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Explicitly Available: A Qualitative Exploration of Pornography Exposure Influencing Teenage

Pregnant High School Students in Iriga

Definition of Terms

The key terms utilized in the study are listed in this section. These words are specified in
the study and are fully defined according to their usage in the study to make the problem easier
to understand.


Operational Definition: Explicit depiction of sexual content, It is often considered a form of

sexual expression, but its production, distribution, and consumption can be subject to legal and
ethical debates.

Conceptual definition: The representation of sexual behavior in various forms of media,

including books, pictures, films, statues, and other media.


Operational Definition: Encompasses the overall functioning and well-being of an individual,

including their physical, emotional, psychological, and social aspects.

Conceptual Definition: State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and it is not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


Operational Definition: Transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood,

typically occurring between the ages of 12 and 18.
Conceptual Definition: A transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and


Operational Definition: Capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of

someone or something. It involves the ability to shape or guide the actions, opinions, or decisions
of others, either directly or indirectly.

Conceptual Definition: The power or capacity to cause an effect or change in indirect or

intangible ways.


Operational Definition: Act of being subjected to or experiencing something, particularly in a

way that may have an impact or effect on an individual.

Conceptual Definition: The state or condition of coming into contact with or being subjected to
something, whether it be physical, environmental, social, or psychological.


Operational Definition: Actions or reactions of an individual or group in response to internal or

external stimuli. It encompasses the observable actions, reactions, and patterns of conduct
exhibited by a person or organism.

Conceptual Definition: The range of actions, reactions, or conduct exhibited by individuals or

organisms in response to internal or external stimuli.

Operational Definition: Progressive acquisition of skills, knowledge, and abilities, as well as the
transformation of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social characteristics.

Conceptual Definition: The progressive and systematic process of growth, maturation, and
change that occurs in individuals, organisms, or systems over time.


Operational Definition: Cognitive, affective, and behavioral components that shape an

individual's overall orientation and response to various aspects of their environment.

Conceptual Definition: A learned and relatively stable predisposition or evaluative stance that
individuals hold towards people, objects, ideas, or situations.


James Brian Borromeo

Andrei John Ciudad

Allysa Mae Senaon

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