeutic Landscape 7 1.10 What is Efficacy? 15 References 21

1.1 ABOUT THIS BOOK cause confusion if these methods were to be used beyond
the framework of this book. Therefore, care should be
Essentially this is a book about the methods and tools taken to consider the actual nomenclature of each chapter.
used in pharmacology to quantify drug activity. Receptor Third, an effort has been made to minimize the need
pharmacology is based on the comparison of experimental to cross-reference different parts of the book (i.e., when a
data and simple mathematical models, with a resulting particular model is described, the basics are reiterated
inference of drug behavior to the molecular properties of somewhat to minimize the need to read the relevant but
drugs. From this standpoint, a certain level of understand- different part of the book in which the model is initially
ing of the mathematics involved in the models is useful described). While this leads to a small amount of repeated
but not imperative. This book is structured such that each description, it is felt that this will allow for a more unin-
chapter begins with the basic concepts and then moves on terrupted flow of reading and use of the book.
to the techniques used to estimate drug parameters, and,
finally, for those so inclined, the mathematical derivations
of the models used. Understanding the derivation is not a 1.2 WHAT IS PHARMACOLOGY?
prerequisite for understanding the application of the meth-
ods or the resulting conclusion; these are included for Pharmacology (an amalgam of the Greek pharmakos,
completeness and are for readers who wish to pursue medicine or drug, and logos, study) is a broad discipline
exploration of the models. In general, facility with mathe- describing the use of chemicals to treat and cure diseases.
matical equations is definitely not required for pharmacol- The Latin term pharmacologia was used in the late
ogy; the derivations can be ignored without any detriment 1600s, but the term pharmacum was used as early as the
to the use of this book. fourth century to denote the term drug or medicine. There
Second, the symbols used in the models and deriva- are subdisciplines within pharmacology representing spe-
tions, on occasion, duplicate each other (i.e., α is an cialty areas. Pharmacokinetics deals with the disposition
extremely popular symbol). However, the use of these of drugs in the human body. To be useful, drugs must be
multiple symbols has been retained, since this preserves absorbed and transported to their site of therapeutic
the context of where these models were first described and action. Drugs will be ineffective in therapy if they do not
utilized. Also, changing these to make them unique would reach the organs(s) to exert their activity; this will be

A Pharmacology Primer. DOI:

© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

discussed specifically in Chapter 9, Pharmacokinetics, of principles for all of these is the same, namely, the
this book. Pharmaceutics is the study of the chemical for- pharmacodynamic interaction between the drug and the
mulation of drugs to optimize absorption and distribution biological recognition system for that drug. Therefore, a
within the body. Pharmacognosy is the study of plant nat- prerequisite to all of pharmacology is an understanding of
ural products and their use in the treatment of disease. A the basic concepts of doseresponse and how living cells
very important discipline in the drug-discovery process is process pharmacological information. This generally is
medicinal chemistry, the study of the production of mole- given the term pharmacodynamics or receptor pharma-
cules for therapeutic use. This couples synthetic organic cology, where receptor is a term referring to any biologi-
chemistry with an understanding of how biological infor- cal recognition unit for drugs (membrane receptors,
mation can be quantified and used to guide the enzymes, DNA, and so on). With such knowledge in
synthetic chemistry to enhance therapeutic activity. hand, readers will be able to apply these principles to any
Pharmacodynamics is the study of the interaction of the branch of therapeutics effectively. This book treats
drug molecule with the biological target (referred to doseresponse data generically and demonstrates meth-
generically as the “receptor,” vide infra). This discipline ods by which drug activity can be quantified across all
lays the foundation of pharmacology since all therapeutic biological systems irrespective of the nature of the biolog-
application of drugs has a common root in pharmacody- ical target.
namics (i.e., as a prerequisite to exerting an effect, all A great strength of pharmacology as a discipline is that
drug molecules must bind to and interact with receptors). it contains the tools and methods to convert “descriptive
The history of pharmacology is tied to the history of data,” i.e., data that serves to characterize the activity of a
drug discovery—see Chapter 8, The Optimal Design of given drug in a particular system, to “predictive data.”
Pharmacological Experiments. As put by the great This latter information can be used to predict that drug’s
Canadian physician Sir William Osler (18491919; the activity in all organ systems, including the therapeutic one.
“father of modern medicine”), “. . . the desire to take This defines the drug-discovery process which is the test-
medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distin- ing of new potential drug molecules in surrogate systems
guishes man from animals . . ..” Pharmacology as a sepa- (where a potentially toxic chemical can do no lasting
rate science is approximately 120140 years old. The harm) before progression to the next step, namely, testing
relationship between chemical structure and biological in human therapeutic systems. The models and tools con-
activity began to be studied systematically in the 1860s tained in pharmacology to convert drug behaviors in partic-
[1]. It began when physiologists, using chemicals to probe ular organs to molecular properties (see Chapter 2: How
physiological systems, became more interested in the Different Tissues Process Drug Response) are the main
chemical probes than the systems they were probing. By subject of this book, and the step-by-step design of phar-
the early 1800s, physiologists were performing physiolog- macologic experiments to do this are described in detail in
ical studies with chemicals that became pharmacological Chapter 8, The Optimal Design of Pharmacological
studies more aimed at the definition of the biological Experiments (after the meaning of the particular para-
activity of chemicals. The first formalized chair of phar- meters and terms is described in previous chapters).
macology, indicating a formal university department, was The human genome is now widely available for drug-
founded in Estonia by Rudolf Bucchiem in 1847. In discovery research. Far from being a simple blueprint of
North America, the first chair was founded by John Jacob how drugs should be targeted, it has shown biologists that
Abel at Johns Hopkins University in 1890. A differentia- receptor genotypes (i.e., properties of proteins resulting
tion of physiology and pharmacology was given by the from genetic transcription to their amino acid sequence)
pharmacologist Sir William Paton [2]: are secondary to receptor phenotypes (how the protein
interacts with the myriad of cellular components and how
If physiology is concerned with the function, anatomy with the
cells tailor the makeup and functions of these proteins to
structure, and biochemistry with the chemistry of the living their individual needs). Since the arrival of the human
body, then pharmacology is concerned with the changes in func- genome, receptor pharmacology as a science is more rele-
tion, structure, and chemical properties of the body brought vant than ever in drug discovery. Current drug therapy is
about by chemical substances based on less than 500 molecular targets, yet estimates
—W. D. M. Paton (1986) utilizing the number of genes involved in multifactorial
diseases suggest that the number of potential drug targets
Many works about pharmacology essentially deal in ranges from 2000 to 5000 [3]. Thus, current therapy is
therapeutics associated with different organ systems in using only 5%10% of the potential trove of targets
the body. Thus, in many pharmacology texts, chapters are available in the human genome.
entitled drugs in the cardiovascular system, the effect of A meaningful dialog between chemists and pharma-
drugs on the gastrointestinal (GI) system, the central ner- cologists is the single most important element of the
vous system (CNS), and so on. However, the underlying drug-discovery process. The necessary link between

medicinal chemistry and pharmacology has been eluci- Pharmacologists knew that minute amounts of certain
dated by Paton [2]: chemicals had profound effects on physiological sys-
tems. They also knew that very small changes in the
For pharmacology there results a particularly close relationship
chemical composition of these substances could lead to
with chemistry, and the work may lead quite naturally, with no huge differences in activity. This led to the notion that
special stress on practicality, to therapeutic application, or (in something on or in the cell must specifically read the
the case of adverse reactions) to toxicology. chemical information contained in these substances and
—W. D. M. Paton (1986) translate it into a physiological effect. This something
was conceptually referred to as the “receptor” for that
Chemists and biologists reside in different worlds from substance. Pioneers such as Paul Ehrlich (18541915,
the standpoint of the type of data they deal with. Chemistry Fig. 1.1A) proposed the existence of “chemoreceptors”
is an exact science with physical scales that are not subject (actually he proposed a collection of amboreceptors, tri-
to system variance. Thus, the scales of measurement are ceptors, and polyceptors) on cells for dyes. He also pos-
transferable. Biology deals with the vagaries of complex tulated that the chemoreceptors on parasites, cancer
systems that are not completely understood. Within this cells, and microorganisms were different from healthy
scenario, scales of measurement are much less constant and host and thus could be exploited therapeutically. The
much more subject to system conditions. Given this, a gap physiologist turned pharmacologist John Newport
can exist between chemists and biologists in terms of Langley (18521926, Fig. 1.1B), during his studies with
understanding and also in terms of the best method to prog- the drugs jaborandi (which contains the alkaloid pilocar-
ress forward. In the worst circumstance, it is a gap of credi- pine) and atropine, introduced the concept that receptors
bility emanating from a failure of the biologist to make the were switches that received and generated signals and
chemist understand the limits of the data. Usually, however, that these switches could be activated or blocked by spe-
credibility is not the issue, and the gap exists due to a lack cific molecules. The originator of quantitative receptor
of common experience. This book was written in an theory, the Edinburgh pharmacologist Alfred Joseph
attempt to limit or, hopefully, eliminate this gap. Clark (18851941, Fig. 1.1C), was the first to suggest
that the data, compiled from his studies of the interac-
tions of acetylcholine and atropine, resulted from the
1.3 THE RECEPTOR CONCEPT unimolecular interaction of the drug and a substance on
the cell surface. He articulated these ideas in the classic
One of the most important concepts emerging from early
work The Mode of Action of Drugs on Cells [4], later
pharmacological studies is the concept of the receptor.

(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 1.1 Pioneers of pharmacology. (A) Paul Ehrlich (18541915). Born in Silesia, Ehrlich graduated
from Leipzig University to go on to a distinguished career as head of institutes in Berlin and Frankfurt. His stud-
ies with dyes and bacteria formed the basis of early ideas regarding recognition of biological substances by che-
micals. (B) John Newport Langley (18521926). Though he began reading mathematics and history in
Cambridge in 1871, Langley soon took to physiology. He succeeded the great physiologist M. Foster to the chair
of physiology in Cambridge in 1903 and branched out into pharmacological studies of the autonomic nervous
system. These pursuits led to germinal theories of receptors. (C) Alfred J. Clark (18851941). Beginning as a
demonstrator in pharmacology in King’s College (London), Clark went on to become Professor of pharmacology
at University College London. From there he took the chair of pharmacology in Edinburgh. Known as the origi-
nator of modern receptor theory, Clark applied chemical laws to biological phenomena. His books on receptor
theory formed the basis of modern pharmacology.
4 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

revised as the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology understood, a much better idea can be gained as to how
[5]. As put by Clark to manipulate these heterogeneous responses for therapeu-
tic benefit; the receptor concept introduced order into
It appears to the writer that the most important fact shown by a
physiology and pharmacology.
study of drug antagonisms is that it is impossible to explain the Drug receptors can exist in many forms, including cell
remarkable effects observed except by assuming that drugs unite surface proteins, enzymes, ion channels, membrane trans-
with receptors of a highly specific pattern . . .. No other explana- porters, DNA, and cytosolic proteins (see Fig. 1.3). There
tion will, however, explain a tithe of the facts observed. are examples of important drugs for all of these. This
—A. J. Clark (1937). book deals with general concepts which can be applied to
a range of receptor types, but most of the principles are
Clark’s next step formed the basis of receptor theory illustrated with the most tractable receptor class known in
by applying chemical laws to systems of “infinitely the human genome, namely, seven transmembrane (7TM)
greater complexity” [4]. It is interesting to note the scien- receptors. These receptors are named for their character-
tific atmosphere in which Clark published these ideas. istic structure that consists of a single protein chain that
The dominant ideas between 1895 and 1930 were based traverses the cell membrane seven times to produce extra-
on theories such as the law of phasic variation essentially cellular and intracellular loops. These receptors activate
stating that “certain phenomena occur frequently.” G-proteins to elicit response, thus they are also commonly
Homeopathic theories like the ArndtSchulz law and referred to as G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs); this
WeberFechner law were based on loose ideas around should now be considered a limiting moniker as these
surface tension of the cell membrane, but there was little proteins signal to a wide variety of signaling molecules in
physicochemical basis for these ideas [6]. In this vein, the cell and are not confined to G-protein effects. There
prominent pharmacologists of the day, such as Walter are between 800 and 1000 [7] of these in the genome [the
Straub (18741944), suggested that a general theory of genome sequence predicts 650 GPCR genes, of which
chemical binding between drugs and cells utilizing recep- approximately 190 (on the order of 1% of the genome of
tors was “. . . going too far . . . and . . . not admissible” superior organisms) are categorized as known 7TMRs [8]
[6]. The impact of Clark’s thinking against these concepts activated by some 70 ligands]. In the United States, in
cannot be overemphasized to modern pharmacology. 2000, nearly half of all prescription drugs were targeted
It is possible to underestimate the enormous signifi- toward 7TM receptors [3]. These receptors, comprising
cance of the receptor concept in pharmacology until it is between 1% and 5% of the total cell protein, control a
realized how relatively chaotic the study of drug effect myriad of physiological activities. They are tractable for
was before it was introduced. Specifically, consider the drug discovery because they are on the cell surface, and
myriad of physiological and pharmacological effects of therefore drugs do not need to penetrate the cell to pro-
the hormone epinephrine in the body. As shown in duce effect. In the study of biological targets such as
Fig. 1.2, a host of responses are obtained from the CNS, 7TMRs and other receptors, a “system” must be
cardiovascular system, smooth muscle, and other organs. employed that accepts chemical input and returns biologi-
It is impossible to see a thread which relates these very cal output. It is worth discussing such receptor systems in
different responses until it is realized that all of these are general terms before their specific uses are considered.
mediated by the activation of a single protein receptor,
namely, in this case, the β-adrenoceptor. When this is
muscle relaxation Molecular biology has transformed pharmacology and the
Cardiac inotropy Vascular relaxation drug-discovery process. As little as 20 years ago, screening
for new drug entities was carried out in surrogate animal
Uterine muscle Salivary gland
tissues. This necessitated a rather large extrapolation to
span the differences in genotype and phenotype. The belief
synthesis β-Adrenoceptors Cardiac lusitropy that the gap could be bridged came from the notion that the
Pancreatic Cardiac chronotropy
chemicals recognized by these receptors in both humans
secretion and animals were the same (vide infra). Receptors are
Lacrimal gland Skeletal muscle unique proteins with characteristic amino acid sequences.
secretion tremor
While polymorphisms (spontaneous alterations in amino
Decreased Urinary bladder
stomach motility
acid sequence, vide infra) of receptors exist in the same
muscle relaxation
species, in general the amino acid sequence of a natural
FIGURE 1.2 A sampling of the heterogeneous physiological and phar-
ligand-binding domain for a given receptor type largely
macological response to the hormone epinephrine. The concept of recep-
tors links these diverse effects to a single control point, namely, the may be conserved. There are obvious pitfalls of using sur-
β-adrenoceptor. rogate species receptors for predicting human drug activity,


Enzymes Ion channels

Drug targets


FIGURE 1.3 Schematic diagram of potential drug targets. Molecules can affect the function of
numerous cellular components both in the cytosol and on the membrane surface. There are many
families of receptors that traverse the cellular membrane and allow chemicals to communicate
with the interior of the cell.

and it never can be known for certain whether agreement human receptors. These engineered (recombinant) sys-
for estimates of activity for a given set of drugs ensures tems are now used as surrogate human-receptor systems,
accurate prediction for all drugs. The agreement is very and the leap of faith from animal receptor sequences to
much drug and receptor dependent. For example, the human-receptor sequences is not required (i.e., the prob-
human and mouse α2-adrenoceptors are 89% homologous lem of differences in genotype has been overcome).
and thus considered very similar from the standpoint of However, cellular signaling is an extremely complex pro-
amino acid sequence. Furthermore, the affinities of the α2- cess and cells tailor their receipt of chemical signals in
adrenoceptor antagonists atipamezole and yohimbine are numerous ways. Therefore, the way a given receptor gene
nearly indistinguishable (atipamezole human α2- behaves in a particular cell can differ in response to the
C10Ki 5 2.9 6 0.4 nM, mouse α2-4H Ki 5 1.6 6 0.2 nM; surroundings in which that receptor finds itself. These dif-
yohimbine human α2-C10Ki 5 3.4 6 0.1 nM, mouse α2-4H ferences in phenotype (i.e., properties of a receptor pro-
Ki 5 3.8 6 0.8 nM). However, there is a 20.9-fold differ- duced by interaction with its environment) can result in
ence for the antagonist prazosin (human α2-C10Ki 5 2034 differences in both the quantity and quality of a signal
6 350 nM, mouse α2-4H Ki 5 97.3 6 0.7 nM) [9]. Such produced by a concentration of a given drug in different
data highlight a general theme in pharmacological research, cells. Therefore, there is still a certain, although some-
namely, that a hypothesis, such as one proposing that two what lesser, leap of faith taken in predicting therapeutic
receptors which are identical with respect to their sensitiv- effects in human tissues under pathological control from
ity to drugs are the same, cannot be proven, only disproven. surrogate recombinant or even surrogate natural human-
While a considerable number of drugs could be tested on receptor systems. For this reason, it is a primary requisite
the two receptors (thus supporting the hypothesis that their of pharmacology to derive system-independent estimates
sensitivity to all drugs is the same), this hypothesis is of drug activity that can be used to predict therapeutic
immediately disproven by the first drug that shows differ- effect in other systems.
ential potency on the two receptors. The fact that a series A schematic diagram of the various systems used in
of drugs tested show identical potencies may mean only drug discovery, in order of how appropriate they are to
that the wrong sample of drugs has been chosen to unveil therapeutic drug treatment, is shown in Fig. 1.4. As dis-
the difference. Thus, no general statements can be made cussed previously, early functional experiments in animal
that any one surrogate system is completely predictive of tissue have now largely given way to testing in recombi-
activity on the target human receptor. This will always be a nant cell systems engineered with human-receptor mate-
drug-specific phenomenon. rial. This huge technological step greatly improved the
The link between animal and human receptors is the predictability of drug activity in humans, but it should be
fact that both proteins recognize the endogenous transmit- noted that there still are many factors that intervene
ter (e.g., acetylcholine, norepinephrine), and therefore the between the genetically engineered drug-testing system
hope is that this link will carry over into other drugs that and the pathology of human disease.
recognize the animal receptor. This imperfect system A frequently used strategy in drug discovery is to
formed the basis of drug discovery until human cDNA for express human receptors (through transfection with
human receptors could be used to make cells express human cDNA) in convenient surrogate host cells (referred
6 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

Pharmacological Therapeutic effect

test systems in humans

Human receptors
Animal receptors Human receptors Human receptors Human target cells
Animal tissues Surrogate cells Human target cells under influence
of pathology

Current state-of-the-art

FIGURE 1.4 A history of the drug-discovery process. Originally, the only biological
material available for drug research was animal tissue. With the advent of molecular bio-
logical techniques to clone and express human receptors in cells, recombinant systems sup-
planted animal-isolated tissue work. It should be noted that these recombinant systems still
fall short of yielding drug response in the target human tissue under the influence of patho-
logical processes.

to as “target-based” drug discovery; see Chapter 10: we strive to modify may be more subtle. As put by phar-
Safety Pharmacology for further discussion). These host macologist Sir James Black [10]:
cells are chosen mainly for their technical properties (i.e.,
robustness, growth rate, stability) and not with any . . . angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, commitment of mar-
knowledge of verisimilitude to the therapeutically tar- row stem cells, and immune responses. The cellular reactions
geted human cell type. There are various factors relevant subsumed in these processes are switch like in their behavior . . .
to the choice of surrogate host cell, such as a very low- biochemically we are learning that in all these processes many
background activity (i.e., a cell cannot be used that chemical regulators seem to be involved. From the literature on
already contains a related animal receptor for fear of synergistic interactions, a control model can be built in which
cross-reactivity to molecules targeted for the human no single agent is effective. If a number of chemical messengers
receptor). Human receptors are often expressed in animal each bring information from a different source and each deliver
surrogate cells. The main idea here is that the cell is a only a subthreshold stimulus but together mutually potentiate
receptacle for the receptor, allowing it to produce physio- each other, then the desired information-rich switching can be
achieved with minimum risk of miscuing.
logical responses, and that activity can be monitored in
—J. W. Black (1986).
pharmacological experiments. In this sense, human recep-
tors expressed in animal cells are still a theoretical step Such complex end points are difficult to predict from
distanced from the human receptor in a human cell type. any one of the component processes leading to yet
However, even if a human surrogate is used (and there another leap of faith in the drug-discovery process. For
are such cells available), there is no definitive evidence these reasons, an emerging strategy for drug discovery is
that a surrogate human cell is any more predictive of a the use of natural cellular systems. This approach is dis-
natural receptor activity than an animal cell when com- cussed in some detail in Chapter 11, The Drug Discovery
pared to the complex receptor behavior in its natural host Process.
cell type expressed under pathological conditions. Even when an active drug molecule is found and
Receptor phenotype dominates in the end organ, and the activity is verified in the therapeutic arena, there are fac-
exact differences between the genotypic behavior of the tors that can lead to gaps in its therapeutic profile. When
receptor (resulting from the genetic makeup of the recep- drugs are exposed to huge populations, genetic variations
tor) and the phenotypic behavior of the receptor (due to in this population can lead to discovery of alleles that
the interaction of the genetic product with the rest of the code for mutations of the target (isogenes), and these can
cell) may be cell specific. Therefore, there is still a possi- lead to variation in drug response. Such polymorphisms
ble gap between the surrogate systems used in the drug- can lead to resistant populations (i.e., resistance of some
discovery process and the therapeutic application. asthmatics to the β-adrenoceptor bronchodilators [11]). In
Moreover, most drug-discovery systems utilize receptors the absence of genetic knowledge, these therapeutic fail-
as switching mechanisms and quantify whether drugs turn ures for a drug could not easily be averted since they in
on or turn off the switch. The pathological processes that

essence occurred because of the presence of new biologi- hormones, and autacoids that carry physiological mes-
cal targets not originally considered in the drug-discovery sages. This important class of drug target is named for a
process. However, as new epidemiological information characteristic structure consisting of 7TM domains loop-
becomes available, these polymorphisms can now be ing into the extracellular and intracellular space—see
incorporated into the drug-discovery process. Fig. 1.6. These molecules are the main transfer points of
There are two theoretical and practical scales that can information from the outside to the inside of the cell, and
be used to make system-independent measures of drug such transfers occur through changes in the conformation
activity on biological systems. The first is a measure of of the receptor protein (vide infra). For other receptors,
the attraction of a drug for a biological target, namely, its such as ion channels and single transmembrane enzyme
affinity for a receptor. Drugs must interact with receptors receptors, the conformational change per se leads to a
to produce an effect, and the affinity is a chemical term response; either through an opening of a channel to allow
used to quantify the strength of that interaction. The sec- the flow of ionic current or the initiation of enzymatic
ond is much less straightforward and is used to quantify activity. Therapeutic advantage can be taken by designing
the degree of effect imparted to the biological system small molecules to utilize these binding domains or other
after the drug binds to the receptor. This is termed effi- 3-D binding domains on the receptor protein in order to
cacy. This property was named by Stephenson [12] within modify physiological and pathological processes.
classical receptor theory as a proportionality factor for the
tissue response produced by a drug. There is no absolute
scale for efficacy, but rather it is dealt with in relative 1.6 PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTION
terms (i.e., the ratio of the efficacy of two different drugs AND THE THERAPEUTIC LANDSCAPE
on a particular biological system can be estimated and,
under ideal circumstances, will transcend the system and It is useful to consider the therapeutic landscape with
be applicable to other systems as well). It is the foremost respect to the aims of pharmacology. As stated by Sir
task of pharmacology to use the translations of drug effect William Ossler (18491919) “. . . the prime distinction
obtained from cells to provide system-independent esti- between man and other creatures is man’s yearning to
mates of affinity and efficacy. Before specific discussion take medicine.” The notion that drugs can be used to cure
of affinity and efficacy, it is worth considering the molec- disease is as old as history. One of the first written
ular nature of biological targets. records of actual “prescriptions” can be found in the
Ebers Papyrus (circa 1550 BC): “. . . for night blindness
in the eyes . . . liver of ox, roasted and crushed out . . .
1.5 THE NATURE OF DRUG RECEPTORS really excellent!”—see Fig. 1.7. Now it is known that
liver is an excellent source of vitamin A, a prime treat-
While some biological targets such as DNA are not pro- ment for night blindness, but that chemical detail was not
tein in nature, most receptors are. It is useful to consider known to the ancient Egyptians. Disease can be consid-
the properties of receptor proteins to provide a context for ered under two broad categories: those caused by invaders
the interaction of small molecule drugs with them. An such as pathogens and those caused by intrinsic break-
important property of receptors is that they have a 3-D down of normal physiological function. The first gener-
structure. Proteins are usually composed of one or more ally is approached through the invader (i.e., the pathogen
peptide chains; the composition of these chains makes up is destroyed, neutralized, or removed from the body). The
the primary and secondary structure of the protein. one exception of where the host is treated when an
Proteins also are described in terms of a tertiary structure, invader is present is the treatment of HIV-1 infection
which defines their shape in 3-D space, and a quaternary leading to AIDS. In this case, while there are treatments
structure, which defines the molecular interactions to neutralize the pathogen, such as antiretrovirals to block
between the various components of the protein chains viral replication, a major new approach is the blockade of
(Fig. 1.5). It is this 3-D structure which allows the protein the interaction of the virus with the protein that mediates
to function as a recognition site and effector for drugs viral entry into healthy cells, the chemokine receptor
and other components of the cell; in essence, the ability CCR5. In this case, CCR5 antagonists are used to prevent
of the protein to function as a messenger, shuttling infor- HIV fusion and subsequent infection. The second
mation from the outside world to the cytosol of the cell. approach to disease requires an understanding of the path-
For 7TMRs, the 3-D nature of the receptor forms binding ological process and repair of the damage to return to nor-
domains for other proteins such as G-proteins (these are mal function.
activated by the receptor and then go on to activate The therapeutic landscape onto which drug discovery
enzymes and ion channels within the cell; see Chapter 2: and pharmacology in general combat disease can gener-
How Different Tissues Process Drug Response) and ally be described in terms of the major organ systems of
endogenous chemicals such as neurotransmitters, the body and how they may go awry. A healthy
8 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

Levels of protein (receptor) structure

Primary structure Secondary structure

Sequence of Repeating 3-D units such as
amino acid residues α-helices and β-sheets
(buried main chain H bonds)

Quaternary structure Tertiary structure

Arrangement of Single folded and arranged poly-
separate chains peptide chain, the structure of which is
determined by the amino acids
FIGURE 1.5 Increasing levels of protein structure. A protein has a given amino acid sequence to
make peptide chains. These adopt a 3-D structure according to the free energy of the system.
Receptor function can change with changes in tertiary or quaternary structure.

cardiovascular system consists of a heart able to pump

Extracellular ligands deoxygenated blood through the lungs and to pump oxy-
genated blood throughout a circulatory system that does
not unduly resist blood flow. Since the heart requires a
high degree of oxygen itself to function, myocardial
ischemia can be devastating to its function. Similarly, an
3 2
1 inability to maintain rhythm (arrhythmia) or loss in
7 strength with concomitant inability to empty (congestive
heart failure) can be fatal. The latter disease is exacer-
bated by elevated arterial resistance (hypertension). A
wide range of drugs are used to treat the cardiovascular
Signaling proteins
system, including coronary vasodilators (nitrates), diure-
FIGURE 1.6 Depiction of the structure of seven transmembrane tics, renin-angiotensin inhibitors, vasodilators, cardiac
domain receptors, one of the most if not the most important therapeutic
glycosides, calcium antagonists, beta and alpha blockers,
targets available in the human genome. Chemicals access the receptor
through the extracellular space by binding to the extracellular domains antiarrhythmics, and drugs for dyslipidemia. The lungs
of the protein. This causes a conformational change in the protein that must extract oxygen from the air, deliver it to the blood,
alters the interaction of signaling proteins in the cell cytosol. This latter and release carbon dioxide from the blood into exhaled
process results in the initiation of cellular signaling. air. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

FIGURE 1.7 The Ebers Papyrus is a 110-page scroll (20 m long) thought to have been written in 1550 BC but containing
information dating from 3400 BC. It is a record of Egyptian medicine and contains numerous “prescriptions” some of which,
though empirical, are valid therapeutic approaches to diseases.

(COPD), and emphysema are serious disorders of the abnormality in thyroid, pituitary, adrenal cortex, and
lungs and airways. Bronchodilators (beta agonists), antiin- androgen function; osteoporosis; and alterations in estro-
flammatory drugs, inhaled glucocorticoids, anticholiner- genprogesterone balance. The general approach to treat-
gics, and theophylline analogs are used for treatment of ment is through replacement or augmentation of
these diseases. The CNS controls all conscious thought secretion. Drugs used are replacement hormones, insulin,
and many unconscious body functions. Numerous dis- sulfonylureas, adrenocortical steroids, and oxytocin. In
eases of the brain can occur, including depression, anxi- addition to the major organ and physiological systems,
ety, epilepsy, mania, degeneration, obsessive disorders, diseases involving neurotransmission and neuromuscular
and schizophrenia. Brain functions such as those control- function, ophthalmology, hemopoiesis and hematology,
ling sedation and pain also may require treatment. A wide dermatology, immunosuppression, and drug addiction and
range of drugs is used for CNS disorders, including sero- abuse are amenable to pharmacological intervention.
tonin partial agonists and uptake inhibitors, dopamine Cancer is a serious malfunction of normal cell growth.
agonists, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opioids, tricyc- In the years from 1950 to 1970, the major approach to
lics, neuroleptics, and hydantoins. The GI tract receives treating this disease was to target DNA and DNA precur-
and processes food to extract nutrients and removes waste sors according to the hypothesis that rapidly dividing cells
from the body. Diseases such as stomach ulcers, colitis, (cancer cells) are more susceptible to DNA toxicity than
diarrhea, nausea, and irritable bowel syndrome can affect normal cells. Since that time, a wide range of new therapies
this system. Histamine antagonists, proton pump blockers, based on manipulation of the immune system, induction of
opioid agonists, antacids, and serotonin uptake blockers differentiation, inhibition of angiogenesis, and increased
are used to treat diseases of the GI tract. killer T-lymphocytes to decrease cell proliferation has
The inflammatory system is designed to recognize self greatly augmented the armamentarium against neoplastic
from nonself, and to destroy nonself to protect the body. disease. Previously, lethal malignancies such as testicular
In diseases of the inflammatory system, the self- cancer, some lymphomas, and leukemia are now curable.
recognition can break down, leading to conditions in Three general treatments of disease are surgery, genetic
which the body destroys healthy tissue in a misguided engineering (still an emerging discipline), and pharmaco-
attempt at protection. This can lead to rheumatoid arthri- logical intervention. While early medicine was subject to
tis, allergies, pain, COPD, asthma, fever, gout, graft rejec- the theories of Hippocrates (460357 BC), who saw health
tion, and problems with chemotherapy. Nonsteroidal and disease as a balance of four humors (i.e., black and
antiinflammatory drugs, aspirin and salicylates, leukotri- yellow bile, phlegm, and blood), by the 16th century phar-
ene antagonists, and histamine receptor antagonists are macological concepts were being formulated. These could
used to treat inflammatory disorders. The endocrine sys- be stated concisely as the following [13]:
tem produces and secretes hormones crucial to the body
G Every disease has a cause for which there is a spe-
for growth and function. Diseases of this class of organs
cific remedy.
can lead to growth and pituitary defects—diabetes;
10 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

TABLE 1.1 Some Endogenous Chemicals Controlling Normal Physiological Function

Acetylcholine 2-Arachidonylglycerol Anandamide
ATP Corticotropin-releasing hormone Dopamine
Epinephrine Aspartate Gamma-aminobutyric acid
Galanin Glutamate Glycine
Histamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Thyroid-stimulating hormone Follicle-stimulating hormone Luteinizing hormone
Prolactin Adrenocorticotropin Antidiuretic hormone
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone Oxytocin Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Growth-hormone-releasing hormone Corticotropin-releasing hormone Somatostatin
Melatonin Thyroxin Calcitonin
Parathyroid hormone Glucocorticoid(s) Mineralocorticoid(s)
Estrogen(s) Progesterone Chorionic gonadotropin
Androgens Insulin Glucagon
Amylin Erythropoietin Calcitriol
Calciferol Atrial-natriuretic peptide Gastrin
Secretin Cholecystokinin Neuropeptide Y
Insulin-like growth factor Angiotensinogen Ghrelin

ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

G Each remedy has a unique essence that can be can appear to be in conflict with each other, leading to
obtained from nature by extraction (“doctrine of apparent capricious patterns. For this reason, the way for-
signatures”). ward in the drug development process is to use only
G The administration of the remedy is subject to a system-independent information. Ideally, scales of biolog-
doseresponse relationship. ical activity should be used that transcend the actual bio-
logical system in which the drug is tested. This is essential
The basis for believing that pharmacological interven-
to avoid confusion and also because it is quite rare to have
tion can be a major approach to the treatment of disease is
access to the exact human system under the control of the
the fact that the body generally functions in response to che-
appropriate pathology available for in vitro testing.
micals. Table 1.1 shows partial lists of hormones and neuro-
Therefore, the drug-discovery process necessarily relies on
transmitters in the body. Many more endogenous chemicals
the testing of molecules in surrogate systems and the
are involved in normal physiological function. The fact that
extrapolation of the observed activity to all systems. The
so many physiological processes are controlled by chemi-
only means to do this is to obtain system-independent
cals provides the opportunity for chemical intervention.
measures of drug activity, namely, affinity and efficacy.
Thus, physiological signals mediated by chemicals can be
If a molecule in solution associates closely with a recep-
initiated, negated, augmented, or modulated. The nature of
tor protein, it has affinity for that protein. The area where it
this modification can take the form of changes in the type,
is bound is the binding domain or locus. If the same mole-
strength, duration, or location of signal.
cule interferes with the binding of a physiologically active
molecule such as a hormone or a neurotransmitter (i.e., if
the binding of the molecule precludes activity of the physio-
1.7 SYSTEM-INDEPENDENT DRUG logically active hormone or neurotransmitter), the molecule
PARAMETERS: AFFINITY AND EFFICACY is referred to as an antagonist. Therefore, a pharmacologi-
cally active molecule that blocks physiological effect is an
The process of drug discovery relies on the testing of antagonist. Similarly, if a molecule binds to a receptor and
molecules in systems to yield estimates of biological activ- produces its own effect, it is termed an agonist. It also is
ity in an iterative process of changing the structure of the assumed to have the property of efficacy. Efficacy is
molecule until optimal activity is achieved. It will be seen detected by observation of pharmacological response.
in this book that there are numerous systems available to Therefore, agonists have both affinity and efficacy.
do this, and that each system may interpret the activity of Classically, agonist response is described in two stages,
molecules in different ways. Some of these interpretations the first being the initial signal imparted to the immediate

biological target, namely, the receptor. This first stage is series of key chemical compounds made en route to the
composed of the formation, either through interaction with histamine H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine (used for
an agonist or spontaneously, of an active state receptor healing gastric ulcers). The starting point for this discov-
conformation. This initial signal is termed the stimulus ery program was the knowledge that histamine, a natu-
(Fig. 1.8). This stimulus is perceived by the cell and pro- rally occurring autacoid, activates histamine H2 receptors
cessed in various ways through successions of biochemical in the stomach to cause acid secretion. This constant acid
reactions to the end point, namely, the response. The sum secretion is what prevents the healing of lesions and
total of the subsequent reactions is referred to as the stimu- ulcers. The task was then to design a molecule that would
lusresponse mechanism or cascade (see Fig. 1.8). antagonize the histamine receptors mediating acid secre-
Efficacy is a molecule-related property (i.e., different tion and prevent histamine H2 receptor activation to allow
molecules have different capabilities to induce a physio- the ulcers to heal. This task was approached with the
logical response). The actual term for the molecular knowledge that molecules, theoretically, could be made
aspect of response-inducing capacity of a molecule is that retained or even enhanced affinity but decreased the
intrinsic efficacy (see Chapter 3: DrugReceptor Theory efficacy of histamine (i.e., these were separate properties).
for how this term evolved). Thus, every molecule has a As can be seen in Fig. 1.10, molecules were consecutively
unique value for its intrinsic efficacy (in cases of antago- synthesized with reduced values of efficacy and enhanced
nists this could be zero). The different abilities of mole- affinity until the target histamine H2 antagonist cimetidine
cules to induce response are illustrated in Fig. 1.9. This
figure shows doseresponse curves for four 5-HT
(hydroxytryptamine) (serotonin) agonists in rat jugular
vein. It can be seen that if response is plotted as a func-
tion of the percent receptor occupancy, different receptor A+R AR*
occupancies for the different agonists lead to different
levels of response. For example, while 0.6 g force can be Stimulus–response
generated by 5-HT by occupying 30% of the receptors, cascade
the agonist 5-cyanotryptamine requires twice the receptor
occupancy to generate the same response (i.e., the capa-
bility of 5-cyanotryptamine to induce response is half that
of 5-HT [14]). These agonists are then said to possess dif-
ferent magnitudes of intrinsic efficacy.
It is important to consider affinity and efficacy as sep- FIGURE 1.8 Schematic diagram of response production by an agonist.
arately manipulatable properties. Thus, there are chemical An initial stimulus is produced at the receptor as a result of ago-
features of agonists that pertain especially to affinity and nistreceptor interaction. This stimulus is processed by the stimu-
other features that pertain to efficacy. Fig. 1.10 shows a lusresponse apparatus of the cell into observable cellular response.

(A) (B)
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
Force (g)
Force (g)

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 0 20 40 60 80 100
Log [agonist] % Receptor occupancy
FIGURE 1.9 Differences between agonists producing contraction of rat jugular vein through activation of
5-HT receptors. (A) Doseresponse curves to 5-HT receptor agonists, 5-HT (filled circles), 5-
cyanotryptamine (filled squares), N,N-dimethyltryptamine (open circles), and N-benzyl-5-methoxytryptamine
(filled triangles). Abscissae: logarithms of molar concentrations of agonist. (B) Occupancy response curves
for curves shown in panel A. Abscissae: percent receptor occupancy by the agonist as calculated by mass
action and the equilibrium dissociation constant of the agonistreceptor complex. Ordinates: force of con-
traction in g. Data drawn from P. Leff, G.R. Martin, J.M. Morse, Differences in agonist dissociation constant
estimates for 5-HT at 5-HT2-receptors: a problem of acute desensitization? Br. J. Pharmacol. 89 (1986)
12 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

. . . we knew the receptor bound histamine, so it was

a matter of keeping affinity and losing efficacy.
— Sir James Black (1996)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Guanidine isostere

0.0 0.5 1.0
FIGURE 1.10 Key compounds synthesized to eliminate the efficacy (burgundy red) and enhance the
affinity (green) of histamine for histamine H2 receptors to make cimetidine, one of the first histamine
H2 antagonists of use in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Quotation from J.W. Black, A personal view of
pharmacology, Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 36 (1996) 133.

was made. This was a clear demonstration of the power drugs for a single binding domain on the receptor protein.
of medicinal chemistry to separately manipulate affinity The probability that a given molecule will be at the point
and efficacy for which, in part, the Nobel Prize in of minimal free energy within the protein-binding pocket
Medicine was awarded in 1988. thus depends on the concentration of the drug available to
fuel the binding process and also the strength of the inter-
actions for the complementary regions in the binding
1.8 WHAT IS AFFINITY? pocket (affinity). Affinity can be thought of as a force of
attraction and can be quantified with a very simple tool,
The affinity of a drug for a receptor defines the strength first used to study the adsorption of molecules onto a sur-
of interaction between the two species. The forces con- face, namely, the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
trolling the affinity of a drug for the receptor are thermo-
dynamic (enthalpy as changes in heat and entropy as
changes in the state of disorder). The chemical forces 1.9 THE LANGMUIR ADSORPTION
between the components of the drug and the receptor ISOTHERM
vary in importance in relation to the distance of the drug
from the receptor’s binding surface. Thus, the strength of Defined by the chemist Irving Langmuir (18811957,
electrostatic forces (attraction due to positive and nega- Fig. 1.11), the model for affinity is referred to as the
tive charges and/or complex interactions between polar Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Langmuir, a chemist at
groups) varies as a function of the reciprocal of the dis- General Electric, was interested in the adsorption of
tance between the drug and the receptor. Hydrogen bond- molecules onto metal surfaces for the improvement of
ing (the sharing of a hydrogen atom between an acidic lighting filaments. He reasoned that molecules had a char-
and basic group) varies in strength as a function of the acteristic rate of diffusion toward a surface (referred to as
fourth power of the reciprocal of the distance. Also condensation and denoted α in his nomenclature) and
involved are van der Waals’ forces (weak attraction also a characteristic rate of dissociation (referred to as
between polar and nonpolar molecules) and hydrophobic evaporation and denoted as V1; see Fig. 1.11). He
bonds (interaction of nonpolar surfaces to avoid interac- assumed that the amount of surface that already has a
tion with water). The combination of all of these forces molecule bound is not available to bind another molecule.
causes the drug to reside in a certain position within the The surface area bound by molecule is denoted θ1,
protein-binding pocket. This is a position of minimal free expressed as a fraction of the total area. The amount of
energy. It is important to note that drugs do not statically free area open for the binding of molecule, expressed as a
reside in one uniform position. As thermal energy varies fraction of the total area, is denoted as 1 2 θ1. The rate of
in the system, drugs approach and dissociate from the adsorption toward the surface therefore is controlled by
protein surface. This is an important concept in pharma- the concentration of drug in the medium (denoted μ in
cology as it sets the stage for competition between two Langmuir’s nomenclature) multiplied by the rate of

θ1 =
αμ + V1

FIGURE 1.11 The Langmuir adsorption isotherm representing the binding of a mole-
cule to a surface. Photo shows Irving Langmuir (18811957), a chemist interested in
the adsorption of molecules to metal filaments for the production of light. Langmuir
devised the simple equation still in use today for quantifying the binding of molecules
to surfaces. The equilibrium is described by condensation and evaporation to yield the
fraction of surface bound (θ1) by a concentration μ.
14 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

condensation on the surface and the amount of free area It is instructive to discuss affinity in terms of the
available for binding: adsorption isotherm in the context of measuring the
amount of receptor bound for given concentrations of
Rate of diffusion toward surface 5 αμð1 2 θ1 Þ: (1.1)
drug. Assume that values of fractional receptor occupancy
The rate of evaporation is given by the intrinsic rate can be visualized for various drug concentrations. The
of dissociation of bound molecules from the surface mul- kinetics of such binding is shown in Fig. 1.12. It can be
tiplied by the amount already bound: seen that initially the binding is rapid, in accordance with
the fact that there are many unbound sites for the drug to
Rate of evaporation 5 V1 θ1 : (1.2)
choose. As the sites become occupied, there is a temporal
Once equilibrium has been reached, the rate of adsorp- reduction in binding until a maximal value for that con-
tion equals the rate of evaporation. Equating (1.1) and centration is attained. Fig. 1.12 also shows that the bind-
(1.2) and rearranging yields ing of higher concentrations of drug is correspondingly
αμ increased. In keeping with the fact that this is first-order
θ1 5 : (1.3) binding kinetics (where the rate is dependent on a rate
αμ 1 V1
constant multiplied by the concentration of reactant), the
This is the Langmuir adsorption isotherm in its origi- time to equilibrium is shorter for higher concentrations
nal form. In pharmacological nomenclature, it is rewritten than for lower concentrations. The various values for
according to the convention receptor occupancy at different concentrations constitute
½AR ½A a concentration binding curve (shown in Fig. 1.13A).
ρ5 5 ; (1.4) There are two areas in this curve of particular interest to
½Rt  ½A 1 KA
pharmacologists. The first is the maximal asymptote for
where [AR] is the amount of complex formed between binding. This defines the maximal number of receptive
the ligand and the receptor, and [Rt] is the total number binding sites in the preparation. The binding isotherm
of receptor sites. The ratio ρ refers to the fraction of max- Eq. (1.4) defines the ordinate axis as the fraction of the
imal binding by a molar concentration of drug [A] with maximal binding. Thus, by definition, the maximal value
an equilibrium dissociation constant of KA. This latter is unity. However, in experimental studies, real values of
term is the ratio of the rate of offset (in Langmuir’s terms capacity are used since the maximum is not known.
V1 and referred to as k2 in receptor pharmacology) When the complete curve is defined, the maximal value
divided by the rate of onset (in Langmuir’s terms α of binding can be used to define fractional binding at var-
denoted k1 in receptor pharmacology). ious concentrations and thus define the concentration at
It is amazing to note that complex processes such as which half-maximal binding (binding to 50% of the
drugs binding to protein, activation of cells, and observa- receptor population) occurs. This is the equilibrium disso-
tion of syncytial cellular response should apparently so ciation constant of the drugreceptor complex (KA), the
closely follow a model based on these simple concepts. important measure of drug affinity. This comes from the
This was not lost on A. J. Clark in his treatise on other important region of the curve, namely, the midpoint.
drugreceptor theory The Mode of Action of Drugs on It can be seen from Fig. 1.13A that graphical estimation
Cells [4]: of both the maximal asymptote and the midpoint is diffi-
cult to perform with the graph in the form shown. A
It is an interesting and significant fact that the author in 1926
found that the quantitative relations between the concentration
of acetylcholine and its action on muscle cells, an action the
nature of which is wholly unknown, could be most accurately
expressed by the formulae devised by Langmuir to express the
adsorption of gases on metal filaments. 0.3 nM 1 nM 3 nM
—A. J. Clark (1937).

The term KA is a concentration, and it quantifies affin-

ity. Specifically, it is the concentration that binds to
50% of the total receptor population [see Eq. (1.4) when
[A] 5 KA]. Therefore, the smaller is the KA, the higher is
10 nM 30 nM 50 nM
the affinity. Affinity is the reciprocal of KA. For example,
FIGURE 1.12 Time course for increasing concentrations of a ligand
if KA 5 1028 M, then 1028 M binds to 50% of the recep-
with a KA of 2 nM. Initially, the binding is rapid but slows as the sites
tors. If KA 5 1024 M, a 10,000-fold higher concentration become occupied. The maximal binding increases with increasing con-
of the drug is needed to bind to 50% of the receptors centrations as does the rate of binding.
(i.e., it is of lower affinity).

(A) (B)
1.0 1.0

Frac. max.

Frac. max.
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6
Agonist (nM) Log [agonist]
FIGURE 1.13 Doseresponse relationship for ligand binding according to the Langmuir adsorption iso-
therm. (A) Fraction of maximal binding as a function of concentration of agonist. (B) Semilogarithmic
form of curve shown in panel A.

much easier format to present binding, or any concentra- a particular conformation because it is energetically favor-
tionresponse data, is a semilogarithmic form of the iso- able to do so (i.e., there is minimal free energy for that
therm. This allows better estimation of the maximal conformation). If thermal energy enters the system, the
asymptote and places the midpoint in a linear portion of protein may adopt another shape in response. Stated by
the graph where intrapolation can be done (see Linderstrom-Lang and Schellman [15]:
Fig. 1.13B). Doseresponse curves for binding are not
often visualized, as they require a means to detect bound . . . a protein cannot be said to have “a” secondary structure
(over unbound) drug. However, for drugs that produce a but exists mainly as a group of structures not too different from
pharmacological response (i.e., agonists), a signal propor- one another in free energy . . .. In fact, the molecule must be
tional to bound drug can be observed. The true definition conceived as trying every possible structure . . ..
of a doseresponse curve is the observed in vivo effect —Lindstrom and Schellman (1959)
of a drug given as a dose to a whole animal or human.
However, it has entered into the common pharmacologi- Not only are a number of conformations for a given pro-
cal jargon as a general depiction of drug and effect. Thus, tein possible, but the protein samples these various confor-
a doseresponse curve for binding is actually a binding mations constantly. It is a dynamic and not a static entity.
concentration curve, and an in vitro effect of an agonist Receptor proteins can spontaneously change conformation
in a receptor system is a concentrationresponse curve. in response to variations in the energy of the system. An
important concept here is that small molecules, by interact-
ing with the receptor protein, can bias the conformations
that are sampled. It is in this way that drugs can produce
1.10 WHAT IS EFFICACY? active effects on receptor proteins (i.e., demonstrate effi-
The property that gives a molecule the ability to change a cacy). A thermodynamic mechanism by which this can
receptor, such that it produces a cellular response, is occur is through what is known as conformational selection
termed efficacy. Early concepts of receptors likened them [16]. A simple illustration can be made by reducing the pos-
to locks and keys. As stated by Paul Ehrlich, sible conformations of a given receptor protein to just
two. These will be referred to as the “active” (denoted [Ra])
and “inactive” (denoted [Ri]) conformations.
“Substances can only be anchored at any particular part of the Thermodynamically it would be expected that a ligand
organism if they fit into the molecule of the recipient complex may not have identical affinity for both receptor confor-
like a piece of mosaic finds its place in a pattern.”
mations. This was an assumption in early formulations of
conformational selection. For example, differential affin-
This historically useful but inaccurate view of receptor
ity for protein conformations was proposed for oxygen
function has in some ways hindered development models
binding to hemoglobin [17] and for choline derivatives
of efficacy. Specifically, the lock-and-key model implies a
and nicotinic receptors [18]. Furthermore, assume that
static system with no moving parts. However, one feature
these conformations exist in an equilibrium defined by an
of proteins is their malleability. While they have structure,
allosteric constant L (defined as [Ra]/[Ri]) and that a
they do not have a single structure but rather many poten-
ligand [A] has affinity for both conformations defined by
tial shapes referred to as conformations. A protein stays in
16 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

equilibrium association constants Ka and αKa, respec- where Ka,i and Ka,0 are the respective affinities of the
tively, for the inactive and active states: ligand for states i and O. It can be seen that unless Ka,
i 5 Ka,0, the logarithmic term will not equal zero and the
P energy
P of
 the system will change
ð1:5Þ ΔGi 6¼ ΔG0i . Thus, if a ligand has differential
affinity for either state, then the free energy of the system
will change in the presence of the ligand. Under these cir-
cumstances, a different conformational bias will be formed
It can be shown that the ratio of the active species Ra by the differential affinity of the ligand. From these models
in the presence of a saturating concentration (ρN) of the comes the concept that binding is not a passive process,
ligand vs in the absence of the ligand (ρ0) is given by the whereby a ligand simply adheres to a protein without
following (see Section 1.13): changing it. The act of binding can itself bias the behavior
ρN αð1 1 LÞ of the protein. This is the thermodynamic basis of efficacy.
5 : (1.6)
ρ0 ð1 1 αLÞ
It can be seen that if the factor α is unity (i.e., the
affinity of the ligand for Ra and Ri is equal [Ka 5 αKa]),
then there will be no change in the amount of Ra when The concept of “doseresponse” in pharmacology has
the ligand is present. However, if α is not unity (i.e., if been known and discussed for some time. A prescription
the affinity of the ligand differs for the two species), then written in 1562 for hyoscyamus and opium for sleep
the ratio necessarily will change when the ligand is pres- clearly states, “If you want him to sleep less, give him
ent. Therefore, its differential affinity for the two protein less” [13]. It was recognized by one of the earliest physi-
species will alter their relative amounts. If the affinity of cians, Paracelsus (14931541), that it is only the dose
the ligand is higher for Ra, then the ratio will be .1 and that makes something beneficial or harmful: “All things
the ligand will enrich the Ra species. If the affinity for the are poison, and nothing is without poison. The Dosis
ligand for Ra is less than for Ri, then the ligand (by its alone makes a thing not poison.”
presence in the system) will reduce the amount of Ra. For Doseresponse curves depict the response to an ago-
example, if the affinity of the ligand is 30-fold greater for nist in a cellular or subcellular system as a function of the
the Ra state, then in a system where 16.7% of the recep- agonist concentration. Specifically, they plot response as
tors are spontaneously in the Ra state, the saturation of a function of the logarithm of the concentration. They can
the receptors with this agonist will increase the amount of be defined completely by three parameters, namely, loca-
Ra by a factor of 5.14 (16.7%85%). tion along the concentration axis, slope, and maximal
This concept is demonstrated schematically in asymptote (Fig. 1.15). At first glance, the shapes of
Fig. 1.14. It can be seen that the initial bias in a system of doseresponse curves appear to closely mimic the line
proteins containing two conformations (square and spheri- predicted by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and it is
cal) lies far toward the square conformation. When a tempting to assume that doseresponse curves reflect the
ligand (filled circles) enters the system and selectively first-order binding and activation of receptors on the cell
binds to the circular conformations, this binding process surface. However, in most cases, this resemblance is hap-
removes the circles driving the backward reaction from penstance, and doseresponse curves reflect a far more
circles back to squares. In the absence of this backward complex amalgam of binding, activation, and recruitment
pressure, more square conformations flow into the circu- of cellular elements of response. In the end, these may
lar state to fill the gap. Overall, there is an enrichment of yield a sigmoidal curve, but in reality they are far
the circular conformations when unbound and ligand- removed from the initial binding of drug and receptor.
bound circular conformations are totaled. For example, in a cell culture with a collection of cells
This also can be described in terms of the Gibbs free with varying thresholds for depolarization, the single-cell
energy of the receptorligand system. Receptor confor- response to an agonist may be complete depolarization
mations are adopted as a result of attainment of minimal (in an all-or-none fashion). Taken as a complete collec-
free energy. Therefore, if the free energy of the collection tion, the depolarization profile of the culture where the
of receptors changes, so too will the conformational cells all have differing thresholds for depolarization
makeup of the system. The free energy of a system com- would have a Gaussian distribution of depolarization
posed of two conformations ai and ao is given by the fol- thresholds—some cells being more sensitive than others
lowing [19]: (Fig. 1.16A). The relationship of depolarization of the
X X complete culture to the concentration of a depolarizing
ΔGi 5 ΔG0i 2 RT
X (1.7) agonist is the area under the Gaussian curve. This yields a
3 lnð1 1 Ka;i ½AÞ= lnð1 1 Ka;0 ½AÞ; sigmoidal doseresponse curve (Fig. 1.16B) that

I "Inactive" II "Activated"
receptors receptors



Add ligand





FIGURE 1.14 Conformational selection as a thermodynamic process to bias mixtures of protein

conformations. (A) The two forms of the protein are depicted as circular and square shapes. The
system initially is predominantly square. Gaussian curves to the right show the relative frequency
of occurrence of the two conformations. (B) As a ligand (blue dots) enters the system and prefers
the circular conformations, these are selectively removed from the equilibrium between the two
protein states. The distributions show the enrichment of the circular conformation at the expense of
the square one. (C) A new equilibrium is attained in the presence of the ligand favoring the circular
conformation because of the selective pressure of affinity between the ligand and this conformation.
The distribution reflects the presence of the ligand and the enrichment of the circular conformation.

resembles the Langmuirian binding curve for agonist and receptor. In general, shapes of doseresponse
drugreceptor binding. The slope of the latter curve curves are completely controlled by cellular factors and
reflects the molecularity of the drugreceptor interaction cannot be used to discern drugreceptor mechanisms.
(i.e., one ligand binding to one receptor yields a slope of These must be determined indirectly by null methods.
unity for the curve). In the case of the sequential depolari-
zation of a collection of cells, it can be seen that a nar-
rower range of depolarization thresholds yields a steeper
doseresponse curve, indicating that the actual numerical
1.11.1 Potency and Maximal Response
value of the slope for a doseresponse curve cannot be There are certain features of agonist doseresponse
equated to the molecularity of the binding between curves that are generally true for all agonists. The first is
18 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

that the magnitude of the maximal asymptote is totally the agonist (Fig. 1.17B). The potency is the molar con-
dependent on the efficacy of the agonist and the effi- centration required to produce a given response.
ciency of the biological system to convert receptor stimu- Potencies vary with the type of cellular system used to
lus into tissue response (Fig. 1.17A). This can be an make the measurement and the level of response at which
extremely useful observation in the drug-discovery pro- the measurement is made. A common measurement used
cess when attempting to affect the efficacy of a molecule. to quantify potency is the EC50, namely, the molar con-
Changes in chemical structure that affect only the affinity centration of an agonist required to produce 50% of the
of the agonist will have no effect on the maximal asymp- maximal response to the agonist. Thus, an EC50 value of
tote of the doseresponse curve for that agonist. 1 μM indicates that 50% of the maximal response to the
Therefore, if chemists wish to optimize or minimize effi- agonist is produced by a concentration of 1 μM of the
cacy in a molecule, they can track the maximal response agonist (Fig. 1.18). If the agonist produces a maximal
to do so. Second, the location, along the concentration response of 80% of the system maximal response, then
axis of doseresponse curves, quantifies the potency of 40% of the system maximal response will be produced by
1 μM of this agonist (Fig. 1.18). Similarly, an EC25 will
be produced by a lower concentration of this same ago-
nist; in this case, the EC25 is 0.5 μM.
100 Maximal
1.11.2 P-Scales and the Representation of
% Max. response

Slope Agonist potency is an extremely important parameter in
40 drugreceptor pharmacology. Invariably it is determined
Threshold from log-doseresponse curves. It should be noted that
20 since these curves are generated from semilogarithmic
plots, the location parameter of these curves is log nor-
0 mally distributed. This means that the logarithms of the
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 sensitivities (EC50) and not the EC50 values themselves
Log ([A]/KA) are normally distributed (Fig. 1.19A). Since all statistical
FIGURE 1.15 Doseresponse curves. Any doseresponse curve can parametric tests must be done on data that come from
be defined by the threshold (where response begins along the concentra- normal distributions, all statistics (including comparisons
tion axis), the slope (the rise in response with changes in concentration), of potency and estimates of errors of potency) must come
and the maximal asymptote (the maximal response). from logarithmically expressed potency data. When log
normally distributed EC50 data (Fig. 1.19B) are converted

(A) (B)
12 120

10 100
Cumulative %

8 80

6 60

4 40

2 20

0 0
0 500 1000 0 500 1000
No. of cells No. of cells
FIGURE 1.16 Factors affecting the slope of doseresponse curves. (A) Gaussian distributions of the thresh-
olds for depolarization of cells to an agonist in a cell culture. Solid line shows a narrow range of threshold,
and the lighter line a wider range. (B) Area under the curve of the Gaussian distributions shown in panel A.
These would represent the relative depolarization of the entire cell culture as a function of the concentration of
agonist. The more narrow range of threshold values corresponds to the doseresponse curve of steeper slope.

100 100
% Max. response

% Max. response
50 50

Intrinsic activity Potency

f(efficacy) f(efficacy and affinity)

0 0
−2 −1 0 1 −2 −1 0 1
Log ([agonist]/KA) Log ([agonist]/KA)

FIGURE 1.17 Major attributes of agonist doseresponse curves. Maximal responses solely reflect efficacy, while the potency (loca-
tion along the concentration axis) reflects a complex function of both efficacy and affinity.

120 then convert to concentration as the last step. For exam-

System maximal response ple, Table 1.2 shows five pEC50 values, giving a mean
100 pEC50 of 8.46 and a standard error of 0.21. It can be seen
that the calculation of the mean as a converted concentra-
% Max. response

80 Maximal response 80%

to the agonist tion (EC50 value) leads to an apparently reasonable mean
value of 3.8 nM, with a standard error of 1.81 nM.
60 EC80
However, the 95% confidence limits (range of values that
40 40% will include the true value) of the concentration value is
meaningless, in that one of them (the lower limit) is a
EC25 EC50 = 1 µM
20 negative number. The true value of the EC50 lies within
the 95% confidence limits given by the mean 1 2.57 3
0 the standard error, which leads to the values 8.4 and
−9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 20.85 nM. However, when pEC50 values are used for the
Log [agonist] : M calculations, this does not occur. Specifically, the mean
FIGURE 1.18 Doseresponse curves. Doseresponse curve to an ago- of 8.46 yields a mean EC50 of 3.47 nM. The 95% confi-
nist that produces 80% of the system maximal response. The EC50 (con- dence limits on the pEC50 are 7.89.0. Conversion of
centration producing 40% response) is 1 μM, the EC25 (20%) is 0.5 μM, these limits to EC50 values yields 95% confidence limits
and the EC80 (64%) is 5 μM. of 111.8 nM. Thus, the true potency lies between the
values of 1 and 11.8 nM 95% of the time.
to EC50 data, the resulting distribution is seriously skewed
(Fig. 1.19C). It can be seen that error limits on the mean
of such a distribution are not equal [i.e., one standard 1.12 CHAPTER SUMMARY AND
error of the mean unit (see Chapter 12: Statistics and CONCLUSIONS
Experimental Design) either side of the mean gives differ-
ent values on the skewed distribution (Fig. 1.19C)]. This G Some ideas on the origins and relevance of phar-
is not true of the symmetrical normal distribution macology and the concept of biological “receptors”
(Fig. 1.19B). are discussed.
One representation of numbers such as potency G Currently, there are drugs for only a fraction of the
estimates is with the P-scale. The P-scale is the negative druggable targets present in the human genome.
logarithm of number. For example, the pH is the G While recombinant systems have greatly improved
negative logarithm of a hydrogen ion concentration the drug-discovery process, pathological pheno-
(105 M 5 pH 5 5). It is essential to express types still are a step away from these drug-testing
doseresponse parameters as P-values (2log of the systems.
value, as in the pEC50) since these are log normal. G Because of the fact that drugs are tested in experi-
However, it sometimes is useful on an intuitive level to mental, not therapeutic, systems, system-
express potency as a concentration (i.e., the antilog independent measures of drug activity (namely,
value). One way this can be done and still preserve the affinity and efficacy) must be measured in drug
error estimate is to make the calculation as P-values and discovery.
20 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

(A) (B)


% Max. response

Stnd. error
95% Conf. limits 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5
50 pEC50


−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
EC50 : nM

FIGURE 1.19 Log normal distributions of sensitivity of a pharmacological preparation to an agonist. (A)
Doseresponse curve showing the distribution of the EC50 values along the log concentration axis. This distribution is
normal only on a log scale. (B) Log normal distribution of pEC50 values (2log EC50 values). (C) Skewed distribution of
EC50 values converted from the pEC50 values shown in panel B.

G Measures of potency are log normally distributed.

TABLE 1.2 Expressing Mean Agonist Potencies with Only P-scale values (i.e., pEC50) should be used
Error for statistical tests.
pEC50a EC50 (nM)b
8.5 3.16
8.2 6.31
8.6 2.51 EFFICACY
Mean 5 8.46 Mean 5 3.8
SE 5 0.21 SE 5 1.81 Consider a system containing two receptor conformations
Ri and Ra that coexist in the system according to an allo-
Replicate values of 21/N log EC50’s.
Replicate EC50 values in nM.
steric constant denoted L:

G Affinity is the strength of binding of a drug to a Assume that ligand A binds to Ri with an equilibrium
receptor. It is quantified by an equilibrium dissoci- association constant Ka, and Ra by an equilibrium associ-
ation constant. ation constant αKa. The factor α denotes the differential
G Affinity can be depicted and quantified with the affinity of the agonist for Ra (i.e., α 5 10 denotes a 10-
Langmuir adsorption isotherm. fold greater affinity of the ligand for the Ra state). The
G Efficacy is measured in relative terms (having no effect of α on the ability of the ligand to alter the equilib-
absolute scale) and quantifies the ability of a mole- rium between Ri and Ra can be calculated by examining
cule to produce a change in the receptor (most the amount of Ra species (both as Ra and ARa) present in
often leading to a physiological response). the system in the absence of ligand and in the presence of
G Doseresponse curves quantify drug activity. The ligand. The equilibrium expression for ([Ra] 1 [ARa])/
maximal asymptote is totally dependent on effi- [Rtot], where [Rtot] is the total receptor concentration
cacy, while potency is due to an amalgam of affin- given by the conservation equation [Rtot] 5 [Ri] 1
ity and efficacy. [ARi] 1 [Ra] 1 [ARa], is

Lð1 1 α½A=KA Þ [6] B. Holmstedt, G. Liljestrand, Readings in Pharmacology., Raven

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where L is the allosteric constant, [A] is the concentration O’Dowd, Novel GPCRs and their endogenous ligands: expanding
of ligand, KA is the equilibrium dissociation constant of the boundaries of physiology and pharmacology, Trends.
the agonistreceptor complex (KA 5 1/Ka), and α is the Pharmacol. Sci. 20 (1999) 370375.
differential affinity of the ligand for the Ra state. It can be [8] J.C. Venter, M.D. Adams, E.W. Myers, P.W. Li, R.J. Mural, G.G.
seen that in the absence of agonist ([A] 5 0), ρ0 5 L/ Sutton, The sequence of the human genome, Science. 291 (2001)
(1 1 L), and in the presence of a maximal concentration 13041351.
[9] R. Link, D. Daunt, G. Barsh, A. Chruscinski, B. Kobilka, Cloning
of ligand (saturating the receptors; [A]-N),
of two mouse genes encoding α2-adrenergic receptor subtypes and
ρN 5 (α(1 1 L))/(1 1 αL). The effect of the ligand on
identification of a single amino acid in the mouse α2-C10 homolog
changing the proportion of the Ra state is given by the responsible for an interspecies variation in antagonist binding, Mol.
ratio ρ/ρ0. This ratio is given by Pharmacol. 42 (1992) 1617.
ρN αð1 1 LÞ [10] J.W. Black, A personal view of pharmacology, Ann. Rev.
5 : (1.9) Pharmacol. Toxicol. 36 (1996) 133.
ρ0 ð1 1 αLÞ
[11] R. Buscher, V. Hermann, P.A. Insel, Human adrenoceptor poly-
Eq. (1.9) indicates that if the ligand has an equal affin- morphisms: evolving recognition of clinical importance, Trends.
ity for both the Ri and Ra states (α 5 1), then ρN/ρ0 will Pharmacol. Sci. 20 (1999) 9499.
equal unity, and no change in the proportion of Ra will [12] R.P. Stephenson, A modification of receptor theory, Br. J.
Pharmacol. 11 (1956) 379393.
result from maximal ligand binding. However, if α . 1,
[13] S. Norton, Origins of pharmacology, Mol. Interventions. 5 (2005)
then the presence of the conformationally selective ligand
will cause the ratio ρN/ρ0 to be .1, and the Ra state will [14] P. Leff, G.R. Martin, J.M. Morse, Differences in agonist dissocia-
be enriched by presence of the ligand. tion constant estimates for 5-HT at 5-HT2-receptors: a problem of
acute desensitization?, Br. J. Pharmacol. 89 (1986) 493499.
REFERENCES [15] A. Linderstrom-Lang, P. Schellman, Protein conformation, Enzymes.
1 (1959) 443471.
[1] A.-H. Maehle, C.-R. Prull, R.F. Halliwell, The emergence of the [16] A.S.V. Burgen, Conformational changes and drug action, Fed.
drug-receptor theory, Nat. Rev. Drug Discovery 1 (2002) 16371642. Proc. 40 (1966) 27232728.
[2] W.D.M. Paton, On becoming a pharmacologist, Ann. Rev. [17] J.J. Wyman, D.W. Allen, The problem of the haem interaction in
Pharmacol. Toxicol. 26 (1986) 122. haemoglobin and the basis for the Bohr effect, J. Polym. Sci. 7
[3] J. Drews, Drug discovery: a historical perspective, Science 287 (1951) 499518.
(2000) 19601964. [18] J. Del Castillo, B. Katz, Interaction at end-plate receptors between
[4] A.J. Clark, The Mode of Action of Drugs on Cells., Edward different choline derivatives, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 146 (1957)
Arnold, London, 1933. 369381.
[5] A.J. Clark, A. Heffter, General pharmacology Handbuch der [19] E. Freire, Can allosteric regulation be predicted from structure?
Experimentellen Pharmakologie. 4 in: A. Heffter (Ed.), Handbuch Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97 (2000) 1168011682.
der Experimentellen Pharmakologie, 4, Springer, Berlin, 1937,
pp. 165176.
Chapter 2

How Different Tissues Process

Drug Response

[Nature] can refuse to speak but she cannot give a wrong answer.
— Dr. Charles Brenton Hugins (1966).

We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed to our method of
questioning. . .
—Werner Heisenberg (190176).

2.1 Drug Response as Seen Through 2.5 System Effects on Agonist 2.9 Advantages and Disadvantages
the “Cellular Veil” 23 Response: Full and Partial of Different Assay Formats 41
2.2 The Biochemical Nature of Agonists 30 2.10 Drug Concentration as an
StimulusResponse Cascades 25 2.6 Differential Cellular Response to Independent Variable 42
2.3 The Mathematical Approximation Receptor Stimulus 33 2.11 Chapter Summary and
of StimulusResponse 2.7 Receptor Desensitization and Conclusions 44
Mechanisms 28 Tachyphylaxis 38 2.12 Derivations 44
2.4 Influence of StimulusResponse 2.8 The Measurement of Drug References 46
Cascades on DoseResponse Activity 39 Further Reading 46
Curve Slopes 29

2.1 DRUG RESPONSE AS SEEN THROUGH own particular needs. In receptor systems where a drug
THE “CELLULAR VEIL” does produce a response, the relationship between the
binding reaction (drug 1 receptor protein) and the
If a drug possesses the molecular property of efficacy, observed response can be studied indirectly through
then it produces a change in the receptor that may be observation of the cellular response as a function of drug
detected by the cell. However, this can occur only if the concentration (doseresponse curve). A general phenom-
stimulus is of sufficient strength and the cell has the enon observed experimentally is that the cellular response
amplification machinery necessary to convert the stimulus most often is not linearly related to receptor occupancy
into an observable response. In this sense, the cellular (i.e., it does not require 100% occupation of all of the
host system completely controls what the experimenter receptors to produce the maximal cellular response).
observes regarding the events taking place at the drug Fig. 2.2A shows a functional doseresponse curve for
receptor. Drug activity is thus revealed through a “cellular human calcitonin in human embryonic kidney (HEK)
veil” that can, in many cases, obscure or substantially cells transfected with cDNA for human calcitonin recep-
modify drugreceptor activity (Fig. 2.1). Minute signals, tor type 2 [1]. The response being measured here is the
initiated either at the cell surface or within the cytoplasm hydrogen ion release by the cells, a sensitive measure of
of the cell, are interpreted, transformed, amplified, and cellular metabolism. Also shown (dotted line) is a curve
otherwise altered by the cell to tailor that signal to its for calcitonin binding to the receptors (as measured with

A Pharmacology Primer. DOI:

© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 23
24 Chapter | 2 How Different Tissues Process Drug Response

Drug cellular response

Drug stimulus

FIGURE 2.1 The cellular veil.

Drugs act on biological receptors in cells to change cellular activity. The initial receptor stimulus
usually alters a complicated system of interconnected metabolic biochemical reactions, and the out-
come of the drug effect is modified by the extent of these interconnections, the basal state of the cell,
and the threshold sensitivity of the various processes involved. This can lead to a variety of appar-
ently different effects for the same drug in different cells. Receptor pharmacology strives to identify
the basic mechanism initiating these complex events.

(A) (B)
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
Fraction max.

Fraction max.

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
−12 −11 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 0 20 40 60 80 100
Log (calcitonin) % Receptor occupancy
FIGURE 2.2 Binding and doseresponse curves for human calcitonin on human calcitonin receptors type 2.
(A) Doseresponse curves for microphysiometry responses to human calcitonin in HEK cells (open circles) and
binding in membranes from HEK cells (displacement of [125I]-human calcitonin). (B) Regression of microphy-
siometry responses to human calcitonin (ordinates) upon human calcitonin fractional receptor occupancy (abscis-
sae). Dotted line shows a direct correlation between receptor occupancy and cellular response. HEK, human
embryonic kidney. (A) Data from W.-J. Chen, S. Armour, J. Way, G.C. Chen, C. Watson, P.E. Irving,
Expression cloning and receptor pharmacology of human calcitonin receptors from MCF-7 cells and their rela-
tionship to amylin receptors, Mol. Pharmacol. 52 (1997) 11641175.

radioligand binding). A striking feature of these curves is in nature (Fig. 2.2B), showing a skewed relationship
that the curve for function is shifted considerably to the between receptor occupancy and cellular response. This
left of the binding curve. Calculation of the receptor skewed relationship indicates that the stimulation of the
occupancy required for 50% maximal tissue response receptor initiated by binding is amplified by the cell in
indicates that less than 50% occupancy, namely, more on the process of response production.
the order of 3% to 4%, is needed. In fact, a regression of The ability of a given agonist to produce a maximal
tissue response upon the receptor occupancy is hyperbolic system response can be quantified as a receptor reserve.

(A) 1.2 (B)

1.0 1.0

Fraction max.

Fraction max.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 0 1 2 3 4
Log (histamine) : M % Receptor occupancy
FIGURE 2.3 Guinea pig ileal responses to histamine.
(A) Contraction of guinea pig ileal longitudinal smooth muscle (ordinates as a percentage of maximum) to
histamine (abscissae, logarithmic scale). Responses obtained before (filled circles) and after treatment with
the irreversible histamine receptor antagonist phenoxybenzamine (50 μM for 3 min; open circles). (B)
Occupancyresponse curve for data shown in (A). Ordinates are percentage of maximal response. Abscissae
are calculated receptor occupancy values from an estimated affinity of 20 μM for histamine. Note that maxi-
mal response is essentially observed after only 2% receptor occupancy by the agonist (i.e., a 98% receptor
reserve for this agonist in this system). Data redrawn from T.P. Kenakin, D.A. Cook, Blockade of histamine-
induced contractions of intestinal smooth muscle by irreversibly acting agents, Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 54
(1976) 386392.

The reserve refers to the percentage of receptors not agonists [3]. It can be seen that isoproterenol requires
required for production of maximal response (sometimes many times less receptors to produce 50% response than
referred to as spare receptors). For example, a receptor do both the agonists BRL 37344 and CGP 12177. This
reserve of 80% for an agonist means that the system max- underscores the idea that the magnitude of receptor
imal response is produced by activation of 20% of the reserves is very much dependent on the efficacy of the
receptor population by that agonist. Receptor reserves can agonist (i.e., one agonist’s spare receptor is another ago-
be quite striking. Fig. 2.3 shows guinea pig ileal smooth nist’s essential one).
muscle contractions to the agonist histamine before and
after irreversible inactivation of a large fraction of the
receptors with the protein alkylating agent phenoxybenza-
mine [2]. The fact that the depressed maximum 2.2 THE BIOCHEMICAL NATURE OF
doseresponse curve is observed so far to the right of the STIMULUSRESPONSE CASCADES
control doseresponse curve indicates a receptor reserve
of 98% [i.e., only 2% of the receptors must be activated Cellular amplification of receptor signals occurs through
by histamine to produce the tissue’s maximal response a succession of saturable biochemical reactions. Different
(Fig. 2.3B)]. In teleological terms, this may be useful, receptors are coupled to different stimulusresponse
since it allows neurotransmitters to produce rapid activa- mechanisms in the cell. Each has its own function and
tion of organs with minimal receptor occupancy leading operates on its own timescale. For example, receptor tyro-
to optimal and rapid control of function. sine kinases (activated by growth factors) phosphorylate
Receptor reserve is a property of the tissue (i.e., the target proteins on tyrosine residues to activate protein
strength of amplification of receptor stimulus inherent to phosphorylation cascades such as mitogen-activated pro-
the cells) and it is a property of the agonist (i.e., how tein (MAP) kinase pathways. This process, on a timescale
much stimulus is imparted to the system by a given ago- on the order of seconds to days, leads to protein synthesis
nist receptor occupancy). This latter factor is quantified from gene transcription with resulting cell differentiation
as the efficacy of the agonist. A high-efficacy agonist and/or cell proliferation. Nuclear receptors, activated by
need occupy a smaller fraction of the receptor population steroids, operate on a timescale of minutes to days and
than a lower efficacy agonist to produce a comparable mediate gene transcription and protein synthesis. This
stimulus. Therefore, it is incorrect to ascribe a given tis- leads to homeostatic, metabolic, and immunosuppression
sue or cellular response system with a characteristic effects. Ligand-gated ion channels, activated by neuro-
receptor reserve. The actual value of the receptor reserve transmitters, operate on the order of milliseconds to
will be unique to each agonist in that system. For exam- increase the permeability of plasma membranes to ions.
ple, Fig. 2.4 shows the different amplification hyperbolae This leads to increases in cytosolic Ca21, depolarization,
of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with or hyperpolarization of cells. This in turn results in mus-
β-adrenoceptors in producing cyclic adenosine monopho- cle contraction, release of neurotransmitters, or inhibition
sphate (AMP) responses to three different β-adrenoceptor of these processes.
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‘Faint heart never won fair lady,’ she said. ‘I know she likes you.’
‘I hope you won’t think me conceited if I agree with you, but I really
think she does,’ said Kenrick, remembering that curious fainting fit on
the first evening of Miss Harefield’s visit.
He took heart of grace next day, finding Beatrix alone in the library
an hour or so before the late tea. It was a windy afternoon, late in
March, the sky dull and gray, the wood fire glowing redly, Beatrix
seated in her low chair beside the hearth, with a book on her lap,
deep in thought.
‘I don’t wonder you admire Pascal,’ she said, without looking up,
as Kenrick came towards the hearth. ‘His is a most delicate wit.’
‘I am sorry to say I don’t know anything about the gentleman,’ said
Kenrick. ‘Did he write plays or novels?’
‘I beg your pardon. I thought you were Mr. Dulcimer.’
‘You took me for a better man than I am. All those rows of sober
old books are Greek to me—worse than Greek, for I do know that by
sight. I wonder that you can find so much happiness in this dry-as-
dust collection of the dear Vicar’s.’
‘I don’t know about happiness,’ answered Beatrix, with a faint sigh.
‘I find forgetfulness. I suppose that is almost as good.’
‘There cannot be much in your young life that you can wish to
forget,’ said Kenrick.
‘There is very little in it that I care to remember.’
‘Erase it altogether from your memory then, and begin a new life
from to-day,’ said Kenrick, flinging himself head foremost into a gulf
of uncertain issues, like the diver who plunges into the fatal deep to
win the king’s daughter. ‘Let the beginning of a brighter and happier
life date from to-day. You are one of those flowers of earth which
seem to be born to blush unseen. You, who are so worthy of love
and admiration, have lived hidden from those who could admire and
appreciate. But if a real and unmeasured love in the present can
compensate for your losses in the past, that love is yours, Beatrix. I
love you as I never thought I should love. I did not know that it was in
my nature to feel as strongly as I feel for you. Stop—do not answer
me too quickly,’ he cried, reading rejection in her look as she turned
to him with the firelight shining on her face. ‘You will say, perhaps, “I
am rich and you are poor. How am I to believe in your truth?”’
‘I am not capable of thinking meanly of you,’ answered Beatrix.
‘But you ask me what is impossible. I have made up my mind never
to marry.’
‘Will you tell me the reason?’
‘That is my secret.’
‘I am not to be answered so easily, Beatrix. I love you too well to
lose you without a struggle. I have spoken too soon, perhaps. I have
been too precipitate. But I am to go back to India in a few weeks,
and I should like to return with a new happiness—with at least the
promise of your love.’
‘I have no love to give you. If you could see into the bottom of my
heart, you would be horrified at its emptiness. The warmest feeling I
have is gratitude to my friends the Dulcimers. Yes, I think that is the
only human feeling you would discover in my heart. That is why I like
to live among these books. They are a world in themselves. They
give me delight, and ask no love in return.’
‘But I am not like the books, Beatrix; I ask for your love, and I shall
not be easily denied.’
And then he told her his dream about Culverhouse Castle. How
she was to reign there—not like his mother, in silence and seclusion,
but in all the power of youth, beauty, and wealth, a queen of county
society, the centre and focus of a happy world of her own, loved,
admired, and revered.
‘I,’ exclaimed Beatrix—‘I, who have been suspected of poisoning
my father?’
‘That shameful slander has never penetrated beyond this
contemptible hole,’ said Kenrick, very disrespectful to Little Yafford in
the warmth of his indignation. ‘For God’s sake, Beatrix, do not let
that foul scandal weigh in your mind. Perhaps that is the reason you
reject me,’ he added, slow to believe that he had been mistaken
when he fancied himself beloved.
‘No,’ answered Beatrix, ‘but the only man I ever loved rejected me
for that reason.’
‘Oh,’ said Kenrick, deeply mortified.
After this confession he could no longer doubt that he had
mistaken Beatrix’s feelings towards him. He was silent for some
minutes, and then he exclaimed suddenly,—
‘That man was my cousin Cyril?’
‘He was.’
‘Then my cousin Cyril is a mean hound.’
‘Do you want me to hate you?’ cried Beatrix, angrily. ‘He is not
mean. He is all that is good and noble. Why should his pure life be
sullied by the taint that has fallen upon mine? He, a clergyman, could
not afford to take a wife whom men have suspected of evil. He is like
Cæsar. His wife must be above suspicion. He loved me once. He will
love me always, perhaps, a little better than all other women, as I
shall love him to the end of life above all other men. But he has
chosen something better in this life than a woman’s love. He has
given himself to the service of God. No unholy thing must come
within the veil of the temple. Nothing stained, not even with the
suspicion of sin, must enter there. A priest’s wife must be spotless.’
‘If he could suspect you,’ exclaimed Kenrick, vindictively, ‘he is
‘Oh, for pity’s sake do not suggest that,’ interrupted Beatrix. ‘I
cannot believe that he could suspect me, having once known and
loved me. It was not his suspicion, but the evil thoughts of others,
that parted us.’
‘Then he is a coward,’ cried Kenrick, honestly angry. ‘A man’s
choice of his wife is a question of life or death for himself. He is both
craven and fool if he allows other people to be the arbiters of his
‘But you do not understand,’ urged Beatrix, pleading for the man
who had broken her heart. ‘It is his office——’
‘His office be——’
He might have said something very shocking if Mrs. Dulcimer had
not come in at this moment. She found Beatrix in tears, and Kenrick
pacing up and down the room with a distracted air. These two facts
indicated that something decisive had happened, and Mrs. Dulcimer
saw from Kenrick’s face that the something was of an unsatisfactory
‘How provoking!’ she thought. ‘It really seems as if no plan of mine
is to succeed.’
Beatrix did not appear at the tea-table. She sent an apology by
Rebecca. She had a headache, and would go to bed early. Kenrick
was absent-minded, and out of spirits. The meal, usually so cheerful,
was eaten in silence; Mr. Dulcimer had picked up a queer little
seventeenth century copy of Boileau at Great Yafford that morning,
and looked at the tail-pieces and initials as he took his tea.
‘Stop and smoke your cigar here, Ken,’ said Mrs. Dulcimer when
tea was over, and Sir Kenrick was about to follow his host to the
‘But don’t you dislike smoke in this room?’
‘Not for once in a way. Your cigars are very mild, and Rebecca will
air the room well to-morrow morning. I want to have a chat with you.’
‘Delighted,’ said Kenrick, sitting down opposite Mrs. Dulcimer’s
He had a shrewd suspicion of what was coming, but he felt that it
would comfort him to pour his woes into a friendly ear. He knew very
well that Mrs. Dulcimer had set her heart upon his marrying Miss
‘What had you been doing to make Beatrix cry?’ asked the Vicar’s
wife, coming straight to the point.
‘I had asked her to be my wife.’
‘What, they were tears of joy then?’ cried Mrs. Dulcimer.
‘Quite the contrary. She had rejected me flatly.’
‘Oh, Kenrick! But why?’
‘She did not condescend to enter very minutely into her reasons,
but I believe the principal one is that she doesn’t care for me.’
‘Oh, Kenrick,’ cried Mrs. Dulcimer, in exactly the same tone as
before. ‘What a pity!’
‘Yes, it’s regrettable. If my first thought were her fortune and the
good it would do to Culverhouse, I should deserve my fate. But that
is only my second thought. I love her very dearly. If she were the
poorest little nursery governess in the county I should love her just
the same, and would take her back to India with me, and work for
her and be happy with her all the days of my life.’
‘But her money would pay off those mortgages; as Lady
Culverhouse she would have a leading position in your part of the
‘She would be admired and adored,’ said Kenrick.
‘It would be in every way such a suitable match,’ protested Mrs.
Dulcimer, a remark she was in the habit of making about every pair
of young people whose footsteps she wished to direct to the
hymeneal altar. ‘Really human nature is very perverse.’
She remembered how ignominiously she had failed in her desire
to benefit Cyril and Bella; and here was this more important scheme
apparently doomed to failure.
‘It is very difficult to serve one’s fellow-creatures,’ she said
presently. ‘But this is not a business to be given up lightly, Kenrick.
This foolish girl is Mr. Dulcimer’s ward, and it is his duty to see her
advantageously settled in life. Now Clement is the very last man to
think of such a thing. He considers he has done his duty when he
has given Beatrix the run of his library.’
‘Yes,’ said Kenrick. ‘It is dear Dulcimer’s only fault to consider
books the beginning, middle, and end of life.’
‘Something must be done,’ declared Mrs. Dulcimer, with a sudden
accession of energy. ‘Beatrix ought to marry, and she ought to marry
a man of position. I cannot imagine a more suitable husband than
yourself. Come, Kenrick, be frank with me. You have not told me
everything. There must be some other reason. Don’t you remember
an admission Beatrix made at that dreadful inquest? There was a
love affair of which her father disapproved. Nothing but a prior
attachment could prevent her accepting you. I feel convinced it must
be that.’
‘It is that,’ answered Kenrick. ‘You can keep a secret, I suppose,
Mrs. Dulcimer?’
‘My dear Kenrick, I have kept hundreds.’
This was true, but Mrs. Dulcimer forgot to add how short a time
she had kept them. The Vicar’s wife’s secret of to-day was the town-
crier’s secret of to-morrow.
‘Then I’ll trust you with the clue to the mystery. There is a prior
attachment—to my cousin Cyril.’
‘Good heavens!’ exclaimed Mrs. Dulcimer. ‘Then that is why he
was so indifferent to poor Bella Scratchell, the very girl for him.’
‘He is a contemptible cur,’ said Kenrick.
He went on to abuse his cousin roundly. It was a good thing for
him, no doubt, that Cyril had behaved so badly, for it gave Kenrick
just the chance that Beatrix would put the false lover out of her mind
and marry the true one. He told Mrs. Dulcimer everything.
‘Something must be done,’ she said finally, and she made up her
mind that she, Selina Dulcimer, was the right person to undertake
the task.
something must be done.
Before Sir Kenrick’s leave came to an end Mrs. Piper had gone to
the land where there are no sordid cares, no gnawing doubts as to
the honesty of servants, no heart-corroding regrets at the
wastefulness and expenditure of a large household. Mrs. Piper had
gone to that undiscovered country where we may fairly hope that for
those who have lived harmlessly upon earth all is peace. Mr. Piper
drove his smart little pony cart about the country roads and through
the village street as usual, but he wore an altered countenance and
crape to the top of his tall hat. He no longer had a noisy greeting for
every one, no longer quoted Jeremy Bentham or William Cobbett.
Never was widower more disconsolate than Ebenezer Piper.
Honestly and truly he mourned the careful partner of his youth and
‘There wasn’t a finer girl in Great Yafford when me and she was
married,’ he said dolefully, after a brief eulogium of his faithful
Moggie’s domestic virtues.
Mrs. Piper’s monument was to be the glory of the village
churchyard. Mr. Dulcimer was too indulgent and easy to insist upon a
rigid æstheticism in the memorials which the living erected in honour
of the dead. There was a good deal of bad taste in God’s Acre at
Little Yafford, but Mr. Piper was destined to put the cap on the edifice
by the gaudiest and most expensive mausoleum that ever the chief
stonemason of Great Yafford had devised or executed.
It was to be a sarcophagus of the jewel casket shape, with four
twisted columns, like candlesticks, at the corners, and a tall urn
surmounting the lid. Each of the columns was of a different coloured
marble, the urn was dark red serpentine, with a malachite serpent
coiled round it. The urn was supposed to contain Mrs. Piper’s dust,
the serpent indicated that physicians and doctors’ stuff had not been
wanting in the effort to keep Mrs. Piper longer upon earth. Scattered
over the fluted lid of the sarcophagus were to be flowers sculptured
out of coloured marble, and cemented on to the white groundwork.
The sides of the sarcophagus were to be decorated with shields,
richly emblazoned with the Piper arms. Mr. Piper’s arms were his
own composition; his crest a ladder; his motto, Ex sese.
Altogether the monument was to be a wonderful thing, and Mr.
Piper felt a pride in contemplating the sketches which the mason had
caused to be made, and in picturing to himself the effect of the whole
when this great work of art should be finished.
The Piper children, in black frocks, and in a state of semi-
orphanage, were a little more troublesome than they had been in
coloured frocks, and with an invalid mamma as a court of appeal.
They brought the ghost of their lost parent into every argument.
‘I’m sure ma wouldn’t have wished me to learn three verbs in one
morning,’ said Elizabeth Fry.
‘I think ma would have let me off my lessons if I had a sick
headache,’ remonstrated Mary Wolstencroft.
‘I shall do my duty to you whether you like it or no,’ said Bella,
‘Ah, you’d better take care!’ cried Brougham. ‘Ma’s in heaven,
where she can see everything you’re up to, and won’t she make it
disagreeable for you when you get there! If you ever do,’ added the
boy, in a doubtful tone; ‘but I don’t think you stand much chance if
you go on making our lives a misery with Latin grammar.’
Now that poor Mrs. Piper had laid down her load of earthly care,
Miss Scratchell restricted her visits to the Park to purely professional
limits. She entered the schoolroom punctually at nine, and she left it
as punctually at half-past one. She no longer assisted at the
children’s early dinner, a meal which Mr. Piper, when at home,
shared under the name of luncheon. Bella had a keen sense of the
proprieties, and did not care to sit down to luncheon with a
disconsolate widower, or to give Mr. Piper any opportunity to pour his
griefs into her ear, as he would fain have done very often. Mr. Piper
was of a soft and affectionate nature, and when he told his griefs to a
young woman he could not refrain from taking her hand, and even
occasionally squeezing it. This Bella could not possibly permit. She
therefore carefully avoided all conversations about the late Mrs.
Piper, and, as far as was practicable, she avoided Mr. Piper himself.
‘It seems very ’ard,’ complained the widower, ‘that the time when a
man feels lonesomest is a time for everybody to avide him. You
might as well stop, Miss Scratchell, and eat your bit of dinner with
me and the children. You won’t get lamb and sparrowgrass at home.’
‘I know I shall not,’ replied Bella; ‘but I would rather not stay, thank
you, Mr. Piper.’
‘Why not?’
‘My mother wants me at home.’
‘She can’t want you more now than she did when pore Mrs. P——
was alive. You never refused to stop then.’
‘I did not like to refuse dear Mrs. Piper, when she was an invalid,
and wanted every one’s sympathy.’
‘You’re a good-’earted girl,’ said Piper, approvingly. ‘I know what
your motive is. You think it ain’t proper to eat your bit of dinner with
me, now I’m a widower, though there’s all the children to keep you in
countenance. You think it might set the old tabbies up street talking.’
‘It certainly does not require much to do that,’ replied Bella,
smiling. ‘But I really am wanted at home, Mr. Piper, and I mustn’t
stop talking here. I am going to drink tea at the Vicarage this
‘Ah!’ sighed Air. Piper, ‘you’re a rum girl. It seems to me that
everybody wants you. I shall send you round a bundle of my early
‘Pray don’t take the trouble.’
‘Yes, I shall. It costs me about eighteen-pence a stick, so
somebody may as well have the enjoyment of it. But ’orticulture is
my ’obby.’
It must be observed that although Mr. Piper was a student of
Cobbett, and had taught himself a little Latin, he had never been
able to conquer the mysteries of his own tongue. He still spoke as
bad English as in the days when he was a factory hand, and had
never read a passage of Cobbett’s strong racy prose, or pondered
over a thesis of Bentham’s.
Bella and Beatrix were good friends still, but not such friends as
they had been a year or even six months ago. There was a restraint
on both sides. Beatrix could not have told why it was, but it seemed
to her that there was a change in herself, and a still greater change
in Bella. Bella knew very well what it was that made her
uncomfortable in Miss Harefield’s society. It was the sealed letter in
its hiding-place in Bella’s shabby old bedroom. That sealed letter
weighed like a load of iron upon Bella’s conscience when she found
herself in Beatrix’s company; and yet she was glad that she had
done this thing, if it had been the means of parting Cyril and Beatrix.
She would like to have seen them parted even more irrevocably,
so that under no circumstances could time or chance bring them
together again. She was in this temper of mind when she went to
spend the evening at the Vicarage, after her little talk with Mr. Piper
in the stone portico at the Park.
It was about a week since Sir Kenrick had made his offer and had
been rejected. He had taken a wonderful fancy to fishing for pike
after that catastrophe, and had brought home some very handsome
specimens of that ravenous tribe, for the Vicarage cook to stuff and
bake, and serve with savoury sauces for the three o’clock dinner.
‘I think I shall have to protest, like the highland gillies when they
got too much salmon, if Kenrick goes on bringing home pike in this
way,’ said Mr. Dulcimer, when the cover was lifted and the hungry-
jawed scaly monster appeared before him.
Kenrick was off in the early gray to his fishing grounds, so he and
Beatrix only met of an evening. He was very polite to her, and
evidently bore no malice. Hope was not altogether extinguished in
his breast. He had much confidence in Mrs. Dulcimer, who had said
that something must be done. Kenrick had not the faintest idea what
this inveterate match-maker meant to do, but he felt that her
friendship would stick at nothing which a clergyman’s wife might do
without peril to her soul.
‘Bella,’ said Mrs. Dulcimer after tea, ‘I want to show you the things
I’ve made for the missionary basket. You might be able to help me a
little, perhaps.’
‘I shall be delighted, dear Mrs. Dulcimer,’ answered Bella, inwardly
lamenting that it had pleased God to call her to that station of life in
which her friends always felt themselves justified in asking her to
work for them.
A young woman of fortune like Miss Harefield might be as idle or
as selfish as she pleased. Nobody ever thought of asking for
payment in kind for any favour they showed her; but everybody who
did any kindness to penniless Bella Scratchell wanted to extort
recompense for his or her civility in needlework or some sort of
‘Come up to my room and look at the things, dear,’ said Mrs.
Dulcimer; and then it occurred to Bella that her hostess had
something particular to say to her. She had heard from Cyril that day,
perhaps, or had got news of him by a side wind. Bella’s heart beat
ever so fast at the idea.
They went up to Mrs. Dulcimer’s bedroom, a large old-fashioned
chamber, with an immense four-post bedstead and flowery chintz
curtains, a muslin-draped dressing-table, adorned with a great many
china pots, and a pin-cushion that was a noteworthy feature. Mrs.
Dulcimer’s devotional books—with a great many markers in them,
looking as if they were read immensely—were arranged on either
side of the looking-glass. She used to read Taylor’s ‘Holy Living’
while Rebecca put her hair in papers of an evening. She did not read
the ‘Holy Dying.’ It seemed a great deal too soon for that.
There was a bright fire, and the chintz-covered sofa was wheeled
in front of it. Between the fire and the sofa was Mrs. Dulcimer’s work-
table, and on the table the missionary basket full of ingenious trifles,
useful or useless. Babies’ socks, muffatees, pincushions of every
shape and design, and a variety of the aggravating family of mats.
‘Bella,’ said Mrs. Dulcimer, when they were seated on the sofa, ‘I
have something particular to say to you.’
And then the Vicar’s wife told Bella her plan for marrying Kenrick
and Beatrix, and how Beatrix had refused Kenrick on account of her
attachment to his cousin.
‘Isn’t it a pity, Bella?’ she asked, after lengthily expounding all this.
‘Yes,’ answered Bella, looking thoughtful, ‘they would have suited
each other very well, I should think.’
‘Think!’ cried Mrs. Dulcimer. ‘There’s no thinking about it. They
were made for each other.’
Mrs. Dulcimer’s couples always were made for each other. It is
odd how many of them turned out misfits.
Bella was reflecting that if Beatrix were happily married to Sir
Kenrick Culverhouse, her sin about the sealed letter would weigh
less heavily on her conscience—or, indeed, need not weigh at all.
What can any one ask more than happiness? And, in the eye of the
world, Kenrick was a much more suitable husband for a young
woman of fortune than Cyril could possibly be.
‘Now I have been thinking,’ continued Mrs. Dulcimer, sinking to a
mysterious undertone, ‘that perhaps if Beatrix could be made to think
that Cyril was fickle and inconstant, and that before he left Little
Yafford he had got to care for someone else—you, for instance,’
whispered Mrs. Dulcimer, making a little stab at Bella with her
forefinger, ‘it might cure her of her foolish attachment to him. It is
ridiculous that she should go on caring for a man who doesn’t love
her, when there is a noble young fellow who does love her
passionately, and can make her Lady Culverhouse. If she could only
be made to think that Cyril was fond of you, Bella, without actual
falsehood,’ concluded Mrs. Dulcimer, with a strong emphasis upon
the qualifying adjective, as much as to say that in so good a cause
she would not mind sailing rather near the wind.
‘I’m sure I don’t know how it is to be done,’ said Bella, with a
meditative air. ‘Beatrix is so self-opinionated. It is not as if she were a
weak-minded pliable girl. She is as hard as rock.’
‘But you are so clever, Bella. You could manage anything. If I were
to say now that I always thought Cyril was very fond of you—and I
did think so for a long time, as you know, dear—and if you were to
say something that would sustain that idea. We need neither of us
tell an actual story.’
‘Of course not,’ answered Bella, piously. ‘Do you suppose I would
tell a story, dear Mrs. Dulcimer?’
‘Indeed no, my love. I know how truthful you are.’
Thus it was agreed between the Vicar’s wife and her ductile
protégée that, somehow or other, Beatrix was to be persuaded that
her lover had been doubly false to her; false in abandoning her
because evil tongues maligned her, false in preferring another
‘a smile of thine shall make my bliss.’
By what serpentine twists and windings Bella Scratchell reached the
end she had in view need not be recorded. She was by nature a
creature of many curves, and all her progress in life was devious and
indirect. Enough that she succeeded in making Beatrix Harefield
believe her lost lover false and fickle, and thus undermined the girl’s
respect for the man who had renounced her. So long as Beatrix
could believe that Cyril had sacrificed his heart’s desire to his duty as
priest and teacher, she would have continued to reverence and love
him. Present or absent, he would have remained the one central
figure in her life. From the moment she was persuaded to think him
the shallow lover of a day—or indeed, worse than this, a lover who
had been drawn to her by the lure of her wealth, and who at the
bottom of his heart had always preferred Bella’s lilies and roses—
from that moment she despised him, and concentrated all the forces
of her mind in the endeavour to forget him.
‘I will never pray for him or his work again,’ she vowed to herself,
and the vow had all the savagery of a pagan oath. ‘His name shall
never pass my lips or find a place in my heart. It shall be to me as if
such a man had never lived.’
From this time there was a marked change in her manner. It was
brighter, gayer, harder than it had been before. That mournful
resignation which had distinguished her since her father’s death
gave place to a proud indifference, a careless scorn of all things and
all men, save the few friends she liked and trusted. That disgust of
life which attacks most of us at odd times, and which sometimes
afflicts even the young, had seized upon her. All things in this world
were hateful to her. Solomon, sated with wealth and glory, could not
have felt the emptiness of earthly joys more deeply than this girl of
nineteen, whose lips had scarcely touched the cup of life. She knew
herself rich, and with all good things at her disposal—beautiful
enough to command the love of men; and yet, because that one man
whom she loved had proved false and unworthy, she turned with a
sickened soul from all that earth held of hope or pleasure. Unhappily
she had not yet learned to look higher for comfort. She was not
irreligious. She firmly believed all her Church taught her to believe,
but she had not learned, like Hezekiah, to lay her trouble before the
Lord. She locked up her grief in her own heart, as something apart
from her spiritual life; and she went on conforming outwardly to all
the duties of religion, but deriving no inward solace from her faith.
Beatrix was in this mood when Mrs. Dulcimer, delighted at Bella’s
speedy success, but opining, nevertheless, that something more
must be done, was seized with a happy idea.
‘Kenrick,’ she exclaimed at tea one evening, when Kenrick had
announced his intention of going to have one more peep at
Culverhouse Castle before he embarked on board the P. and O.
steamship that was to carry him on the first stage of his journey to
India—‘Kenrick,’ cried Mrs. Dulcimer, with an excited air, ‘I really
think it is the oddest thing in the world.’
‘What, dear Mrs. Dulcimer?’ asked Kenrick, while everybody else
looked curious.
‘Why, that after knowing you all these years, and hearing you talk
so much about Culverhouse Castle, we should never have seen it.’
‘I don’t know whom you mean by we,’ said Mr. Dulcimer, ‘but I beg
to say that I spent three weeks at Culverhouse in one of my long
vacations, and a capital time I had there. The Avon is one of the
finest salmon rivers I ever fished in.’
‘Ah, that was in Kenrick’s father’s time,’ said Mrs. Dulcimer; ‘but
though you may be perfectly quainted with the place, Clement, I
have never seen it.’
‘That is your own fault,’ exclaimed Kenrick. ‘Nothing would make
me happier than to receive you there. It would be something in the
style of the famous reception at Wolf’s Crag, perhaps, especially if it
were in the close time for salmon; but you should have a hearty
welcome, and I shouldn’t feel my position so keenly as the Master of
Ravenswood felt his.’
‘There would be no Lucy Ashton in the case,’ put in the Vicar,
‘And should we really not put you out if we came?’ asked Mrs.
‘Not the least in the world. You would have to live as plainly as
Eton boys, that is all. My housekeeper can roast a joint and boil a
potato. I think she might even manage a bit of fish, and a rhubarb
tart. We would not quite starve you, and I know you would be
charmed with the dear old place; but if you are coming you must
make up your minds very quickly. My time is up on the 24th.’
‘We could make up our minds in half an hour, if Clement would
consent,’ answered Mrs. Dulcimer, ‘It would be such a delightful
change for Beatrix. Mr. Namby has been recommending her a
change of air and scene for ever so long; and it is much too cold for
the sea-side. A week in Hampshire would do her a world of good.’
‘Pray do not think of me,’ said Beatrix, ‘I had rather go home while
you are away.’
‘I thought this was your home now, Beatrix,’ remonstrated the
‘It is the only house that has ever seemed like home,’ the heiress
answered, sadly.
‘Of course you will go with us, if we go,’ exclaimed Mrs. Dulcimer.
‘You are our adopted daughter, and we expect you to go everywhere
with us. We don’t even consult you. It is quite a matter of course. I
have set my heart on seeing Culverhouse Castle, and the visit will be
the very thing to do you good. I am sure Mr. Namby would say so if I
asked him about it. So, Clement dear, if you would let Mr. Rodger do
duty for just one Sunday, we might spend ten days at Culverhouse
very easily.’
Mr. Rodger was the new curate, a painstaking youth, with sandy
hair and a large round face like the setting sun.
Mr. Dulcimer was at first disinclined to listen to his wife’s
suggestions. The journey was long and expensive, and there
seemed to be no justifiable reason for undertaking it; but the Vicar
was an indulgent husband, and he was very fond of salmon fishing,
so the discussion ended by his giving his consent, and it was
arranged that he and the two ladies should join Sir Kenrick at the
castle two days after the young man’s arrival there.
Beatrix consented to go to Culverhouse, just as she would have
consented to go to Buxton, Harrogate, or Scarborough, if Mrs.
Dulcimer had wished her to go there. That disgust of life which had
taken possession of her, since the overthrow of her faith in Cyril, left
her indifferent to all things. She let her maid pack a portmanteau,
and get all things ready for the journey. The girl, Mary, who had
waited upon her at the Water House, had accompanied her to the
Vicarage. She was not an accomplished attendant, but she was
faithful, and Beatrix liked her.
Culverhouse Castle was six miles from a railway station; one of its
chief merits, as Kenrick asserted proudly. He was standing on the
platform when the train arrived, and received his guests with as
much enthusiasm as if he had not seen them for a year or so. He
had a carriage ready to drive them across to Culverhouse.
It was a lovely drive in the spring evening, the sun setting behind
the wooded hills, and all the soft rustic scene steeped in warm yellow
light. Culverhouse was on the edge of the New Forest, and the road
from the station to the castle went through a region of alternate
pasture and woodland. Meadows and banks were yellow with
primroses; the earliest ferns were showing their tender green; the
dog-violets shone like jewels amongst the grass; and the woods
were full of white wind-flowers that shivered at every whisper of the
April breeze. To Beatrix it all seemed very lovely. She breathed more
freely in this unknown world, where nobody had ever spoken evil of
her. There was an infinite relief in having left Little Yafford.
When Culverhouse Castle rose before them on the other side of
the river, Beatrix thought it the loveliest place she had ever seen.
The Avon widened to a smooth lake, and beyond it rose the grave
old Gothic towers, like a castle in a fairy tale. Beatrix turned to
Kenrick, with the kindest smile she had ever bestowed upon him.
‘It is a delicious old place,’ she exclaimed. ‘I cannot wonder that
you are proud of it.’
Kenrick was delighted. His face glowed with pride of race and love
for the house of his birth. They were driving through the little village
street, all the old men and women, young men and maidens, doing
them obeisance as they passed. Then they crossed the bridge and
drove under the gateway, which was a couple of centuries older than
the castle itself, and a minute later Kenrick passed into the banquet-
hall of his ancestors, with Beatrix on his arm. He had offered his arm
to Mrs. Dulcimer, but that match-making matron had bidden him take
care of Miss Harefield, so he had the happiness of leading Beatrix
across the threshold. ‘Jest as if they’d been married and he’d been
a-bringin’ she home,’ old Betsy Mopson said afterwards to her
husband, gardener and man-of-all-work. ‘Her be a rare beauty, her
Kenrick had done wonders in his two days of preparation. He had
got in a brace of apple-faced young women, from the village, one a
housemaid out of place, the other her younger sister, still on her
promotion, but ready to do anything she was bidden. The old rooms
had been furbished up. Traces of decay were still visible in every
part of the house, but dust and cobwebs had been swept away, and
a general air of freshness and purity pervaded the good old rooms.
Beatrix was enraptured with everything. She seemed to forget her
sorrows amidst these new surroundings. Her life had been spent in a
prison-house, and this first taste of liberty was sweet. After all,
perhaps, even for her, deserted and cast off by the one man she had
ever loved, life held something worth having.
Kenrick led his young guest all round the ruins next morning,
before breakfast. They were both early risers, and had found each
other in the garden before Mr. and Mrs. Dulcimer had left their
rooms. They went into the cloistered quadrangle, where the roses
flourished in summertime, and where now the wallflowers flashed
golden and ruby upon the old gray stones, with colours as vivid as
the stained glass that had once filled the place with rainbow light.
Kenrick showed Beatrix the plan of the vanished abbey—the nave
here, the transept there, the chancel and apse beyond. Everything
was indicated by stones embedded at intervals in the close-cropped
turf, where the sheep browsed happily, unconscious of the sanctified
splendour that had preceded them, the white-robed choir, and
swinging censers, the banners and jewelled crosiers that had passed
beneath the Gothic arches which had once spanned that fair
pasture. Kenrick seemed as sorry for the evanishment of the abbey
as if he had been a papist of the deepest dye.
‘It is dreadful to think that a great part of the house is built out of
the abbey stones,’ he said. ‘I sometimes wonder it doesn’t tumble on
our heads. But tradition says the monks of Culverhouse were lazy
and ignorant, and that there was only one book, an ancient treatise
upon Hunting and Fishing, found in this abode of monastic learning,
when its treasures were confiscated.’
Beatrix had explored every inch of the grounds before the long-
disused gong, which in days past had called poor lonely Lady
Culverhouse to her anchorite repasts, sounded hoarsely from the
hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dulcimer were standing in the porch, scenting the
morning air, when Kenrick and his companion went in.
‘How well the dear girl looks!’ said the Vicar’s wife; ‘the change
has done her good already. You are enjoying Culverhouse, are you
not, Beatrix?’
‘I am very glad to be away from Little Yafford,’ Beatrix answered,
‘In that case you ought never to go back,’ said Kenrick.
‘What a selfish remark!’ exclaimed Mrs. Dulcimer, hypocritically.
‘How do you suppose I am to exist without Beatrix, after having had
her as my adopted daughter for the last three months?’
‘What do you think of the weather for salmon-fishing?’ asked the
Vicar, contemplating the bright blue sky with a discontented look that
was hardly becoming in a Christian. ‘We could do with a little more
cloud, couldn’t we, Ken? But, as time is short, we must make the
best of things. I shall expect you to set off with me directly after
‘I shall be delighted,’ answered Kenrick; but he did not mean to
give up his day to salmon-fishing.
He contrived to set the Vicar going, in a spot where there was
every chance of good sport, and then, under the pretence of having
orders to give about the dinner, ran home across the low-lying water
meadows like a boy let loose from school. He found Mrs. Dulcimer
expounding the chief features of the mansion—which she had never
seen before—to Beatrix, while Betty Mopson stood by in attendance
upon them, and made a running commentary, in a Hampshire
dialect, which was like a foreign language to the strangers from the
‘Hah! Lady Culverhouse wur a good ’ooman,’ said Mrs. Mopson.
‘Thur bean’t many like she. This be the room where hur died. Her
wur a rale lady. And Sir Kenrick, him takes after she.’
Kenrick came in time to hear his praises. He sent Betty back to her
‘We shall not get a decent luncheon if you waste all your morning
chattering here, Betty,’ he said, and Betty departed, grinning and
ducking, and with a fixed idea that the young lady with the dark
‘haiyur,’ was to be the next Lady Culverhouse.
Kenrick spent a happy day in attendance upon the two ladies. He
forgot everything, in the intoxicating delight of the present, forgot that
this holiday in life was to be of the briefest, and that a fortnight hence
he was to be tossing off Gibraltar in a Peninsular and Oriental
steamer. Beatrix seemed happy also, or, at least, she appeared to be
in a condition of placid contentment which was not unpromising.
The Vicar was successful with his rod, and came home radiant.
Betty Mopson had surpassed herself in the preparation of a
substantial English dinner. Everything went smoothly and well with
Sir Kenrick.
Next day he carried off his guests to see some of the lions of the
neighbourhood—a fine old abbey church sorely neglected—a castle

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