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Coaching Plan for Improving Order Taking Skills

Situation Overview:

The new waiter at lunchtime is facing challenges in clearly specifying and writing food orders, leading
to kitchen confusion, slow service, incorrect meals, guest dissatisfaction, and loss of product. Despite
excelling in other areas, this issue requires immediate coaching intervention.

Coaching Objectives:

1.Improve Clarity:
Ensure the waiter clearly specifles dishes and provides detailed order information.

2.Enhance Communication:
Facilitate effective communication between the waiter and the kitchen staff for accurate order

3.Increase Efficiency:
Streamline the order-taking process to minimize delays and errors in service.

Coaching Approach:

1.**Positive Reinforcement:**

- Acknowledge the waiter's strengths and positive attributes in customer service,

appearance, menu knowledge, and technical skills.
2.Constructive Feedback:

Provide speciflc examples of incomplete or unclear orders and their impact on service and guest

3.Skill Development:

- Offer training on effective order taking, including techniques for writing clear and precise

4. Role-Playing:

- Conduct role-playing scenarios to practice order taking and communication with the kitchen.

5.Feedback Loop:

- Establish a system for ongoing feedback and performance review to monitor improvements.

6. Follow-Up:

- Set measurable goals and timelines for progress evaluation.

- Schedule periodic check-ins to assess improvements and provide support.

Proposed Meeting Agenda:

1.Recognition of Strengths:

- Commend the waiter on their positive attributes and contributions to the team.
2.Identiflcation of Concern:
- Discuss the observed issues in order taking and its impact on service.

3.Training Session:

- Provide guidance on improving order clarity and communication with the kitchen.

4. Practice Exercises:

- Engage in role-playing activities to reflne order-taking skills.

5.Feedback and Support:

- Offer constructive feedback and support to facilitate skill development.

6. Goal Setting:

- Collaboratively set achievable goals and milestones for improvement.

Through personalized coaching and targeted skill development, we aim to enhance the new waiter's
order taking abilities, streamline service operations, and ensure guest satisfaction. This coaching
intervention will not only beneflt the individual but also elevate the overall efficiency and
performance of the team.

Coaching Plan for Napkin Folding

Situation Overview:

One of the waiters at The Righteous Room needs coaching on napkin folding for the standard evening
meal service. The current napkin folding technique
appears inconsistent, poorly executed, and time-consuming, impacting the overall ambiance of the
restaurant and guest experience. Despite this challenge, the waiter demonstrates competence in
service quality, sales, and guest interactions.

Coaching Objectives:

1.Improve Napkin Folding Technique:

- Teach the waiter the Bishop's Hat fold and ensure consistency and neatness in napkin

2.Increase Efficiency:

- Enhance the waiter's speed in napkin folding to align with the standard set by other staff

3.Enhance Table Setting:

- Elevate the appearance of table settings through well-folded and presentable


Coaching Approach:

1.Positive Reinforcement:

- Recognize the waiter's strengths in customer service, upselling, and rapport with guests and

2.Demonstration and Practice:

- Provide hands-on training on the Bishop's Hat napkin fold technique.

3.Time Management Skills:

- Offer tips and techniques to improve speed and efficiency in napkin folding.

4. Quality Control:

- Establish quality standards for napkin folding and provide feedback for improvement.

5.Role of Napkin Presentation:

- Explain the importance of table aesthetics in enhancing guest experience and restaurant

6. Feedback and Support:

- Offer ongoing feedback, encouragement, and support as the waiter reflnes their napkin
folding skills.

Proposed Coaching Session:

1.Recognition of Positive Attributes:

- Acknowledge the waiter's strengths in service, sales, and guest relations.

2.Identiflcation of Improvement Area:

- Address the observed issues in napkin folding and its impact on table presentation and
guest experience.

3.Training on Bishop's Hat Fold:

- Demonstrate and guide the waiter through the proper technique for
the Bishop's Hat napkin fold.

4. Speed and Efficiency Training:

- Provide tips and practice exercises to improve speed in napkin folding.

5.Practice Session:

- Engage in hands-on practice sessions to reflne napkin folding skills following the Bishop's Hat

6. Feedback and Progress Monitoring:

- Provide constructive feedback on napkin presentation and monitor progress over time.

Through focused coaching and skill development, we aim to enhance the waiter's napkin folding
technique, efficiency, and attention to detail. By improving the visual appeal of table settings, we
can elevate the overall dining experience for guests and maintain the high standards of The
Righteous Room at The Righteous Inn.

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