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2 Worksheet

1 BRONZE - Follow the pseudocode and predict what it is showing.


2 Create the flowchart to represent the

pseudocode and paste a screenshot of it
below. You can use
See the hint on the right side.
3 SILVER - Look at the pseudocode below. Create the flowchart to
match it.
You can use

Copy-paste your screenshot below:

4 What parts or key characteristics of the pseudocode helped you to

understand it and create the flowchart for it?
4 GOLD - Below is the algorithm for a quiz question shown as both a
flowchart and pseudocode. Decompose the flowchart and annotate
a the variables
b the selection.

a What are the variables?


b Where is selection taking place?



2 Make a list of the variables and the data type each one



5 PLATINUM - Look at the pseudocode below. Explain what it is

designed to do.


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