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namespace FortniteOffsets

uintptr_t UWorld = 0x12634238;
uintptr_t GObjects = 0x1260C5A0;
uintptr_t GNames = 0x127F3180;
uintptr_t AActors = 0xA0;
uintptr_t ActorCount = 0xA8;
uintptr_t ActorID = 0x18;
uintptr_t Mesh = 0x318; // ACharacter::Mesh // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RootComponent = 0x198; // AActor::RootComponent // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CustomTimeDilation = 0x68; // AActor::CustomTimeDilation // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerController = 0x30; // UPlayer::PlayerController // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t LocalPlayers = 0x38; // UGameInstance::LocalPlayers // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t OwningGameInstance = 0x1D8; // UWorld::OwningGameInstance // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t GameState = 0x160; // UWorld::GameState // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t PersistentLevel = 0x30; // UWorld::PersistentLevel // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t Levels = 0x178; // UWorld::Levels // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TinyFont = 0x30; // UEngine::TinyFont // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t SmallFont = 0x50; // UEngine::SmallFont // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t LargeFont = 0x90; // UEngine::LargeFont // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t PawnPrivate = 0x308; // APlayerState::PawnPrivate // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CompressedPing = 0x298; // APlayerState::CompressedPing // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerId = 0x294; // APlayerState::PlayerId // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsABot = 0x29A; // APlayerState::bIsABot ( BitField Index -> 3 ) //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerNamePrivate = 0x328; // APlayerState::PlayerNamePrivate //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerState = 0x2B0; // APawn::PlayerState // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ReviveFromDBNOTime = 0x4BC0; //
AFortPlayerPawnAthena::ReviveFromDBNOTime // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bCanBeMarkedAsTeammate = 0x5AD0; //
AFortPlayerPawnAthena::bCanBeMarkedAsTeammate // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CurrentVehicle = 0x29A0; // AFortPlayerPawn::CurrentVehicle // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsSkydiving = 0x204F; // AFortPlayerPawn::bIsSkydiving // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsParachuteOpen = 0x2050; // AFortPlayerPawn::bIsParachuteOpen //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t VehicleAttributes = 0x11E8; //
AFortAthenaVehicle::VehicleAttributes // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CachedFuelComponent = 0x1210; //
AFortAthenaVehicle::CachedFuelComponent // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TopSpeedCurrentMultiplier = 0xA48; //
AFortAthenaVehicle::TopSpeedCurrentMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PushForceCurrentMultiplier = 0xA4C; //
AFortAthenaVehicle::PushForceCurrentMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t WaterEffectsVehicleMaxSpeedKmh = 0x8DC; //
AFortAthenaVehicle::WaterEffectsVehicleMaxSpeedKmh // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t CachedSpeed = 0xDE8; // AFortAthenaVehicle::CachedSpeed // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ServerFuel = 0xF0; // UFortVehicleFuelComponent::ServerFuel // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ForwardForceTractionScale = 0x1F8C; //
AFortAthenaSKPushVehicle::ForwardForceTractionScale // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t FrontLateralFrictionScale = 0x0; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::FrontLateralFrictionScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RearLateralFrictionScale = 0x4; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::RearLateralFrictionScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t BrakeForceTractionScale = 0x8; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::BrakeForceTractionScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ForwardForceTractionScale = 0xC; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::ForwardForceTractionScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t SlopeAntigravityScale = 0x10; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::SlopeAntigravityScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TopSpeedScale = 0x14; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::TopSpeedScale // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t VehicleGravityScale = 0x18; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::VehicleGravityScale // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bBrakeBeforeReverse = 0x1C; //
FReplicatedAthenaVehicleAttributes::bBrakeBeforeReverse // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerArray = 0x2A8; // AGameStateBase::PlayerArray // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PrimaryPickupItemEntry = 0x350; //
AFortPickup::PrimaryPickupItemEntry // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ItemDefinition = 0x18; // FFortItemEntry::ItemDefinition // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t Rarity = 0xEB; // UFortItemDefinition::Rarity // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ItemName = 0x40; // UItemDefinitionBase::ItemName // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AcknowledgedPawn = 0x338; // APlayerController::AcknowledgedPawn //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PlayerCameraManager = 0x348; //
APlayerController::PlayerCameraManager // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t InputPitchScale = 0x53C; // APlayerController::InputPitchScale //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t InputYawScale = 0x538; // APlayerController::InputYawScale // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t InputRollScale = 0x540; // APlayerController::InputRollScale //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t DefaultFOV = 0x2A4; // APlayerCameraManager::DefaultFOV // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewPitchMin = 0x248C; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewPitchMin //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewPitchMax = 0x2490; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewPitchMax //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewYawMin = 0x2494; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewYawMin // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewYawMax = 0x2498; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewYawMax // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewRollMin = 0x249C; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewRollMin // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewRollMax = 0x24A0; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewRollMax // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewTarget = 0x320; // APlayerCameraManager::ViewTarget // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CameraCachePrivate = 0x1390; //
APlayerCameraManager::CameraCachePrivate // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t POV = 0x10; // FCameraCacheEntry::POV // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t Location = 0x0; // FMinimalViewInfo::Location // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t Rotation = 0x18; // FMinimalViewInfo::Rotation // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t FOV = 0x30; // FMinimalViewInfo::FOV // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t AspectRatio = 0x54; // FMinimalViewInfo::AspectRatio // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t DesiredFOV = 0x34; // FMinimalViewInfo::DesiredFOV // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bActive = 0x2C0; // ABuildingWeakSpot::bActive ( BitField Index ->
2 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t HitCount = 0x2C4; // ABuildingWeakSpot::HitCount // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAlreadySearched = 0xD92; // ABuildingContainer::bAlreadySearched
( BitField Index -> 2 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ViewportClient = 0x78; // ULocalPlayer::ViewportClient // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CurrentWeapon = 0xA68; // AFortPawn::CurrentWeapon // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PreviousWeapon = 0xA70; // AFortPawn::PreviousWeapon // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CurrentWeaponList = 0xA78; // AFortPawn::CurrentWeaponList // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsDying = 0x758; // AFortPawn::bIsDying ( BitField Index -> 4 ) //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsDBNO = 0x982; // AFortPawn::bIsDBNO ( BitField Index -> 4 ) //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t WeaponData = 0x4F0; // AFortWeapon::WeaponData // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t CurrentReticleColor = 0xDC0; // AFortWeapon::CurrentReticleColor //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AmmoCount = 0xEBC; // AFortWeapon::AmmoCount // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ChargeTime = 0xED0; // AFortWeapon::ChargeTime // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AccumulatedChargeTime = 0xED4; //
AFortWeapon::AccumulatedChargeTime // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t LastChargeTime = 0xED8; // AFortWeapon::LastChargeTime // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsReloadingWeapon = 0x388; // AFortWeapon::bIsReloadingWeapon //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsChargingWeapon = 0x389; // AFortWeapon::bIsChargingWeapon //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsEquippingWeapon = 0x370; // AFortWeapon::bIsEquippingWeapon //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AimPitchMin = 0x17C8; // AFortWeaponRanged::AimPitchMin // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AimPitchMax = 0x17CC; // AFortWeaponRanged::AimPitchMax // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t Spread = 0x150; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::Spread // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t OverrideBaseSpread = 0x154; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::OverrideBaseSpread // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t SpreadDownsights = 0x158; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::SpreadDownsights
// Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t OverrideSpreadDownsights = 0x15C; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::OverrideSpreadDownsights // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t StandingStillSpreadMultiplier = 0x160; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::StandingStillSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t AthenaCrouchingSpreadMultiplier = 0x164; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::AthenaCrouchingSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AthenaSlidingSpreadMultiplier = 0x168; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::AthenaSlidingSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t AthenaJumpingFallingSpreadMultiplier = 0x16C; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::AthenaJumpingFallingSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AthenaSprintingSpreadMultiplier = 0x170; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::AthenaSprintingSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MinSpeedForSpreadMultiplier = 0x174; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::MinSpeedForSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t MaxSpeedForSpreadMultiplier = 0x178; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::MaxSpeedForSpreadMultiplier // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t SpreadDownsightsAdditionalCooldownTime = 0x17C; //
FFortRangedWeaponStats::SpreadDownsightsAdditionalCooldownTime // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t SpreadExponent = 0x180; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::SpreadExponent //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RecoilVert = 0x1F8; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::RecoilVert // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RecoilHoriz = 0x208; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::RecoilHoriz // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t FiringRate = 0x1D0; // FFortRangedWeaponStats::FiringRate // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ReloadTime = 0xE8; // FFortBaseWeaponStats::ReloadTime // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ArmTime = 0x150; // FFortTrapStats::ArmTime // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t FireDelay = 0x154; // FFortTrapStats::FireDelay // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t DamageDelay = 0x158; // FFortTrapStats::DamageDelay // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsCreativeModeratorModeEnabled = 0x3282; //
AFortPlayerControllerGameplay::bIsCreativeModeratorModeEnabled ( BitField Index ->
5 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAutoRunOn = 0x10B5; // AFortPlayerController::bAutoRunOn ( BitField
Index -> 3 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t OnSetFirstPersonCamera = 0x10E0; //
AFortPlayerController::OnSetFirstPersonCamera // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAllowTargeting = 0xE1C; // AFortWeapon::bAllowTargeting ( BitField
Index -> 3 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TimeToEquip = 0x360; // AFortWeapon::TimeToEquip // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TriggerType = 0x494; // UFortWeaponItemDefinition::TriggerType //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t HitNotifyDuration = 0x49C; //
UFortWeaponItemDefinition::HitNotifyDuration // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAllowTargetingDuringReload = 0x497; //
UFortWeaponItemDefinition::bAllowTargetingDuringReload ( BitField Index -> 6 ) //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIgnoreTryToFireSlotCooldownRestriction = 0x1451; //
AFortWeapon::bIgnoreTryToFireSlotCooldownRestriction // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t Wireframe = 0x1B8; // UMaterial::Wireframe ( BitField Index -> 6 ) //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t BlendMode = 0x129; // UMaterial::BlendMode // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ScalarParameterValues = 0x160; //
UMaterialInstance::ScalarParameterValues // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t VectorParameterValues = 0x170; //
UMaterialInstance::VectorParameterValues // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t WorldGravityZ = 0x310; // AWorldSettings::WorldGravityZ // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t HUDScale = 0x508; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::HUDScale // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t InitialHUDScale = 0x510; //
UFortClientSettingsRecord::InitialHUDScale // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ScopedSlow = 0x594; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::ScopedSlow //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TargetingSlow = 0x590; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::TargetingSlow //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MouseSensitivity = 0x5BC; //
UFortClientSettingsRecord::MouseSensitivity // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MouseSensitivityX = 0x5C0; //
UFortClientSettingsRecord::MouseSensitivityX // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MouseSensitivityY = 0x5C4; //
UFortClientSettingsRecord::MouseSensitivityY // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MusicVolume = 0x948; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::MusicVolume //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t MasterVolume = 0x944; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::MasterVolume //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t FOVMinimum = 0x9E8; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::FOVMinimum //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t FOVMaximum = 0x9EC; // UFortClientSettingsRecord::FOVMaximum //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAnonymousMode = 0x96D; //
UFortClientSettingsRecord::bAnonymousMode // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RelativeRotation = 0x138; // USceneComponent::RelativeRotation //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RelativeLocation = 0x120; // USceneComponent::RelativeLocation //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t ComponentVelocity = 0x168; // USceneComponent::ComponentVelocity //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RelativeScale3D = 0x150; // USceneComponent::RelativeScale3D //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t PhysicsVolume = 0xA8; // USceneComponent::PhysicsVolume // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bAbsoluteLocation = 0x180; // USceneComponent::bAbsoluteLocation
( BitField Index -> 2 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bForceWireframe = 0x77E; // USkinnedMeshComponent::bForceWireframe
( BitField Index -> 5 ) // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t SkeletalMesh = 0x540; // USkinnedMeshComponent::SkeletalMesh //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t GlobalAnimRateScale = 0xA18; //
USkeletalMeshComponent::GlobalAnimRateScale // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TeamIndex = 0x1211; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::TeamIndex // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t KillScore = 0x1224; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::KillScore // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t TeamKillScore = 0x116C; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::TeamKillScore //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bThankedBusDriver = 0x137D; //
AFortPlayerStateAthena::bThankedBusDriver ( BitField Index -> 0 ) // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsTalking = 0x1430; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::bIsTalking // Dumped
With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsMuted = 0x1431; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::bIsMuted // Dumped With
UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t bIsDisconnected = 0x170C; //
AFortPlayerStateAthena::bIsDisconnected // Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t RebootCounter = 0x18A4; // AFortPlayerStateAthena::RebootCounter //
Dumped With UDMANS Offset Dumper
uintptr_t AlwaysIncludeTeamAsAllies = 0x1210; //
AFortPlayerStateAthena::AlwaysIncludeTeamAsAllies // Dumped With UDMANS Offset
uintptr_t Platform = 0x438; // AFortPlayerState::Platform // Dumped With UDMANS
Offset Dumper

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