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Do you know something about robots?

- Robots, as I understand them, are machines designed to perform tasks autonomously or
- They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are widely used in today's
- Robots, for example, are widely used in the manufacturing industry to assemble
products with precision and efficiency."

_Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?
- When I was a kid, I loved the movie 'Wall-E.'
- It's an animated film about Wall-E, a cute robot who collects trash on a deserted Earth.
- The story was heartwarming, and I loved how the filmmakers depicted Wall-E's
relationship with another robot named EVE.

_Do you use robot in your daily life?

- No, I do not use robots on a daily basis.
- While I am aware of their presence in industries such as manufacturing and healthcare, I
do not own a robot or rely on one for daily tasks.
- My daily activities do not include interactions with robots.

_Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?

- Yes, I believe I would be at ease in a car driven by a robot.
- While it may appear strange at first, I am confident that autonomous vehicles are
designed with safety in mind.
- They reduce human error and make the road safer.

B. Geography
_How do you feel about geography?
- I'm very interested in geography.
- It's fascinating to learn about different countries, cultures, and landscapes.
Understanding how our world is connected geographically is critical.
- I enjoy exploring maps, reading travel books, and discussing geographical topics. It's a
subject that never ceases to fascinate me.
_ Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?
- I believe that learning geographic knowledge is extremely beneficial.
- It broadens my worldview, aids in travel planning, and fosters cultural appreciation
- Geography is also relevant and beneficial for personal growth and global awareness
because it plays a critical role in addressing global issues such as climate change and
resource management."
_Have you ever studied geography at school?
- Yes, I did study geography in high school.
- It was a requirement for our class, and I found it fascinating.
- I discovered new countries, capitals, natural landscapes, and environmental issues.
- Geography classes assisted me in developing a better understanding of the world and its
_Are you good at reading a map?

- I consider myself to be an expert at reading maps.

- When I travel, I frequently use maps for navigation and find them useful for
understanding locations and directions.
- I am confident in my ability to interpret and use maps, whether they are city maps or
hiking trail maps.
C. Helping others

_ Do you usually help people around you?

- Yes, I do.
- I believe I am a very helpful person, and I am always willing to help those around me
who require assistance.
- People in my country regard helping others as a virtue.

_ How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?
- There are ways for me to assist those in my immediate vicinity who require assistance.
- For example, if I see one of our neighbors struggling with a package, I may offer to assist
them or assist in caring for their pets while they are not at home.
- When my family or friends need to talk, I'm always willing to listen and comfort them.
_ Do your parents teach you how to help others?
- When I was younger, my parents always taught me to be kind and helpful by example,
such as watching neighbors' homes while they were away or simply lending a listening
ear when needed.
- Because of them, I learned how to help others and the importance of sharing.
_ Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
- Yes, they did a lot of things for me, such as helping me fix my bike, help me with my
math, clean up my mess, and so on, but my parents respect me enough to include me in
the decision-making process.
- They've guided my life and career every step of the way.

_ Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?

- Yes, I enjoy making one-of-a-kind gifts for special occasions.
- It adds a personal touch and shows thoughtfulness.
- I've created custom cards, knitted scarves, and even painted artwork for birthdays and

_ How to choose a gift?

- Knowing the recipient's interests and preferences is essential for selecting the
appropriate gift.
- I consider their interests, favorite colors, and personal style.
- It's also essential to think about the occasion and the message you want to convey
_ Can you share an experience of giving a special gift to someone?
- Absolutely! On my best friend's birthday, I crochet a bouquet of roses.
- I spent weeks creating it.
- She was moved to tears, and it meant a lot to both of us, strengthening our bond and
making the day unforgettable
E. Fish and fishing

_Is fishing popular in your country?

- Yes, fishing is very popular in my country.
- We have a long history of recreational fishing, both freshwater and saltwater.
- Many people enjoy it as a hobby, relaxation, and bonding activity with family and
- Fishing is a popular pastime in our diverse landscapes.

_Do you like eating fish?

- I enjoy eating fish.
- It is not only a good source of protein, but it also comes in a variety of flavors and
cooking methods.
- Personal favorites include grilled salmon and sushi.

_Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
- I've been to aquariums where I was surrounded by fascinating marine life.
- The vibrant colors, diverse species, and sensation of being underwater without getting
wet are truly enthralling.
- It's a one-of-a-kind experience that provides insight into the beauty and diversity of the
underwater world.

_Have you watched the TV program about fish?

- I've watched fish-related TV shows on channels like Animal Planet.
- They offer fascinating insights into the underwater world and the various species that
live there.
- The documentaries frequently highlight the beauty and complexity of aquatic life,
making them both educational and entertaining.
F. Films
_ What films do you like?
- I enjoy a wide variety of films.
- I like thought-provoking dramas because they have emotional depth, action movies
because they are exciting, and documentaries because they are informative.
- It depends on my mood, but I enjoy a good story and strong performances in any genre.

_ Did you often watch films when you were a child?

- As a child, I enjoyed watching movies.
- It provided me with regular entertainment.
- My favorites were Disney classics and animated films.
- They fueled my imagination and provided hours of entertainment.
- Even now, I treasure the memories of watching movies with wide-eyed wonder.

_ Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

- No, I did not go to the movies alone as a child.
- I usually went with my family or friends for a fun outing.
- It was a fun way to watch movies together and share the excitement of the big screen.
- Going with others made it a memorable experience.

_ Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

- I enjoy going to the movies with my friends on occasion.
- It's a fun way to connect with others and share experiences.
- We choose movies that interest us, then grab some popcorn and have a good time
- It's a welcome change from our usual routine.

_ Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
- Going to the movies is an excellent way to spend time with friends.
- It combines entertainment and socialization, allowing us to bond over shared
experiences and later discuss the film.
- It's a fun and laid-back way to spend quality time together while watching a movie.
G. Tea or coffee

_ What do you prefer, tea or coffee?

- I'm a huge coffee fan!
- I can't start my day without a caffeine fix.
- Coffee's rich aroma and bold flavor are invigorating, and it helps me stay alert.
- I enjoy experimenting with different coffee blends and brewing techniques.
_ What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?
- It is completely dependent on the guest and the occasion.
- Some people enjoy coffee, so I'll make a fresh pot for them.
- Others prefer tea, so I'll provide a selection of tea bags.
- I want my guests to feel at ease and to be able to enjoy their favorite beverage.

_ When was the last time you drank coffee or tea?

- It is completely dependent on the guest and the occasion.
- Some people enjoy coffee, so I'll make a fresh pot for them.
- Others prefer tea, so I'll provide a selection of tea bags.
- I want my guests to feel at ease and to be able to enjoy their favorite beverage.
H. Musical instruments

_ Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?

- I most enjoy listening to the piano.
- It has a timeless appeal due to its elegant melodies and rich harmonies.
- Because of its versatility, the piano can express a wide range of emotions, from soothing
to dramatic.
- It's a magical instrument whose depth and expressiveness never cease to captivate me.

_ Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

- I once attempted to learn to play the guitar.
- It was an enjoyable experience.
- But I can still play a few simple tunes.
- Music has always been a fun way for me to unwind and express myself, even though I'm
not a professional musician.

_ Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

- Absolutely, I believe that learning to play an instrument in school is extremely beneficial
for children.
- It promotes creativity, discipline, and cognitive growth.
- Music education also promotes teamwork and can be a source of joy for a lifetime.

_ How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?

- It is possible to learn to play an instrument without the assistance of a teacher.
- Self-directed learning is possible with online resources and tutorials.
- It takes determination, practice, and commitment.
11. Quiet place

• Are there many quite places in your city?

My city does have some quiet places. We have serene parks and
gardens where you can escape the city’s hustle and bustle. Also, there
are libraries and cozy cafes that offer peaceful environments for
reading or relaxation.
• Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone?

People enjoy solitude for various reasons. It’s a chance to recharge,

reflect, and have personal space. Sometimes, it’s about indulging in
hobbies, reading, or just having ‘me time.’ Being alone can help clear
the mind and reduce stress, allowing people to return to social
interactions refreshed and balanced.
• Is there much noise around your home?

Yeah, it can get pretty lively around my place. I’ve got neighbors with
kids, and they’re always playing and having a blast. Also, there’s the
occasional traffic noise. But honestly, I don’t mind it. It makes the
neighborhood feel vibrant, and I’ve gotten used to it.
• Does this noise affect you in any way?

The noise doesn’t bother me much. I’ve grown used to it over time,
and it doesn’t really disrupt my concentration. I’ve learned to tune it
out and focus on my tasks. However, certain noises can
be distracting or irritating, like loud construction work or honking
12 Science

• When did you start to learn science?

It was way back in the early part of my school years. I got to study rudimentary maths, physics and
biology. I was pretty good at them back then, unlike now, when a math problem could give me a really
hard time solving it.

• What is your favorite science subject?

Well, I have a keen interest in chemistry. Back when I was in secondary school, I was infatuated
with this subject ’cause I took enormous enjoyment in watching all these chemical reactions and
balancing chemical equations.

• Is there any technology that you think is helpful in daily life?

There’s quite a wide range of technology in this era but the internet stands out as a game-changer in our
daily lives. With a plethora of information at our fingertips, it can provide answers and solutions to an
array of queries and challenges. The internet connection has transformed the world into a global village,
enabling communication, knowledge sharing, and online services such as shopping online.

• Do you think science classes are important?

Absolutely, science serves as the cornerstone for fostering a deeper understanding of the world around us.
From unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos to addressing everyday challenges, it's a compass guiding
progress and innovation. Encouraging students to engage with science not only enriches their knowledge
but also fosters curiosity and critical thinking.

13. Public transport

• What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

It’s the bus, I would say. I see many students in my university going to
school by bus on a daily basis, simply because it’s cheap. You know, a
bus ticket costs only around five thousand VND, such an affordable
price for anyone who is living on a tight budget and doesn’t have
enough money to buy their own vehicle.
• How often do you take buses?

I use the bus almost everyday because like I said, it’s the cheapest
way to get around even though it’s always overcrowded and not very
punctual .
• Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

I think a private vehicle is a better choice for me. To be honest with

you, I can get car-sick easily. If I travel a far distance by bus or coach,
I will get a terrible headache and even vomit.
• Is driving to work popular in your country?
It’s hard to say about the future but I hope people will use more
public transport instead of cars and motorbikes. Driving more just
makes the air quality deteriorate , which negatively affects people’s

• Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

Yes, absolutely. Candidly speaking, I’ve always been dreaming about being back to my
hometown for years, where I can enjoy the pleasant tranquility and a slower pace of life. But I
think I have to put that dream on the back burners for now and wait until my retirement
period to do that. Currently, this hectic city is a more ideal place for me to strive
towards constant self-perfection and career development.

 pleasant tranquility: sự yên tĩnh thu thái

 a slower pace of life: nhịp sống thong thả hơn
 put that dream on the back burners: gác lại giấc mơ đó
 strive towards: nỗ lực hướng tới

• Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?

Obviously, disturbing sounds seemed to become the daily soundtracks for everyone now, and
not many people even pay attention to that fact anymore. But the worrying consequence is that
they forget to set aside some time to stay away from those intervening factors at times, to just
listen to themselves, or just be mindful about their own thoughts.

 daily soundtracks: âm thanh hằng ngày

 set aside: để dành

• Is making noise one of people’s rights?

Yeah, I think it’s related to the fundamental right of humans, which is the freedom of speech. So
everyone should be entitled to speak out and voice their opinions. However, the volume should be
controlled to avoid adversely affecting the well-being of other surrounding people.

15. Chatting

• Do you often chat with friends?

Yes, I engage in conversations with friends regularly, using both online messaging platforms and
face-to-face interactions – I'm a pretty social person so I enjoy chatting about life and
exchanging ideas with friends and also listening to their problems when they feel down.

• Do you prefer to chat online or face to face?

My preference for chatting—whether online or in person—depends on the context and

convenience. In an ideal world I prefer face to face communication – I enjoy hanging out with
friends in coffee shops, over meals in a restaurant, or in bars. So, yes, I'd say I prefer face to
face communication if there is the time and opportunity.

• Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?

For individual discussions, I prefer one-on-one conversations, while group chats are more
suitable for organizing events and gatherings. As I said, I'm pretty social, so I do enjoy both, but
I think I lean more towards one-on-one chats. I like to listen and feel that people are more
genuine when not in groups.

16. Running

• Do you go running a lot?

Yes, I do enjoy running, and I try to make it a regular part of my fitness routine. I usually go for a run at
least three to four times a week. It helps me stay in shape and relieves stress.

• Where do you usually like to run?

I typically go running in a nearby park in my neighborhood. It’s a lovely place with well-
maintained jogging tracks and a pleasant atmosphere. Running there allows me to connect with nature
and enjoy some fresh air.

• What do you think of running?

The last time I went running was just yesterday morning. I find it most refreshing to start my day with a
good run. It was a beautiful day, and I covered around 5 kilometers during my jog.

• What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

Running is a fantastic sport, in my opinion. It’s accessible to almost everyone, requires minimal
equipment, and offers numerous health benefits. It’s not only a great way to improve physical fitness but
also helps in maintaining mental well-being. Moreover, it can be a solitary or social activity, depending
on your preference, making it a versatile and enjoyable sport for people of all ages and fitness levels.

17. Map

• Do you often use map?

Yes, I do. While technology has made navigation more convenient with GPS and
mobile apps, I still find myself using a map from time to time, especially when I’m
exploring a new city or going on a hiking trip.

Từ vựng hay trong bài:

 Navigation: The process of finding one’s way to a destination.

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: định vị, điều hướng

 Convenient: Fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities, and plans.

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: thuận tiệ
• What is the difference between mobile maps and paper maps?

The main distinction lies in their format and accessibility. Mobile maps, on
smartphones or tablets, are dynamic and interactive, providing real-time
information and directions. On the other hand, paper maps are static and require
no battery or signal, making them reliable in areas with poor connectivity.

Từ vựng hay trong bài:

 Dynamic: Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: năng động

 Interactive: Allowing a two-way flow of information.

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: có tính tương tác

• Who taught you how to use maps?

I was introduced to reading maps by my geography teacher back in high school.

She taught us the fundamentals of map-reading, including understanding
symbols, scales, and how to plot routes. It was an invaluable skill that I’ve carried
with me ever since.

Từ vựng hay trong bài:

 Fundamentals: The basic principles or essential aspects of a subject or

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nguyên tắc cơ bản

 Invaluable: Extremely useful or indispensable.

Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: vô giá

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