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Spring Crochet Along – Shipmates


designed by
Spring Crochet Along – Shipmates

EARS (MAKE 2) Rnds 21 – 24: 42 dc.

Rnd 1: In beige, working into a magic ring, 6 dc. Rnd 25: [5 dc, dc2tog] 6 times. 36 sts.
Work in a spiral in continuous rnds. Rnd 26 – 27: 36 dc.
Rnd 2: [2 dc into next st] 6 times. 12 sts. Rnd 28: [10 dc, dc2tog] 3 times. 33 sts.
Rnd 3: [1 dc, 2 dc into next st] 6 times. 18 sts. Rnd 29: 33 dc.
Rnd 4: [2 dc, 2 dc into next st] 6 times. 24 sts. Rnd 30: [9 dc, dc2tog] 3 times. 30 sts.
SIZE Rnds 5 – 10: 24 dc. Rnd 31: 30 dc.
Approx 15 cm (6½ in) high Rnd 11: [6 dc, dc2tog] 3 times. 21 sts. Rnd 32: [3 dc, dc2tog] 6 times. 24 sts.
Rnds 12 – 14: 21 dc. Change to beige.
TOOLS AND MATERIALS Rnd 15: [5 dc, dc2tog] 3 times. 18 sts. Rnd 33: 24 dc.
Ricorumi dk Rnds 16 – 17: 18 dc. 1 sl st into next st.
Shade 001 (white) 25 g Do not stuff. Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Fill Body with
Shade 029 (wine red) 25 g Lay flat and close opening with 1 ch, stuffing.
Shade 036 (navy blue) 25 g 9 dc through both layers.
Shade 055 (beige) 25 g Fasten off, leaving a long tail. FINISH JUMPER
Shade 035 (midnight blue) yarn remnant Sew Ears to Head between rnds 11 and 12, 3 sts Hold Body with Legs facing up, join yarn in white
Shade 060 (black) yarn remnant behind the eyes. to first free front loop of rnd 19.
Rico crochet hook 2.5 mm Rnd 1: FLO, 42 dc.
Rico embroidery needle FIRST LEG Fasten off, weave in tail.
Rico synthetic stuffing Rnd 1: In black, working into a magic ring, 8 dc.
Rico stitch marker Work in a spiral in continuous rnds. ARMS (MAKE 2)
Ricorumi Pompon Maker Rnd 2: [2 dc into next st] 8 times. 16 sts. Rnd 1: In beige, working into a magic ring, 6 dc.
Rnd 3: BLO, 16 dc. Work in a spiral in continuous rnds.
TENSION Rnd 4: 4 dc, [dc2tog] 4 times, 4 dc. 12 sts. Rnd 2: [1 dc, 2 dc into next st] 3 times. 9 sts.
30 sts and 32 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm Rnd 5: 3 dc, [dc2tog] 3 times, 3 dc. 9 sts. Rnd 3: 9 dc.
Change to white. Change to white.
HEAD Rnd 6: BLO, 1 dc, [2 dc into next st] 6 times, 2 dc. Over the next 12 rnds work stripe sequence,
Start at the top. 15 sts. 2 rnds in white, 2 rnds in navy blue alternately.
Rnd 1: In beige, working into a magic ring, 7 dc. Rnd 7: 15 dc. Rnd 4: BLO, 9 dc.
Work in a spiral in continuous rnds. Change to navy blue. Rnd 5 – 15: 9 dc.
Rnd 2: [2 dc into next st] 7 times. 14 sts. Rnd 8: 15 dc. Fill hands with stuffing – not Arms.
Rnd 3: [1 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 21 sts. Rnd 9: BLO, 15 dc. Change to white.
Rnd 4: [2 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 28 sts. Rnds 10 – 12: 15 dc. Lay flat and close opening with 1 ch, 4 dc through
Rnd 5: [3 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 35 sts. 1 sl st into next st. both layers.
Rnd 6: [4 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 42 sts. Fasten off, weave in tail. Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
Rnd 7: [5 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 49 sts. Sew Arms to sides of Body, between
Rnds 8 – 12: 49 dc. SECOND LEG rnds 31 and 32.
Rnd 13: [6 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 56 sts. Work as given for First Leg to rnd 12. Sew Head to Body.
Rnds 14 – 20: 56 dc. Do not fasten off.
Attach safety eyes between rnds 14 and 15, FINISH ARM (WORK FOR EACH ARM)
11 sts apart. FINISH SHOES (WORK FOR EACH LEG) Hold Arm with hand facing up, in white, join yarn to
Rnd 21: [7 dc, dc2tog] 6 times, 2 dc. 50 sts. Hold Leg with foot facing up, join yarn in black to first free front loop of rnd 3.
Rnd 22: [3 dc, dc2tog] 10 times. 40 sts. first free front loop of rnd 5. Rnd 1: FLO, 9 dc.
Fill Head tightly with stuffing. Rnd 1: FLO, 9 dc. Fasten off, weave in tail.
Rnd 23: [2 dc, dc2tog] 10 times. 30 sts. Fasten off, weave in tail.
Rnd 24: [1 dc, dc2tog] 10 times. 20 sts. NECKERCHIEF
Rnd 25: [dc2tog] 10 times. 10 sts. FINISH PANTS (WORK FOR EACH LEG) In midnight blue make 51 ch + 1 t-ch, turn.
Finish stuffing Head. Hold Leg with foot facing down, join yarn in Row 1: 1 sl st into 2nd ch from hook, 1 sl st, 1 dc,
Rnd 26: [dc2tog] 5 times. 5 sts. navy blue to first free front loop of rnd 8. 2 htr, 1 dc, 4 sl st, 1 dc, 1 htr, 4 tr, 8 dtr, 2 dtr into
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Rnd 1: FLO, 15 dc. next ch, 2 ch, 1 sl st, 2 dtr into next ch, 8 dtr, 4 tr,
Thread tail through last 5 sts, pull tight and secure, Fasten off, weave in tail. 1 htr, 1 dc, 4 sl st, 1 dc, 2 htr, 1 dc, 2 sl st.
to close the opening. Weave in tail. Fasten off, weave in tail. Wind a 30 cm (12 in)
BODY length of wine red yarn round ends ot the
SNOUT Cont. with Second Leg, 5 dc to get to centre of Neckerchief, over 4 sl st and secure.
Rnd 1: In beige, working into a magic ring, 6 dc. inner Leg. Place Neckerchief on shoulders and sew ends
Work in a spiral in continuous rnds. Rnd 13: 3 ch, insert hook into centre st of inner together of the chest area with a few sts (optional).
Rnd 2: [2 dc into next st] 6 times. 12 sts. First Leg, 3 dc, [2 dc into next st, 5 dc] 2 times,
Rnd 3: [1 dc, 2 dc into next st] 6 times. 18 sts. cont along SAILOR’S HAT
Rnd 4: [2 dc, 2 dc into next st] 6 times. 24 sts. 3-ch, 2 dc into next ch, 1 dc, 2 dc into next ch, Rnd 1: In white, working into a magic ring, 7 dc.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. cont working around Second Leg, [5 dc, 2 dc into Work in a spiral in continuous rnds.
next st] 2 times, 3 dc. 42 sts. Rnd 2: [2 dc into next st] 7 times. 14 sts.
NOSE Mark as new beg of rnd. Rnd 3: [1 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 21 sts.
Rnd 1: In black, working into a magic ring, 6 dc. Rnds 14 – 18: 42 dc. Rnd 4: [2 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 28 sts.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Change to white. Work next 14 rnds in stripe Rnd 5: [3 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 35 sts.
Sew Nose to Snout between rnds 1 and 3. sequence, 2 rnds in white, 2 rnds in navy blue Rnd 6: [4 dc, 2 dc into next st] 7 times. 42 sts.
Embroider mouth underneath Snout. Sew Snout alternately, ending with 2 rnds in white. Rnd 7: [4 dc, dc2tog] 7 times. 35 sts.
to Head between rnds 13 and 20, use eyes to find Rnd 19: 42 dc. Rnd 8: [1 dc, dc2tog] 11 times, 2 dc. 24 sts.
the centre. Rnd 20: BLO, 42 dc. Change to midnight blue.
Spring Crochet Along – Shipmates

Rnd 9: FLO, 24 dc.

Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
In wine red make a pompon, 1.5 cm (¾ in) in
Sew pompon to the top of the Hat.
Sew Hat to Head at a slight angle.

Fill with stuffing as you go along.
Make 10 ch, close to a round with a sl st in 1st ch.
Work in a spiral in continuous rnds.
Rnds 1 – 3: 10 dc.
Change to wine red.
Over the next 35 rnds work in stripe sequence,
alternating 5 rnds in in wine red and 5 rnds in
Rnds 4 – 38: 10 dc.
Change to white.
Rnds 39 – 41: 10 dc.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
Use tail to join rnds 1 and 41, forming a ring.


approx approximately
beg beginning
BLO back loop only
ch chain
cont continue
dc double crochet
dc2tog work 2 double crochet sts
together to decrease
dtr double treble crochet
FLO front loop only
htr half treble crochet
in inch
rem remaining
rnd round
sl st slip stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
t-ch turning chain
tr treble crochet

Rico Design GmbH & Co. KG Rico Design Ltd. Warning: Reproduction of this pattern
Industriestrasse 19 – 23 71 –  75 Shelton Street is protected by copyright. It is sold on
33034 Brakel / Germany / EU London WC2H 9JQ / UK the condition that it is only used for / noncommercial purposes. All other rights
reserved by © Rico Design GmbH & Co. KG.

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