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By: Dr. H A Robert

DEFINITION: It is the prescription to be made, when first one has acted.

The second prescription may be a repetition of the first, or may be an
antidote or complementary.

 After studying a chronic case and deciding the remedy and administering
the remedy, we expect some response. After this, a time may come when
the physician is called upon to meet the symptom picture, when he must
consider the second prescription.

 First prescription is the prescription that first reacts sometimes when we

are looking for second prescription, in reality we are looking for the first
prescription to which the patient will react.

 Following are the points which should be kept in mind before making a
second prescription:
1.Enough time shall be given to the first remedy to perform its action. We have to
confirm that there is no action left of the given medicine.

2.There shall not be any kind of interruption in the action of last medicine.

 A Second prescription may be:

1. A repetition of the first one
2. Or an Antidote may be required
3. Or complementary is demanded

 In order to meet the situation intelligently, the case must be restudied.

 If the first prescription is beneficial, then no new remedy to be given, allow
the first one to run the fullest extent, second prescription be the repetition
of the first remedy.

 Reaction to the correct prescription is that, the striking, peculiar features;

concomitant symptoms on which the choice of remedy is based, are first to
be removed, guiding symptoms of the case are obliterated. Only the trivial
symptoms of case are left behind. No need to repeat the remedy at this
stage, otherwise the cycle of cure is broken.

 The return of the original symptom is a very good omen i.e. First
prescription was correct, and the patient was cured.

 New symptoms appear to take place of old symptoms, and these symptoms
belong to the medicine administered then ANTIDOTE the remedy as : First
prescription has changed the direction of disease, restudy the case.

 Sometimes after 1st prescription, patient comes to a standstill in that case


 “DO NOTHING” Stage appeared, wait until the patient gets ready for the
next prescription.

 But, when entire scheme has been changed. A new set of symptoms have
appeared after an initial relief in that case a COMPLEMENTARY remedy
should be used.

 Example:
1. Repeated attacks of cold in children is treated by belladonna in acute
manifestation while it calls for a chronic calcarea for complete cure.
2. Pulsatilla effective in acute manifestation while constitutional
condition calls for silicea.

 For the completion of cure, a succession of remedies, 1 remedy following

the another to good advantage.

 When one remedy treats the underlying miasm for uncovering all the layers
of all other miasm, antimiasmatic remedy prescribed in succession

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