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Good morning, Doc. Good morning, everyone.

The quote I will discuss today is

“A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to
learn is hammering on cold iron” - Horace Mann
Horace Mann also known as The Father of American Education.

He write this quote to remind each and everyone the importance of inspiration in
It suggests that simply imparting knowledge to students without igniting their desire to
learn is futile (ineffective or achieving nothing), akin to hammering on cold iron.
Effective teaching goes beyond the transmission of information; it involves inspiring
and motivating students to engage with the subject matter and develop a genuine thirst
for knowledge.
This quote serves as a reminder to educators to cultivate a passion for learning within
their students, as it is through inspiration that true education takes place.

For Me:
Motivation is the springboard of learning, so it is very important to motivate and
inspire the learner before teaching.
As a future teacher, I believe inspiring the pupils to go to school and learn is my
ultimate goal.
And this statement emphasizes the importance of not just imparting knowledge, but
also inspiring a love for learning in students.
Without inspiration and the desire to learn, the purpose of education is defeated. This
is like hammering a cold iron.
That is why even if the teacher is very good at teaching, if he or she does not win the
hearts of pupils, they will not have a desire to learn, and they will never learn.
For instance, as a future PE educator instead of just lecturing about the benefits of
physical activity, I would create a variety of activities that allow students to
This include team sports, fitness challenges, and outdoor activities that not only
promote physical fitness, but also build teamwork, communication, and leadership

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