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Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36
Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36
Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

1) Select the alternative that correctly fills the gap, indicating the continuous future

“I’___________ to Mr. Pitt and tell him about Tom’s new house.”
(THOMSON, A. J., MARTINET, A. V. A pratical english gramar. New York: Oxford. 1995, p. 192)

a) ll write
b) ll be writing
c) had write
d) writing

2) Read the sentences below and see if the tense indication is correct.

I. Other man will climb these stairs and sit at my desk. – future simple
II. I’ll propably take – future perfect
III. By the end of next month he will have been here for ten Years – future perfect
IV. I will be helping Mary tomorrow. – future simple

Estão corretas as afirmativas:

a) Somente II e III
b) Somente III e IV
c) Somente I e III
d) Somente I e IV

3) Observe a estrutura verbal a seguir:

• Sujeito + simple future do verbo to have (will have) + o particípio do verbo


A estrutura verbal apresentada acima é a representação de qual tempo verbal?

a) future.
b) future continuous.
c) simple future.
d) future perfect.
e) future perfect continuous.

Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG302 – EM13LGG203

4) “We ________ every stores empty if they ________ early.”

The alternative that contains the correct answer to the sentence above is:

a) will have find – have arrived.

b) would have found – have arrived.
c) will have found – had arrived.
d) would have found – had arrived.

5) Na frase : My brother is going to cook for us tonight. O tempo verbal usado

para formulá-la é:

a) Present continuous.
b) Simple future.
c) Future continuous.
d) Nenhuma das alternativas.

6) Complete the sentence: If she __________at 11 a.m., she _________at home

after midnight.

a) leave- will arrive

b) leaves- will arrive
c) leaves- would arrive
d) left- will arrive
e) left- arrives

7) Mark the incorrect alternative according to adverbs classification.

a) advérbio de dúvida - ill.

b) advérbio de frequência - occasionally.
c) advérbio de lugar - far.
d) advérbio de intensidade - utterly.

Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG302 – EM13LGG203

8) The alternative that contains only adverbs of frequency is

a) always – often – usually – rarely.

b) frequently – sometimes – early -.
c) badly – often – never – actually.
d) really – seldom – hardly ever.
e) occasional – fast –there – finally.

9) Check the use of prepositions in the sentences below and mark the
INCORRECT alternative.

a) The sky over the Atacama desert is hardly ever cloudy.

b) At night, the sky is incredibly clear – you feel that there is nothing among
you and Mars.
c) The biggest observatory in the world is being built on top of a mountain.
d) In 1971, it rained in the Atacama desert.
e) In the village of Chungungo they are now getting water from the flog

10) Read the following text:

“In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’;
in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s
comic titles together.

The words in bold are respectively:

a) possessive pronoun • personal pronoun • conjunction • possessive

b) object pronoun • subject pronoun • adverb • verb to be
c) subject pronoun • possessive adjective • preposition • possessive case
d) possessive pronoun • personal pronoun • conjunction • verb to be
e) subject pronoun • object pronoun • preposition • genitive case

Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG302 – EM13LGG203

11) Select the alternative that correctly fills the gap, with the correct preposition

I. Some people talk _________ their work all the time.

II. She goes to work _______ foot.
III. Do you like travelling ______ train? IV. Do you coffee _____ sugar?

a) about – to – by – with
b) with – on – to – about
c) to – on – by – about
d) about – on – by – with

12) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

A lawyer I worked told me he was impressed because I wasn't afraid

anything. I had no idea what he was talking. I'm scared evervihing.

(Adapted from www

a) with / of / to / to
b) at / from / about / with
c) with / of / about / of
d) at / for/ with / with
e) with / for / with / of

13) Examine a tira de Alex Culang e Raynato Castro.

Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG302 – EM13LGG203

Para que a história tivesse um desfecho favorável à garota, seria necessário

a) inserir uma vírgula após “Help” (1° quadrinho) e suprimir a vírgula após
“Commas” (4° quadrinho).
b) inserir uma vírgula após “Help” (1° quadrinho), apenas.
c) suprimir a vírgula após “Commas” (4° quadrinho), apenas.
d) inserir uma vírgula após “Why” (3° quadrinho) e suprimir a vírgula após
“Commas” (4° quadrinho).
e) inserir uma vírgula após “Why” (3° quadrinho), apenas.

14) Choose the correct altemative to complete the excerpt below.

“I agonized _______ whether I wanted to splurge _____ a private tour and have
a little more autonomy ______ where we went and how long we spent ______
each place, but ultimately went _______ a Gamma Travel group tour.”

(Abridged from: 1-after-the-n...)

a) on / at / on / at / in
b) about / in / in / in / on
c) over / on / over / at / with
d) in / over / - / in / on
e) - / about / - / in / with0

15) Rip Van Winkle is a classic American short story written by Washington Irving
based on local history _____ with influences from European folklore. It tells the
story of a man who lived near the Catskill Mountains in New York before the
Revolutionary War and fell asleep for twenty years. Everything he knew _____ in
the town was gone. _____, he learned that he had to navigate this new world as
a free citizen of the United States.
Adapted from: and

The alternative that brings words that fill in the blanks in text, respectively, is

a) but – of – Therefore
b) except – over – Still
c) unless – from – Though
d) together – about – However

Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

Objetivo de Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento: Habilidades EM13LGG302 – EM13LGG203
Conteúdo licenciado para Gustavo Vieira - 125.775.496-36

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