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roreedings orm CouLese or UntversaL WisbomM “YUCCAVALLEY, CALIFORNIA A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non~sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 6 FEBRUARY-MARCH - 1959 NUMBER 5 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucea Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 6 February-March - 1959 Number 5 SPACECRAFT CONVENTION ......+6-0+ AIR FORCE BLOOP . COVER PICTURE ....... see seecsseceeeeres Page 3 MITCHELL SISTERS' STORY .....-.eeseeeeeeeeeeeee 4 ‘THE DAN MARTIN STORY ....... a iietalelelotele iaoiate ELLE EZEKIEL'S TEMPLE ........- a eaie ied wlaisieieictel 6 COLLEGE PROGRESS .. s ee cece eae 10 LECTURE TOUR ECHOES ...... seeee vee IL RUSSIA RECOGNIZES AND BACKS REJUVENATION’ 211122 i NOTICE ....... 2.0.00 Spee eee ee eee seeents 12 "PROCEEDINGS" oes. ee eeeeee eee eeee Beet 12 13 4 Being most urgent that the Research Laboratory Building (page 16) be completed and the Experimental Unit put in operation at the earliest date possible, the Directors of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California, earnestly solicit its patrons and friends to contribute generously to the Building Fund PROCEEDINGS are published periodically by the Ministry of Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, California. Print- ed in U.S.A, Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene Jean Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W. Van Tassel, Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamp- ed envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor repre- sentatives, please address all correspondence concern~ ing Proceedings, contributions, donations, bequests, ete., directly to THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O, Box 458, Yucca Valley, California U.S.A. COVER PICTURE The cover picture on this issue of the "Proceedings" is reprinted from "Flying Saucer Review", January— February, 1959, page 7; published in England at 1, Doughty St., London, W.C.1., England. This is probably the finest flying saucer bulletin being printed in the world today. The picture was taken by Radio Officer T. Fogl, Harleyford Road, London, S.E.11., England, In December, 1957, at 2:30 P.M. Officer Fogl was on the British ship S.S. Ramsay. The ship was on its way fown the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Port Elizabeth, Via the Panama Canal, It had just passed San Pedro, California, and the U.S. Navy ships patrolling and hav- ing exercises when Officer Fogl ios the picture. Some people desire to accept everything seen in our skies that looks like a disc, as the interplanetary craft Seen through past centuries and duly recorded in history and our Bible. This disc however, is apparently one being tested by the U-S. Navy. This could be the reason for the ships patrolling at the time the picture was taken. Naturally Phe U.S. Navy would have a number of ships present at any point where they conduct tests of aircraft of any Seture, in order to recover the craft in event that it fell into the sea. Close analysis of this picture will reveal several Earthly engineered aircraft standards. 1. Extendable hydraulic landing struts. 2. Retractable antenna and pitot mast. 3. On the end of the lowered mast a typical airplane pitot tube for airspeed indication. 4, a brew access ladder retracted up flush with the bottom of the disc. These standard aircraft principles give this dise a strictly Earthly aspect. Thanks to Officer Fog] this iinas te verify statements that I have made in the past; that the U.S. government is flying anti-gravity craft, and has been doing so for the last three or four years. However, this does not mean that all the craft seen around the Earth originated on the Earth. It does prove a point I have contended for years, that "security" is a curtain to hide things from American citizens, as there is no doubt that Russia and several other countries know our government is flying such craft; as they ex- change and verify each other's scientific information that ‘they know the other is aware of. And yet the free people in this "free country" are not informed. The only thing free in the United States today is that which is free to other nations but costs the American taxpayers more and more every year. THE MITCHELL SISTERS' STORY We have not yet met Helen and Betty Mitchell, al~ | though we have a tape recording of their contact story. | Helen Mitchell gives the talk on the tape. I under- ; stand that Helen and Betty are around 30 years of age, and that one of them has one child and the other three children. They live at Florissant, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Their tape reveals that Helen was aboard a Martian 1 Mother Ship after being taken aboard a scout ship for ; the journey to the larger craft. Helen describes the tour of inspection, dinner aboard, and games that the people from Mars have for recreation. She was told that the Martians and Venusians exchange commerce and that they work hand in glove with people from other planets and other solar systems. Helen is a most convincing speaker and we hope to have both she and her sister Betty here for the Conven- tion. Their story lasts for hours and we hope to meet with them soon, so we can hear their personal account. \ \ | ‘THE DAN MARTIN STORY We met Dan Martin in Detroit, Michigan of our lecture tour. He is about 60 years old. We listened tenis story of a contact with the space people, along to bis ner friends from the Detroit Club. He is from Eagle Pass, Texas. Dan was first contacted by a woman who Wap aboard a small craft and told him he would be taken aboard a tther Ship at a later date. Nearly @ yoor later in June MotHg56 they kept their promise and picked him up via their anti-gravity beam. This is the first contact story that reveals a methed of entering their scout craft by o method com- parable to that used in my contact. Agter going aboard the large carrier Dan talked with the master of the craft, had dinner aboard, was escorted the mfour of inspection, and attended @ lecture with on oon pictures pertaining to the present life on Mer- cury. Dan was aboard the Mother Ship for seven hours. He was tola that the craft was from Venus; that it had egy operating in and around the Earth for over 6000 years; and that the craft was named "Michael". He was told that the ship "Michael" wos the same one that took Enoch up; that escorted the children of Israel on their 40 year journey and was described as a cloud By day and pillar of fire by night. Dan said the master also informed him that a ray from this ship parted the waters of the Red Sea so the {Sraelites could cross over. This same ship shook down the walls of Jericho, although the people thought it was the result of their shouting. There is so much more to Dan's story that we cannot print it, but we hope to have Dan Martin as one of the Row speakers at the Convention. wey AA BZEKIEL'S TEMPLE According to the Holy Scriptures, Ezekiel was commissioned to reveal information to the people as it was given to him. "and thou shalt speak My words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear; for they are most rebellious.” Bzekiel 2:7. Our commission at the Ministry of Universal Wisdom is also to reveal information relative to the Universal Laws as it is given unto us. In these times the people are still rebellious, be~ cause they are not anxious or willing to Know; when they can coast through life conditioned by dogma and custom into believing that belief is the one essential of their salvation. Truly, "Faith without works are dead". The Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Holy Book of Scriptures of the Jewish faith both derive from the same source. Both are an accurate record of what occurred in the greater civilization that was on the Earth before this present one. It is remarkable that records so old as these have been carried down to the people of today as accurately as they have been. People of today still do not inter- pret these ancient records as anything but something Holy. Holiness is recognized by accomplishment. | ‘The Creator is recognized as beihg Holy because man- kind accepts the Creation as an accomplished fact. Worship is usually expressed to someone or something accomplishing things beyond the person's present ability to accomplish for themselves. When Ezekiel "fell upon his face" to worship the Lord, the Lord told him to "stand upon thy feet". That is what the people of today are going to have to do to prevent being stepped upon and trampled into slavery. Ezekiel followed the instructions he was given, other- wise you wouldn't be reading about him today in any of the "Holy" books. He was told that the people were re- bellious; meaning too ignorant to listen and reason. Charles Lindberg wouldn't have completed his solo flight to Paris if he hadn't listened to "the voice” that instructed him on how to correct his course when he was lost over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, He gives full credit to this fact in his autobiography which makes him the great man that he is today. Washington, Lincoln, Sdison, and many other great men were only recognized as great because they too follow- ed instructions given to them by "a voice". Michael Faraday recognized scientific principles in the books of the Old Testament. "The voice" gave him the key to interpret them. Wisdom does not wear a title. Intelligence does not advertise itself. Wisdom is the developed ability to know when to listen to intelligence speaking and when $e°bat the instractions into action. Rebellious people are those who refuse to listen to "the voice", and are afraid to act upon what they hear. These are the ones who profess faith by their mouth without works by their hand. These people always have advice for someone else to do something. Faraday duplicated “Bzekiel's Temple". Since then it has become known as "Faraday's Cabinet". The principle is being used today in scientific research. The only reason the present results are not satisfactory is be~ Cause the "Faraday Cabinet” now being used was not constructed to the correct form. In Ezekiel 41:6 it says, "And the side chambers were one over another, three and thirty times". This is thirty three layers of alternating metal and insula~ tion. Faraday had this part right, and of course he used a different type of insulation between the layers of metal, According to Ezekiel 41:16-21 "there was a veneering of wood round about, and from the ground up %o the windows; and the windows were covered; to the Space above the door, even unto the inner house, and without, and on all the wall round about within and without, by measure. And it was made with ¢herubim and Falm trees; and a palm tree was between chérub and fherub, and every cherub had two faces; so that there was the face of aman toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree Sn the other Side; thus was it made through all the house round about. From the ground unto above the door were Cherubim and palm trees made; and so on the wall of the temple. As for the temple, the jambs were squared; and the face of the sanctuary had an appearance suc! is the appearance. Ezekiel 41:23-25 goes on to explain the doors. "And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors. And the doors had two leaves apiece, two turn~ ing leaves; two leaves for the one door and two leaves ‘or the other. And there were made on them, on the doors f the temple, cherubim and palm trees, like as were de _upon the walls." Ezekiel described Cherubim as winged beings (some- thing that flew through the air). He also described them as being like coals of fire. (Brightly burning and hot to the touch). j To ignorant people the present anti-gravity ships ‘ being tested by the Air Force and Navy, as well as in England and Russia, the field (corona) of orange color- ed electro-static effect would answer the description of cherubim. Something that flies and glows and if approached while the corona were operating would leave the evidence of a hot coal in the sense that it would char anybody to a crigp as it discharged through their body. This is because“Ezekiel's Temple’was a very large condenser. Palm wood is a very porous wood similiar to’ Joshua Tree wood. There are many more good insulators available for use today. Ezekiel said to make thirty three layers of cherubim and palm wood. This was all round about top, bottom and ail Tour-siges. This should be done with one layer of metal covering the bottom and all four walls. Thea the layer of insulation. The next layer of metal should cover the top and all four walls. Ezekiel described these layers as alternately posi- tively and negatively charged. He said one cherub had “the face of a man". This didn't mean the features look~ ed like a man's face. It meant that it was the positive ¥ polarity layer of metal. If you stand back and look at é a man with his arms straight out, like you would look at the face of a building, you would see a + cross. This is carried down to us today as the positive, male, projective, polarity symbol + « —— He said the other layer of cherub (glowing from the corona) had the face of a young lion. The key to this statement is also very simple. Apparently in the various translations, or interpretations throughout time, some scribe didn't know what a young line was so it was changed to a young lion. A young tree, child, or anything else is always shorter than an old one, so a young lion meant a young Tine, thus — ; still the symbol of negative polarity. Cherub is a word that came about at the time of the confusion of the tongues". From the "Man Tongue" or "Solex Mal" or "Mother Tongue" "C" meant conscious$ "her" meant receptive; "u" meant you, and "b" meant being. Thus cherub is a receptive, conscious, being. This is very likely why Ezekiel described a cherub as a being, although it can be anything that exists or has being; animal, mineral, or vegetable. "Paraday's Cabinet" which he copied from "Ezekiel's Temple" does not work satisfactorily today because he missed two pertinent points when he used his key to interpret the verses. Form means everything when one is working with the unseen forces of the lines of primary energy. "Faraday's Cabinet" is a square oblong condenser. "Ezekiel's Temple" was an inverted pyramid condenser. In Ezekiel 41:7 it says, "And the side chambers were broader as they wound about higher and higher". In Ezekiel 41:6 it tells of the "cornices","that they might have hold therein." In the inverted pyramid these ee ye ee ee The other key was in Ezekiel 41:21 where he described the temple with the jambs squared, like the base of a pyramid. The doors also were built in layers of metal and in- sulation and when closed, or inserted, made contact with the rest of the structure's metals by the "two leaves, turning leaves", on each door. These were like knife switches. When the door was in place one set of leaves made contact between the positive plates in the structure and the door and the other set made contact ~ with the negative plates in the temple and the door. At this point you may be wondering why Ezekiel built this inverted pyramid temple. The answer is for the same reason that people meditate and others spend their entire lives in sanctuaries or monasteries; so that they ean commune with God. Further on it tells you this in Ezekiel 42:1-9, In Ezekiel 42:10-11 it states what to reveal to the people about the temple, "the form and the fashion thereof". So here is new and understandable revelation to the tribes of Judah (Jews), Mannasseh (Americans), Ephriam (England), and all the other descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel (the Earth). Now possibly, the research being conducted with "Faraday's Cabinet" in an eastern city of the United States will bring about the desired results. There is one other most important thing to remember when one approaches or enters this charged condenser, "Ezekiel's Temple", or "Faraday's Cabinet™, and that is given in Ezekiel 43:12. This is the Law of the Temple, Note: Anyone experimenting with the above principle of the pyramidal condenser will be involved in the phenomena which is basic to anti-gravity results, if the polarity application is the right way. COLLEGE PROGRESS The research branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom is still waiting to meet the donor who is in possession of our money, to let the contract for the regenerator laboratory building. Progress is being made on the bi-polar magnetic detector, so that we will have the field reflectors up before Convention time. Small research in our shop and at several places around the country are meeting with phenomenal results. 10 mes RUSSIA RECOGNIZES AND BACKS REJUVENATION! From the Los Angeles Times of Feb. 8, 1959, we re~ print the following article: Soviet Scientists Map Research to Lengthen Life London, Feb. 8 (AP) - Scientists are going to look for ways to make Russians live longer, Moscow radio said today. It reported the Soviet Union is establishing a special research institute to study the problems of old age and "work to fight so-called pathological premature old age resulting from certain ailments or from disorders in vital organs of the body". "The long-range goal is to lengthen the human life span." While we here at the "College of Universal Wisdom" have been trying to demonstrate a principle of re- energizing the human body for the past five years, un- told billions of dollars are thrown wildly into "foreign aid” and other absolutely useless ventures. It looks like the "authorities" in Washington will be constantly and forever stupified by hearsay, and again pop up with "too little and too late" and wonder why those Russians have beaten us to another scientific achievement, This stupidity is the result of "titles" only recognizing "titles". Most of the great discoveries of true scientific value were brought forth by untitled and unschooled wizards of constructive genius. LECTURE TOUR ECHOES Yours truly and my wife Lectured in 36 major cities throughout the United States and Canada. ‘The tour lasted nine weeks and included many radio and T.V. broadcasts. Three of the people whom I listed in the schedule refused to act in any way to arrange the lectures. My apologies to them. The lectures were well attended and our thanks go out to all of the people who did such a magnificent job. a NOTICE The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., and its research branch, The College of Universal Wisdom, are not affiliated with any other organization, church, or corporation. Information that any other corporation, or organi- zation has contributed money to The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., or The College of Universal Wisdom are false. Individuals are the only ones who have made any contributions. Neither The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., its Directors, or research branch, The College of Universal Wisdom, approve of, or sanction, the activities of any private organization who are proposing flights to the Moon, or any other places in space; or any organizations that are collecting funds to be distributed to other enterprises, or research. Anyone using the name of The Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., its Directors, or the research branch, The College of Universal Wisdom, in connection with’ the collection of contributions, or money, are doing so fraudulently. We have no agents, collectors, or representatives outside of the Board of Directors. PROCEEDINGS" We are sorry that the nine week's lecture tour and an accumulation of research work has made it necessary to skip printing the Dec,-Jan. issue of "Proceedings". We wish to thank all our readers who have supported the printing of the "Proceedings". In a future issue, possibly the next one, I hope to present the drawing and description of a scientific principle we have worked out and proven by electronic instrumentation. This principle will make possible un- limited potentials of use in the electronic industries. 12 INTERPLANETARY SPACECRAFT CONVENTION ar GIANT ROCK AIRPORT 17 mi. Novth of Yucca Valley, Califor SPEECHES ano DISCUSSIONS PICNIC jae THE 6th ANNUAL SPACECRAFT CONVENTION WILL BE HELD AT GIANT ROCK AIRPORT ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 23 and 24. Activities will include stunts by Hollywood stunt men under the direction of Cliff Rose. Music. New Contact Stories. The possible demonstration of an “out of space” principle. New pictures will be on display. Speakers will include several who have not appeared here before. The program will start at 10:00 A.M. both mornings. Spread the word and make this the biggest Convention yett Campers are advised to bring adequate clothing, food, water, oil,and gasoline. Concessions will serve coffee, sandwiches, and cold drinks. Invite your friends who are skeptics. The public is always most welcome. Passing out handbills and obtaining signatures for petitions will be prohibited, as we have no time to in~ vestigate these proposals. Those wishing motel reservations should get them early by writing to the Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, or Twentynine Palms Chambers of Commerce. A surprise can be anticipated by those attending. 15 GIANT Rock AIRPORT JoViclorville Site ofthe COLLEGE SF UNIVERSAL WrisDoM JosMuA Signboard ee nn Gant Mock MORONGO Atrport 29 PALMS Bron way PALM SPRINGS AIR FORCE BLOOP I am reprinting here the answer I received from the Air Foree, after analysis of the motion picture I sub mitted to them. Department of the Air Force Washington Office of the Secretary 5 January 1959 Dear Mr, Van Tassel: I am returning herewith the film you submitted to the United States Air Force for evaluation which you thought contained a photograph of an unidentified fly- ing object. a The Air Technical Intelligence Center had those portions of the film containing the so-called uni- dentified flying object enlarged for detailed analysis. The enlargements did not reveal any more detail than did the observations of the projected image or inspec- tion of the film under a microscope. The analysis of the film indicates the object was stationary and was photographed for a total time of approximately six seconds. This is based upon counting the frames on which the object appeared and knowing the runaing rate of the camera used. It is the opinion of the ATIC that this is a photograph of a reflection. Sincerely, LAWRENCE J. TACKER Incl Major, USAF Executive Officer Public Information Division Office of Information Services Mr. G.W. Van Tassel Box 419, Yucea Valley, California I will have the still enlargements on display at the Convention here, and they will prove that the Air Force is purposely hiding the facts, or is incompetent in their analysis. They state "The analysis of the film indicates the object’ was stationary". "It is the opinion of the ATIC that this is a photograph of a reflection." This is their official decision in writing. Yet the still enlargements show the object moved from over the top of one mountain ridge to the top of another ridge. This disproves the stationary decision. The fact that the object lights up the ground around t also disproves the reflection decision as the object S emitting and radiating light, not reflecting it. 15 ‘THE COUNCIL OF SEVEN LIGHTS This new book is now in print and may be obtained at your local book store by requesting them to order it from: The DeVorss Publishing Co., 516 West 9th St., Los Angeles 15, California. Those who order the book from us at Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, will receive an autographed copy. Price $3.50. a P.0. Box 458 ‘YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA

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