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OS Mrocevdings COLLEGE OF | UniversaL Wispom "YUCCAVALLEY, CALIFORNIA ‘A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 7 SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 1965 NUMBER 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yueca Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 7 September - October - 1965 Number 8 , CONTENTS i FRONT PAGE PICTURE ...eeeeeeeeeeee «page 3 THIS AMAZING ARMATURE seesseeseseeee ee we 4 VERIFICATION AGAIN -- ZIP CODE ..... aie THE "TRIGGER" 2.0... cece ee eee eens meat LECTURE TOUR . weet eae ea ‘MIE INTEGRATRON SPACE CONVENTION ... 9 CHEMICALS, CONTAMINATION, AND CHAOS ..... 10 SAUCERS, SENSE, AND SECURITY .............+5 "12 SHADOWS OF THE FUTURE .......+- "13 SURVIVAL oo ec eeeeee eee ee eee e eee eee "4 — ‘The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. All donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be- quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated. "PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer- sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed in U.S.A. ‘Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Sandra L. Boone, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel, Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor representa- tives, please address all correspondence concerning Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O, Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284 U.S.A. FRONT PAGE PICTURE On Friday, July 23rd, of this year at 10 P.M., twenty- five people who were at Giant Rock Airport saw what is depicted on the front page of this issue of the "Pro- ceedings". Among those present was a newcomer to Giant Rock along with his wife. Mis name is Donald P. Bennett, of 22916 Happy liollow Rd., in Diamond Bar, California. He took this picture. Don is a research engineer with North American Aviation Corp. This bright object, very high up and looking very much like Jupiter in brilliance, except for a circular definition at the edge, came up over the mountain here West of Giant Rock. This was traveling opposite to the path of stars and planets, which go down over our mountain. It was on a straight line course headed for Antares, which was directly overhead. As it reached a position approximately 45° above the horizon it began a perfect radius left-hand turn to the South. Before it turned I had remarked that it could not be Echo #1 or #2 because its course was not the same as theirs, and Don had answered, "Maybe it's one of our Boiler Plate series". As it turned I asked Don if their "Boiler Plate series" were radio controlled to chang orbital directions, and he said, "Not that I know of". After it made the 90° turn in a smooth radius it proceeded Southerly. It went on its new course about half a minute, and then stopped surrounded by a trian- gular star pattern. Then Don said, " I know darn well we haven't got anything in orbit that we can stop". After it started moving again Don snapped this pic- ture by time exposure. The line of light is the object moving while the shutter was open. Corona Borealis is above it. Bootes is on the right. Arcturus is below it, and Serpens is on its left. The camera was a Realist 35 mm. The time exposure was 10 seconds. The f setting was 2.8. We thank Don for permission to print this picture. THIS AMAZING ARMATURE People who live on this Earth never stop to realize that they are bio-magnetic and electrical absorbers and emitters of energies that are not registered by their five physical senses. The planet is an armature of speri- cal shape, with a self-energized stratum of fields surrounding it and permeating it. The magnetic field polarized Northerly and Southerly, that swings compass acedles, has been known about for centuries. There are other fields in the earth's bulk hat are not measurable with a magnetic instrument such as a compass. These fields and currents are the carriers and distributors of what we will call "life force". This current is not gravity, electrical, or magnetic, and yet is all of these combined, plus’a pulsing carrier, or life force" that conforms polarity-wise with all of the other three. Scientific men in the past such as Dr. William J. Kilner of the St. Thomas Hospital in London; Prof. Rohsacher of the University of Vienna; Prof. Regelsberger; Prof. Sauerbruch, and others all found evidence of this fourth force but lacked instruments to prove its poten- tials. This "life force" is only measurable and detect- able through "living" instruments and it is also sub- ject to thought. (Not meaning the brain waves of humans.) flumans do not think. They oaly respond to thought and "life force" which directs them. Because "life force" has polarity, humans respond with either "good or bad’ or “well and’sick" results manifested in them. This "life force" covers a checker-board pattern on the surface of the Earth. Every other square both North and South and East and West is of positive polarity with the squares inbetween being of negative polarity. This "life force" goes into the Earth's surface in the nega- tive squares and comes out of the surface in the positive polarity squares. If this current could be seen it would look like a serpent or a sine wave, half above and half below the surface going in perpendicular directions horizontally. These positive and negative squares, starting from the Earth's Equator, measure 32 meters long on cach side and diminish in size to zero at the planet's poles. this amazing armature 2 Each of these squares have poles in their centers approximately 2.45 meters in diameter. These main center poles are surrounded by eight equally spaced smaller poles of approximately 60 centimeters in diameter. Here at our research location the squares are about 65 fect on each side at 34° N. Latitude. The main poles exhibit "beam" flows North and South, and ast and West. It was discovered that these squares have definite effects on humans, animals, and vegetation. Ants in the most cases seem to like to have their hills at the mainpole of the positive polarity squares. They live underground of course. On the surface an opposite effect is apparent. People who have their homes ia negative polarity squares have the effect of making one "feel at home" in their houses; while the people's houses in positive polarity squares make one feel "out of place” or in a hurry to leave them. Also people, animals, and vegetation seem to thrive, be well and alive in the negative polarity squares. Sick people, biting dogs, and vegetation that needs constant care seem to be living in the positive polarity squares. These squares also seem to have an effect on T.V. reception in fringe areas, where U.{.F. reception is re- quired. My T.V. antenna at Giant Rock Airport will not receive either the picture or sound if it is moved 30 feet in any direction. Much research must be done, and sensitive instru- ments made, to work through "living matter", inorder to completely understand this "life force". Condensers with alternate insulated layers of lettuce leaves and aluminum foil exhibit the strange ability of detecting unseen forces not detected by magnetic or electrical instruments directly. I am certain that Hubbard's free energy device, demonstrated in Seattle, Washington in the early 1920's, was extracting energy by underground coupling with these forces. ie have his original mercury filled tubes used in his research. Everything it is possible to do to expand our re- search here is expensive, and our associates who are scattered around the country should be gathered here to accelerate our program. We, riding on this armature we call the Earth, are dependent upon each other for the 5 this amazing armature 3 mutual benefit of humanity. Since most of you cannot be here to take an active physical part in our program, we depend upon you as our financial foundation. Please be part of this plan for the understanding of life with us, at whatever distance you are from us on this amazing armature. VERIFICATION AGAIN In the March-April issue of the "Proceedings", on page 8 in an article on "The Future! we predicted that "The negro people will find they have not achieved their hopes under law and will revolt emotionally." The Los Angeles insurrection 6 months after we printed this and after the Civil Rights bill and the Voting Rights bill were passed, should prove the fact that laws are made for political reasons. No one can legislate laws to control emotions. The Los Angeles incident will be repeated in other cities be- cause the negro people haven't seen a solitary sign of improvement of their conditions by anyone in authority. I predict that the negro people will soon eliminate their self-appointed negro leaders because the people can see through the deception. ZIP-CODE. Please write and send us your Zip-code number as we must have if in order to insure that your "Proceedings" will arrive through the mail. Also if you move send us your new address, as the "Proceedings " is mailed second class and second class mail will not be forwarded to your new address. see THE "TRIGGER" Having just heard President Johnson's commitment, July 286, 1965, to act with increased military strength in Vietnam, the following views are apparent to me. The people who voted for Mr. Johnson because they thought Barry Goldwater was "trigger happy", and would escalate us into World War Three, have just received the shocking truth today, that the glass they thought they were looking through into a peaceful future was a’ distorting mirror. That the rich are going to "suffer" to finance this war, because the poor can't, and the middle class people are borrowing money to pay their taxes. That all the items you have been buying marked "this is (so many cents) below the regular price” can now escalate to the "regular" price if a "national emergency", or war is declared and ceiling prices are put on all goods. This shows one just how long before the “trigger decision” was made, that the industrial complex knew what was in the mill for the ignorant masses. That this decision will save the collapsing “United Nations". This decision will save the paper economy and stock market. It will make "fence sitting" nations now line up on one side, or the other. That this decision will bring Red China into the Vietnam War. The President's remarks about "stopping Communism" specified "Asian Communism" and said nothing about Russian Communism. This almost verifies what T said be~ fore about a secret alliance between the United States and Russia against Red China. Perhaps Mr. Harriman and Mr. Kosygin Know something about this. This decision will permit the declaration of a "national emergency" and under the "executive orders” by the late President Kennedy, will permit the President the trigger 2 to become the sole authority over labor, transportation, communication, and industry. He is already the Commander- in-Chief of all armed forces. This decision based on “advice from the unnamed exn perts" can lead to virtual dictatorship of the United States, with the disarmament of the people, all because of a "Commitment" to a small nation's leaders whose people aren't really interested in fighting anyone for any reason. If a-vote were taken of what the people in this "of the people, by the people, and for the people" country thought on this crisis issue, do you think they would Vote for or against, this decision? The wheels of prophecy turn and reveal that World War One (to save the world for democracy), that World War Two (to end all wars), and World War Three (to fight a war to prevent a war) will only lead to "destruc- tion of the world by fire", meaning atomic and nuclear fire. Hiere is to the future", say the brotherhood of world leaders, toasting each other in atomic cocktails. Amen. LECTURE TOUR We had a most successful lecture tour to New York, and a safe return, from May 5® to June 28%. Lectures in the cities of Phoenix, Kansas City, Denver, Milwaukee, Cleveland, New York, Buffalo, Akron, Tipton and Sioux City, were attended by thousands of people. We also reached another fifteen to twenty million people over the air on radio and T.V. shows. We wish to extend our deep thanks to the many old and new friends along the route for their hard work and warm hospitality. THE INTEGRATRON The "Big Dome" is looking newer every day. ‘Two coats of "Rez" sealer have been applied to the skin outside, and another coat of a special white paint is now going on. Work on parts and equipment is proceeding slower than we like, but as fast as money will permit. Small tests on new effects are under constant discussion and analysis. This giant machine will "wake up" suddenly when the hundreds of parts, now in sub-assembly stages, begin to come together in the final assembly. For those who ask when it will be fiaished we say, "It will be finished when it's done." We have no due date, or contract to meet. The Bible says‘"Death shall be the last thing to be overcome." In order to overcome anything, someone has to do the work. We do not expect to stop people from dying with this machine, but its ultimate future may be able to accomplish even this. Money is our limiting factor, as it is in all things people want to do in this "great society". A fraction of one day's "gift" of the taxpayer's funds to the bottomless hole in Vietnam, would do more for humanity than all the diplomats in the world could do to help the World's people, if only we had it. We are not discouraged because this project is taking so long to finish - but we are getting older each day, along with all the rest of you. COMING SPACE CONVENTION The 12% Annual Space Convention will be held at Giant Rock Airport, October 9® and 10%, 1965. The pro- gram will begin at 10 X.M. both days. This event is arranged and managed by G.W. Van Tassel of Giant Rock Airport, and is not connected with the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. The public is cordially invited to attend. Signed, Naw Vaan Vodecl CHEMICALS, CONTAMINATION, AND CHAOS On our recent tour across this beautiful country to New York, we observed many bad conditions that are a result of ignorance, greed, and politics. The Great Lakes are so contaminated by detergents and chemicals deposited into their water by industries and cities around them that great chunks of detergent foam as large as houses float down the river below Niagara Falls. The Great Lakes are six feet lower than at any time in history, and iron ore ships have to reduce their capacity in order to dock without scraping bottom. New York State has passed an ordinance which will fine any operator of a restaurant 350.00 that serves water to a customer unless they ask for water. This is due to a water shortage in a state that depends almost entire~ ly on surface waters as a prime source. They didn't pass any law preventing the elite from filling their swimming pools. How many glasses of water does it take to fill one swimming pool? New York Senators however, passed a law that permits thousands of people to vote who can't speak or write the English language. Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park is no longer faithful. It used to spout on an almost hourly cycle, but since the underground atomic tests in Nevada, has changed from 41 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes between eruptions. Around the Nevada Atomic Test Site over a hundred wells which contained good underground water have been filled with concrete in order to prevent their use, because the waters are now dangerously radioactive. This condition also extends across the state line and affects some 30 California wells. Dry spells extend across Nebraska and Iowa, while 26 bridges are washed out by flooding rains in Colorado, to Kansas and New Mexico. 10 chemicals, con. etc. 2 Authorities on T.V. kept urging the tourists to come through the detours into the damaged areas, when they knew a wave of "sleeping sickness" was sweeping the area as a result of hatching mosquitoes by the billions and people were dying from it. In the New York City street canyons, between the tall buildings, everyone breathes each others breath, plus fumes from autos, subway vents, restaurant kitchen exhaust fans, and sewer vents. Even the lower animals know better than to dump refuse into the waters they are going to drink. Of course, since insecticides, detergents, and waste have polluted the waters until fish won't even go up most rivers to spawn anymore, it has become a national calamity. So authority will not stop the contamination at its sources, they will appoint more committees and esta- blish another bureaucracy of the administration who can't or won't do anything about it because it may affect the stock market. Your only personal solution lies in what the Bible says of the latter days, "Get out from among them." A recent census report shows that over 33 percent of the American people in this country live on less than 1 percent of the land, and 47 percent of the people live on the other 99 percent of the land. The only popula- tion explosion is in the cities. Since all laws are made in the cities, by the cities, and for the cities, they are going to continue to pro- pagate only more waste, more contamination, and more chaos. This condition is partly the fault of the people who expect "the government" to care for them from the cradle to the grave. Who among the people has the fortitude of their forefathers? If they had, then this condition wouldn't exist. Who among the American people dares to speak up? This is what is Killing this greatest of Countries oa the face of the Earth. Creeping Apathy and Crawling Contami- nation, Culminating in Chaos. 1 "SAUCERS", SENSE, AND SECURITY Most of you have probably observed the increase of "mysterious objects” being reported in the newspapers in recent weeks. Does this mean there are more sightings all at once? No! This means that the security which has prevented the press from printing sightings, which have been just as numerous for years, has decided to turn your interest in another direction so you won't know what's going on over there where your interest was. Just like a home made revolution made it necessary to go into the Dominican Republic to stop it, so we would have troops there to prevent an invasion of Haiti by Castro. Security is also a tool to prevent you from finding out who is making mistakes until they can cover it up. The sightings over Lisbon, Portugal, suddenly appear- ed in the press, where the "object" stopped electric clocks by the hundreds; and over Canberra, Australia, where the objects caused interference with the Mar's probe tracking station at Tidninbilla, Framingham, Massachusets; France; the Antartic scientific bases; and many other points reporting "glowing objects" was not any the number of sightings. It was a sudden release from security. The Air Force has known, scientists connected with "saucers" have known, and government heads have known for years that: 1. These objects are space ships. 2. They are occupied and controlled by intelligent people. 3. They are friendly. 4. They can't be shot down, or chased "home". 5. They have had the Earth under observation for centuries. 6. Their visits down through history have brought about the beginning of every religion on the Earth. Authority expects to "reveal all" by announcing some home made anti-gravity snips of their own, and imply that these are what people have been seeing all along. It was apparent on our Eastern Tour that everyone we talked with either had had a sighting themselves, or knew someone who had. It should be apparent by now that there is no solution to the problems of the people of the Earth that can be brought about by any country, or leaders, or combination of both. 2 SHADOWS OF THE FUTURE In the March-April issue of the "Proceedings", on page 8, I predicted that the Vietnam conflict would be escalated into “a large scale Korean-type war". Now you have all seen the result exactly as predicted. It isa't so hard to read the minds of most of the people in authority, if one can lower their pickup frequency about three octaves of vibrations. All the talks of "peace" on the part of these same officials is camouflage to fool the people. This South-East Asian War has been engineered for years. The Red Chinese Government has been by-passing Vietnam and shipping 20,000 Chinese soldiers a month into Indonesia, Java and Burma for over a year. The U.S. Navy and officialdom know this in most countries. When a nation Like the U.S, puts 63% of its nation- al income into military goods and weapons for years, jt must have a war somewhere to counteract this in- vestment. The farmer can't use tanks, guns, bombs, missiles, submarines, or nuclear weapons. The housewife can't use them. Industry can't use them. No one can use this tremendous stockpile except the military. So to justify the military-industrial complex of 63% of the economy the military must use these weapons so indus— try can replace them. Otherwise, you have either a depression, or economic collapse. This is the vicious profit circle that demands a war every 20 years. Vietnam is the gateway on the ground to Red Chirfa. Slao, the head of Red China, stated that he best thing that could happen to China would be an atomic war. He said "this would eliminate 100,000,000 people that would starve to death anyway". Here was the invitation that was needed by other nations to determine where to have the next war. Naturally Russia is going to go along, because her economy is tied up with the rest of the world's economy. Besides, Russia is afraid of this horde of Chinese up against her back door. Without the power of money, your money, authority would no longer be authority. This Vietnam war is plaan— ed and perpetrated by collusion between both sides, to drag on as an economic safety valve, like the Korean War was. 13 shadows of the fu 2 ‘The U.S. has constantly revealed her military might in newspaper and magazine articles. If Korea, or Vietnam were a war to the bitter end, to win a war in a country 6 the size of the state of Califoraia, it should be over ina year. But like Korea (duration - three years) ii there isn't supposed to be a winner, This war will be 4 hundred times bigger than Korea was, area-wise, before another two years. The only bad feature of this present setup is that all of the collusive interests on both sides are capable Of double crossing each other - and will at the first opportunity. A double-cross will lead to the massive use of nuclear weapons. Russia switched sides during World War Two; and will be an Ally to the U.S, during this war only so long as it serves her strategy to get as many of our armed forces and equipment as far away from home as possible. The American people I talked with, from California to New York and back, are wise to what is going on. How Yong they will put up with this condition depends on how fast and how far they are pushed tax-wise, dis- comfort-wise, and propaganda-wise by authority. I talked with military reserve men wio were taking their annual field training, and the reserves are ready to rebel if they are yanked out of their businesses, jobs, and homes, to go fight in another farce Like Korea. Most Americans believe we shouldn't fight any- where in the World, unless our couatry is attacked. Weakening our home defenses to fight a war on the other side of the World, with 10,000 mile supply lines, is the most stupid of all strategies. These distant wars are only necessary so the people at home, who are footing the bill through high taxes, won't know what is going on except through “official channels". Critical years lie ahead, and any more stupid blunders by top officials - like the Bay of Pigs in~ cident in Cuba - will bring Americans into action as one mind. Lt shadows 3 The behind-the-scenes activity that resulted in Kennedy's assassination, and Kruschev's removal can blow things wide open. The sad part of this complex, world-wide condition, is that it is so big that humans in authority can't react fast enough to stabilize the unforseen things that are bound to occur outside of the planned routine. President Johnson recently answered a reporter's question about the future escalation possibilities of the war by saying, "I don't have a crystal ball". AlL T can say is that he better get one, because things are going to happen too fast to correct by hindsight. The only comfort for humanity I can see in the future, is the fact that the "boys upstairs in the spaceships" can see all aspects of both sides, even the behind-the-scenes deals, and are c Te of correcting this mess at anytime that it gets out of control. SURVIVAL Those whe can foresee the future should be making steady, planned efforts for their own survival. One Shoulda know by now that "Civil Defense" organizations on any level in government, Federal, State, or Local, will not provide any safety for 90% of the people. ‘The handwriting is on the wall of destiny, The heads of all governments have provided for their survival in hollowed-out mountains, fully stocked for years. The nations of the world have already gone beyond the point of no return. We are expanding our present survival status, and are taking all possible conditions that can happen into consideration. Those who can provide financial assurance for their future should join our program for survival. \fe have all the physical labor we require. Only a select few will be accepted in our program. Ir you feel you can qualify, then please write to us- pT eased Peach Fae P.O. Box 458 “YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, USA. 92284 GIANT ROCK AIRPORT TeViclorville Sike of the COLLEGE GF UNIVERSAL ‘WISDOM Signboard e : VALLEY Clan? Keck Aivport 29 PALMS nionway PALM SPRINGS 16

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