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Section 1: Review diversity requirements and Diversity Policy 4

Section 2: Foster respect for diversity in your work team 9

Section 3: Promote benefits of diversity to clients 12

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Student name:



Workplace this assessment

is based on:

Chosen work area:

Organisational goals:

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Section 1: Review diversity requirements and
Diversity Policy

Complete the table to describe the legislative, regulatory and code of practice requirements associated
with diversity as it applies to your organisation.
Note: Your answer for each row in the table should include at least one legislation, one regulation or one
code of practice. Across all the rows, you must have included legislation, regulations AND codes of

Legislation, Regulations Summary:

or Codes of Practice for:
(summarise at least one legislation, one regulation or one code of

Age discrimination The Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Australia) forbids age discrimination in
the workplace and other public spheres. It guarantees the equality of
rights and opportunities for individuals of all ages.

Disability discrimination The Americans with impairments Act (ADA) forbids discrimination against
people with impairments in the workplace, on public transit, and when
obtaining public services, among other spheres of society. In order to
guarantee that those with disabilities have equal opportunities, it requires
appropriate adjustments.

Racial discrimination The United States' Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination on the
grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin in the workplace
and other public spheres. It seeks to guarantee everyone, regardless of
colour or ethnicity, equal opportunity and treatment.

Sex discrimination People are protected against discrimination on the basis of sex, gender
reassignment, or marital status under the United Kingdom's Equality Act
2010. It guarantees that everyone, regardless of gender identity or
expression, will receive the same treatment and opportunity.

Human rights A foundational document that outlines essential human rights, such as
the right to equality and non-discrimination, is the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR). It provides a foundation for numerous
international agreements and treaties that attempt to safeguard human
rights everywhere.

Equal opportunity The Australian Human Rights Commission was established by the
Australian Human Rights Commission Act of 1986. Its aim is to safeguard
and advance human rights in Australia, particularly by eradicating
discrimination and advancing equal opportunity for all.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Complete the table to describe workplace policies and procedures associated with diversity.

Summarise your organisation’s

existing Diversity Policy
Discuss the key features of the
Attach proof of the policy and
procedure to this section of
the portfolio.

Summarise any other policies and diversity policy: The Diversity Policy of our organisation is to
procedures in your organisation promote an inclusive work environment in which each employee
that address: is treated with dignity, respect, and equal opportunity. The
promotion of diversity and inclusion through hiring, training, and
● complaints procedures
development initiatives, the outlawing of discrimination based on
● protocols governing protected characteristics, and the provision of assistance and
communication with clients accommodations to guarantee the success of every employee
and co-workers are important components.

● providing feedback on complaints procedures:Our company has set up clear channels

existing policies and for workers to file complaints about harassment, discrimination, or
procedures. other problems they may have at work. These protocols specify
how complaints should be reported, how inquiries will be looked
Attach proof of the policy and
into, and what will be done to address and promptly resolve them.
procedure to this section of
the portfolio (if different to the protocols for communication:Communication protocols with
Diversity Policy). clients and coworkers place a strong emphasis on courteous and
inclusive relationships. These standards provide rules for clear,
concise communication that take cultural sensitivity, active
listening, and other factors into account. They also cover
confidentiality, proper routes of communication, and upholding
professionalism in all dealings with clients and coworkers.
providing policies and procedures: In order to continuously
enhance the organization's operations, employees are urged to
offer input on the policies and procedures that are currently in
place. Employees can provide their ideas and suggestions for
improving diversity, inclusiveness, and general workplace
effectiveness through surveys, suggestion boxes, and frequent
meetings. Management carefully considers and evaluates this
input before making any necessary modifications or revisions to
policies and procedures.

Complete the table to assess your organisation’s Diversity Policy.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
How does the policy apply to your The policy ensures that all workers are treated equally and fairly,
work area? regardless of their background or personal traits, and it applies to
my work area. It encourages inclusivity and diversity in hiring,
training, and project assignments, creating a happy, encouraging
work atmosphere where each person may share their own skills
and viewpoints.

Does the policy consider Yes, the policy complies with applicable laws that prohibit
legislative, regulatory and code of discrimination and equal opportunity in the workplace, including
practice requirements? the Equality Act. In addition, it takes into account rules of conduct
pertaining to inclusion and diversity, guaranteeing adherence to
legal requirements, and fostering an environment at work that
respects the rights of every person and values diversity.

Does the policy follow current The policy highlights proactive steps to address prejudice, foster
best-practice recommendations cultural awareness, and foster a supportive work environment,
(i.e. is the policy current?). which follows contemporary best practices in diversity and
inclusion management. To guarantee that the policy stays in line
with changing best practices and new problems in diversity and
inclusion management, frequent revisions and reviews are

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Is the policy achieving the desired The strategy has been successful in creating an inclusive working
results (i.e. what is the efficacy of culture and raising awareness of diversity. But there's still space
the policy)? for improvement when it comes to addressing the difficulties faced
by members of different groups and making sure that everyone
has equal access to opportunities for professional growth and
career advancement. Furthermore, in order to determine the
impact of the policy and make the required modifications in order
to get the intended results, continuous assessment and feedback
systems are required.

Suggested improvement (at least 1. Improvement of Protocols Overseeing Communication: - To

three) guarantee successful communication and foster long-lasting
relationships, develop precise standards for client communications
that place an emphasis on cultural sensitivity, attentive listening,
● at least one improvement to and polite participation.
protocols governing
- Conduct workshops or training sessions for staff members on
communication to:
cultural sensitivity and effective communication strategies to
o clients improve relationships with clients from a variety of backgrounds.
o co-workers. 2. Enhancement of Communication Protocols with Coworkers: -
Create regular forums or diversity discussion groups where staff
● at least one improvement to
members can freely discuss their experiences, viewpoints, and
improve awareness of
worries about diversity and inclusion. This will improve
challenges experienced by
communication protocols within the company.
individuals from diverse
groups in the work team. - Promote intercultural cooperation and team-building exercises to
cultivate empathy, respect, and understanding among coworkers
● at least one improvement to
from different backgrounds.
align the policy with
legislative, regulatory, code 3. Modification to Comply with Law and Best Practice
of practice or best practice Requirements: Perform a thorough analysis of the policy to make
requirements. sure it complies with the most recent legal, regulatory, and best
practices standards for managing diversity and inclusion. To
ensure the policy remains relevant and effective over time,
establish a mechanism for periodic updates and revisions based
on modifications to legal standards, new research, and input from

Complete the table to summarise the Diversity Policy improvement feedback and suggestions provided
to a superior.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Description of superior Our organization's Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) is the boss I will
be meeting with. Their experience in implementing strategies to
Who will you meet with?
promote diversity and develop inclusive workplaces is
Describe their diverse considerable, and they have a strong foundation in diversity,
background. equity, and inclusion (DEI) projects. Being a part of the LGBTQ+
community and a person of colour, they offer a distinct viewpoint
to DEI initiatives and are dedicated to promoting constructive
change inside the company.
The CDO is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and identifies
as a person of colour. They've worked in a variety of
organisational environments, supporting diversity and inclusion
and standing up for underrepresented groups. Their approach to
DEI programmes is informed by their different backgrounds and
personal experiences, which enables them to effectively remove
systemic hurdles and offer fair opportunities for all employees.

Communication protocols In light of the CDO's varied backgrounds, I will make sure that all
communications are carried out with courtesy and inclusivity. This
What communication protocols
entails speaking inclusively, paying attention to what they have to
will you follow to consider their
say, and being aware of any potential cultural sensitivities or
diverse background?
nuances. In order to make sure that their voice is heard and
respected during our conversation, I will also give them plenty of
time to share their opinions and experiences.

Meeting summary The CDO gave insightful remarks about the organization's present
level of diversity and inclusion throughout the meeting. They
What input did the superior
emphasised the need to address systemic prejudices and
integrate intersectionality as key areas for improvement in the
What did you negotiate? Diversity Policy. We reached agreements on a number of
suggested modifications, such as the creation of focused training
What final improvements will be courses on unconscious prejudice and microaggressions, the
included in the Diversity Policy? deployment of employee mentorship programmes for
If not already viewed in person by underrepresented groups, and the creation of diversity measures
your assessor, provide proof of to monitor advancements over time. Following our conversation,
your meeting to this section of the Diversity Policy will now have a greater focus on
your portfolio (e.g., video intersectionality, specific actions to address systemic prejudices,
recording). and improved accountability methods to guarantee that DEI tactics
are implemented successfully.
1. Take intersectionality into account: Make sure the diversity
policy takes into account the intersecting identities and
experiences of employees, taking into account things like
socioeconomic background, gender, race, and sexual orientation.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
2. Put specific programmes and efforts into action: Create
initiatives like mentorship programmes for underrepresented
groups, training on unconscious bias, and diversity metrics to
monitor progress in order to eliminate systemic prejudices and
encourage inclusion.
3. Strengthen the accountability protocols: Provide explicit
accountability procedures, such as periodic DEI assessments and
reporting, to guarantee that the company stays dedicated to
achieving its diversity and inclusion objectives.

Revise Diversity Policy Include Input: Consider input or recommendations from staff
members, stakeholders, or diversity and inclusion specialists.
Attach your revised Diversity
Policy to this section of the Address Gaps: Determine any areas, such as encouraging
portfolio. intersectionality, addressing unconscious prejudice, or offering
assistance to underrepresented groups, where your current policy
Highlight the changes (e.g. using
may be deficient or reinforced.
a different font colour or a
highlighting tool). Revise the Wording: Make sure that the policy's wording is
courteous, inclusive, and represents the most recent best
practices for managing diversity and inclusion.
Boost Accountability: Clearly define roles and duties related to
putting the policy into action and enforcing it, as well as the
procedures for reporting and handling instances of harassment or
Provide Resources: Provide details on the training courses, tools,
and networks of support that staff members can access to
encourage inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

Attach: Original Diversity Policy ☐

Meeting with superior (if relevant) ☐

Revised Diversity Policy ☐

Section 2: Foster respect for diversity in your work


Complete the table to determine the benefit of diversity on your work area.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Research benefits and competitive 1. Greater Innovation: Diverse teams bring people together
advantage of diverse workforces who have different backgrounds, experiences, and points of
view. This diversity of viewpoints encourages creativity and
What are the benefits of having a
innovation, which results in the creation of more inventive
diverse workforce (at least three)?
products and solutions. (Source: "How Diversity Can Drive
What competitive advantages will a Innovation" in the Harvard Business Review)
diverse workforce provide (at least
2. more Problem-Solving: Because diverse teams approach
problems from several perspectives and provide a range of
Attach proof of at least two sources insights and solutions, they are more suited to address
of written information for your difficult problems. A wider range of viewpoints promotes more
research. thorough decision-making and problem-solving procedures.
(Source: "Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters" by
McKinsey & Company)
3. Increased Employee Engagement: When diversity is
represented at work, employees feel appreciated and
involved. A varied workforce fosters an inclusive and
respectful culture, which raises the bar for employee
engagement, satisfaction and retention.
Access to a Broader Talent Pool: Employers may draw and
keep top talent from a greater variety of backgrounds and
experiences by having a diverse staff. Having access to a
wider pool of people improves the organization's capacity to
attract top talent and foster innovation and expansion.
2. A deeper comprehension of varied markets: Employers
with a diversified workforce are able to better understand the
wants, tastes, and markets of their varied clientele. With the
use of this knowledge, businesses can better target and
interact with a variety of consumer segments, giving them a
competitive advantage in the market.

Harvard Business Review:
McKinsey & Company -
Deloitte -

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Create a staff engagement survey to . Do you think that having a variety of viewpoints helps our
establish the benefit of a diverse team solve problems more effectively?
Do you have any particular examples in mind of how diversity
Use any appropriate tool (such as has sparked creativity or innovative ideas at work?
survey monkey) to create the survey.
Do you think that having a varied workforce improves our
Ask questions (at least five) that company's capacity to recognise and meet the needs of a
establish the benefit of working with wide range of clients?
diverse people and identify who the
In our company, who do you think is a champion for diversity?
diversity champions are.
(Please state role and name.)
Attach proof of your survey to this
What other ways do you think we can use diversity to help
section of your portfolio.
our team succeed and grow?

For the remainder of this assessment, assume that the individuals described in the information
provided in the Simulation Pack (for Section 2 of the Project Portfolio) are part of your chosen work
Use this information whether you’re basing your assessment on your own business or on the
case study business.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Complete the table to address diversity challenges and training needs.

Summarise the training needs in your To encourage respect for interpersonal interactions between
work area to promote respect for individuals from different backgrounds, training is required. To
personal interactions between people promote inclusive and courteous interactions at work, this
with diverse backgrounds entails developing cultural understanding, improving
communication skills, and eliminating unconscious biases.
What are the challenges faced by
those with diverse backgrounds? People from different origins may encounter difficulties at
work such as discrimination, microaggressions, stereotyping,
Identify staff struggling to work with
and a sense of exclusion or marginalisation. They might also
have trouble overcoming linguistic obstacles, cultural gaps,
How does your revised Diversity and a lack of visibility or representation in leadership roles.
Policy apply to each situation?
Employees that find it difficult to collaborate with diversity
may act in ways like being resistant to change, saying hurtful
things or making jokes about other people, making biassed
decisions, or excluding people because of their origins. They
might also exhibit insensitivity or a lack of knowledge of
problems impacting people from different backgrounds.
The updated Diversity Policy offers recommendations and
resources to help staff members who are having a hard time
adjusting to diversity as well as individuals from a variety of
backgrounds. It highlights how crucial it is to provide cultural
competence training, encourage inclusive behaviours, and
create a welcoming workplace where everyone is treated with
dignity and respect. In order to guarantee accountability and
a timely settlement, the policy delineates the repercussions
for discriminatory conduct and promotes the reporting of

Create a factsheet relevant to your increased creativity and invention as a result of varied
work area viewpoints and experiences. Improved ability to solve
problems by drawing on a larger variety of skills and
perspectives. - Enhanced morale and engagement among
● benefits a diverse workforce staff members, which raises retention and productivity.
● the competitive advantage a enhanced capacity to draw in and keep excellent personnel
diverse workforce from a variety of backgrounds. Improved customer
● link to your staff engagement satisfaction and loyalty through an awareness of and
survey reflection of the various demands and preferences of the
consumer base.
● diversity challenges faced
● links to YouTube video clips that
roleplay respectful interaction F&psig=AOvVaw2yf4C2V61aGJJiyxWvJzGm&ust=17109831
between diverse people. 68768000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0C
Attach proof of your factsheet to this AUQn5wMahcKEwiQ98WR04GFAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBA
section of your portfolio. prejudice and discrimination at work. - Insufficient diversity
and representation. - Barriers to communication arising from
cultural disparities.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Respectful Interaction in a Diverse Workplace

Effective Communication Across Cultures

Draft an email to send your fact sheet

to relevant staff
Subject: Reviewing the Significance of Diversity in the
Attach your draft email to this section Workplace
of your portfolio.
dear Team,
I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share a factsheet with
you as part of our continuous efforts to support diversity and
inclusion in the workplace. It highlights the advantages of
having a varied workforce and the significance of polite
interactions between people from different backgrounds.
The numerous benefits of diversity are discussed in this fact
sheet, which includes improved problem-solving skills, more
employee engagement, and increased innovation. In addition,
it discusses typical difficulties that members of different
groups encounter and offers tools—like a staff engagement
survey and YouTube video clips—to bolster our dedication to
fostering an inclusive workplace.
I kindly request that you allocate some time to peruse the
factsheet and interact with the available materials. As we
strive to create a work environment where everyone feels
appreciated, respected, and empowered to share their
distinct viewpoints and skills, your cooperation and
understanding are essential.
I appreciate you taking the time to consider this crucial issue.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or
would like further information.
Warm regards,

Address diversity complaint Acknowledge the issue as soon as possible and reassure the
complainant that it will be looked into in great detail.
How will you address the complaint
according to your organisation’s - Carry out a fair and unbiased investigation, interviewing
policy and procedures? those involved and acquiring pertinent evidence.
Attach proof of how you addressed If the complaint is verified, take the proper disciplinary action
the complaint (e.g. draft email) to this in line with company guidelines and any relevant legal
section of your portfolio. requirements.
- Assist the complainant with resources and support and take
action to stop such occurrences from happening again in the

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Attach: Sources of written information (proof) ☐

Survey developed ☐

Factsheet ☐

Draft email to staff ☐

Proof of how you addressed the complaint ☐

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Section 3: Promote benefits of diversity to clients

Write an article to be published in a media publication (e.g. magazine, external website etc.) that
promotes your organisation’s workforce diversity.

Article title:

Introduction at Indian asian grocers, We take great satisfaction in creating

an inclusive and diverse work environment. Being the team
Provide a description of:
leader for a varied group of people, I have personally seen the
● your organisation enormous advantages of accepting individuals with different
origins, experiences, and viewpoints.
● the diverse team you lead.

Main points Advantages of a Diverse Workforce: Our organization's

productivity, creativity, and innovation have all benefited from
Discuss the benefits of a diverse
our embrace of diversity. Because of the variety of perspectives
workforce provided for your
and ideas that our various team members bring to the table, our
problem-solving and decision-making processes are stronger.
Promote the currency and efficacy Furthermore, diversity encourages employees to feel engaged
of your Diversity Policy. and part of the team, which boosts morale and increases
Provide an example of how retention rates.
communication protocols to clients The effectiveness and currency of our diversity policy:
have been adapted to consider
The Diversity Policy of our company is a real, breathing
their diversity.
commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone
is treated with respect and worth. It is not merely a paper
document. To make sure it complies with the most recent
regulatory requirements as well as best practices, we evaluate
and update our policy on a regular basis. By means of
continuous training and educational programmes, we enable
our staff members to advocate for diversity and confront

Modifying Communication Procedures in Light of Diverse

Offering a range of language options and communication
channels to suit diverse requirements and preferences is one

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
way we modify our communication protocols to account for the
variety of our clientele. We work hard to make sure that every
interaction is courteous and inclusive, whether that means
offering virtual meetings for clients with accessibility needs or
providing printed documents in different languages.

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
Conclusion Conclusion: Embracing diversity is not only a moral requirement
but also a competitive advantage in today's ever changing
Write one or two sentences to
corporate scene. At Indian asian grocers, we're dedicated to
summarise your article.
utilising diversity's potential to promote inclusivity, spark
creativity, and ultimately lead to success.

Draft an email to refer a client to the

Subject: Indian asian grocer's article "Embracing Diversity: A
Assume that the client, Alicia Allan, Must-Read"
is a married woman who values the
acknowledgement of her marriage
in her salutation (i.e. ‘Mrs’ rather Greetings Mrs. Allan,
than ‘Ms’).
Attach your draft email to this I trust this email finds you in good health. I wanted to share a
section of the portfolio. recent article from [Media Publication] titled "Embracing
Diversity: The Key to Success at [Organisation Name]" with
you. I think this post is enlightening and motivating for anybody
who appreciates variety and inclusiveness.

By clicking on this link, you can read the article: [Link to Article].

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or

would want to talk about how our company might support your
diversity and inclusion programmes. We are grateful for your
relationship and eager to stay of service to you.

Indian asian grocers.

Draft email to client ☐

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023
BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion RTO No: 45620 CRICOS No: 03857D Version No 2.0 Date:04042023

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