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Feng Shui

Note: This checklist is a starting point with suggestions. Different situations call for
additional considerations.
Let me just start with getting
a few facts straight…

Feng Shui is not just about moving

furniture around, knocking walls,
hanging lucky trinkets and getting
rid of mirrors.
Feng Shui is not about superstition
or superstitious practices.
Feng Shui isn’t just for the ‘hippies’
and woo woo peeps…
Feng Shui is used all over the
world by big companies, major
corporations and the rich and
famous around the globe to
improve their lives and
To top it all off… you don’t have to
believe in Feng Shui for it to work
for you.

What is Feng Shui …

Feng Shui is a 4,000 year old practice that

is highly respected and considered a
sacred practice in China.
Feng Shui is a practical and tangible
method for increasing abundance, health
and wellbeing.
The irony of our lives in the modern day is
we spend most of our entire lives
struggling to increase our abundance and
then spend billions of dollars universally
trying to improve our health.
When there is an ancient tool! aka Feng
Shui that can support you to just that with
ease and flow.
I like to describe Feng Shui as Acupuncture
for your home or office, as it uses the same
five element theory as Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and
Feng Shui is all about energy and working
positively with the energy in your
environment to enhance all aspects of your
life and business.

Intrigued yet ?

If you haven’t got the vibe yet Feng

Shui rocks my world and the world
of my clients!
In this guide I’m going to give you
things that you can do for yourself
and easy changes that you can
implement to enhance your space.
The biggest and most important
thing about Feng Shui, is that each
and every building, home or
business has its own unique
energetic blueprint.
Just like our own date of birth has
its signature energy, your building
has its very own too. It has its own
personality, history and imprint on
the world.
This is a level deeper than what I
can cover but it’s how I discover a
house’s story and energetic imprint.

Begin Space Clearing
Remember why you're doing it - to generate more positive energy flow:
gather boxes, rubbish bags, storage containers, post-it notes, etc. to help with

Tackle one room at a time - the ones you spent the most time in first
Try the priority order below - for optimal results sort items into:
Store - where?
Give away - to whom? > Attach post-it
Toss - recycling or rubbish

Front Entrance
Energy enters here - it is the opening for chi and sets the tone for your home.

Clear the entryway to your home. Let the chi (energy) flow right into
your home and life by ridding your home’s front entry of obstacles.
Such things as looming plants or vines, old newspapers, bikes, and
toys in your front path may limit the amount of energy entering your
home. Clear out anything behind your door for even more benefits.
What does the exterior look like leading up to the front door? Is it
clean, inviting, with room to maneuver?
Is the doormat worn out - time for a new one?
Once inside, is it an open, inviting space?
Can the door be opened easily or is it blocked by objects?Make sure
your front door is in good working order. It shouldn’t scrape the floor or
squeak, and the door knob, hinges, and locks should all be secure.
This cure allows you to release your frustrations and anxieties and
smooths your life path.
Is there room for guests to put their shoes?
Does the front closet have space for guest jackets, gloves, etc? Are
there seasonal items on display from last season?
A few inviting touches are welcoming - keep it open and bright

Master Bedroom
The stronger you are, the better you are able to help your family. Bed is set
up effectively facing your best direction.

Position your bed to feel safe, loved, and great. Place your bed in the
Commanding Position of your bedroom. This spot is the one farthest
from the door but where you're still able to see the doorway and
anyone approaching while you're lying in the bed. Placing your bed in
the Commanding Position allows you to be stronger, calmer, and in
The best material for a bed is wood. Any style works as long as you
have breathing room under the bed. This leaves the beds with
storage options and the very low beds out of the good feng shui beds
category. Easy. A good headboard is a must for a good feng shui bed.
Best feng shui headboards are the ones that are solid and made from
wood, or the upholstered ones as they have a very good combination
of solid, but also gentle and supporting feng shui energy for you and
your bedroom.
The bedroom is dedicated to sleep and intimate activities - reflects a
relaxing, rejuvenating environment.
Ensure all work-related items and computer are in another room.
TV, electronics, exercise equipments are elsewhere - if you can't do
without a TV, at the very least cover it up during sleep.
Ensure no mirrors facing bed - cover with neutral colour at night if
unable to move.
No beams above bed - beams aligned between 2 people is especially
damaging to a relationship.
No live flowers or plants - silk ones are fine.
No active water or images of water.
The images reflect harmonious, loving relationship between adults.
Best colours for your bed linens are whites & creams combined with
the decor colours you love in your bedroom

Other Bedrooms
Bed positioned well to support a personal best direction

Solid Headboard
Children's pictures and decor are current with their present age &
goals, clothing/toys are organized - closet organizers, storage bins,
baskets, no large electronics or exercise equipment - no TV
computer in bedroom (especially for young children; more
challenging for teenagers but remember the purpose of the
No violent or predatory images
No live flowers or plants
No mirrors facing bed - cover with neutral color at night if unable to
move. No beams above or pointing toward the bed.

Living or Family Room

Family pictures are updated
Photos of children are placed in their personal success direction to
support them better. Warm, joyful images supporting harmony.
No violent. menacing or predatory images.
Magazines, books or games are organized and limited in number -
rotate toys/games for small children.
Objects are pleasant, attractive, meaningful for occupants
Plants are in good shape - thriving, vibrant.
No cactus or sharp-edged plants.

Connected with nourishing life energy, wonderful smells and tastes, toss
anything expired or no longer in use

Keep it clean and organized - in the pantry too.

Keep the surfaces clear.
Keep the cooker surface clean (important for prosperity)

Dining Room
Associated with life-giving bounty and nurturing relationships. Keep the focus
on intention of room - dining experience and interaction. Have everyone
seated facing their best directions.

A mirror reflecting the table is beneficial - when not in use, fresh

flower or fruit on the table represent abundance and are "doubled" by
a mirror

Closets, Laundry , Storage Areas

Utility rooms in general have less impact; however, too much clutter
anywhere creates stagnant, unhealthy energy

Keep Areas organized, regularly reduce amount stored - get rid of

items that are no longer being used.

Utility rooms in general have less impact; however, too much clutter
anywhere creates stagnant, unhealthy energy

Put toilet cover down before flushing (to contain contents). Close
bathroom door even when not in use.
To keep your funds from being drained, keep your bathroom doors
closed, hang full-length mirrors on the outside of your bathroom
doors, and keep your drains closed when not in use (cover the sink
drain, stop the tub, and keep the toilet lid closed)

About {Patricia
I’m Patricia, I help women around the world
activate success through creating powerful
environments that maximize potential. I’m a
Feng Shui expert, shaman, healer and
passionate female entrepreneur who has
shaped my dream life. I’ve ended up on my path
because I’ve seen first hand the power of the
mind, surroundings and inner healing, clearing
and aligning everything so it works holistically.

I’m an experienced success-preneur with

Manifestation as my middle name! Not only do I
have a multitude of skills from Reiki to Feng
Shui, I’m a pro at positivity and total life
transformation, in my own world and for others!

Your inner world (your mindset/history)

completely affects your outer world
(environment) and vice versa so when you can
work on both simultaneously, you’re set to
achieve great things.

My aim in life is to bring my knowledge and positive power to women across the
world, showing them they can achieve anything they want, I’m total proof that
this works.

I work with women who know what they want and are willing to take action.
Working in partnership with my clients, I can make them Realise, Envisage,
Achieve and Love their lives. Keeping it REAL!

Feng Shui Works Miracles
The best part of Feng Shui is the results I see every single day here
is what I heard from a client recently!

Boom it works.

It was the biggest month - revenue-wise - for my company.

We also landed our largest client ever.

My husband unexpectedly got a stock option buy-out from the private equity group that invested in
the company he works for.
So it was a very lucrative month - and I owe it to Feng Shui

(I am pretty sure my husband is a full-on believer in feng shui now!) Patricia - thank you! XO

Monika Jansen

Talmar Anderson
Talmars business was featured on National TV

Talmar’s life was not going the way she wanted

it to go for her, her son and her husband.

Now using Feng Shui her son won a $70k

scholarship, her husband won a large
construction contract and she is landing new

Working with Patricia things rapidly change for

the better on implementing her

I've had a lot of results.

I've had hidden money. I have been able to

manifest for money, my business has just
grown. I went from not even being on TV last
time this year to now what is it, 13 or 14 times.

My kids are doing better.

My house feels more like a home because I

really had a lot of trouble moving into this new
house. I can just say I feel more at peace
overall and my husband loves it cause part of it
is also decluttering.

Tonya Harris

Dawn del Vecchio

Since working with Patricia, Dawn and her
husband Dug have experienced big positive
shifts in both of their businesses.

Money is flowing in with ease. Dug’s

real-estate business has taken off and Dawn is
getting clients she loves to work with.

Feng Shui aligned their home environment with

what they want from life.

Doubled her business the first month and
trebled it the second month!

Miriam realised it’s really important to have

your environment alignment with what you

Since implementing Feng Shui the shifts have

been “epic” tripling her monthly income, her
husband's business has been the best in three
years and family relation’s are much easier and

Miriam Castella

Courts Lippett
Manifested her dream home and has become a
prolific artist. Before Feng Shui Courts didn’t
feel she was living her life to it’s full potential as
a mum, business owner and in her self-care.

Now she has so much clarity about life and

everything around her achieving buying her
new dream home and dramatically increasing
her business revenue.


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