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1. Executive Summary: Please briefly describe your project

Our project is dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality architectural hardware and
furniture fittings. Since our inception in 2013, we have grown to offer over 3,000 products, focusing
on craftsmanship, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We have been recognized as the Number
1 Hardware Company and the Most Trusted Brand in South India for 2023.

2. Problem Statement:

Inconsistent Quality Across the Industry:

The hardware industry often struggles with inconsistent quality in products, leading to a high
incidence of defects and reduced customer trust.

Limited Aesthetic Variability:

Customers frequently encounter a lack of aesthetically pleasing options that align with
modern architectural trends, limiting their ability to personalize spaces.

Lack of Innovative Products:

The market is saturated with conventional hardware solutions that fail to meet the evolving
demands of modern construction and design, stifling creative applications and functional

Distribution and Accessibility Issues:

High-quality hardware products are often difficult to access, particularly in less urbanized or
geographically remote areas, hindering the ability of consumers to obtain suitable solutions
for their needs.

3. Description of the Innovation: What is your innovation? How does it address the
problem you describe in Question #2 above, and why is it likely to generate greater
development impact as compared with the status quo?

Expansive Product Range: We provide a diverse selection of over 3,000 products, enabling
tailored solutions for every architectural and furnishing need. This range ensures that every
customer finds the ideal match for their specific design and functionality requirements.

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing: Our production facilities utilize the latest technologies to

ensure precision and durability in our hardware solutions. This advanced manufacturing
process guarantees the highest level of quality and innovation in each product.

Customized Solutions: We specialize in creating custom solutions that align perfectly with
the unique requirements of various projects. This bespoke approach enhances both the
functionality and aesthetic integration of our products into diverse environments.

Innovative Design: Our commitment to innovation is reflected in our product development,

where we continuously introduce groundbreaking designs that set industry trends and offer
new possibilities in hardware functionality.

Quality Assurance: Rigorous quality control processes are a cornerstone of our operations,
ensuring that every product meets our exacting standards. This commitment to quality not
only builds trust with our customers but also ensures consistency across our extensive
product line.

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4. Existing Evidence: Have you or others conducted any research or studies which
attempted to show that your solution or innovation leads to improved development
outcomes? Please describe how this existing evidence is relevant to your proposed

Our commitment to quality and innovation has been consistently recognized in the industry. In
2023, we were awarded the titles of Number 1 Hardware Company and Most Trusted Brand
in South India. These accolades are testament to our products' impact on improving hardware
solutions and customer satisfaction.

global architectural and furniture hardware market size was USD 30810 million in 2019 and
market to touch USD 53360.08 million by 2032 at CAGR 5.4% during the forecast period.

Furniture Fittings Market size was valued at USD 7.597.68 Million in 2021 and is projected to
reach USD 11,682.50 Million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.11% from 2022 to 2030.


5. Learning and Evidence Building: Please describe the key questions you hope to
explore with a potential DIV award and how you intend to answer them. What activities
are you proposing to answer key outstanding questions, test assumptions, generate
evidence of impact, and/or build upon the existing evidence base related to your

Key Questions:

Market Needs: How can we further adapt our product offerings to meet the evolving
needs and preferences of our diverse customer base in different regions?
Product Impact: What are the specific impacts of our innovative hardware solutions on
customer satisfaction and project outcomes in various sectors?
Sustainability: How can our products contribute more effectively to sustainable
construction and design practices?

Proposed Activities:

Customer Feedback and Market Analysis: Conduct comprehensive surveys and market
analysis to gather data on customer satisfaction and preferences, adapting our product
development accordingly.
Impact Studies: Collaborate with industry experts and academic institutions to conduct
studies measuring the tangible impacts of our products on construction efficiency and
aesthetic outcomes.
Sustainability Assessments: Implement assessments to measure the environmental impact
of our products and explore ways to enhance their sustainability.
Product Testing: Engage in rigorous product testing in real-world scenarios to validate
assumptions about product durability and functionality, adjusting our development process
based on findings.

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6. Current Reach: How many people does your innovation currently serve? What has
your organization achieved to date?


7. Anticipated Reach and Impact: How many people do you expect your innovation to
reach over the proposed award period? What specific quantifiable social outcomes do
you expect your innovation to achieve over this time period? Please specify how you
estimate the number of people served and the magnitude of impacts

Anticipated Reach:

We expect our innovation to reach millions of people over the proposed award period. This
estimate is based on our expansion plans into new markets, enhanced distribution channels,
and the scalable nature of our product offerings that cater to both residential and commercial

Social Outcomes:

Enhanced Living Environments: Millions will benefit from improved living and working
environments through our high-quality, aesthetically pleasing hardware solutions.

Employment Opportunities: The expansion of our operations and market reach is

anticipated to create thousands of new jobs, contributing to economic growth in the regions
we serve.

Sustainability Enhancement: By integrating sustainable practices and materials into our

product lines, we aim to significantly reduce the environmental impact of construction
projects, promoting greener building practices across the industry.

8. Cost and Potential Cost-Effectiveness: What is the current cost of delivering/

providing your innovation? What might make your innovation more cost-effective than
current solutions or alternatives? How might this change as your innovation scales?

Current Cost of Innovation:

Our products are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology which, while ensuring high
quality, incurs moderate costs. These costs are balanced by the durability and longevity of the
products, reducing the need for frequent replacements.


Advanced Manufacturing: Leveraging automated and precision manufacturing reduces

waste and decreases production costs, making our products more cost-effective than
traditional alternatives.

Bulk Material Procurement: Economies of scale in material procurement lower the cost per
unit, allowing us to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Scaling Impact on Costs:

As our innovation scales, increased production volumes and further optimization of supply
chain management are expected to reduce costs significantly. This will enable us to maintain
competitive pricing while expanding our market share and reach.

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9. Pathway to Scale: Please indicate how many people you expect to serve over the
next 10 years and specify how you estimate this number. How do you envision your
innovation will reach this scale? How will DIV funding play a catalytic role in your
innovation’s path to scale? Do you anticipate your innovation will be funded at scale
with public (including philanthropic), private (commercial), or hybrid (both
public/philanthropic and private) resources?

Anticipated Reach:

Over the next 10 years, we aim to serve millions of people globally. This projection is based
on our current growth rate, planned market expansions, and the scaling of our production

Pathway to Scale:

Geographic Expansion: Broadening our market presence to include underserved regions,

leveraging existing and new distribution networks.
Product Innovation: Continuously enhancing our product line to meet diverse global market
demands, driving adoption and customer satisfaction.
Partnerships: Strengthening partnerships with construction firms and architects to integrate
our products into more projects.

Role of DIV Funding:

DIV funding will act as a catalyst by enabling us to invest in advanced manufacturing

technologies and market expansion activities more rapidly. This will accelerate our growth
and increase our impact.

Funding Sources:

We anticipate funding our scale-up through a hybrid model, combining public, private, and
philanthropic resources. This diverse funding base will provide the flexibility and stability
needed to achieve our scaling objectives.

10. Activities to be Supported with Proposed Funding: Please describe how you will
use the USAID/DIV funds you are requesting

Research and Development ($450,000):

Investment in enhancing product design and functionality to meet emerging market needs and
sustain innovation leadership.

Manufacturing Upgrades ($350,000):

Upgrading manufacturing facilities and technology to increase production capacity and
efficiency, reducing overall production costs.

Market Expansion ($400,000):

Expanding into new geographical markets, including setting up distribution networks and
marketing initiatives to build brand presence.

Training and Development ($150,000):

Training staff and new hires, particularly in areas of operation expansion to ensure high-
quality standards are maintained as scale increases.

Sustainability Initiatives ($150,000):

Implementing eco-friendly manufacturing processes and developing sustainable products to
minimize environmental impact and appeal to a green-conscious consumer base.

Total Allocated: $1,500,000

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11. Anticipated Risks: What are the biggest challenges or risks you expect to
encounter and what measures will you take to mitigate them?

Anticipated Risks:

Supply Chain Disruptions: Challenges in obtaining raw materials due to global supply chain
issues could delay production timelines and impact product availability
Technological Obsolescence: Rapid technological advancements could render existing
manufacturing processes outdated, impacting competitiveness.

Market Penetration Difficulties: Entering new geographical markets could face challenges
due to local competition and regulatory hurdles.

Mitigation Strategies:

Diversified Supply Chain: We plan to mitigate supply risks by diversifying our supplier base
and increasing inventory buffers for critical components.

Continuous Innovation: Investing in ongoing research and development will ensure that our
technology and products remain at the forefront, adapting to new trends and standards.

Strategic Alliances: Forming partnerships with local entities and conducting thorough market
research will help us navigate and adapt to local market dynamics effectively.

12. Lead Organization: Please provide a brief description of the lead implementing
organization and include relevant past experience implementing similar activities.
Describe why this organization is uniquely positioned and has the capacity to solve the

SHYAM Architecture Hardware Company, operating under the renowned brand SAP
Hardware since 2013, is a leader in the architectural and furniture hardware industry. Over
the years, we have expanded our product offerings to include more than 3,000 varieties,
earning recognition for innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. Notably, we were
awarded the titles of Number 1 Hardware Company and Most Trusted Brand in South India in

Our organization's unique position is supported by our extensive experience in customizing

solutions that align with both market trends and individual customer requirements, thanks to
our advanced manufacturing technologies and deep market insights. Our commitment to R&D
and our proactive approach to adopting new technologies ensure that SHYAM Architecture
Hardware Company is well-equipped to tackle the evolving challenges in the hardware sector.

13. Partner Organizations: Describe key partner organizations and explain how they
have demonstrated their commitment to supporting or participating in the project
activities. What skills, experience or resources will they contribute to implementing or
scaling the innovation? What are their roles and responsibilities?


14. Key Personnel: Who are the key team members for implementation of grant
activities, what is their relevant expertise, and what is their level of effort?


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15. Professional References: Please provide contact information for up to three (3)
professional references who can speak to the past performance and ability of your
organization or project


16. Citations: Please use the space below to list any citations referenced in your
responses above. Only content written in the application will be reviewed; these
citations will be used to verify factual accuracy if necessary


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