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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


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Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the answer sheet.

1. Which describes a heterogeneous mixture?

A. A mixture that has a uniform appearance.
B. A mixture that has a non-uniform appearance.
C. A mixture that shows one visible phase after mixing
different components.
D. A mixture that displays multiple visible phases after mixing
different components.

2. Which of the following BEST describes a homogeneous mixture?

A. It has two or more phases.
B. It has different components.
C. It has a uniform appearance.
D. It has a non-uniform appearance.

3. You were tasked to list examples of the application of mixture. Your teacher
noticed that your answers were correct EXCEPT:
A. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
B. Mix mayonnaise and catsup as salad dressing.
C. Add eggplant, radish and okra to a pork sinigang.
D. Combine different fruits, milk and cream to make fruit salad.

4. You were asked to prepare a cup of coffee. You poured hot water into a cup,
added a teaspoon of coffee powder, and two teaspoons of sugar. You find it too
sweet. Which of the following is the best thing to do?
A. Add more sugar into the cup.
B. Add more hot water into the cup.
C. Transfer the mixture into a bigger cup.
D. Transfer the mixture into a smaller cup.

5. Sarah made a fruit salad by mixing small slices of apples, grapes, pineapples,
shredded coconut, cream, and condensed milk. What type of mixture did she
A. A heterogeneous mixture, because it showed a single phase.
B. A homogeneous mixture, because it showed multiple phases.
C. A homogeneous mixture, because all solid ingredients dissolved in
D. A heterogeneous mixture, because solid ingredients are still
6. What technique separates solids in a mixture by their size differences?
A. sieving
B. decantation
C. use of magnets
D. physical manipulation

7. How can a magnet be used to separate a mixture of iron filings and sand?
A. Both iron filings and sand stick to the magnet.
B. Sand sticks to the magnet, while iron filings do not.
C. Iron filings stick to the magnet, while sand does not.
D. Neither iron filings nor sand are affected by the magnet.

8. You were given a salt solution and asked to separate the salt from it. What
process will you apply?
A. Heat the solution until the water evaporates.
B. Use a magnet to attract the salt from the solution.
C. Pour the solution into another container using a sieve.
D. Filtrate the solution to separate the salt from the water.

9. Karl cooked fried chicken. After cooking, he took the chicken out and put it in a
strainer to remove the excess oil. What technique did Karl use to separate the
chicken from the oil?
A. boiling
B. freezing
C. sieving
D. filtering

10. Your task in Home Economics class is to cook "ginataang gulay." Your group
mate brought grated coconut instead of coconut milk. How can you separate
coconut milk from grated coconut?
A. Put the grated coconut in a pan, then heat.
B. Put the grated coconut in a pan. Add water and boil.
C. Put the grated coconut in a strainer and pour water through the setup.
D. Put the grated coconut in a basin, add small amount of hot water, and
squeeze it using dry, and clean cloth.

11. Ana was asked to bring sewing materials. While holding her needles, they
accidentally fell into the sawdust. How can she quickly separate the needles
from the sawdust?
A) Use a strainer C) Pick all the needles
B) Use a magnet D) Separate by pouring through a filter

12. Mario watches his mother as she prepares a fruit salad. He notices that his
mother uses a technique to separate the mixture. Which of the following steps
shows a technique in separating the mixture?

Step 1: Drain the juice from the fruit cocktail and transfer it to a bowl.
Step 2: Combine the fruit cocktail and condensed milk. Mix lightly.
Step 3: Add the cream. Distribute properly among the fruits.
Step 4: Refrigerate the mixture for at least three (3) hours.
A. Step 1 C. Step 3
B. Step 2 D. Step 4

13. What does the esophagus do in relation to the mouth and stomach?
A. It produces saliva and digests food.
B. It removes undigested food from the mouth.
C. It carries food from the mouth to the stomach.
D. It churns and produces gastric acid for digestion.

14. How do the blood vessels work together with the organs of the circulatory
A. They digest the food that we eat every day.
B. They absorb oxygen from the different parts of the body.
C. They remove the waste from the different parts of the body.
D. They provide a passageway for the blood to reach other parts of the

15. Which of the following statements BEST explains how the organs of the
nervous system work?
A. They eliminate undigested food and urine.
B. They absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
C. They produce and distribute hormones throughout the body.
D. They carry information from the environment to the brain and spinal
cord for interpretation.

16. How do the circulatory and respiratory system work together?

A. They control the movements of the body.
B. They regulate temperature and eliminate waste in the body.
C. They digest food, absorb nutrients, and distribute them to all parts of
the body.
D. They distribute oxygen-rich blood throughout the body and remove
carbon dioxide and waste products.

17. Which of the situations demonstrates the interaction between the nervous
system and the musculoskeletal system?
A. A person studying in a library.
B. A person eating a healthy meal.
C. A person lifting weights at the gym.
D. A person watering plants in a garden.

18. Which of the following group of animals is classified as arthropods?

A. clam, snail, squid, and octopus
B. ant, mosquito, spider, and crab
C. starfish, sea urchin, jelly fish, and sponge
D. ascaris, earthworm, roundworm, and tapeworm

19. Crocodiles and snakes are examples of reptiles. Which statement describes their
differences from other animals?
A. They have gills for breathing.
B. They have moist and smooth skin.
C. They have fur that keeps them warm.
D. They have bodies covered with scales.

20. Which of the following characteristics is common to both mammals and birds?
A. They walk on four legs.
B. They do not have a backbone.
C. They are covered with feathers.
D. They are warm-blooded animals.

21. Which of the following statements shows commensalism?

A. Big fish eats a small fish.
B. Corals receive oxygen from the algae.
C. Barnacles attached to the shell or skin of the turtle.
D. Fishes compete for source of food and space in the coral reefs.

22. How do aquatic animals benefit from mangroves?

A. They serve as food for the mangroves.
B. They eat away the roots of the mangroves.
C. They serve as habitat for the aquatic animals.
D. They absorb the nutrients from the mangroves.

23. As a learner, how will you help in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem?
A. massive cutting of trees
B. dumping garbage anywhere
C. destroying wildlife ecosystem
D. conserving the needs of living things

24. You witnessed fishermen using dynamite in fishing. How would you describe the
harmful effects of this practice on marine life?
A. It destroys marine life.
B. It benefits plants and animals.
C. It enhances marine sanctuaries.
D. It provides food for marine animals.

25. What do you think will happen to the communities of organisms if coral reefs are
NOT protected and conserved?
A. Plants will grow healthy.
B. Animals will increase in number.
C. Sea animals will get enough food.
D. Marine organisms will lose their homes.

26. The following are examples on how gravity acts on different objects, EXCEPT?
A. It keeps a book on a desk.
B. It holds the moon in orbit around the Earth.
C. It slows down the movement of the tires of a car in a road.
D. It pulls the balls toward the ground when dropped by someone.

27. Why do drivers drive their cars slowly during rainy days?
A. The raindrops increase visibility.
B. The effectiveness of brakes increases.
C. The road is wet, so there is less friction.
D. The road is wet, so there is more friction.

28. Why do badminton players use rubber shoes while playing?

A. to slide since the badminton court is slippery
B. to move slowly since the badminton court is slippery
C. to have less friction between their shoes and the floor
D. to have greater friction between their shoes and the floor

29. Which of the following actions opposes gravity?

A. skating downhill
B. falling fruit from a tree
C. dropping a stone in a pond
D. lifting water container from the floor

30. A sheet of paper and a crumpled paper were dropped from the same height.
The crumpled paper hit the ground first. Which of the following justifies this
A. The surface area on the sheet of paper was small, which created less air
B. The surface area on the crumpled paper was large, which created more
air resistance.
C. The air resistance on the sheet of paper was less, which caused it to hit
the ground last.
D. The air resistance on the crumpled paper was less, which caused it to
hit the ground first.

31. Which of the following kinds of energy is stored in foods, batteries, and fuels?
A. chemical
B. mechanical
C. nuclear
D. radiant

32. Which of the following demonstrates the conversion of electrical energy into light
A. switching on the radio
B. plugging in the flat iron
C. turning on the fluorescent bulb
D. rotating blades of the electric fan

33. Which of the following energy transformations will happen when you turn on the
A. heat energy to sound energy
B. light energy to sound energy
C. chemical energy to light energy
D. electrical energy to sound energy

34. Which energy transformation takes place when gasoline is burned in a car?
A. electrical → heat → sound
B. chemical → heat → mechanical
C. electrical → mechanical → chemical
D. mechanical → chemical → electrical

35. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. When ironing clothes, electrical energy is transformed to heat.
B. When radio is turned on, chemical energy is transformed to light.
C. When burning woods, chemical energy is transformed to electrical.
D. When electric fan is switched on, mechanical is transformed to sound.

36. You lighted a candle when power interruption occurred in your area. Which
energy transformation took place?
A. chemical →light →heat
B. chemical → light →sound
C. chemical → light →sound
D. chemical → electrical →heat

37. John cut a log into smaller pieces using an ax to make firewood. What type of
simple machine did he use?
A. lever
B. pulley
C. screw
D. wedge

38. Jane is lifting heavy loads vertically from the ground to the second floor. Which
simple machine should be used to easily lift the loads?
A. lever
B. pulley
C. wedge
D. wheel and axle

39. The following are results of earthquake EXCEPT?

A. Buildings and houses are damaged.
B. Plains which are low lying are flooded.
C. Ground is cracked along the fault line.
D. Mountains are eroded that leads to landslides.

40. Which of the following BEST describes a volcanic eruption?

A. large and powerful tropical cyclone form over warm ocean waters
B. large ocean waves generated by sudden and significant distubances
C. molten magma, volcanic gas and ash escape from a volcano through its
D. strong shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates

41. Which is the correct action to take during an earthquake?

A. Duck, Cover and Hold
B. Stand in the doorway.
C. Run outside immediately.
D. Use the stairs to evacuate the building.

42. Which of the following actions best describes what to do during a volcanic
A. Stay indoors, and watch your favourite movie on Netflix.
B. Drive towards the volcano to get a closer look at the eruption.
C. Take photos or videos of the eruption for social media purposes.
D. Stay inside the house, watch news for updates and seal windows and
doors to prevent volcanic ash from entering.

43. Which of the following actions would be the most appropriate response after a
volcanic eruption?
A. Return to the affected area immediately.
B. Organize a group to explore the volcanic crater.
C. Ignore the authorities and any aftermath volcanic activity and go back
to normal life.
D. Follow evacuation orders and stay away from the affected area until it is
safe to return.
44. What do you think will happen if farmers plant their rice crops on April or May?
A. The rice crops will wither.
B. The rice crops will grow faster.
C. The rice crops will grow healthy.
D. The rice crops will produce more grains.

For items 45 and 46 refer to the table below:

Monthly Average Rainfall (cu. mm)

Month Baguio Pampanga Manila Naga
Jan 22.8 47.2 20.0 330.7
Feb 26.3 46.3 21.0 268.2
Mar 54.8 49.1 29.4 187.3
Apr 66.1 48.0 26.6 117.1
May 313.1 148.6 173.9 148.7
Jun 340.2 220.3 224.2 177.6
Jul 640.7 345.6 370.0 183.0
Aug 748.1 297.0 431.0 155.9
Sept 601.3 298.9 385.5 191.2
Oct 306.4 170.5 245.6 301.5
Nov 131.2 80.1 130.8 429.1
Dec 42.1 90.5 87.1 510.4

45. What can be inferred based from the data on the table above?
A. Manila experiences dry season from March to June
B. Baguio experiences wet season from January to May.
C. Pampanga experiences dry season for the whole year.
D. Naga experiences wet season all throughout the year.

46. What conclusion can be drawn based on the table above?

A. Naga has the lowest recorded amount of rainfall.
B. Manila has the lowest recorded amount of rainfall.
C. Baguio has the lowest recorded amount of rainfall.
D. Pampanga has the lowest recorded amount of rainfall.

47. Which statement accurately describes Earth's orbit in relation to its distance
from the Sun?
A. Earth's orbit is farthest to the sun during the perihelion.
B. Earth's orbit is farthest to the sun during the aphelion.
C. Earth's orbit is farthest to the sun during the vernal equinox.
D. Earth's orbit is farthest to the sun during the summer solstice.

48. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?

A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Mercury
D. Venus

49. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Venus and Earth?
A. Earth has no natural satellite.
B. Earth has shorter orbital period around the sun.
C. Venus has colder temperature compared to earth.
D. Venus has hotter atmosphere due to greenhouse gases.
50. Why is Mars considered a red planet?
A. because of its dense atmosphere
B. because of its unique volcanic terrain
C. because of the presence of large amount of water
D. because of the iron oxide or rust in its soil and rocks

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