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Bhava Bala is the strength of a house. Shadbala is the strength of a planet.

There are 12 bhavas in the horoscope and each bhava refers to specific things and
have specific functions in the life of the native. If a house has good strength (Bhava
bala) then the attributes assigned to the house fructify.

Bhava bala is calculated by the following three factors (i) Bhavadhipati Bala,
(ii) Bhava Dig bala (iii) Bhava Drushti Bala.

Some texts calculate the Bhava bala by considering – (i) Bhavadhipati Bala
(ii) Bhava Dig bala (iii) Bhava Drushti bala (iv) Bhava Shubha-Ashubha bala
(v) Bhava Dina-Ratri bala.

Planet Relative
Shastiamshas Rupas Required Ranking
Ravi 462.12 7.70 5.00 2.70 I
Chandra 438.32 7.31 6.00 1.31 IV
Mangala 421.68 7.03 5.00 2.03 II
Budha 464.25 7.74 7.00 0.74 V
Guru 403.84 6.73 6.50 0.23 VII
Shukra 359.52 5.99 5.50 0.49 VI
Shani 404.67 6.74 5.00 1.74 III

For our needs we will consider only the three factors.

(i) Bhavadhipathi Bala :: This is the strength of the Lord of the Bhava or planet in
whose rashi or sign the Bhava Madhya falls. Shadbala Pinda of the Planet owning the
bhava constitutes the bhavadhipathi bala.

Asc (Mid point of 1st Bhava) == 8s 15d 03m 10th Bhava == 5s 22d 50m
7th Bhava == 2s 15d 03m 4th Bhava == 11s 22d 50m

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Bhava Mid point Sign Shadbala Bhava Ranking
8s 15d 03m - 9s……. Dhanus 0.23 I 11
9s….. - 10s Makara 1.74 II 4
10s …. 11s Kumbha 1.74 III 5
11s 22d 50m 0s Meena 0.23 IV 12
0s -- 1s Mesha 2.03 V 2
1s 2s Vrushabha 0.49 VI 9
2s 15d 03m -- 3s Mithuna 0.74 VII 7
3s 4s Kataka 2.70 VIII 1
4s 5s Simha 1.31 IX 6
5s 22d 50m 6s Kanya 0.74 X 8
6s to 7s Tula 0.49 XI 10
7s 8s Vrushchika 2.03 XII 3

20.56 Rashi
D1 Rah-20.56
Lagna Sha ® Man ®
15.03 17.04 28.57

(ii) Bhava Dig Bala -

The 12 houses are divided into Four groups
(a) Nara Rashis (Human Signs) - Mithuna, Kanya, Kumbha, Thula and first half of
Dhanus . If the mid-point of Lagna falls in any of these signs the lagna gets a
strength of 60 shs. Or 1 rupa. If the mid-point of 7th Bhava falls in these signs or nara
rashis it loses strength.
(b) Jalachara Rasis ( Acquatic Signs) - Kataka, Meena and second half of Makara
- If the mid point of 4th bhava happens to fall in Jalachara rasi it gets a strength of 1
rupa. If the mid-point of 10th Bhava falls in these signs it looses strength.
(c) Chatushpada Rasis ( Quadruped Signs) Mesha, Vrushabha, Simha, Second half
of of Dhanus and first half of Makara. When Bhava Madhya of 10th Bhava falls in the
above rahis it get 60 shs strength and if the midpoint of the 4th bhava falls it looses

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(d) Scorpio is the only keeta rashi – if the mid-point of 7th bhava falls in this it get 1
rupa strength. If the Bhava Madhya of the Lagna falls in this sign it looses strength.

Bhava Digbala = (No. of powerless Bhava - No. of bhava) X 10

If the difference is more than 6 subtract from 12 and then multiply by 10

Since maximum strength a bhava can acquire is 60 shastiamshas.


Mithuna, Kanya Kataka, Meena, Mesha, Vrushabha, Vrushchika
Kumbha, Tula Makara 15-30 deg Simha,
Dhanus 0-15 deg Dhanus 15-30 deg
Makara 0-15 deg
Mid point of Lagna Midpoint of 4th Midpoint of 10th Mid point of 7th
60 shashtiamshas, Bhava – 60 Bhava – 60 Bhava
Shashtiamshas Shashtiamshas 60 shashtiamshas,
Mid point of 7th
Bhava Zero Midpoint of 10th Midpoint of 4th Mid point of Lagna
Shashtiamshas Bhava – Zero Bhava – Zero Bhava Zero
Shastiamshas Shastiamshas Shashtiamshas

Sign Bhava
Bhava Sign Shadbala Formula
number Bala
I 09 Dhanus Chatushpada 4-1 = 3 30
II 10 Makara Jalachara 10-2 = 8 20
III 11 Kumbha Nara 7-3= 4 40
IV 12 Meena Jalachara 10-4 = 6 60
V 1 Mesha Chatushpada 4 – 5 = 11 50
VI 2 Vrushabha Chatushpada 4 – 6 = 10 40
VII 3 Mithuna Nara 7 -7 = 0 0
VIII 4 Kataka Jalachara 10 – 8 = 2 20
IX 5 Simha Chatushpada 4–9=7 10
X 6 Kanya Nara 7 – 10 = 9 30
XI 7 Tula Nara 7 – 11 = 8 20
XII 8 Vrushchika Keeta 1 – 12 = 1 10

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(c) Bhavadrishti Bala
We are familiar with Planetary aspects. While calculating the Bhavadrushti bala
we have to consider the aspects of planets on the respective BHAVA-MADHYA or
While calculating DRUSHTI BALA or DRIG BALA of the planets we have used the
following two tables.

Degrees Strength in Shams.

30 deg Zero
60 deg 15 shastiamshas
90 deg 45 shastiamshas
120 dg 30 shastiamshas
150 deg Zero
180 deg 60 shastiamshas
300 deg zero

Aspected planet Long - Aspecting Bhava Madhya. = Drishti Kendra

If Drishti Kendra is between then Drishti Pinda

180 deg to 300 deg (300 - DK) / 2
150 deg to 180 deg (DK - 150) X 2
120 deg to 150 deg 150 - DK
90 deg to 120 deg (120 – DK)/2 + 30
60 to 90 deg (DK – 60) + 15
30 to 60 deg (DK – 30) / 2

➢ We have to calculate the Drushti Pinda for each of the Planet

for all the 12 Bhava Madhya points.
➢ We have to take the Vishesha (special) Drishti of Kuja, Guru and Shani.
➢ We have to take the Drishti values of Guru and Budha as it is.
➢ We have to take one-fourth of the Drishti values of other planets.
➢ The sum total of all malefic planets (Ravi, Kuja, Shani and waning Chandra)
is totaled which wil be negative.
➢ The sum total of all benefic planets (Guru, Shukra, Budha and Waxing Chandra)
is totaled and this will be positive.

➢ Algebraic addition of the malefic and benefic values gives the net
drishti value of the planets over the Bhavas and this can be either
positive or negative.

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As the name Vimshopaka suggests this Bala is the 20 point strength. The
Vimshopaka bala (strength) of a planet is arrived at as per the placement of the planet
in Shadvarga, Saptavarga, Dashavarga and Shodashavarga.

➢ Shadvarga -- -- D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30.

➢ Saptavarga -- -- D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D12, D30.
➢ Dashavarga -- -- D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D10, D12, D30, D60.
➢ Shodashavarga -- D1, D2, D3, D4, D7, D9, D10, D12, D16,
D20, D24, D27, D30, D40, D45, D60.

For calculating the Vimshopaka bala the formula to be used is

Vimshopaka bala == Swavishwa bala X Vargavishwa bala

of the planet 20

Swavishwa bala is the strength given to the planet depending upon the placement of
the planet in the respective charts classified above.

The Swavishwa bala for Varga charts are as given below

VARGAS Swavishva
1 Rashi D1 6.00
2 Hora D2 2.00
3 Drekkana D3 4.00
4 Navamsha D9 5.00
5 Dwadashamsha D12 2.00
6 Trimshamsha D30 1.00
TOTAL 20.00

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VARGAS Swavishva
1 Rashi D1 5.00
2 Hora D2 2.00
3 Drekkana D3 3.00
4 Saptamamsha D7 1.00
5 Navamsha D9 2.50
6 Dwadashamsha D12 4.50
7 Trimshamsha D30 2.00
TOTAL 20.00


VARGAS Swavishva
1 Rashi D1 3.00
2 Hora D2 1.50
3 Drekkana D3 1.50
4 Saptamamsha D7 1.50
5 Navamsha D9 1.50
6 Dashamsha D10 1.50
7 Dwadashamsha D12 1.50
8 Shodashamsha D16 1.50
9 Trimshamsha D30 1.50
10 Shashtiamsha D60 5.00
TOTAL 20.00

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VARGAS Swavishva
1 Rashi D1 3.50
2 Hora D2 1.00
3 Drekkana D3 1.00
4 Chaturthamshaa D4 0.50
5 Saptamamsha D7 0.50
6 Navamsha D9 3.00
7 Dashamsha D10 0.50
8 Dwadashamsha D12 0.50
9 Shodashamsha D16 2.00
10 Vimshamsha D20 0.50
11 Chaturvimshamsha D24 0.50
12 Bhamsha D27 0.50
13 Trimshamsha D30 1.00
14 Khavedamsha D40 0.50
15 Akshavedamsha D45 0.50
16 Shashtiamsha D60 4.00
TOTAL 20.00

Vargavishwa bala is the strength acquired by the planet as per the position of the
planet in different vargas. The position of the planet is to be found out by using the
PANCHADA MAITRI concept (Five-fold friendship).
The Vargavishwa points are as below::
Own house - 20 points
Extreme Friend - 18 points
Friend - 15 points
Neutral - 10 points
Enemy - 7 points
Bitter Enemy - 5 points


1. Rashi Chart
2. Shodasha varga chart
3. Panchada maitri based on Rashi chart
4. Prepare a TABLE for all the planets
based on the relationship with the lord
of the house for all the 16 vargas.

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5. Note down the Swavishwa points for
Respective varga charts.
6. Note down the Vargavishwa based on No.4
7. Apply the formula – get the Vimshopaka bala of
each planet and each varga.

Grading of Vimshopaka bala.

Vimshopaka bala Grade Effects

18 to 20 Atipoorna Exceptional benefic
16 to 18 Poorna Very good
14 to 16 Ati madhya Above Average
12 to 14 Madhya Average
10 to 12 Swalpa Minimum
8 to 10 Atiswalpa Non-existent
6 to 8 Heena Destructive
5 to 6 Ati heena Very Destructive

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