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Scena 1

Mihnea: I'm going to tell you the story of a group of friends

whose halloween didn't go as they expeted.
(Mihnea pleaca intr-un colt.Intra copiii)

Tom: What a party, guys!

David: But look how much we have to clean!
(se aude usa)
Ali: Enough with the jokes! (Ali merge spre usa)
Let's go! It won't open! (copiii incearca sa deschida usa)
(Emma observa tabla ouija)
Emma: What's this? (copiii se strang in jurul ei)
Tom:I think someone left it here!
(copiii discuta, apoi se asaza)

Sarah: Let's play then!

(Copiii se aseaza in cerc, au tabla in mijloc)
Scena 2
David: OUIJA?
Tom:I think i know how it works! (Tom pune mana pe pahar)
We need to ask questions. (toti plebii pun mana pe pahar)
Effy: Is there anyone in the room with us? (din nou)
Toti : YES??
Ali: What is your name?(din nou)
Toti : NO?
(luminile se sting)
Emma: Stop playing with us,guys!
Ali:This is stupid,I'm out of it.(Ali aprinde lumina)
(Mihnea scrie pe tabla "Nobody leaves")
Steven: What the hell is happening??? (Effy si Ali le scutura)
(Stefan merge sa deschida usa dar este blocata.Incearca de
cateva ori dar degeaba)
(Spiritele deschid usa cu putere Spirit 1 ii deschide usa Mirunei
iar Spirit 2 o inchide dupa ei)
(Stefan cade pe jos speriat) (toate spiritele intra)
Morgana: Sorry for ruining your party!
Ionut:We can't let you leave now.It's too late!
(cele 2 fete sunt posedate)
Madalin:you stay here in our place and we escape from this
(Morgana arunca cartea peste tablita)
Morgana: You only need to say a few words and you all besides
Emma and Sarah will be safe

Mihnea: What are the kids going to do now?

Effy:We can't let the spirits escape.
Mihnea: What the spirits didn't know is that Sara managed to
find out how to banish them by discovering their leader's
name.The kids had to say it out loud.

Sara:Ii sopeste lui David numele Morganei

David:Morgana?(soptind) Morgana?(tare)
Tom:What’s Morgana? What does that even mean?
Ali:I think it’s a name!
Angi: Guys have you ever watched „The nun??”. I know it
sounds stupid but in the end, in order to banish the spirit they
had to find out it’s name and say it loud!!
Tom: So we just say the name a that’s it? How do we know that
Morgana is the right name??
David:Let’s just try a we will find out.
(spiritele intra in clasa)
Morgana:Are you ready yet?
Ionut: It’s now or never!!
David: Yes, we are ready.( David le face semn copiilor)
Guys, repeat after me. MORGANA! (Toti elevii fara Steven,
(spiretele ies pe usa)
(Sarah si Emma se trezesc)
(copiii se bucura se se intreaba unii pe altii daca sunt bine si
comunica intre ei minim 3 min)
Mihnea:So, this was their story..... but... is this actually the end?


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