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Question Bank

1. Define different types of agents in the context of artificial intelligence,

including reactive agents, deliberative agents, hybrid agents, and more.
Discuss the characteristics, functionalities, and typical applications of
each type of agent. Provide examples from the agricultural domain,
business and marketing, and automatic car parking systems to illustrate
the deployment of different types of agents in real-world scenarios. (10

2. Describe the structure of an intelligent agent, including its perceptual

mechanism, knowledge representation, reasoning engine, and action
execution components. Explain the functions of each component in detail,
highlighting how they contribute to the overall behavior and performance
of the agent. Provide examples of how these components are
implemented in intelligent agents deployed in agricultural monitoring
systems, business recommendation engines, and automatic car parking
systems. (10 marks)

3. Discuss the interaction between agents and their environment in the

context of artificial intelligence. Explain how agents perceive and act
upon their environment using sensors and actuators, respectively.
Describe the role of the environment in shaping agent behavior and
influencing decision-making processes. Provide case studies from the
agricultural domain, business and marketing, and automatic car parking
systems to illustrate the dynamic interaction between agents and their
environment. (10 marks)

4. Analyze the application of intelligent agents in the agricultural domain,

business and marketing, and automatic car parking systems. Discuss
specific scenarios where agents are utilized to optimize processes,
enhance productivity, and improve user experience in each domain.
Evaluate the impact of intelligent agent technology on efficiency,
sustainability, and profitability in agricultural practices, business
operations, and urban transportation management. Provide insights into
the challenges and opportunities associated with deploying intelligent
agents in diverse real-world contexts. (10 marks)

5. Explore the ethical considerations surrounding the widespread

adoption of intelligent agents in various domains, including agriculture,
business, and transportation. Discuss potential societal impacts, such as
job displacement, privacy concerns, and algorithmic biases, arising from
the deployment of intelligent agents. Evaluate strategies to address these
ethical challenges and ensure responsible and equitable use of intelligent
agent technology. Provide recommendations for policymakers, businesses,
and researchers to mitigate risks and promote the ethical development and
deployment of intelligent agents in society. (10 marks)

1. Explain the concept of intelligent agents in computer science. Discuss

the different types of agents and provide examples for each type. (5

2. Describe the structure of an intelligent agent. Discuss the components

that constitute an intelligent agent and their functions in detail. (5 marks)

3. How do agents interact with their environment in the context of

artificial intelligence? Provide examples to illustrate the relationship
between agents and their environment. (5 marks)

4. Analyze the application of intelligent agents in the agricultural domain.

Discuss specific scenarios where agents are utilized to enhance
agricultural practices and productivity. (5 marks)

5. Evaluate the role of intelligent agents in business and marketing.

Provide case studies demonstrating how agents are employed to optimize
processes and decision-making in commercial settings. (5 marks)
6. Discuss the design and functionality of an automatic car parking
system using intelligent agents. Explain how agents facilitate efficient
parking management and improve user experience. (5 marks)

7. Compare and contrast different types of agents used in various domains

such as agriculture, business, and automotive systems. Highlight their
unique characteristics and functionalities. (5 marks)

8. Assess the impact of intelligent agents on environmental sustainability

in agricultural practices. Provide examples showcasing how agents
contribute to sustainable farming techniques. (5 marks)

9. Explore the challenges and limitations associated with the

implementation of intelligent agents in business and marketing. Discuss
potential solutions to address these challenges. (5 marks)

10. Investigate the ethical considerations surrounding the deployment of

intelligent agents in automated systems like car parking. Discuss potential
ethical dilemmas and propose strategies to mitigate them. (5 marks)

1. Define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and briefly explain its significance

in modern technology. (2 marks)

2. What are the foundational principles of Artificial Intelligence, and how

do they contribute to its development? (2 marks)
3. Provide a brief overview of the history of Artificial Intelligence,
highlighting key milestones and breakthroughs. (2 marks)

4. Explain the concept of machine learning in the context of Artificial

Intelligence, and give an example of its application. (2 marks)

5. Describe the difference between narrow AI and general AI, and give
examples of each. (2 marks)

6. What are some common applications of Artificial Intelligence in

everyday life? Provide two examples. (2 marks)

7. Briefly discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the use of

Artificial Intelligence in decision-making processes. (2 marks)

8. Explain the role of neural networks in Artificial Intelligence and

provide an example of their application. (2 marks)

9. Describe the concept of natural language processing (NLP) and its

significance in Artificial Intelligence. (2 marks)

11. Discuss the potential societal impacts of widespread adoption of

Artificial Intelligence technologies. (2 marks)

1. Define propositional logic and discuss its fundamental components and

syntax. Provide examples to illustrate how propositions, logical
connectives, and truth assignments are used in propositional logic.
Explain the process of evaluating the truth value of compound
propositions using truth tables. (10 marks)

2. Explain the syntax and semantics of first-order logic (FOL),

highlighting the key components such as quantifiers, predicates, functions,
and variables. Discuss how FOL extends propositional logic to handle
quantification and predicate expressions, providing examples to illustrate
each concept. (10 marks)

3. Describe the process of inference in first-order logic (FOL), including

the role of unification and resolution. Explain how unification facilitates
variable instantiation and how resolution combines premises to infer new
conclusions. Provide a detailed example demonstrating the application of
unification and resolution in FOL inference. (10 marks)

4. Define reasoning in the context of artificial intelligence and explain its

significance in problem-solving and decision-making tasks. Discuss how
reasoning differs from computation, highlighting the cognitive processes
involved in reasoning. Provide examples to illustrate the role of reasoning
in various AI applications. (10 marks)

5. Compare and contrast deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning.

Discuss the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of each type of
reasoning, providing real-world examples to illustrate their applications.
Evaluate the suitability of each type of reasoning for different problem-
solving scenarios and decision-making tasks. (10 marks)

1. Compare and contrast propositional logic and first-order logic in terms

of expressive power and representational capabilities. Provide examples
to illustrate your explanation. (5 marks)
2. Explain the syntax and semantics of first-order logic (FOL) with
suitable examples. Discuss how FOL extends propositional logic to
handle quantification and predicate expressions. (5 marks)

3. Describe the process of inference in first-order logic (FOL). Discuss

the role of unification and resolution in FOL inference, providing an
example to demonstrate their application. (5 marks)

4. Discuss the importance of soundness and completeness in first-order

logic inference. Explain how soundness ensures the validity of
conclusions drawn from premises, and how completeness guarantees that
all valid inferences can be derived. (5 marks)

5. Explore the concept of reasoning in artificial intelligence. Discuss how

reasoning differs from computation and describe its significance in
problem-solving and decision-making tasks. (5 marks)

6. Compare and contrast deductive and inductive reasoning. Provide

examples to illustrate each type of reasoning and discuss their
applications in real-world scenarios. (5 marks)

7. Explain the process of abduction in reasoning, highlighting its role in

generating plausible explanations for observed phenomena. Provide a
real-world example to illustrate the concept of abductive reasoning. (5

8. Discuss the role of monotonic reasoning. Explain how monotonic

reasoning aid in problem-solving by guiding search processes and
reducing computational complexity. Provide examples of monotonic
reasoning used in reasoning tasks. (5 marks)
9. Analyze the limitations of logical reasoning in handling uncertainty
and ambiguity. Discuss how probabilistic reasoning techniques address
these challenges by incorporating uncertainty measures into the inference
process. (5 marks)

10. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of rule-based reasoning

systems in artificial intelligence. Discuss how rule-based systems
represent knowledge and make inferences, and provide examples of
domains where they excel or struggle. (5 marks)
11. Discuss propositional logic and its fundamental components and
syntax. Provide examples to illustrate how propositions, logical
connectives, and truth assignments are used in propositional logic.
Explain the process of evaluating the truth value of biconditional truth
12. Explain the compound propositional logic and propositional logic
truth table? Provide an examples for each connective symbols?

13. Given the following FOL formula: ∃y ∀x (Loves(x, y) ∧

Teacher(x)) , what does it represent? And translate the following
statement into first-order logic (FOL): "All robots can charge
themselves.".? Is it possible to express the concept of "exactly two"
objects using first-order logic with just quantifiers and standard logical
connectives (AND, OR, NOT)?

14. Explain the technical names of symbols in propositional logic and

first order logic? Translate the following statement into first-order logic
(FOL): "Every student has a unique ID number."

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