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Critical thinking test

Type A
1. Analyzing arguments
Below is a statement that is followed by an argument. It is up to you to determine
whether the argument is strong or weak.
Statement: it would be good if people would eat vegetarian more often.
Argument: No, because dairy also requires animals to be kept that will have to be eaten
again later.
Is this a strong or weak argument?
□ Strong argument
□ Weak argument
2. Assumptions
Overfishing is the phenomenon that too much fish is caught in a certain area, which
leads to the disappearance of the fish species in that area. The solution to this problem is
putting measures for catch reduction. These must be introduced and enforced.
Assumption: the disappearance of fish species in areas of the oceans is undesirable (not
Is the assumption made from the text?
□ Assumption is made
□ Assumption is not made
3. Deductions
Assume only the following statements and consider them as facts.
1) All reptiles( ‫ )الزواحف‬lay eggs
2) All reptiles are vertebrates( ‫)الفقاريات‬
3) All snakes are reptiles
4) All vertebrates have brains
5) Some reptiles hatch their eggs themselves
6) Most reptiles have two lungs
7) Many snakes only have one lung
8) Cobras are poisonous snakes
9) All reptiles are animals
Conclusion: some snakes hatch their eggs themselves.

Does the conclusion follow the statements?

□ conclusion follows
□ conclusion does not follow
4. interpretation
Michael is a dentist and he treats an average of ten patients a day. He is the most
popular dentist in the city of Greenfield, perhaps because he is the dentist who has been
around the longest. Last week he had 10 cancellations and was unable to fill up the
schedule completely, but he does not mind the extra spare time. Next year he will retire
and leave the practice to his son, who currently works in another city.
Proposed conclusion: Michael lives in Greenfield
□ yes
□ no
5. inferences
Turkey is a surprising addition to the list of rapidly developing economies; with a GDP
increase of 8.5% in the year 2011 alone. However, such rapid growth leaves worries
regarding possible side effects. For instance, in 2011 Turkey’s rate of inflation was well
above that of its peers. Secondly, there is increasing concern regarding Turkey’s growing
dependency on foreign capital. A large portion of the Turkish banking system is part
owned by banks within the Eurozone. As the single currency falters, such a dependency
raises questions about the stability of Turkish growth.
Inference: As Turkish banks are part owned by those in the Eurozone, they may suffer if
the European banks face financial difficulty.
□ True
□ Probably true
□ More information required
□ Probably false
□ false

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