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VOCAB VWO-4 2018-2019 Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate: Module 9

nr derivations definitions & synonyms opposites

1 oddity (n.) a strange or peculiar person or thing; the conformist

quality of being strange or peculiar Word
SYN: misfit, peculiarity, strangeness pairs:
oddness (n.) the quality of being strange or unexpected Write
odd (adj.) SYN: strange, unusual, peculiar normal, conventional
oddly (adv.)
2 coincidence (n.) a remarkable concurrence of events or
circumstances without apparent causal
connection SYN: accident, chance
coincidental (adj.) SYN: accidental, casual
coincidentally (adv.)
3 premonition (n.) a strong feeling that something is about to
happen, especially something unpleasant
SYN: apprehension
premonish (v.) inform (someone) of a possible future danger
or problem;
SYN: warn; forewarn
premonitive/ of, relating to, or conveying (a) premonition
premonitory (adj.)
4 telepathy (n.) the supposed communication of thoughts or
ideas by means other than the known senses
SYN: mind reading, thought transference
telepathic (adj.) supposedly capable of transmitting thoughts
to other people and of knowing their thoughts
SYN: psychic
telepathically (adv.)
telepath (n.) person with the ability to use telepathy
telepathize (v.) use telepathy
5 impending (adj.) SYN: imminent, upcoming
impend (v.) be about to happen
6 evacuate (v.) remove (someone) from a place of danger to a return to
safer place; leave or cause the occupants to
leave SYN: remove, leave
evacuee (n.) person evacuated from a place of danger
evacuation (n.) the action of evacuating a person or a place
SYN: removal, clearance
7 perceive (v.) interpret or regard (someone or something) in
a particular way
SYN: view, consider
become aware or conscious of (something)
SYN: discern, recognize
perceiver (n.)
perceivable (adj.)
perceivably (adv.)
perception (n.)
8 myth (n.) a widely held but false belief or idea SYN:
a fictitious or imaginary person or thing
mythical (adj.) fictitious SYN: imaginary real, actual
9 conspire (v.) make secret plans jointly to commit an
unlawful or harmful act
SYN: plot, collaborate
conspiracy (n.) plot, collaboration, treason
conspirator (n.) collaborator, traitor
10 dispose (v.) get rid of by throwing away or giving or retain, keep 2
selling to someone else
SYN: throw away; discard
disposal (n.)
disposable (adj.) SYN: expendable, replaceable
Wordpairs: Write compound or complex sentences with each word in the following word pairs to
show the difference in meaning between them. No simple sentences allowed.

1. mysterious (adj.)/ mystical (adj.) 3. impend(n) / impede (v.)

2. disposal (n.) / disposability (n.) 4. obligation (n) / obligatory (adj.)

Paraphrase the following sentences. Write complete sentences.

1. It was not a coincidence that the resolution to this specific community problem came at a
convenient time, because the impending election forces the government to be cautious of carrying
out defective plans.
2. The astonished auctioneer interrupted the troublemaker who accused the auction house of
conspiring with obscure artists who make copies of authentic artwork and selling them for
exorbitantly high prices.
3. It’s not a myth that evacuees from war-torn areas are often perceived as disposable social oddities.
Proverb Meaning
1 Kill two birds with one stone. - Complete two tasks with one action
2 God helps those who help - Don't just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to
themselves. achieve your goals.
3 All's well that ends well. - The problems and pitfalls of an enterprise are justified and
forgotten, so long as everything turns out well in the end.
4 Truth will out. - The truth will become known eventually.
5 You can't get blood out of a - You cannot extract what isn't there to begin with.

1. oddity: The book deals with some of the ................. of grammar and spelling. She
suddenly realized the ................. of her remark and blushed. His ...................... frightened her.
There’s something ................. about that man. She’s been behaving very .................

2. coincidence: It’s not a ................. that none of the directors are women. It’s purely …….
that we both chose to call our daughters Emma.
................., they had both studied in Paris.

3. premonition: He had a ................. that he would never see her again. We have been ….
of the incoming attack, so we could prepare ourselves. He had this ................. feeling that he
was going to die soon. There were some ................. signs of trouble, it is true.

4. telepathy: Neither one believed in ................. How do I know what he’s thinking? I’m not ................. I
think these guys communicate to me ................. What if Bryan was being influenced by
a ................. ? He seemed ................. by her him.

5. impending: Arjun sees adverse signs of the ................. war. He felt that danger ……….

6. evacuate: Children were ................. from London to escape the bombing. As he

prepared to board the bus, the ................. said he was anxious to get home.
There was an emergency ................. of thousands of people after the earthquake.

7. perceive: She did not ..................... herself as disabled. The .................... understands
the precise meaning at a profound level. It's ................. in this negative economy.
The ................. of stress may widely contribute to coronary heart disease.
The ................. that Christianity is dead, is a peculiarly Western.

8. myth: Contrary to the ................., women are not worse drivers than men.
She was his Aazuria, his ................. heroine.

9. conspire: She admitted ................. with her lover to murder her husband. They were charged
with ................. to murder. First he was a ................., now he's a jester.

10. dispose: He gave his patient a drug that ................. her towards sleep.
Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste ................. The use of .................
products is considered ecologically unsound. The ............................... of needles in hospitals
should be guaranteed.

11. terrorize: People were ................. into leaving their homes. The ................. hijacked food
shipments and attacked the workers. ................. has gripped the country for the past two years.
The ................. is threatening to blow up the plane. Two soldiers were killed in a ...............

12. burgle: We were ................. while we were away. Her home was ................. by ten that
night. There is a rise in the number of ................. committed in the area.

13. authentic: I don’t know if the painting is ................. The Orthodox spiritual tradition often
usually follows ................. ceremonies. He really likes ................. flavoured
Mexican dishes. The ancient letter has been ................. by handwriting experts. Yahoo has a
special service that helps sellers link to an ................. or a
grading service. ................. is closely related to integrity.

14. interrupt: They were ................. by a knock at the door. The birth of her son was a minor
................. to her career. The ................. left a few moments of silence on the
channel, then began. Students with the disorder may be ................., inattentive, forgetful and
restless. They wanted to secure ................. gas sale to that company.

15. astonished: My parents looked ................. at my news. I find it absolutely ................. that
you didn’t like it. ................., a crowd of several thousands turned out to hear him.
She ................. us by saying she was leaving. To my utter ................. she remembered my

16. obscure: For some ................. reason, he failed to turn up. They were making her feel ….
worried. The actress was only 17 when she was plucked from ..... and made a star.

17. defect: Every year 35000 children in India are born with a cleft lip or palate, a ….. that
can ruin their lives. Her hearing was found to be slightly ................. The trucks' fuel system
was not ................. designed, but meets the safety standards.

18. convenience: It was a great ................. to have the school so near. Fruit is a .................
source of vitamins and energy. The hotel is ................. situated close to the beach.

19. resolve: Both sides met in order to try to ................. their differences. The government is
pressing for an early ................. of the dispute. Because reality isn't ................. in 50 minutes
and it isn't easily understood. The government lacks the ................. of most of the problems in
the country.

20. malfunction: There must have been a computer ................. Stewart, hitting his flying disc
and causing it to .................

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