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Advances in heat transfer 52 1st Edition

J P Abraham J M Gorman W J
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Numerical Simulation of Heat Exchangers: Advances in

Numerical Heat Transfer Volume V 1st Edition Abraham

Eternal The Queen s Alpha 1 1st Edition W J May May W J

Design and Applications of Nanoparticles in Biomedical

Imaging 1st Edition J W M Bulte

Turning Up The Heat Miami Heat 3 1st Edition J Margot

Idealist Ethics 1st Edition W. J. Mander

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 1st Edition Pedro

J. Pérez

Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult 2nd Edition

Garrett J. Deweese & J. P. Moreland

Lassoing My Neighbor 1st Edition J P Comeau

International Economics Theory and Policy 11th Edition

P R Krugman M Obsteld M J Melitz
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First edition 2020

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List of contributors

J.P. Abraham
University of St. Thomas, School of Engineering, St. Paul, MN, United States
A. Andreozzi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli,
Filippo de Monte
Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of
L’Aquila, L’Aquila, AQ, Italy
Zhipeng Duan
School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University,
Beijing, China
J.M. Gorman
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
P. Alex Greaney
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California Riverside—Riverside,
Riverside, CA, United States
A. Haji-Sheikh
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, TX, United States
Jackson R. Harter
Reactor Physics Analysis, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, United States
M. Iasiello
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli,
Erfan Kosari
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside, CA, United States
Hao Ma
School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University,
Beijing, China
W.J. Minkowycz
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL, United States
Todd S. Palmer
School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR,
United States

x List of contributors

Matthew Regnier
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
C. Tucci
Dipartimento di Medicina Traslazionale, Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso,
Kambiz Vafai
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside, CA, United States
Tie Wei
Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
Socorro, NM, United States

Analyses of buoyancy-driven
Tie Wei*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro,
NM, United States
*Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 2
2. Prediction of Nusselt number 6
2.1 Lessons from forced convection 12
3. Governing equations 14
3.1 Reynolds averaged equations for the mean flow and heat transport 15
3.2 Laminar DHVC solution 18
4. Dimensional analysis of buoyancy-driven convection 20
4.1 Dimensional analysis of laminar DHVC 21
4.2 Dimensional analysis of turbulent DHVC 23
5. Review of scaling patch approach 27
5.1 Layer structure of turbulent channel flow 31
5.2 Steps in scaling patch approach 33
6. Scaling analysis of laminar DHVC 44
7. Scaling analysis of the mean momentum equation in turbulent DHVC 48
7.1 Layer structure of the mean momentum balance equation 48
7.2 Properties of the Reynolds shear stress 51
7.3 Outer scaling of the mean momentum equation 53
7.4 Inner scaling of the mean momentum equation 59
7.5 Meso scaling of the mean momentum equation 62
8. Scaling analysis of the mean heat equation 67
8.1 Layer structure of the mean heat equation 68
8.2 Properties of the turbulent temperature flux Rwθ 70
8.3 Outer scaling of the mean heat equation 71
8.4 Inner scaling of the mean heat equation 75
8.5 Scaling patches in the mean heat equation 78
9. New prediction of Nusselt number 82
10. Summary and conclusions 86
Acknowledgments 89
References 89

Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 52 # 2020 Elsevier Inc. 1

ISSN 0065-2717 All rights reserved.
2 Tie Wei

This article investigates the multilayer structure of turbulent flow and heat transport in
buoyancy-driven convection, and in particular, introduces a relatively new scaling patch
approach. A differentially heated vertical channel (DHVC) is used as an example of
buoyancy-driven convection, and its multilayer structure is first qualitatively investi-
gated by dimensional analysis. In the near-wall region of turbulent DHVC, flow and heat
transport is strongly influenced by the molecular diffusion, and the kinematic viscosity
and thermal diffusivity are important control parameters in the dimensional analysis.
Flow and heat transport in the inner layer is controlled by two nondimensional num-
bers: the Prandtl number of the fluid and an inner Richardson number. Away from the
wall, flow and heat transport are dominated by eddy motions, largely independent of
molecular diffusion. The controlling nondimensional parameter in the outer layer of tur-
bulent DHVC is an outer Richardson number. The multilayer structure in turbulent DHVC
is then elucidated quantitatively by the scaling patch analysis. Based on the character-
istics of force balance, the mean momentum equation is divided into three layers: an
inner layer, a meso layer, and an outer layer. The inner and outer Richardson numbers,
derived from the dimensional analysis, appear naturally in the properly scaled mean
momentum equation. Another nondimensional number that appears naturally from
the scaling patch analysis is the friction Reynolds number. The characteristic length scale
in the inner layer is directly influenced by the friction Reynolds number, distinctively
different from that in forced convection. The characteristic length scale in the meso
layer is an Obukhov-style length scale. The mean heat equation can also be divided into
multiple layers. In fact, an inherent hierarchy of layer structure (scaling patches) is rev-
ealed through a simple transformation of the turbulent temperature flux. A new predic-
tion of the Nusselt number is developed based on the insight gained from the
dimensional analysis and scaling patch analysis. The new prediction is directly con-
nected to the multilayer structure of heat transport in turbulent DHVC and is fundamen-
tally different from the traditional power-law correlations.

1. Introduction
A cornerstone in the study of turbulence is the recognition that the
dynamics of turbulent flow and scalar transport operate on a great many
space and time scales (see, e.g., Monin and Yaglom [1], Tennekes and
Lumley [2]). A better understanding of the multiscale structure of turbulence
is critical in improving our predictive capabilities of turbulence, i.e., predic-
tion of skin friction and heat transport rate. Two powerful tools to uncover
the multiscale nature of turbulence are dimensional analysis and scaling anal-
ysis. This article applies these tools to elucidate the multilayer structure of
turbulent buoyancy-driven convection. In particular, one aim of this article
is to introduce a relatively new scaling approach to buoyancy-driven con-
vection. The new approach, based on the “search of scaling patches,” was
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 3

originally developed for forced wall-bounded turbulence such as shear-

driven turbulent flow over a flat plate or pressure-driven turbulent pipe
and channel flow, in a series of papers by Fife, Klewicki, McMurtry,
Wei, and coworkers [3–17]. Some concepts and ideas in the scaling patch
approach are similar to previous scaling approaches, however, the logical
trains of thought in the new approach are distinctly different.
Generally speaking, a fluid expands when being heated, resulting in a
density decrease. Density inhomogeneity can also be generated from the
mixing of fluids with different densities. In the presence of a gravitational
field, there is a net force that pushes upward a light fluid surrounded by a
heavier fluid, and this upward force is called the buoyancy force. The buoy-
ancy force gives rise to the ascending of the lighter fluid and descending of
the heavier fluid. The bulk fluid motion induced by the buoyancy force is
commonly called buoyancy-driven convection. If the fluid motion is driven
solely by buoyancy, the convection is also called natural convection or free
convection. If the fluid motion is driven by both buoyancy and shear or
pressure, the convection is called mixed convection.
Buoyancy-driven convections are encountered in a variety of natural
phenomena and industry applications. Examples include atmospheric and
oceanic convection, space heating and cooling, smoke and fire spreading,
nuclear reactor containment, and solar collectors. There have been an enor-
mous amount of studies about the effects of buoyancy on flow and heat (or
mass) transport. It is impossible to give in one article an exhaustive review of
buoyancy-driven flow and heat transport, which can be found in books
devoted to the subject, e.g. by Turner [18], Jaluria [19], Gebhart et al.
[20], Kakac et al. [21], Martynenko and Khramtsov[22], and Verman [23].
How buoyancy affects the flow and heat or mass transport is of important
practical interest, and is also of great theoretical interest. To this day, there
are still no reliable tools for predicting the heat or mass transfer coefficient in
buoyancy-driven turbulence [24]. One of the earliest studies of turbulent
flow affected by buoyancy is about the convective atmospheric boundary
layer (ABL) by Taylor [25] and Schmidt [26]. A key quantity in the under-
standing and prediction of stratified ABL is the vertical transport of momen-
tum, water vapor, sensible heat, or heat in latent form [27]. One of the
landmarks in the development of our understanding of atmospheric turbu-
lence was the formation of the concept of the Austausch coefficient by
Schmidt and Taylor. The idea was built on the knowledge of pressure-
or shear-driven wall turbulence developed by Prandtl et al. [27]. While rea-
sonable for shear dominated turbulence, the concept of eddy viscosity based
4 Tie Wei

on local properties becomes meaningless when the buoyancy effect is

strong, e.g., in convective atmospheric boundary layer [28]. A better under-
standing of the underlying physics in buoyancy-driven turbulence is critical
in developing more robust models.
To understand the essential physics of buoyancy-driven turbulence,
convection with simple geometry is typically used in physical experiments
or numerical simulations. Two buoyancy-driven convections with simple
geometry are illustrated in Fig 1: differentially heated vertical channel
(DHVC) and Rayleigh-Benard convection (RBC). In both cases, flow
and heat transport occurs between two parallel plates, which are maintained
at different temperatures. In DHVC, the temperature gradient is perpendic-
ular to the gravity, but in RBC, the temperature gradient is aligned with the
gravity. In DHVC, hotter fluid ascends along the hot plate side, and at the
same time, colder fluid descends along the cold plate side. In turbulent
RBC, a prominent feature is the rising up of hot fluid as plumes and falling
down of cold fluid as inverted plumes.
RBC has been extensively studied in physical laboratories for more than
one hundred years. During the past thirty years, numerical simulation, espe-
cially direct numerical simulation (DNS), has become an important tool in
the study of turbulent flows, including buoyancy-driven convection, RBC

Fig. 1 Canonical configurations of buoyancy-driven convection. (A) Differentially

heated vertical channel (DHVC). The hotter fluid rises up on the left side, and the colder
fluid descends on the right side. (B) Rayleigh–Benard convection. The mean flow is zero
and the mean temperature is antisymmetric about the mid-plane. Θ ¼ T hot  T is the
mean transformed temperature.
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 5

and DHVC. Analysis of turbulent quantities, especially those involved

derivatives, are often only feasible with DNS data, due to the accuracy
and resolution requirement.
In the interests of simplicity and clarity, buoyancy-driven DHVC is cho-
sen as an example to introduce the newly developed scaling patch approach,
but the approach can be readily adapted to other buoyancy-driven con-
vection. DHVC is an interesting buoyancy-driven convection to test tools
and concepts developed originally for forced convection. In turbulent
DHVC, flow is driven by buoyancy, but the turbulent kinetic energy is
produced by two mechanisms: shear-generation and buoyancy-generation
[29]. From a practical point of view, a better understanding of DHVC can
help our prediction of heat transfer from a hot or cold vertical wall, as in the
heating or cooling of building spaces. Last, DHVC is selected because there
have been direct numerical simulation (DNS) data from three independent
studies by Versteegh [30], Kiš [31], and Ng [32]. As in the analysis of forced
wall turbulence [3], high-quality DNS data are essential in the application
and evaluation of the scaling patch approach.
More details on DHVC were given in dissertations by Versteegh [30],
Kiš [31], and Ng [32]. Here, only a brief review of previous studies on tur-
bulent DHVC is provided. One of the earliest studies of buoyancy-driven
turbulence next to a vertical plate was by George and Capp [33]. They used
classical scaling arguments and proposed a three-layer structure of buoyancy-
driven turbulence: an inner layer adjacent to the solid wall, an outer layer
away from the wall, and a buoyant sublayer in between. Applying an asymp-
totic matching approach, they proposed a power-law variation of the mean
velocity profile and mean temperature profile in the buoyant sublayer. Their
scaling analysis also leads to an explicit relationship between the Nusselt
number and the Rayleigh number.
Some of the early numerical simulations of buoyancy-driven convec-
tion in a vertical slot were by Phillips [34] and Boudjemadi et al. [35]. Due
to the limit of computing power, early DNS typically used a small computa-
tional domain. The first benchmark DNS study of DHVC was by Versteegh
[30,36], who used a large domain of 24  12  2 (Lx  Ly  Lz). Using the
simulation data, they investigated the scaling behavior of the mean temper-
ature, the mean velocity profile, and the profiles of various turbulence
Kiš [31,37] performed direct numerical simulations of DHVC over a
wider range of Rayleigh number on a large computation domain of 24 
12  2. The effect of domain size, spatial resolution, time-averaging period,
6 Tie Wei

and error analysis was examined in detail. Budgets for Reynolds stress and
turbulent heat flux were documented, and entropy generation was also
Ng and coworkers [32,38–41] have performed the highest Rayleigh
number simulation of DHVC so far. They used the simulation data to
explore the scaling of the flow and heat transport, the structures of the flow
field, and the spectral properties of the turbulence.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section 2, the current
strategy in the prediction of Nusselt number is reviewed, and its shortcom-
ing is pointed out. In Section 3, governing equations for flow and heat
transport are presented. In Section 4, dimensional analysis is applied to both
the laminar DHVC and turbulent DHVC. In Section 5, the scaling patch
approach is reviewed and demonstrated using a pressure-driven turbulent
channel flow. In Section 6, scaling analysis is applied to laminar DHVC.
In Section 7, the scaling patch analysis is applied to the mean momentum
balance equation in turbulent DHVC. In Section 8, the scaling patch analysis
is applied to the mean heat equation in turbulent DHVC. In Section 9, a
new prediction of Nusselt number is proposed. Section 10 summarizes
the article.

2. Prediction of Nusselt number

A centerpiece in many studies of convection, forced or buoyancy-
driven, is the prediction of heat transport rate. The prediction of flow
and heat transport often starts with a dimensional analysis [42]. The first step
in dimensional analysis is to identify parameters that affect the quantity being
predicted. In buoyancy-driven convection, DHVC, or RBC, the conven-
tionally used control parameters are listed in Table 1.
There are a total of nine control parameters, and three primary dimen-
sions are entailed: length L, time t, and temperature T. Following the
Buckingham-Pi theorem [43], flow and heat transport in DHVC or
RBC are governed by six nondimensional numbers. For example,
selecting ΔT, ν, and Lz (the domain size in the direction of temperature
gradient) as the repeating variables, the following six nondimensional
numbers are found accordingly
Π1 ¼ Πα ¼ ¼ Pr; (1a)
Π2 ¼ Πβ ¼ β ΔT ; (1b)
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 7

Table 1 Parameters that affect flow and heat transport in buoyancy-driven convection.

Material ν Kinematic viscosity [L2/t]

α Thermal diffusivity [L2/t]
β Thermal expansion coefficient [1/T]
Force g Gravitational acceleration [L/t2]
Thermal BC ΔT Temperature difference [T]
Geometry ∡ !
Angle between the temperature gradient and g [1]
Lx, Ly, Lz Domain size [L]
The last column lists the primary dimensions of the parameters: length L, time t, and temperature T.

g L 3z
Π3 ¼ Πg ¼ ; (1c)
Π4 ¼ Π∡ ¼ ∡; (1d)
Π5 ¼ Πx ¼ x ¼ Γ x ; (1e)
Π6 ¼ Πy ¼ ¼ Γy , (1f)
where Π1 is the ratio between the kinematic viscosity and thermal diffusiv-
ity, called the Prandtl number. For the ideal configurations of DHVC and
RBC within infinite parallel plates, the aspect ratios are Γx ≫ 1 and Γy ≫ 1.
The angle between the temperature gradient and the gravitational accel-
eration is ∡ ¼ π=2 for DHVC and ∡ ¼ 0 for RBC. Thus, three non-
dimensional control parameters remain for DHVC or RBC: Π1 ¼ Pr,
Π2 ¼ β ΔT, and Π3 ¼ g L 3z =ν2 .
In traditional analyses of buoyancy-driven convection, the non-
dimensional numbers Π2 and Π3 are combined to form a Grashof number
(the justification is given in Section 4). In this article, the Grashof number
is defined using the channel half-width δ and the temperature difference
between the wall and channel mid-plane Θmp ¼ 0.5ΔT as

def gβΘmp δ3 1 gβΔT ð2δÞ

Gr ¼ ¼ : (2)
ν2 16 ν2
The reason for using δ and Θmp is that the multilayer structures of flow and
heat transport in DHVC or RBC are symmetrical about the channel
8 Tie Wei

mid-plane. Such a defined Grashof number is compatible with the friction

Reynolds number used in pressure-driven wall-bounded turbulence
through a pipe or channel Reτ ¼ δuτ =ν, where δ is the channel half-width
or pipe radius and uτ is the friction velocity [3]. The traditional Grashof
number is defined using the channel whole width Lz ¼ 2δ and the tem-
perature difference across the whole channel ΔT ¼ 2Θmp. Thus, the pres-
ently defined Grashof number is 1/16 of the traditionally defined Grashof
Traditionally, Grashof number is interpreted as a ratio between the
buoyancy force and the viscous force [44]. However, Grashof number
can also be related to the ratio of length scales by rearranging as follows
Gr1=3 ¼ : (3)
ðν2 =gβΘ mp Þ

Thus, one-third power of Grashof number can be interpreted as the ratio of

the channel half-width to a “viscous length scale” defined as (ν2/gβΘmp)1/3.
In the study of buoyancy-driven convection, a popular nondimensional
number is the Rayleigh number defined as

def gβΘmp δ3
Ra ¼ ¼ Gr Pr: (4)
One of the most important quantities in the study of convection is the heat
transport rate. A commonly used nondimensional number for heat transport
efficiency is the Nusselt number, which is defined as the ratio between the
convective transport rate and conductive transport rate:

def qt
Nu ¼ Θ ¼ Θ dz wall
, (5)
mp mp
δ δ
where qt ¼ Qwall =ρref c p ¼ αdΘ=dzjwall is the temperature flux at the wall,
Qwall is the wall heat flux, ρref is the fluid density, and cp is the heat capacity.
Mathematically, Nusselt number can be interpreted as a normalized second
kind boundary condition [44], i.e., the temperature gradient at the wall nor-
malized by a temperature scale Θmp and a length scale δ.
Accurate prediction of the Nusselt number is of great importance for
engineering applications. Based on the dimensional analysis, it is obvious
that Nusselt number in DHVC or RBC is a function of the Prandtl number
of the fluid and the Rayleigh number:
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 9

Nu ¼ f ðPr, RaÞ: (6)

Historically, power-law is often used to correlate the Nusselt number with

the Rayleigh number and Prandtl number as

Nu  C Prn Ram : (7)

While experimental measurements of Nusselt number for DHVC are scant,

abundant experimental measurements of Nusselt number are available for
RBC. Hence, we will use the Nusselt number prediction in RBC to illus-
trate the current strategy of predicting the Nusselt number for buoyancy-
driven convection. Fig. 2 presents the Nusselt number data for RBC over
a wide range of Rayleigh numbers. Numerous correlations have been pro-
posed for the Nusselt number in RBC, and Table 2 lists just a few of them.
Nearly all the correlations used a power-law for the Rayleigh number
dependence as Ram. However, a long-standing, still heated debated, issue
in the study of RBC is the value of the exponent m.
In the 1950s, Malkus [45] analyzed turbulent RBC in terms of marginal
stability of the mean flow and derived an exponent of m ¼ 1/3. The work
was further developed by Howard [46]. In the 1960s, Kraichnan [47] refined

Fig. 2 Nusselt number vs Rayleigh number in Rayleigh–B enard convection. Inset shows
the trend at ultra-high Rayleigh numbers. Data of helium (U) are from experimental
measurement Urban et al. [50]. Data of helium (N) are from the experimental measure-
ment Niemela and Sreenivasan [51]. Data of water and silicone oil AK3 are from exper-
imental measurement of Silveston [52].
10 Tie Wei

Table 2 Examples of correlations for Nusselt number in RBC.

Year Researchers Fluids Correlations
1959 Globe and Dropkin [53] Any fluids Nu ¼ 0.069 Ra0.33 Pr0.074
1969 Rossby [54] Mercury Nu ¼ 0.147 Ra0.257
1975 Threlfall [55] Helium Nu ¼ 0.173 Ra0.28
1989 Castaing et al. [48] Helium Nu ¼ 0.23 Ra0.282
1996 Takeshita et al. [56] Mercury Nu ¼ 0.155 Ra0.27
The applicable Rayleigh number ranges of the correlations are referred to the original papers.
More discussions on the correlations can be found in Ahlers et al. [57].

the similarity theory to include a double boundary layer. One interesting

result of his analysis is that at ultra-high Rayleigh number (say Ra ≳ 1018 ),
the exponent m will be larger than 1/3, because of the interaction of the
boundary layer with a horizontal fluctuating wind. Based on cryogenic
helium gas data over a wide range of Rayleigh numbers, Castaing et al.
[48] observed that the exponent is smaller than m ¼ 1/3. Moreover, they
developed a new scaling theory and suggested an exponent of m ¼ 2/7.
A more recent, and currently very popular model of RBC has been developed
by Grossmann and Lohse [49]. The model is built on a theoretical analysis of
the dissipation rate in both the boundary layer and the well-mixed core layer.
Depending on the ratio of the dissipation rate, the model provides a set of scal-
ing relations between the Nusselt number and Rayleigh number, Prandtl
number, and aspect ratio of the RBC cell.
The difference in the exponent, for example, m ¼ 1/3 vs m ¼ 2/7, can
lead to significant difference in the prediction of Nusselt number, up to a
factor of 10 at Ra  1025, as shown in the inset of Fig. 2. To better diagnose
the existence of a power law, it is common to plot the so-called compensated
Nusselt number as Nu Ram vs the Rayleigh number, as shown in Fig. 3.
The compensated Nusselt number with an exponent m ¼ 2/7 is shown in
Fig. 3A, and a constant region is observed for traditional Rayleigh numbers
between 105 and 1010. However, this compensated Nusselt number mono-
tonically increases for Rayleigh number larger than 1010. For the exponent of
m ¼ 1/3, the constant region of the compensated Nusselt number is at higher
Rayleigh numbers between 1010 and 1014, as shown in Fig. 3B. However,
the trend at ultra-high Rayleigh number (> 1014) is not clear presently.
Nevertheless, Fig. 3 shows that the dependence of Nusselt number on the
Rayleigh number in RBC can be approximated by a power-law, but over
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 11


Fig. 3 Compensated Nusselt number vs Rayleigh number in RBC. (A) Nu Ra2/7 vs Ra.
(B) Nu Ra1/3 vs Ra.


Fig. 4 Nusselt number in DHVC. (A) Nusselt number vs Rayleigh number.

(B) Compensated Nusselt number vs Rayleigh number.

a limited range of Rayleigh number, and the exponent varies with the
Rayleigh number. The nonconstancy of the exponent m in the power-
law prediction of Nusselt number is not just a nuisance in engineering appli-
cation, but, more importantly, it reflects an inherent drawback of the
power-law prediction: it lacks a connection to the underlying physics in
buoyancy-driven convection, i.e., the multilayer structure of turbulent flow
and heat transport.
For DHVC, the Nusselt number data are mainly from direct numerical
simulations. Fig. 4A presents the Nusselt number data vs Rayleigh number in
the turbulent DHVC regime. Like other buoyancy-driven convection,
power-law correlations are also popular in predicting the Nusselt number
in DHVC, as listed in Table 3. Compared with the RBC case, the Rayleigh
number range of DHVC data is much more limited. Curve-fitting within a
limited range of Rayleigh numbers can almost always produce a power-law
12 Tie Wei

Table 3 Correlations for Nusselt number in DHVC.

Year Researchers Correlations
1979 George and Capp Nu ¼ 0.059(Pr Ra)1/3
1998 Versteegh and Nieuwstadt Nu ¼ 0.071(Pr Ra)1/3
2007 Balaji, Holling and Herwig Nu ¼
½0:101 lnðRaÞ+6:30634=3

2012 Kiš and Herwig Nu ¼ 0.186(Pr Ra)1/3.2

2014 Ng, Chuang and Ooi Nu ¼ 0.046(Pr Ra)1/3

correlation, as shown in Fig. 4A. The deviation between the data and
the power-law function seems small in Fig. 4A. However, when the com-
pensated Nusselt number is plotted, a systematic deviation is noticeable
in Fig. 4B as the Rayleigh increases, similar to the RBC case shown
in Fig. 3.
One goal of this article is to advocate that it is time to move beyond the
power-law prediction of Nusselt number in buoyancy-driven convection
using Eq. (7). In forced convection, the prediction of Nusselt number with
power-law correlation has long been superseded by more accurate equations
that were built on the underlying physics of heat transfer.

2.1 Lessons from forced convection

Power-law correlations with Reynolds number and Prandtl number were
popular in predicting Nusselt number in early studies of forced convection.
For example, for heat transfer (treated as passive scalar) through a turbulent
pipe flow, one of the earliest correlations is the well-known Dittus–Boelter
equation developed in the 1930s (see, e.g., [58–62])

Nu  0:023 Pr0:4 Re0:8

b , (8)

where Reb is the bulk Reynolds number defined by the diameter of the pipe
and the bulk mean velocity. The Dittus–Boelter equation can be found in
many textbooks on heat transfer, e.g., [44]. Now, it is generally agreed that
such power-law prediction is not accurate over a wide range of Reynolds
numbers, in particular at high Reynolds numbers. More accurate predictions
that are commonly used nowadays are the Petukhov equation [63] and the
Gnielinski equation [64]:
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 13

ðReb  1000ÞPr
Nu  8 rffiffiffiffi ; Petukhov equation (9a)
f 2=3
1 + 12:7 ðPr  1Þ
" #
 23  0:11
ðReb  1000Þ Pr d Pr
Nu  8 rffiffiffi 1+ , Gnielinski equation
f L Prw
1 + 12:7 ðPr  1Þ
where f is the friction coefficient. The Reynolds number and Prandtl num-
ber ranges for the validity of these equations can be found in standard heat
transfer textbooks, e.g., Ref. [44].
Recently, Wei [65] and Wei and Abraham [66] showed that the Kader–
Yaglom style equation [67] gives an excellent prediction of Nusselt number,
over a wide range of Prandtl number and Reynolds numbers. The Kader–
Yaglom style equation is presented as (see [65,66])
2Pr Reτ 2PrReτ
Nu ≡  , (10)
+ 1
lnðPr Reτ Þ + Bθ,m
where Reτ is the friction Reynolds number defined using the channel half-
width or pipe radius, Θ+mix is the mixed temperature scaled by the friction
It is known that the mean temperature in forced wall-bounded turbulence
can be robustly approximated by a logarithmic function, except in the near-
wall region and a small, and bounded, deviation in the core of the pipe [1].
The thermal “log-law” is analogous to the well-known “log-law” for the
mean velocity that was found in the 1930s (see, e.g., Monin and Yaglom
[1]). More importantly, the log-law approximation for the mean velocity dis-
tribution has been reliably and robustly observed in the high Reynolds num-
ber experiments such as Princeton Superpipe experiments [68–70].
The logarithmic function in the Kader–Yaglom style Eq. (10) is directly
related to the “log-layer” for the mean temperature distribution. The func-
tion Bθ,m represents the temperature increments in the thermal diffusion
sublayer, and the deviation in the core (outer layer) [65,66]. The effect of
the Prandtl number in the near-wall region is also accounted for in Bθ,m.
Thus, the Kader–Yaglom style equation is directly built on the multilayer
structure of mean
14 Tie Wei

In Section 9, a new prediction of the Nusselt number in buoyancy-

driven convection, similar to the Kader–Yaglom style equation, is devel-
oped. The new prediction equation is also directly built on the multilayer
structure of mean temperature in buoyancy-driven turbulence.

3. Governing equations
For most buoyancy-driven convection, the velocity of bulk motion is
sufficiently small, and the governing equations can be approximated by the
Boussinesq–Oberbeck equations [1]. In the Boussinesq–Oberbeck approx-
imation, the fluid is assumed to be incompressible, and the density variation
is negligible except in the buoyancy term [1]. The governing equations for
the instantaneous flow and heat transfer in the Cartesian coordinate systems
can be written as follows [1]

¼ 0; (11a)
ui ∂ðe
uj uei Þ ∂2 uei ∂ pe
+ ¼ν  + gi ; (11b)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂x j ∂xi ρref
∂θe ∂ðe e
uj θÞ ∂2 θe
+ ¼α : (11c)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
In this article, the instantaneous flow or heat variable is denoted by a tilde.
For example, uei is the instantaneous velocity in the i direction, and θe is the
instantaneous modified temperature defined as the difference between the
mean wall temperature Twall and the instantaneous temperature T e : θe def
T wall  T . gi is the component of the body force in the i direction.
Eq. (11a) is the continuity equation, Eqs. (11b) are the well-known
Navier-Stokes equation for the momentums in three directions, and Eq.
(11c) is the energy or heat equation. One fluid property, the kinematic vis-
cosity ν, appears in the momentum equations (11b), and another fluid prop-
erty, thermal diffusivity α appears in the heat equation (11c). In this article, the
material properties are assumed constant, and the variability of viscosity, ther-
mal diffusivity, or non-Boussinesq effects are not considered [71–74].
The coordinate system is set up that z is in the wall-normal direction. For
wall-bounded flow and heat transport, no-slip boundary conditions are
applied for the instantaneous velocity and temperature as uei jz¼0 ¼ 0 and
θjz¼0 ¼ 0 [1].
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 15

3.1 Reynolds averaged equations for the mean flow and heat
General solutions to the instantaneous governing Eq. (11) lie beyond the
scope of existing methods. Moreover, in practical applications, the knowl-
edge of the instantaneous flow field is too cumbersome and is often not nec-
essary. Instead, we are mainly interested in the mean flow and scalar transport
properties, for example, the mean skin friction, the mean heat transfer rate,
and sometimes the average of the fluctuation level. Reynolds averaging pro-
vides an extremely common framework for studying the mean flow and sca-
lar transport [1]. It is a shortcut and erases a wealth of details about the fluid
motions being studied.
Conceptually, Reynolds averaging is ensemble averaging over a large
number of realizations of the flows under nominally the same boundary con-
ditions and initial conditions [1]. The Reynolds averaging decomposes an
instantaneous flow or heat variable into a mean component and a fluctuation
component. For example, the instantaneous velocity is decomposed as
uei ¼ U i + ui : (12)
Here, an upper case letter denotes a mean flow or heat variable, and a lower
case letter denotes its fluctuation. Similarly the instantaneous temperature is
decomposed as θe ¼ Θ + θ, where Θ is the mean temperature and θ is the
temperature fluctuation.
In an experimental or numerical study of statistically steady turbulence, a
more practical averaging is obtained by time averaging. Moreover, for tur-
bulence possessing statistically spatial homogeneity, the averaging is also
applied spatially over the homogeneous plane. For example, in turbulent
DHVC, mean flow and temperature vary only in the wall-normal z direction,
and are homogeneous in the vertical x–y plane. Therefore, the experimental
or simulation data of turbulent DHVC are both time-averaged and spatial
averaged in the x–y plane. The averaged governing equations for the mean
heat transport and mean flow in turbulent DHVC are as follows [30,75]

d2 Θ dRwθ
0¼α + ; (13a)
dz2 dz
d2 U dRwu
0¼ν 2 + + gβðΘmp  ΘÞ, (13b)
dz dz
where Rwθ ¼ hwθi is the turbulent temperature flux in the vertical direc-
tion. Rwu ¼ hwui is the turbulent flux of the streamwise momentum in
the vertical direction, commonly called the kinematic Reynolds shear stress.
16 Tie Wei

Angle brackets h i denote the conceptual ensemble averaging. β is the ther-

mal expansion coefficient, and Θmp is the mean temperature at the channel
The Reynolds shear stress Rwu arises from the averaging of the nonlinear
inertial term in the Navier-Stokes equations, representing a force produced
by turbulent fluctuations. The turbulent temperature flux Rwθ arises from the
averaging of the nonlinear advective term in the instantaneous heat equation.
There are four unknowns Θ, U, Rwu, and Rwθ in two Eqs. (13a) and (13b).
This is the well-known “closure” problem in RANS modeling. Being
under-determined, the problem can yield no unique solutions by them-
selves. This conflicts with the usual image of asymptotic methods, which
provide a sequence of more and more accurate approximations to a unique
exact solution [5]. The scaling patch approach tacked this basic ill-posed
problem by adding reasonable and minimal assumptions about the qualitative
nature of the solutions [5].
The mean temperature Θ in Eq. (13a) and the mean velocity U in Eq.
(13b) are second-order, and Rwu and Rwθ are first-order. Thus, two bound-
ary conditions are required for U and Θ, and one boundary condition is
required for Rwu and Rwθ. The commonly used boundary conditions in
DHVC are

z¼0: U ¼ 0, Θ ¼ 0, Rwu ¼ 0, Rwθ ¼ 0: (14a)

z¼δ: U ¼ 0, Θ ¼ Θmp : (14b)

The boundary conditions in Eq. (14a) are the no-slip condition at the solid
surface. Note that all these boundary conditions are the first kind boundary
condition [44]. However, a second kind boundary condition can also be
applied at the solid surface as

dU  q
 ¼ u; (15a)
dz z¼0 ν

dΘ qt
 ¼ : (15b)
dz z¼0 α
Here qu ¼ τwall =ρref denotes the kinematic momentum flux at the wall, where
τwall is the wall shear stress and ρref is the fluid density. qt ¼ Qwall =ρref c p denotes
the temperature flux at the wall. In Sections 4 and 7, qu and qt are shown to play
a key role in the multiscaling analysis of the mean equations using the dimen-
sional analysis approach and the scaling patch approach.
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 17

In the study of forced wall-bounded turbulence, two extremely impor-

tant wall variables are the friction velocity and friction temperature (see
Monin and Yaglom [1] and Tennekes and Lumley [2]) defined by the wall
shear stress and wall heat flux as
def τw pffiffiffiffi
uτ ¼ ¼ qu ; (16a)
def Q w q
θτ ¼ ¼ t: (16b)
ρref c p uτ uτ

Integrating the mean heat Eq. (13a) and the mean momentum Eq. (13b) in
the wall-normal z direction and applying boundary conditions produce a
relation for the total temperature flux and total momentum flux as [75]

+ Rwθ ¼ uτ θτ ;
α (17a)
dz Z z
ν + Rwu ¼ uτ  gβ ðΘmp  ΘÞdz:
dz 0

The total temperature flux consists of the molecular diffusion (first term on
the left of Eq. (17a)) and the turbulent transport (second term). The physical
meaning of Eq. (17a) is that the total temperature flux (or heat flux when
multiplied by ρref c p) in a fully developed turbulent DHVC is a constant across
the channel, equal to the wall temperature (or heat) flux. This constancy of
total temperature flux is analogous to the constancy of total momentum flux
in turbulent plane Couette flow [76].
The total momentum flux also consists of two components: a viscous
transport (first term on the left of Eq. (17b)) and a turbulent transport (second
term). The physical meaning of Eq. (17b) is that the total momentum flux
equals to the wall momentum flux minus a spatial integral related to the tem-
perature deficit. The variation of total momentum flux in DHVC is distinc-
tively different from that in forced convection [3]. For example, in turbulent
plane Couette flow, the total momentum flux is a constant, equal to the wall
momentum flux [76]. In turbulent DHVC, the total momentum flux is
directly related to the buoyancy effect, which plays a fundamental role in
the shape and distribution of Reynolds shear stress, as shown in Section 7.
Next, we present the analytical solutions of laminar DHVC. The analytic
solutions themselves are trivial, but they provide a simple example to eval-
uate dimensional analysis and scaling patch approach.
18 Tie Wei

3.2 Laminar DHVC solution

The governing equation for laminar DHVC can be obtained by setting tur-
bulence terms to zero in the mean heat Eq. (13a) and the mean momentum
Eq. (13b). Integrating along the wall-normal z direction and applying
boundary conditions produce the analytical solution for the temperature
and velocity distribution in laminar DHVC as
Θ ¼ Θmp ; (18a)
gβΘmp δ2 1 z 1 z2 1 z3
U¼  + : (18b)
ν 3δ 2 δ 6 δ
The analytical solutions for the temperature and velocity distributions in
laminar DHVC are shown in Fig. 5A. The temperature Θ varies linearly
in the wall-normal direction, like a pure conduction distribution. The ver-
tical velocity exhibits a maximum value near the hotter plate, then decreases
in the core of the channel, and exhibits a minimum near the colder plate.
The vertical velocity is antisymmetric about the channel mid-plane. For
comparison, the mean velocity and mean temperature distributions in


Fig. 5 Temperature and vertical velocity profiles in a DHVC. (A) Laminar case.
(B) Turbulent cases. Data are from the DNS of Kiš [31] at two Grashof numbers: Gr ¼
4.75  104 (solid curves) and Gr ¼ 4.4  105 (dashed curves).
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 19

turbulent DHVC are presented in Fig. 5B at two Grashof numbers. In tur-

bulent DHVC, the mean temperature varies sharply in the near-wall region,
and the variation of temperature in the core is much smaller. On the flow
side, the variation of the mean velocity is also much sharper in the near-wall
region, and the peak location of the maximum velocity moves closer to the
wall with increasing Grashof number.
The maximum vertical velocity location in laminar DHVC can be found
by setting the velocity gradient to zero. The maximum location and value
are found as

zU max ¼ ð1  31=2 Þδ  0:423 δ; (19a)

gβqt δ3 gβΘmp δ2
U max  0:064 ¼ 0:064 : (19b)
να ν
In buoyancy-driven convection, a commonly used velocity scale is the
so-called free-fall velocity defined as
def pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
U ff ¼ gβΘmp δ: (20)
Hence, the maximum vertical velocity in laminar DHVC is related the free-
fall velocity as
δ U ff U max δ U ff
U max  0:064 U ff , or  0:064 : (21)
ν U ff ν
Thus, the so-called “free-fall” velocity is not a proper or “natural” scale for
the vertical velocity in laminar DHVC, because Umax/Uff is not a constant,
but increases as δUff/ν. In Section 4, it is shown that this “free-fall” velocity
is not a proper scale for the vertical velocity in turbulent DHVC either.
Although free-fall velocity is easy to compute from the inputs of the
buoyancy-driven convection and is commonly used to normalize equations
or numerical simulation data, such scaled variables are not appropriate and
should be avoided in the scaling of buoyancy-driven convection.
Based on Eq. (19b), a better velocity scale for laminar DHVC is defined as

def gβqt δ3
U c,lam ¼ : (22)
As shown in Section 4, the wall temperature and momentum fluxes qt and qu
are critical in understanding buoyancy-driven convection. For laminar
DHVC, the wall temperature flux and the wall momentum flux can be
obtained from the analytical solutions as
20 Tie Wei

qt ¼ α  ¼α ; (23a)
dz z¼0 δ
 gβqt δ2
qu ¼ ν  ¼ : (23b)
dz z¼0 3α
Eq. (23a) indicates that the Nusselt number in laminar DHVC is Nu ¼ 1. In
other words, in laminar DHVC, there is bulk fluid motion in the vertical
direction, but the flow direction is along the isothermal line, perpendicular
to the temperature gradient. Thus the bulk fluid motion does not advect
heat, and the heat transport from the hot plate to the cold plate is by pure
molecular diffusion.
From Eq. (23b), the friction velocity uτ in laminar DHVC is
gβqt δ2
uτ ¼ : (24)

The friction Reynolds number for laminar DHVC can be obtained as
def δu Gr
Reτ ¼ τ ¼ pffiffiffi : (25)
ν 3
The ratio between the Umax and uτ in laminar DHVC depends on the
Grashof number and the friction Reynolds number as
U max pffiffiffiffiffiffi
 0:11 Gr  0:19Reτ : (26)

4. Dimensional analysis of buoyancy-driven convection

Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool in the study of fluid dynamics
and heat transfer (see, e.g., Buckingham [43], Bridgman [77], Taylor [78],
Townsend [79], Sedov [80], Barenblatt [81]). According to Churchill [60],
the fundamental basis for dimensional analysis was established by Fourier in
1822. Rayleigh [82] demonstrated the power of dimensional analysis in a
short paper published in the Nature magazine in 1915, giving examples from
various fields. A fascinating example illustrating the power of dimensional
analysis is the prediction of the first atomic explosion yield by G. I.
Taylor [78], using a series of pictures published in a magazine.
We will first present a dimensional analysis of laminar DHVC, followed
by turbulent DHVC. In the dimensional analysis of laminar DHVC, we pre-
sent two options of selecting control parameters and discuss the common-
ality and difference.
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 21

Table 4 Dimensional analysis of laminar DHVC.

Option 1 Option 2
Control parameters gβ, ν, α, δ, Θmp gβ, ν, α, δ, qt, qu
Repeating variables gβ, ν, δ gβ, ν, δ
Nondim. parameters Π1 ¼ Πα ¼ αν ¼ Pr Π1 ¼ Πα ¼ αν ¼ Pr
gβΘmp δ3 gβqt δ4
Π2 ¼ ΠΘmp ¼ ν2 ¼ Gr Π2 ¼ Πqt ¼ ν3 ¼ Gr
qu δ2
Π3 ¼ Πqu ¼ ν2

Length scale lc ¼ δ Ψ(Pr, Gr) lc ¼ δ Ψ(Pr, Gr)

Velocity scale uc ¼ νδ ΨðPr, GrÞ uc ¼ νδ ΨðPr, GrÞ
Temperature scale θc ¼ ΘmpΨ(Pr, Gr) θc ¼ ΘmpΨ(Pr, Gr)
The generic nondimensional functions Ψ in the last three rows are, in general, different from each other,
and cannot be determined by the dimensional analysis itself.

4.1 Dimensional analysis of laminar DHVC

Proper selection of control parameters is of utmost importance in a suc-
cessful dimensional analysis of any flow or heat transport problem. For
laminar DHVC, two sets of control parameters can be selected for dimen-
sional analysis, as listed in Table 4. In both options, only three primary
dimensions are entailed: length, time, and temperature. However, there
are five control parameters in option 1, and six in option 2. Hence, based
on the Buckingham Pi theorem, option 1 produces two nondimensional
control parameters, and option 2 produces three.
The common control parameters in option 1 and option 2 are gβ, ν, α, δ,
which arise from the momentum and heat equation, and the domain size
(part of the boundary condition). The parameter g and β are grouped
together based on the observation of Eq. (13b): the effect of gravity on
the buoyancy force is always coupled with the thermal expansion coeffi-
cient. There is nowhere in the governing equations that g and β appear sep-
arately. Therefore, gβ should be treated as a single parameter, instead of as
two parameters as in Table 1.
The difference between option 1 and option 2 in Table 4 lies in the
parameter(s) related to heat. In option 1, Θmp is used. Note that Θmp can
be interpreted as the temperature difference between the wall and the chan-
nel mid-plane. In other words, Θmp is the difference of the first kind thermal
boundary conditions at z ¼ 0 and z ¼ δ. More importantly, Θmp in general
does not reflect any local rate of temperature change, at the wall, or near the
22 Tie Wei

channel mid-plane. In contrast, the two control parameters qt and qu in

option 2 represent the local rate of change at the wall (a second kind bound-
ary condition).
Applying the standard dimensional analysis procedure [43], the two con-
trol parameters from option 1 in Table 4 are the Prandtl number of the fluid
and the Grashof number. For example, based on the dimensional analysis
results, the maximum vertical velocity in laminar DHVC can be presented as
U max
¼ ΨðPr, GrÞ, (27)
where Ψ denotes a generic nondimensional function that depends on Pr and
Gr, which has to be determined from analytical solutions or experimental
and numerical data.
The three nondimensional parameters resulting from option 2 in Table 4
are Pr, Π2 ¼ gβqtδ4/ν3, and Π3 ¼ quδ2/ν2. However, in laminar DHVC, the
boundary conditions of qu and qt are not independent, but directly related to
each other as shown in Eq. (23b):

qu δ2 Pr gβqt δ4
¼ : (28)
ν2 3 ν2 α
Thus, the third nondimensional number Π3 from option 2 in Table 4 is
redundant, and both options in Table 4 produce identical nondimensional
control parameters.
An advantage of option 2 in Table 4 is that it leads directly to the def-
inition of a flux Grashof number. The flux Grashof number is defined using
the wall temperature flux qt as (e.g., Bejan [42])

def gβqt δ4
Gr ¼ ¼ Gr Nu: (29)
ν2 α
Similarly, a flux Rayleigh number can be defined as

def gβqt δ4
Ra f ¼ ¼ Pr Gr f : (30)
Note that this flux Rayleigh number is similar to the H number defined by
George and Capp [33] for natural convection along a vertical plate under
constant heat flux. For laminar DHVC, Nu ¼ 1 and the flux Grashof num-
ber equals the traditional Grashof number Gr ¼ Grf and Ra ¼ Raf.
The flux Grashof number is related to the ratio of two length scales, as
showing in the following form
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 23

1=4 δ
Gr f ¼ (31)
ðν2 α=gβqt Þ1=4
Thus, one-fourth power of the flux Grashof number can be interpreted as
the ratio between the channel half-width δ and a “viscous length scale”
defined as (ν2α/gβqt)1/4. Such defined viscous length scale is similar to the
inner length scale defined by Townsend [79] for buoyancy-driven convec-
tion over a single horizontal plane or Rayleigh–Benard convection.
To recap, laminar DHVC is controlled by two nondimensional num-
bers. Two options are valid for the selection of control parameters. The dif-
ference between the two options lies in the selection of parameter(s) with a
local rate of temperature change or a global temperature difference. In lam-
inar DHVC, the temperature varies linearly, hence, the global temperature
difference Θmp is directly related to the local rate of temperature change qt.
Thus, the two options in Table 4 are equivalent. However, in turbulent
DHVC, the mean temperature variation is not linear, and the selection of
Θmp becomes inappropriate.

4.2 Dimensional analysis of turbulent DHVC

In pressure- or shear-driven wall-bounded turbulence, it is well known that
the flow and heat transport can be divided into several layers, and the char-
acteristic scales may vary with respect to given layers [1,2]. For example, tur-
bulent flow over a flat plate is traditionally divided into four layers: a viscous
sublayer, a buffer layer, a log-layer, and an outer layer (see, e.g., Tennekes
and Lumley [2]). In the viscous sublayer, the characteristic length scale is the
viscous length scale ν/uτ. However, in the outer layer, the characteristic
length scale is the boundary layer thickness.
In turbulent DHVC, flow and heat transport can also be divided into
several layers, and the control parameters in each layer may be different.
For example, adjacent to the wall, the velocity and temperature profiles have
large gradients (see Fig. 5B). As a result, the molecular diffusion is important,
and ν and α should be selected as the control parameters in the near-wall
region. On the other hand, in the core of the channel, flow and heat trans-
port are dominated by eddy motions, and molecular diffusion is negligible.
For example, in the core of the channel in Fig. 5B, the mean temperature
variation is small, meaning that the molecular temperature flux αdΘ/dz is
small. Therefore, the kinematic viscosity ν and thermal diffusivity α should
not be selected as control parameters for the flow and heat transport in the
core of the channel. At a sufficiently high Grashof number, the separation
24 Tie Wei

between the inner layer and the outer layer becomes large, and a meso layer
emerges between the inner and outer layers.
Based on physical reasoning [83], a turbulent DHVC is divided into an
inner layer, a meso layer, and an outer layer, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The con-
trol parameters for each layer are shown in Fig. 6 and listed in Table 5.

Fig. 6 Inner, meso, and outer layer structure of turbulent DHVC, and the control param-
eters in each layer [83].

Table 5 Summary of dimensional analysis for the inner layer, meso layer, and outer
layers in turbulent DHVC.
Inner layer Meso layer Outer layer
Control parameters gβ, ν, α, qu, qt. gβ, qu, qt. gβ, qu, qt, δ.
Repeating variables gβ, ν, qu. gβ, qu, qt. gβ, qu, δ.
gβqt ν gβqt δ
Nondim. parameters Πqt ¼ q2u ¼ Rii Πqt ¼ 3=2 ¼ Rio

Πα ¼ αν ¼ Pr
Length scale l i ¼ uντ ΨðPr, Rii Þ L ¼ gβq
lo ¼ δΨ(Rio)

Velocity scale ui ¼ uτΨ(Pr, Rii) uo ¼ uτΨ(Rio)

Temperature scale θi ¼ θτΨ(Pr, Rii) θo ¼ θτΨ(Rio)
The generic nondimensional functions Ψ in the last three rows are, in general, different from each other
and must be determined from experimental or numerical data.
Analyses of buoyancy-driven convection 25

It is obvious that Θmp cannot be an appropriate control parameter in the

inner layer, because Θmp is not a local quantity in the near-wall region. In
some previous studies of turbulent DHVC, only qt was selected as a control
parameter, but not qu. Here, both qt and qu are used. There are five control
parameters for the inner layer: gβ, qu, qt, ν, α, and the standard dimensional
analysis following Buckingham’s Pi theorem produces two nondimensional
controlling parameters: one is the Prandtl number of the fluid, and the other
one is called the inner Richardson number defined as [83]

def gβqt ν gβθτ ν Gr Nu Gr f

Rii ¼ 2 ¼ 3 ¼ ¼ : (32)
qu uτ Pr Reτ Pr Re4τ

In the outer layer of highly turbulent flow and highly turbulent heat transfer
DHVC, flow and heat transport is dominated by eddy motions, and the
effect of molecular diffusion is negligible. As the channel width is a geomet-
ric constraint on the size of the eddies, channel half-width δ is chosen as a
control parameter in the outer layer. So there are four control parameters for
the outer layer gβ, qu, qt, δ, and dimensional analysis produces one non-
dimensional number, called the outer Richardson number defined as [83]

def gβqt δ gβθτ δ Gr Nu Gr f

Rio ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ ¼ ¼ Rii Reτ : (33)
3=2 uτ Pr Reτ Pr Re3τ

For a turbulent DHVC at a sufficiently high Rayleigh number, there is a

meso layer that is far away from the wall and the molecular diffusion does
not affect the flow or heat transport. At the same time, the meso layer is also
far away from the outer layer and is not affected by the channel half-width δ
either. Thus, the meso layer is controlled by three parameters gβ, qu, qt,
which leads to the definition of an Obukhov-style length scale [83,84]

q3=2 u2
¼ τ :
L ¼ u
gβqt gβθτ

Therefore, the inner Richardson number can be interpreted as the ratio

between an inner length scale and the Obukhov-style length scale:

ν=uτ ν=uτ
Rii ¼ ¼ , (35)
u2τ =gβθτ L

and the outer Richardson number can also be interpreted as a length scale
ratio: the channel half-width to the Obukhov length scale
26 Tie Wei

δ δ
Rio ¼ ¼ : (36)
u2τ =gβθτ L

Fundamentally, flow and heat transport in turbulent DHVC is controlled by

two nondimensional parameters. One is the Prandtl number of the fluid,
and the other can be any one of the following: Gr, Grf, Ra, Raf, Rii,
Rio, or Reτ. The nondimensional numbers that can be used in the study
of buoyancy-driven convection in DHVC are summarized in Table 6.
These nondimensional parameters are not independent of each other. For
example, if Gr and Pr are known, then Rii or Rio or Reτ each has a unique
value. If Rio and Pr are known, then each of the Gr, Rii or Reτ also has a
unique value. Fig. 7 shows the relationship among these nondimensional
numbers. Over the range of DNS data, these nondimensional numbers
can be approximated by simple power-laws.
The solid curve at low Grashof numbers in Fig. 7 represents the analytical
Eq. (26), U max =uτ  0:11 Gr, for laminar DHVC. The gray vertical band
indicate the transitional Grashof numbers, based on the stability analysis of
Versteegh [30]. Also included in the figure is the data of the maximum ver-
tical velocity scaled by the friction velocity Umax/uτ, because it is a conve-
nient parameter in the scaling analysis of the mean equations as shown in
Sections 7 and 8.

Table 6 Nondimensional numbers that can be used in the study of DHVC.

Grashof number def
Gr ¼ gβΘmp δ3 =ν2
Flux Grashof number Gr
¼ gβqt δ4 =ðν2 αÞ ¼ Gr Nu

Rayleigh number def

Ra ¼ gβΘmp δ3 =ðναÞ
Flux Rayleigh number Ra
¼ gβΘmp δ4 =ðνα2 Þ ¼ Ra Nu

Inner Richardson number def

Rii ¼ gβqt ν=q2u ¼ gβθτ ν=u3τ ¼ Gr Nu=ðPr Re4τ Þ
Outer Richardson number def
Rio ¼ gβqt δ=q3=2
u ¼ gβθ τ δ=uτ ¼ Gr Nu=ðPr Reτ Þ
2 3

Friction Reynolds number def

Reτ ¼ δuτ =ν
Friction Peclet number def
Peτ ¼ δuτ =α ¼ Pr Reτ
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arms, and cried upon her shoulder. Perhaps because she was frightened and
distrustful in other particulars of her life, she was utterly believing here.
Here was the ideal for which she had looked—a friend, who yet should be
something more than a friend; more tender than Cara could remember her
mother to have been, yet something like what an ideal mother, a mother of
the imagination, would be. Sweet looks, still beautiful, the girl thought in
the enthusiasm of her age, yet something subdued and mild with experience
—an authority, a knowledge, a power which no contemporary could have.
Cara abandoned herself in utter and total forgetfulness of all prejudices,
resistances, and doubts, to this new influence. Her mother’s friend, the
boys’ mother, who had been her own playmates, and about whom she was
so curious, without knowing it—her nearest neighbour, her natural succour,
a daughterless woman, while she was a motherless girl. Happiness seemed
to come back to her with a leap. ‘I shall not mind if I may always come to
you, and ask you about everything,’ she said.
‘And of course you must do that. Did not Cherry tell you so? I thought
Cherry would have been faithful to me. Ah! she did? then I am happy, dear;
for if I have one weakness more than another it is that my friends should not
give me up. But Cherry should have come with you,’ said Mrs. Meredith,
shaking her head.
‘It was all for papa——’
‘But that is what I find fault with—papa’s only daughter, only child,
thinking for a moment that her happiness was not what he wanted most.’
Cara drooped her guilty head. She was guilty; yes, she did not deny it;
but probably this goddess-woman, this ideal aid and succour, did not know
how little in the happier days had been thought of Cara. She had always
thought of ‘the boys’ first of all; but then Mr. Meredith—Cara had an odd
sort of recollection somehow that Mr. Meredith was not first, and that
perhaps this might account for the other differences. So she did not say
anything, but sat down on a stool at her new-old friend’s feet, and felt that
the strange, rich, beautiful room had become home.
‘Now I never could do anything like this,’ said Mrs. Meredith, looking
round. ‘I am fond of china too; but I never know what is good and what is
bad; and sometimes I see your papa take down a bit which I think beautiful,
and look at it with such a face. How is one to know,’ she said, laughing
merrily, ‘if one is not clever? I got the book with all the marks in it, but, my
dear child, I never recollect one of them; and then such quantities of pretty
china are never marked at all. Ah, I can understand why he doesn’t come
here! I think I would make little changes, Cara. Take down that, for
instance’—and she pointed at random to the range of velvet-covered
shelves, on the apex of which stood the Buen Retiro cup—‘and put a
picture in its place. Confuse him by a few changes. Now stop: is he in? I
think we might do it at once, and then we could have him up.’
Cara shrank perceptibly. She drew herself a little away from the
stranger’s side. ‘You are frightened,’ cried Mrs. Meredith, with a soft laugh.
‘Now, Cara, Cara, this is exactly what I tell you must not be. You don’t
know how good and gentle he is. I can talk to him of anything—even my
servants, if I am in trouble with them; and every woman in London, who is
not an angel, is in trouble with her servants from time to time. Last time my
cook left me—— Why, there is nothing,’ said Mrs. Meredith, reflectively,
‘of which I could not talk to your papa. He is kindness itself.’
This was meant to be very reassuring, but somehow it did not please
Cara. A half resentment (not so distinct as that) came into her mind that her
father, who surely belonged to her, rather than to any other person on the
face of the earth, should be thus explained to her and recommended. The
feeling was natural, but painful, and somewhat absurd, for there could be no
doubt that she did not know him, and apparently Mrs. Meredith did; and
what she said was wise; only somehow it jarred upon Cara, who was
sensitive all over, and felt every touch, now here, now there.
‘Well, my dear, never mind, if you don’t like it, for to-day; but the longer
it is put off the more difficult it will be. Whatever is to be done ought to be
done at once I always think. He should not have taken a panic about this
room; why should he? Poor dear Annie! everything she loved ought to be
dear to him; that would be my feeling. And Cara, dear, you might do a great
deal; you might remove this superstition for ever, for I do think it is
superstition. However, if you wish me to say no more about it, I will hold
my tongue. And now what shall we do to-day? Shall we go out after
luncheon? As soon as you have given your papa his lunch, you shall put on
your things, and I will call for you. My people never begin to come before
four; and you shall come in with me and see them. That will amuse you, for
there are all sorts of people. And your papa and you are going to dine with
us; I told him last night you must come. You will see Oswald and renew
your acquaintance with him, and we can talk. Oswald is very good-looking,
Cara. Do you remember him? he has dark hair now and dark eyes; but I
wish he had always remained a boy; though of course that is not possible,’
she said, shaking her head with a sigh. ‘Now I must run away, and get
through my morning’s work. No, don’t disturb your papa; evening is his
time. I shall see him in the evening. But be sure you are ready to go out at
half-past two.’
How little time there seemed to be for moping or thinking after this visit!
Cara made a rapid survey of the drawing-room when she returned to it, to
see what changes could be made, as her friend suggested. She would not
have had the courage to do any such thing, had it not been suggested to her.
It was her father’s room, not hers; and what right had she to meddle? But
somewhat a different light seemed to have entered with her visitor. Cara
saw, too, when she examined, that changes could be made which would
make everything different yet leave everything fundamentally the same. Her
heart fluttered a little at the thought of such daring. She might have taken
such a thing upon her at the Hill, without thinking whether or not she had a
right to do it; but then she never could have had time to move anything
without Miss Charity or Miss Cherry coming in, in the constant cheery
intercourse of the house. But for these changes she would have abundant
time; no one would come to inspect while her re-arrangements were going
on. However, there was no time to think of them now; the day was busy and
full. She came downstairs for luncheon with her bonnet on, that she might
not be too late. ‘I am going out with Mrs. Meredith,’ she said to her father,
in explanation of her out-of-door costume.
‘Ah, that is right!’ he said. ‘And we are to dine there this evening.’ Even
he looked brighter and more genial when he said this. And the languid day
had grown warm and bright, full of occupations and interest; and to keep
Mrs. Meredith waiting—to be too late—that would never do.


Mrs. Meredith’s drawing-room was not like the twin room next door. It
was more ornate, though not nearly so beautiful. The three windows were
draped in long misty white curtains, which veiled the light even at its
brightest and made a curious artificial semblance of mystery and retirement
on this autumn afternoon, when the red sunshine glowed outside. Long
looking-glasses here and there reflected these veiled lights. There was a
good deal of gilding, and florid furniture, which insisted on being looked at.
Cara sat down on an ottoman close to the further window after their walk,
while Mrs. Meredith went to take off her bonnet. She wanted to see the
people arrive, and was a little curious about them. There were, for a country
house, a good many visitors at the Hill; but they came irregularly, and
sometimes it would happen that for days together not a soul would appear.
But Mrs. Meredith had no more doubt of the arrival of her friends than if
they had all been invited guests. Cara was still seated alone, looking out,
her pretty profile relieved against the white curtain like a delicate little
cameo, when the first visitor arrived, who was a lady, and showed some
annoyance to find the room already occupied. ‘I thought I must be the first,’
she said, giving the familiar salutation of a kiss to Mrs. Meredith as she
entered. ‘Never mind, it is only Cara Beresford,’ said that lady, and led her
friend by the hand to where two chairs were placed at the corner of the fire.
Here they sat and talked in low tones with great animation, the ‘he saids’
and ‘she saids’ being almost all that reached Cara’s ear, who, though a little
excited by the expectation of ‘company,’ did not understand this odd
version of it. By-and-by, however, the lady came across to her and began to
talk, and Cara saw that some one else had arrived. The room filled
gradually after this, two or three people coming and going, each of them in
their turn receiving a few minutes particular audience. Nothing could be
more evident than that it was to see the lady of the house that these people
came; for, though the visitors generally knew each other, there was not
much general conversation. Every new-comer directed his or her glance to
Mrs. Meredith’s corner, and, if the previous audience was not concluded,
relapsed into a corner, and talked a little to the next person, whoever that
might be. In this way Cara received various points of enlightenment as to
this new society. Most of them had just returned to town. They talked of
Switzerland, they talked of Scotland; of meeting So-and-so here and there;
of this one who was going to be married, and that one who was supposed to
be dying; but all this talk was subsidiary to the grand object of the visit,
which was the personal interview. Cara, though she was too young to relish
her own spectator position, could not help being interested by the way in
which her friend received her guests. She had a different aspect for each.
The present one, as Cara saw looking up, after an interval, was a man, with
whom Mrs. Meredith was standing in front of the furthest window. She was
looking up in his face, with her eyes full of interest, not saying much;
listening with her whole mind and power, every fold in her dress, every line
of her hair and features, falling in with the sentiment of attention. Instead of
talking, she assented with little nods of her head and soft acquiescent or
remonstrative movements of her delicate hands, which were lightly clasped
together. This was not at all her attitude with the ladies, whom she placed
beside her, in one of the low chairs, with little caressing touches and smiles
and low-voiced talk. How curious it was to watch them one by one! Cara
felt a strong desire, too, to have something to tell; to go and make her
confession or say her say upon some matter interesting enough to call forth
that sympathetic, absorbed look—the soft touch upon her shoulder, or half
It was tolerably late when the visitors went away—half-past six, within
an hour of dinner. The ladies were the last to go, as they had been the first
to come; and Cara, relieved by the departure of the almost last stranger,
drew timidly near the fire, when Mrs. Meredith called her. It was only as
she approached—and the girl felt cold, sitting so far off and being so
secondary, which is a thing that makes everybody chilly—that she
perceived somebody remaining, a gentleman seated in an easy-chair—an
old gentleman (according to Cara; he was not of that opinion himself), who
had kept his place calmly for a long time without budging, whosoever went
or came.
‘Well, you have got through the heavy work,’ said this patient visitor,
‘and I hope you have sent them off happier. It has not been your fault, I am
sure, if they are not happier; they have each had their audience and their
appropriate word.’
‘You always laugh at me, Mr. Somerville: why should I not say what I
think they will like best to the people who come to see me?’
‘Ah, when you put it like that!’ he said; ‘certainly, why shouldn’t you?
But I think some of those good people thought that you gave them beautiful
advice and consolation, didn’t you? I thought it seemed like that as I looked
‘You are always so severe. Come, my darling, you are out of sight there;
come and smooth down this mentor of mine by the sight of your young
face. This is my neighbour’s child, Miss Beresford, from next door.’
‘Ah, the neighbour!’ said Mr. Somerville, with a slight emphasis, and
then he got up somewhat stiffly and made Cara his bow. ‘Does not he come
for his daily bread like the rest?’ he said, in an undertone.
‘Mr. Beresford is going to dine with me to-night, with Cara, who has just
come home,’ said Mrs. Meredith, with a slight shade of embarrassment on
her face.
‘Ah! from school?’ said this disagreeable old man.
It had grown dark, and the lady herself had lighted the candles on the
mantelpiece. He was sitting immediately under a little group of lights in a
florid branched candlestick, which threw a glow upon his baldness. Cara,
unfavourably disposed, thought there was a sneer instead of a smile upon
his face, which was partially in shade.
‘I have never been to school,’ said the girl, unreasonably angry at the
imputation; and just then someone else came in—another gentleman, with
whom Mrs. Meredith, who had advanced to meet him, lingered near the
door. Mr. Somerville watched over Cara’s head, and certainly his smile had
more amusement than benevolence in it.
‘Ah!’ he said again, ‘then you miss the delight of feeling free: no girl
who has not been at school can understand the pleasure of not being at
school any longer. Where have you been, then, while your father has been
‘With my aunts, at Sunninghill,’ said Cara, unnecessarily
communicative, as is the habit of youth.
‘Ah, yes, with your aunts! I used to know some of your family. Look at
her now,’ said the critic, more to himself than to Cara—‘this is a new phase.
This one she is smoothing down.’
Cara could not help a furtive glance. The new comer had said something,
she could not hear what, and stood half-defiant at the door. Mrs. Meredith’s
smile spoke volumes. She held out her hand with a deprecating, conciliatory
look. They could not hear what she said; but the low tone, the soft aspect,
the extended hand, were full of meaning. The old gentleman burst into a
broken, hoarse laugh. It was because the new-comer, melting all at once,
took the lady’s hand and bowed low over it, as if performing an act of
homage. Mr. Somerville laughed, but the stranger did not hear.
‘This is a great deal too instructive for you,’ he said. ‘Come and tell me
about your aunts. You think me quite an old man, eh? and I think you quite
a little girl.’
‘I am not so young! I am seventeen.’
‘Well! And I am seven-and-fifty—not old at all—a spruce and spry
bachelor, quite ready to make love to any one; but such are the erroneous
ideas we entertain of each other. Have you known Mrs. Meredith a long
time? or is this your first acquaintance?’
‘Oh, a very long time—almost since ever I was born!’
‘And I have known her nearly twenty years longer than that. Are you
very fond of her? Yes, most people are. So is your father, I suppose, like the
rest. But now you are the mistress of the house, eh? you should not let your
natural-born subjects stray out of your kingdom o’ nights.’
‘I have not any kingdom,’ said Cara, mournfully. ‘The house is so sad. I
should like to change it if papa would consent.’
‘That would be very good,’ said the volunteer counsellor, with alacrity.
‘You could not do anything better, and I dare say he will do it if you say so.
A man has a great deal of tenderness for his wife’s only child when he has
lost her. You have your own love and the other too.’
‘Have I?’ said the girl wistfully. Then she remembered that to talk of her
private affairs and household circumstances with a stranger was a
wonderful dereliction of duty. She made herself quite stiff accordingly in
obedience to propriety, and changed her tone.
‘Is not Oswald at home?’ she said. ‘I thought I should be sure to see
‘Oswald is at home, but he keeps away at this hour. He overdoes it, I
think; but sons like to have their mothers to themselves: I don’t think they
like her to have such troops of friends. And Oswald, you know, is a man,
and would like to be master.’
‘He has no right to be master!’ said Cara, the colour rising on her
cheeks. ‘Why should not she have her friends?’
‘That is exactly what I tell him; but most likely he will understand you
better. He is not my ideal of a young man; so you have no call to be angry
with me on account of Oswald.’
‘I—angry with—you; when I don’t know you—when I never saw you
before! I beg your pardon,’ cried Cara, fearing that perhaps this might
sound rude; but if it was rude it was true.
‘Must you go?’ said Mrs. Meredith to her visitor. ‘Well, I will not delay
you, for it is late; but that is all over, is it not? I cannot afford to be
misunderstood by anyone I care for. Won’t you say “How d’ye do?” to Mr.
Somerville, my old friend, whom you see always, and Miss Beresford, my
young friend, whom you have never seen before?’
‘I have not time, indeed,’ said the stranger, with a vague bow towards
the fireplace; ‘but I go away happy—it is all over, indeed. I shall know
better than ever to listen to detractors and mischief-makers again.’
‘That is right,’ she said, giving him her hand once more. When he was
gone she turned back with a little air of fatigue. ‘Somebody had persuaded
that foolish boy that I thought him a bore. He is not a bore—except now
and then; but he is too young,’ said Mrs. Meredith, shaking her head. ‘You
young people are so exigent, Cara. You want always to be first; and in
friendship that, you know, is impossible. All are equal on that ground.’
‘I am glad you have a lesson now and then,’ said Mr. Somerville. ‘You
know my opinion on that subject.’
‘Are you going to dine with us, dear Mr. Somerville?’ said Mrs.
Meredith, sweetly, looking at her watch. ‘Do. You know Mr. Beresford is
coming, who is very fine company indeed. No? I am so sorry. It would be
so much more amusing for him, not to speak of Cara and me.’
‘I am very sorry I can’t amuse you to-night,’ he said, getting to his feet
more briskly than Cara expected. Mrs. Meredith laughed; and there was a
certain sound of hostility in the laugh, as though she was glad of the little
prick she had bestowed.
‘Cara, you must run and dress,’ she said; ‘not any toilette to speak of,
dear. There will only be your father and Oswald; but you must be quick, for
we have been kept very late this evening. I wonder you can resist that
young face,’ she said, as Cara went away. ‘You are fond of youth, I know.’
‘I am not fond of affording amusement,’ he said. He limped slightly as
he walked, which was the reason he had allowed Cara to go before him.
‘Yes; I like youth. Generally it makes few phrases, and it knows what it
‘Which is just what I dislike.’
‘Yes; elderly sirens naturally do. But next time Beresford comes to dine,
and you ask me, if you will give me a little longer notice I will come, for I
want to meet him.’
‘Let it be on Saturday, then,’ she said; ‘that is, if he has no engagement. I
will let you know.’
‘As if she did not know what engagements he had!’ Mr. Somerville said
to himself: ‘as if he ever dreamt of going anywhere that would interfere
with his visits here!’ He struck his stick sharply against the stairs as he went
down. He had no sense of hostility to Mrs. Meredith, but rather that kind of
uneasy liking akin to repugnance, which made him wish to annoy her. He
felt sure she was made angry by the sound of his stick on the stairs. Her
household went upon velvet, and made no noise; for though she was not
fanciful she had nerves, and was made to start and jump by any sudden
Cara heard him go with his stick along the Square, as nurse, who was her
maid, closed the windows of her room. The sound got less distinct after
this, but still she could hear it gradually disappearing. What a disagreeable
old man he was, though he said he did not think himself old; at seven-and-
fifty! Cara thought seven-and-twenty oldish, and seven-and-thirty the age of
a grandfather; and yet he did not think himself old! So strange are the
delusions which impartial people have to encounter in this world. Nurse
interrupted her thoughts by a question about her dress. One of her very
prettiest evening dresses lay opened out upon her bed.
‘That is too fine,’ said Cara; ‘we are to be quite alone.’
‘You haven’t seen Mr. Oswald, have you, Miss Cara, dear? He has
grown up that handsome you would not know him. He was always a fine
boy; but now—I don’t know as I’ve ever seen a nicer-looking young man.’
‘I will have my plain white frock, please, nurse—the one I wore last
night,’ said Cara, absolutely unaware of any connection that could exist
between Oswald Meredith’s good looks and her second-best evening dress
—a dress that might do for a small dance, as Aunt Cherry had impressed
upon her. It never occurred to the girl that her own simple beauty could be
heightened by this frock or that. Vanity comes on early or late, according to
the character; but, except under very favourable (or unfavourable)
circumstances, seldom develops in early youth. Cara had not even begun to
think whether she herself was pretty or not, and she would have scorned
with hot shame and contempt the idea of dressing for effect. People only
think of dress when they have self-consciousness. She did not understand
enough of the a, b, c of that sentiment to put any meaning to what nurse
said, and insisted upon her plain muslin gown, laughing at the earnestness
of the attendant. ‘It is too fine,’ she said. ‘Indeed I am not obstinate: it
would be a great deal too fine.’ Her father was waiting for her in the hall
when the simple toilette was completed, and Mrs. Meredith had not yet
made her appearance when the two went into the drawing-room next door.
Mr. Beresford sat down with his eyes turned towards the door. ‘She is
almost always late,’ he said, with a smile. He was a different man here—
indulgent, gentle, fatherly. Mrs. Meredith came in immediately after, with
pretty lace about her shoulders and on her head. ‘Oswald is late, as usual,’
she said, putting her hand into Mr. Beresford’s. He looked at her, smiling,
with a satisfied friendly look, as if his eyes loved to dwell upon her. He
smiled at Oswald’s lateness; did not look cross, as men do when they are
waiting for their dinner. ‘Cara is punctual, you see,’ he said, with a smile.
‘Cara is a dear child,’ said Mrs. Meredith. ‘She has been with me all day.
How odd that you should be made complete by a daughter and I by a son,
such old friends as we are! Ah! here is Oswald. Would you have known
him, Cara? Oswald, this is——’
‘There is no need to tell me who it is,’ said Oswald. Cara saw, when she
looked at him, that what the others had said was true. It did not move her
particularly, but still she could see that he was very handsome, as
everybody had told her. He took her hand, which she held out timidly, and,
without any ceremony, drew it within his arm. ‘We must go to dinner at
once,’ he said, ‘or Sims will put poison in the soup. She longs to poison me,
I know, in my soup, because I am always late; but I hope she will let me off
for your sake, Cara. And so really you are little Cara? I did not believe it,
but I see it is true now.’
‘Why did you not believe it? I think I should have known you,’ said
Cara, ‘if I had met you anywhere. It is quite true; but you are just like
Oswald all the same.’
‘What is quite true?’ Oswald was a great deal more vain than Cara was,
being older and having had more time to see the effect of his good looks.
He laughed, and did not push his question any further. It was a pleasant
beginning. He had his mother’s sympathetic grace of manner, and, Cara felt
at once, understood her and all her difficulties at a glance, as Mrs. Meredith
had done. How far this was true may be an open question; but she was
convinced of it, which for the moment was enough.
‘We did not come downstairs so ceremoniously last time we met,’ he
said. ‘When you came for the nursery tea, with nurse behind you. I think
Edward held the chief place in your affections then. He was nearer your
age; but thank Heaven that fellow is out of the way, and I have a little time
to make the running before he comes back!’
Cara did not know what it meant to ‘make the running,’ and was
puzzled. She was not acquainted with any slang except that which has crept
into books, but an expression of pleasure in Edward’s absence appalled her.
‘I remember him best,’ she said, ‘because he was more near my age; but
you were both big boys—too big to care for a little thing like me. I
remember seeing you come in with a latch-key one afternoon and open the
door—ah!’ said Cara, with a little cry. It had been on the afternoon of her
mother’s death when she had been placed at the window to look for her
father’s coming, and had seen the two big boys in the afternoon light, and
watched them, with an interest which quite distracted her attention for the
moment, fitting the key into the door.
‘What is it?’ he said, looking at her very kindly. ‘You have not been here
for a long time—yes, it must bring back so many things. Look, Cara! Sims
is gracious; she will not poison me this time. She has not even frowned at
me, and it is all because of you.’
‘I like Sims,’ said Cara, her heart rising, she could not tell why. ‘I like
everybody I used to know.’
‘So do I—because you do; otherwise I am not so fond of my fellow-
creatures; some of them plague one’s life out. What are you going to do
when you get used to the excitement of seeing us all again? You will find
yourself very badly off for something to do.’
‘Do you?’ said Cara, innocently.
‘My mother does for me. She thinks me very idle. So I am, I suppose.
What is the good of muddling what little brains one has in work? One in a
family who does that is enough. Edward is that excellent person. He goes in
for Greek so that my head aches; though why he should, being intended for
the Civil Service, I don’t know.’
‘Won’t it do him any good?’ said Cara, with regret. She was practical,
and did not like to hear of this waste of labour. ‘Is Edward—changed—like
you?’ she added softly, after a pause. He looked at her with laughing bright
eyes, all softened and liquid with pleasure. He knew what she meant, and
that his handsome face was having its natural effect upon Cara; though,
being much older than Cara, he could not have believed how little effect his
good looks really had.
‘I think he is very like what he always was,’ he said; ‘he is such a good
fellow, Cara. If anyone asks you which is the best of the Merediths, say
Edward. You may be sure you will be right. Listen what the elders are
saying; they are talking about you and me.’
‘Why about you and me?’ Cara was always slightly alarmed to hear that
she was being talked of. It roused the latent suspicion in her which had been
startled into being at her mother’s death. She stopped talking, and looked at
the other two. His mother was opposite to Oswald, and her father was
opposite to her. What an odd arrangement it seemed when you came to
think of it! If papa had got one of the boys, and she, Cara, had fallen to the
lot of Mrs. Meredith—would that have been better? She looked at Oswald’s
mother and wondered; then bethought herself of the Hill and blushed. No,
such an idea was nothing but treachery to the Hill, where it was Cara, and
no other, who was the chosen child.
‘She has grown into a little lily,’ said Mrs. Meredith. ‘She is shy, but
open and winning, and I like girls to be shy like that. I do not wonder that
you are proud of her.’
‘Am I proud of her? I am not sure. She is nice-looking, I think.’
‘Nice-looking? She has grown into a little lily. It is wonderful how she
blends two likenesses; I see you both. Ah! have I said too much? A happy
child so often does that; you will forgive me if I say anything that hurts
‘You could not say anything that hurts,’ he said in a low voice, ‘it would
not hurt coming from you.’
‘Well, perhaps it ought not,’ she said, with a smile, ‘because it is said in
true friendship. I noticed that at once in Cara—sometimes one and
sometimes the other—like both. That is not the case with my boys. I shall
not have Edward till Christmas. You know it has always been my happy
time when the boys were here.’
‘Is Oswald doing anything—?’ A close observer would have seen that
Mr. Beresford was not fond of Oswald. He was not nearly so well-disposed
to him as Mrs. Meredith was to Cara. Perhaps it was purely on moral
grounds and justifiable; perhaps the young man and his senior came in each
other’s way more than the girl and the matron did. This abrupt question
rather put a stop to poor Mrs. Meredith. She blushed a little and faltered as
she replied.


Cara’s second evening at home was passed much more happily than the
first, thanks to Mrs. Meredith, and her spirits rose in consequence; but next
morning there ensued a fall, as was natural, in her spiritual barometer. She
went to the window in the drawing-room when she was all alone, and gazed
wistfully at as much as she could see of the step and entrance of the house
next door. Did they mean her to ‘run in half-a-dozen times a day,’ as Mrs.
Meredith had said? Cara had been brought up in her aunt’s old-fashioned
notions, with strenuous injunctions not ‘to make herself cheap,’ and to
cultivate ‘a proper pride.’ She had often been told that running into sudden
intimacy was foolish, and that a girl should be rather shy than eager about
overtures of ordinary friendship. All these things restrained her, and her
own disposition which favoured all reserves. But she could not help going
to the window and looking out wistfully. Only a wall between them! and
how much more cheerful it was on the other side of that wall. Her heart beat
as she saw Oswald come out, not because it was Oswald—on the whole she
would have preferred his mother; but solitude ceased to be solitude when
friendly figures thus appear, even outside. Oswald glanced up and saw her.
He took off his hat—he paused—finally, he turned and came up the steps
just underneath where she was standing. In another moment he came in, his
hat in his hand, his face full of brightness of the morning. Nurse showed
him in with a sort of affectionate enthusiasm. ‘Here is Mr. Oswald, Miss
Cara, come to see you.’
The women servants were all the slaves of the handsome young fellow.
Wherever he went he had that part of the community on his side.
‘I came to see that you are not the worse for your dull dinner last
evening,’ he said. ‘It used to be etiquette to ask for one’s partner at a ball;
how much more after a domestic evening. Have you a headache? were you
very much bored? It is for my interest to know, that I may be able to make
out whether you will come again.’
‘Were you bored that you ask me?’ said Cara. ‘I was very happy.’
‘And, thanks to you, I was very happy,’ he said. ‘Clearly four are better
company than three. Your father and my mother have their own kind of
talking. Why, I have not been in this room since I was a child; how much
handsomer it is than ours! Come, Cara, tell me all about the pictures and the
china. Of course you must be a little connoisseur. Should one say
connoisseuse? I never know. Virtuosa, that is a prettier word, and we are all
in the way of the cardinal virtues here.’
‘But I am not at all a virtuosa. I don’t know. I was a child, too, when I
used to be at home, and I suppose it hurts papa to come into this room. He
has never been here since I came; never at all, I think, since mamma died.’
‘Does he leave you by yourself all the evening? what a shame!’ said
Oswald. ‘Is he so full of sentiment as that? One never knows people. Come,
Cara, if that is the case, it is clear that I must spend the evenings with you.’
Cara laughed frankly at the suggestion. She did not understand what he
meant by a slight emphasis upon the pronouns, which seemed to point out
some balance of duties. She said, ‘I have only been here for two evenings.
The first was very dull. I had nothing to read but that book, and I was not
happy. The second was last night. Oh, I am not accustomed to much
company. I can be quite happy by myself, when I am used to things.’
‘That means you don’t want me,’ said Oswald; ‘but I shall come all the
same. What is the book about? You don’t mean to say you understand that!
What is unconscious cerebration, Cara? Good heavens! how rash I have
been. Are you an F.R.S. already, like the rest of your father’s friends?’
‘I don’t know what it means,’ said Cara, ‘no more than I know about the
china. But I read a chapter that first night; it was always something. You see
there are very few books in this room. They have been taken away, I
suppose. Nobody, except mamma, has ever lived here.’
She gave a little shiver as she spoke, and looked wistfully round. Even in
the morning, with the sunshine coming in, how still it was! Oswald thought
he would like to break the china, and make a human noise, over the head of
the father who was sitting below, making believe to think so much of the
memory of his dead wife, and neglecting his living child. The young man
had a grudge against the elder one, which gave an edge to his indignation.
‘You shall have books,’ he said, ‘and company too, if you will have me,
Cara: that will bring them to their senses,’ he added to himself in a half-
laughing, half-angry undertone.
What did he mean? Cara had no idea. She laughed too, with a little
colour starting to her face, wondering what Aunt Charity would think if she
knew that Oswald meant to spend his evenings with her. Cara herself did
not see any harm in it, though she felt it was a joke, and could not be.
‘You were going out,’ she said, ‘when you saw me at the window. Had
you anything to do? for if you had you must not stay and waste your time
with me.’
‘Why should I have anything to do?’
‘I thought young men had,’ said Cara. ‘Of course I don’t know very
much about them. I know only the Burchells well; they are never allowed to
come and talk in the morning. If it is Reginald, he always says he ought to
be reading; and Roger, he is of course at work, you know.’
‘I don’t know in the least,’ said Oswald; ‘but I should like to learn. What
does this revelation of Rogers and Reginalds mean? I never supposed there
were any such persons. I thought that Edward and myself were about the
limit of friendship allowed to little Cara, and here is a clan, a tribe. I
forewarn you at once that I put myself in opposition to your Reginalds and
Rogers. I dislike the gentlemen. I am glad to hear that they have no time to
talk in the mornings. I, for my part, have plenty of time.’
‘Oh, you are not likely to know them,’ said Cara, laughing, ‘unless,
indeed, Roger comes on Sundays, as he said. They are probably not so rich
as you are. Their father is a clergyman, and they have to work. I should like
that myself better than doing nothing.’
‘That means,’ said Oswald, with great show of savagery, setting his
teeth, ‘that you prefer the said Roger, who must not talk o’ mornings, to me,
presumably not required to work? Know, then, young lady, that I have as
much need to work as your Roger; more, for I mean to be somebody. If I go
in for the bar it is with the intention of being Lord Chancellor; and that
wants work—work! such as would take the very breath away from your
clergyman’s sons, who probably intend to be mere clergymen, and drop into
a fat living.’
‘Roger is an engineer,’ said Cara; ‘he is at the College; he walks about
with chains, measuring. I don’t know what is the good of it, but I suppose it
is of some good. There are so many things,’ she added, with a sigh, ‘that
one is obliged to take for granted. Some day, I suppose, he will have bridges
and lighthouses to make. That one can understand—that would be worth
‘I hate Roger!’ said Oswald. ‘I shall never believe in any lighthouses of
his making; there will be a flaw in them. Do you remember the Eddystone,
which came down ever so often? Roger’s will tumble down. I know it. And
when you have seen it topple over into the sea you shall come and see me
tranquilly seated on the woolsack, and recant all your errors.’
Upon which they both laughed—not that there was much wit in the
suggestion, but they were both young, and the one lighted up the other with
gay gleams of possible mirth.
‘However,’ said Oswald, ‘that we may not throw that comparison to too
remote a period, where do you think I was going? Talk of me as an idler, if
you please. Does this look like idling?’ He took from his pocket a little roll
of paper, carefully folded, and breaking open the cover showed her a
number of MS. pages, fairly copied out in graduated lines. Cara’s face grew
crimson with sudden excitement.
‘Poetry!’ she said; but capital letters would scarcely convey all she
meant. ‘Oswald, are you a poet?’
He laughed again, which jarred upon her feelings, for poetry (she felt)
was not a thing to laugh at. ‘I write verses,’ he said; ‘that is idling—most
people call it so, Cara, as well as you.’
‘But I would never call it so! Oh, Oswald, if there is anything in the
world I care for—— Read me some, will you? Oh, do read me something.
There is nothing,’ cried Cara, her lips trembling, her eyes expanding, her
whole figure swelling with a sigh of feeling, ‘nothing I care for so much. I
would rather know a poet than a king!’
Upon this Oswald laughed again, and looked at her with kind
admiration. His eyes glowed, but with a brotherly light. ‘You are a little
enthusiast,’ he said. ‘I called you virtuosa, and you are one in the old-
fashioned sense, for that is wider than bric-à-brac. Yes; I sometimes think I
might be a poet if I had anyone to inspire me, to keep me away from petty
things. I am my mother’s son, Cara. I like to please everybody, and that is
not in favour of the highest pursuits. I want a Muse. What if you were born
to be my Muse? You shall see some of the things that are printed,’ he
added; ‘not these. I am more sure of them when they have attained the
reality of print.’
‘Then they are printed?’ Cara’s eyes grew bigger and bigger, her interest
grew to the height of enthusiasm. ‘How proud your mother must be,
Oswald! I wonder she did not tell me. Does Edward write, too?’
‘Edward!’ cried the other with disdain; ‘a clodhopper; a plodding,
steady, respectable fellow, who has passed for the Civil Service. Poetry
would be more sadly in his way than it is in mine. Oh, yes, it is sadly in
mine. My mother does not know much; but instead of being enthusiastic she
is annoyed with what she does know. That is the kind of thing one has to
meet with in this world,’ he said, with a sigh over his own troubles.
‘Sometimes there is one like you—one more generous, more capable of
appreciating the things that do not pay—with some people the things that
pay are everything. And poetry does not pay, Cara.’
‘I don’t like you even to say so.’
‘Thanks for caring what I say; you have an eye for the ideal. I should
like to be set on a pedestal, and to have something better expected from me.
That is how men are made, Cara. To know that someone—a creature like
yourself—expects something, thinks us capable of something. I am talking
sentiment,’ he said, with a laugh; ‘decidedly you are the Muse I am looking
for. On a good pedestal, with plenty of white muslin, there is not a Greek of
them all would come up to you.’
‘I don’t know what you mean, Oswald. Now you are laughing at me.’
‘Well, let us laugh,’ he said, putting his papers into his pocket again.
‘Are you coming to my mother’s reception this afternoon? I hear you were
there yesterday. What do you think of it? Was old Somerville there with his
wig? He is the guardian angel; he comes to see that we all go on as we
ought, and that no one goes too far. He does not approve of me. He writes to
India about me that I will never be of much use in the world.’
‘To India.’
‘Yes; all the information about us goes out there. Edward gives
satisfaction, but not the rest of us. It is not easy to please people so far off
who have not you to judge, but only your actions set down in black and
white. Well, I suppose I must go now—my actions don’t tell for much:
“Went into the house next door, and got a great deal of good from little
Cara.” That would not count, you see; not even if I put down, “Cheered up
little Cara, who was mopish.” Might I say that?’
‘Yes, indeed; you have cheered me up very much,’ said Cara, giving him
her hand. Oswald stooped over her a moment, and the girl thought he was
going to kiss her, which made her retreat a step backwards, her countenance
flaming, and all the shy dignity and quick wrath of her age stirred into
movement. But he only laughed and squeezed her hand, and ran downstairs,
his feet ringing young and light through the vacant house. Cara would have
gone to the window and looked after him but for that—was it a threatening
of a visionary kiss? How silly she was! Of course he did not mean anything
of the kind. If he did, it was just as if she had been his sister, and Cara felt
that her momentary alarm showed her own silliness, a girl that had never
been used to anything. How much an only child lost by being an only child,
she reflected gravely, sitting down after he left her by the fire. How pleasant
it would have been to have a brother like Oswald. And if he should be a
poet! But this excited Cara more when he was talking to her than after he
was gone. He did not fall in with her ideas of the poet, who was a being of
angelic type to her imagination, not a youth with laughter glancing from his
That evening Cara sat solitary after dinner, the pretty silver lamp lighted,
with its white moon-orb of light upon the table by her; the fire burning just
bright enough for company, for it still was not cold. She had said, timidly,
‘Shall you come upstairs this evening, papa?’ and had received a mildly
evasive answer, and she thought about nine o’clock that she heard the hall
door shut, just as John came into the room with tea. She thought the man
looked at her compassionately, but she would not question him. The room
looked very pretty in the fire, light and lamplight, with the little tray
gleaming in all its brightness of china and silver, and the little white figure
seated by the fire; but it was very lonely. She took up a book a little more
interesting than the one which had been her first resource, but presently let
it drop on her knee wondering and asking herself would Oswald come?
Perhaps he had forgotten; perhaps he had noticed her shrink when he went
away, and, meaning nothing by his gesture, did not know why she had
retreated from him—perhaps——. But who could tell what might have
stopped him? A boy was not like a girl—he might have been asked
somewhere. He might have gone to the theatre. Perhaps he had a club, and
was there among his friends. All this passed through her head as she sat
with the book in her hand, holding it open on her knee. Then she began to
read, and forgot for the minute; then suddenly the book dropped again, and
she thought, with a sort of childish longing, of what might be going on next
door, just on the other side of the wall, where everything was sure to be so
cheerful. If she could only pierce that unkindly wall, and see through! That
made her think of Pyramus and Thisbe, and she smiled, but soon grew
grave again. Was this how she was to go on living—lonely all the evening
through, her father seeking society somewhere else, she could not tell
where. She thought of the drawing-room at the Hill, and her eyes grew wet;
how they would miss her there! and here nobody wanted Cara. Her father,
perhaps, might think it right that his child should live under his roof; but
that was all he cared apparently; and was it to be always thus, and never
change? At seventeen it is so natural to think that everything that is, is
unalterable and will never change. Then Cara, with a gulp, and a
determination to be as happy as she could in the terrible circumstances, and
above all, to shun Oswald, who had not kept his word, opened her book
again, and this time got into the story, which had been prefaced by various
interludes of philosophising, and remembered no more till nurse came to
inquire if she did not mean to go to bed to-night. So the evening did not
hang so heavy on her hands as she thought.
Next day Oswald came again, and told her of a forgotten engagement
which he had been obliged to keep; and they chatted gaily as before; and he
brought her some poems, printed in a magazine, which sounded beautiful
when he read them, to her great delight, but did not seem so beautiful when
she read them over herself, as she begged she might be allowed to do. After
this there was a great deal of intercourse between the two houses, and
Cara’s life grew brighter. Now and then, it was true, she would be left to
spend an evening alone; but she got other friends, and went to some parties
with Mrs. Meredith, Oswald attending them. He was always about; he came
and had long private talks with her, reading his verses and appealing to her
sympathies and counsel; he walked with her when she went out with his
mother; he was always by her side wherever they went. ‘I know Edward
will cut me out when he comes, so I must make the running now,’ he said
often, and Cara no longer wondered what making the running meant. She
got so used to his presence that it seemed strange when he was not there.
‘It’s easy to see what that will end in,’ said Nurse to John and Cook in
the kitchen.
‘I wish as one could see what the other would end in,’ Cook replied. But
the household watched the two young people with proud delight, going to

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