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Name: Glen Mark Bautista

Year/Course/Set: 2nd Yr BEED – C

Subject: TLE 2

Instructor: Luzviminda Navarro

1. What are the traits of Filipino entreprenuers. Explain each traits

Filipino entrepreneurs often exhibit several key traits:

1. Resilience: Filipinos are known for their ability to bounce back from setbacks. Entrepreneurs in
the Philippines often display resilience in the face of challenges, adapting quickly to changing
circumstances and persevering despite obstacles.
2. Creativity: Creativity is a hallmark of Filipino entrepreneurship, as entrepreneurs often find
innovative solutions to problems and opportunities. Whether it's in product development,
marketing strategies, or business models, creativity drives success.
3. Resourcefulness: Given the limited resources available to many Filipino entrepreneurs, they
learn to make the most of what they have. This includes leveraging personal networks, finding
low-cost solutions, and maximizing efficiency to achieve their goals.
4. Adaptability: The business landscape in the Philippines can be unpredictable, requiring
entrepreneurs to be flexible and adaptable. They must be willing to pivot their strategies,
products, or services to meet changing market demands or economic conditions.
5. Strong Work Ethic: Filipino entrepreneurs are known for their dedication and hard work. They
are willing to put in long hours and make sacrifices to build their businesses. This work ethic is
often instilled from a young age and contributes to their success.
6. Relationship Building: Building and maintaining relationships is crucial in Filipino business
culture. Entrepreneurs prioritize networking and establishing strong connections with
customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, which often leads to opportunities for
collaboration and growth.
7. Customer Focus: Successful Filipino entrepreneurs understand the importance of putting the
customer first. They listen to feedback, anticipate needs, and strive to deliver value to their
customers, building loyalty and driving repeat business.

These traits collectively contribute to the resilience and success of Filipino entrepreneurs, enabling them
to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in a dynamic business environment.

2.Explain why entreprenuers are well thoughts as risk- takers?

Entrepreneurs are known as risk-takers because they venture into new opportunities, invest their
resources, navigate unpredictable markets, innovate, and seize chances, all with the understanding that
success is not guaranteed, yet the potential rewards outweigh the risks.

3.Why are many people engrossed in putting up a business?

People are engrossed in putting up businesses because it provides autonomy, potential financial rewards,
the pursuit of passion, flexibility in work-life balance, the chance to make a positive impact, job creation,
and continuous personal and professional growth opportunities. It’s a path that allows individuals to
carve out their own destinies while contributing to the economy and society.

1. What are the strengths & weakneses of Filipinos entreprenuers?

Strengths of Filipino entrepreneurs include resilience, creativity, resourcefulness, adaptability, strong

work ethic, and relationship building. However, they may face challenges such as limited access to
capital, lack of formal education, risk aversion, over-reliance on personal networks, limited scalability,
and compliance issues.

2.How will entreprenuers become successful in their chisen business?

Entrepreneurs can achieve success by understanding their market, offering unique value, planning
strategically, building a strong team, innovating, focusing on customers, managing finances wisely,
leveraging technology, staying informed, and persisting through challenges.

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