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rocecdings oF Ta Siccavalt By, CALIFO! #ancecteriancnd Romprett Organi Para Bgcho Pryce Rewach VOLUME 5 PEBRUARY-MARCH - 1958 NUMBER 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucca Valley, California Volume 5 February-March - 1958 Number 10 PICTURES .. SPACECRAFT COLLEGE PROGRESS ........ WATER AGAIN .. ore BIBLE INTERPRETATIONS ...... FRONT PAGE PICTURES ......sseseeeee ACCEPTED IGNORANCE «0.0 .ssseesenees SPIRIT, FLESH, AND BLOOD .... ‘The PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM are financed by contributions from its readers. The PROCEEDINGS is mailed free, monthly, to those who re— quest it, and support it. Being most urgent that the Research Laboratory Building (page 16) be completed and the Experimental Unit put in operation at the earliest date possible, the Directors of the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California, earnestly solicite its patrons and friends to contribute generously to the Building Fund, and to offer suggestions as to contacts that might be made with possible donors. ' PROCEEDINGS are published monthly by the College of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California. Print- ed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: Van Tassel Ranch, Yucca Valley, California. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene Jean Wing, Secretary- Treasurer; G.W. Van Tassel, Editor. Copyright, 1957, by George Van Tassel. All rights, including transla- tion, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends, must be accompanied by a self- addressed stamped envelope. &s we do not employ solicitors nor representatives, please address all correspondence concerning Proceedings, contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to the COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM P.O, Box 419, Yucca Valley, California 2 SPACECRAFT CONVENTION: We had determined not to hold any more Spacecraft Conventions at Giant Rock Airport because of the amount of work and expense involved. Hundreds of letters have been pouring in from all over the country wanting to know the date of this year's Convention, So, under the pressure of so many who enjoy this event we have decided that the major- ity will rule. We have set the date for the fifth convention for Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day falls on a Friday, May the 30i. Saturday, May 3lst and Sunday, June Ist, will be the convention dates. We know this three day weekend will find hundreds of our friends arriving early to take advantage of the extra day. The public is welcome as usual, so invite your friends and spread the word. Bring camping equipment and plenty of blankets. You can always take them off if it is warm,but you can't put them on if you don't bring them. The end of May is normally perfect weather, both day and night. NO gasoline, or oil, will be on sale at Giant Rock at the time of the convention, so fill your tanks. Motels are available in Twentynine Palms, Joshua Tree, and Yucca Valley, if reserved in advance. We cannot reserve them for you, so write, or phone to the Chambers of Commerce of the above towns. As long as we are doing it again, let's make this the biggest convention of them all. YW Van Jaseel 3 Be seeing you here. COLLEGE PROGRESS The San Bernardino Planning Commission and the Department of Building and Safety, have issued a per- mit for the construction of a Large research labora-— tory on the site of the College of Universal Wisdom. ‘The building is of unusual nature in the respect that it contains no metal in its contruction. All methods of connection in the structure have been de~ signed by the architects and engineers to eliminate nails, bolts, screws, or metal fastenings. The build~ ing will become the framework, and shelter, for apparatus designed to set up magnetic and electrical vortices, which in turn will establish control of a "time" field. The "time" field in turn will permit the "absorption" of energy into matter. This is a creative principle almost opposite to atomic energy, which converts matter into energy. There are no radia~ tion effects from the "time" field principle as there are from use of atomic principles. The building will be the third one erected on the College property. An observatory, and shop containing public sanitary facilities are already completed, The research laboratory will be nearly four stories high and is forty-two feet in diameter. The second floor is ten feet from the ground and the structure from there up is a dome with a twenty-two foot radius. Circling the outside of the building at the second story level will be a fifty foot diameter "disk" which will rotate around the building to ground out all static electricity within the building and provide a division line to stabilize the Earth's crust magne- tic currents. The building will cost approximately $30,000.00. It will be constructed by Los Angeles contractors familiar with non-metallic construction. The founda- tion has been poured by the Hi Desert Transitmix Company. WA TA 4 WATER AGAIN! In a number of the reports of spacecraft landings it was stated by witnesses that the space people were observed taking water aboard their craft. I had just gone to bed one night in November, 1957, when my wife, who was still up, called me to see a large egg-shaped ball of flame about three miles away near Goat Mountain, I dove out of bed and ran to the window, but too jate to see it. A few minutes later however, my wife and I heard a low, pulsating hum from overhead. On checking in the morning with another man who lives on the place, I found that he had heard it too. Our oldest daughter phoned us from our ranch, ad- joining the Giant Rock Airport property, in the morn- ing and told us the big water tank must be empty, as she couldn't get any water from the faucet in her kitchen. We drove over to investigate and pump some water out of the well to fill the tank. We had just pumped the tank full the day before. The tank holds 5300 gallons, and we know that it takes four hours to empty it through a two inch pipe. We found the tank empty and no indications of a leak in either the tank or the water pipes. We had filled our tank truck only once after we had pumped the tank full. The tank truck holds less than 1000 gallons. With the normal use at the ranch we could there- fore account for about 1300 gallons of the missing water. 4000 gallons were still missing. There is only a trap door in the top of the tank for access to coat the inside with water-proof emul- sion. The tank is located inside of a fence and within 500 feet from the ranch house. There is no place except within 30 feet of the house to fill a tank truck. There are no tank trucks used in the desert that hold over 1500 gallons. Assuming that someone tanked the SF water out, they would have had to pump it out with a hose through the trap door in the top of our tank. They would have had to make at least three trips to get 4000 gallons and there were no tire tracks near the tank. The water tank is in the open and easily visable from the ranch house. Any kind of a truck, or pumping engine would have had to run at least two hours to Pump up that much water. My daughter's husband is a light sleeper and would have heard any unusual noises, So much for our missing water. On hiring a man across the road to do some grading for the large re- search building, he told me they had lost 1400 gallons of water from their tank four nights before we lost ours. The neighbor's tank has an open top and sets on a tower. It is filled by their windmill and they know it was full; because friends who were visiting them remarked that they had better feather the windmill to stop it from pumping, because the water was runn= ing over the top. Their property is fenced and they have five dogs. ‘The dogs never barked. The fact that their tank was emptied without their dogs barking proves that no mere mortal took their water. It reminds me of the night the spacecraft landed here at Giant Rock. None of our three dogs barked on that night, either. We have at least nine witnesses and our neighbors have at least four to the truth of these facts. You can draw your own conclusions. All we are go- ing to do is keep the tanks full in case our friends from upstairs need some more good, desert water. BIBLE INTERPRETATIONS "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them..” St. Matthew 18-20. The controversy has often arisen about what Jesus really meant by some of the things he said. In St. Matthew 16-13, Jesus said "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?" Here he is asking his disciples what people say of him, and calls himself the Son of man. People of the Earth who comprise the humanity of this planet usually assume that they are the race of MAN. Once one can establish in their mind that MAN and human are two different kinds of people, it is not too difficult to understand the Bible. Humans are the descendants of the original sin, of crossed blood between the race of MAN and the animal race called "EVE". The race of MAN are the true descendants of the ure blooded creation of the race that was given Honinion over all things, in the original creation on the sixth day. Many times in the New Testament Jesus is referred to as the "Son of Man". "For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." St. Matthew 24-27. The lightning comes out of the skies. The Son of MAN are the space people now being observed in their craft in our atmosphere, The race of MAN includes male and female people, and the race of humans also is composed of males and females. The misunderstanding comes in calling the male humans, man. In the sixth day of creation, Genesis 1-26, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after’ our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 7 God said MAN, not human, God said them meaning male and female, as so stated in Genesis 1-27, Man's dominion was not given only on the farth, but over the Earth, meaning above this planet. St. Matthew 25-13 says, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of MAN cometh." Jesus also said, "And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand." St. Mark 3-24.

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