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Workout Plan

Warm up – (4-5 minutes) – Choose one

Treadmill Speed of 4 or adjust
speed to bring heart
rate to 120 bpm

Elliptical Resistance of 4-6 or

adjust to bring heart
rate to 120 bpm

Chest – 2 exercises
Chest Press Machine 3 sets x 12 repeats

Pec Fly Machine 3 sets x 12 repeats

Incline dumbbell press 3 sets x 10 repeats

Back –2 exercises
Lat pull down 3 sets x 12 repeats

Lat rows 3 sets x 12 repeats

Back Extensions 3 sets x 15 repeats

Do This 1 time a week
Shoulders – Choose 2 exercises
Shoulder Press 3 sets x 12 repeats
Always do this

Lateral Raise 3 sets x 12 repeats

Front Raise 3 sets x 12 repeats

Dumbbell Lungees 3 sets x 16 repeats (8
repeats for each leg)
Goblet Squats 3 sets x 12 repeats

End Workout
Planks 3 times x 30 seconds
Increase the time to one
minute as you progress.

Calf Raises 3 sets x 15repeats

Supplement Plan
After Breakfast 1 tablet of fish oil
After Lunch Multi vitamin
( 1 or 2 tablets depending on brand)
After workout Protein Powder
(1 to 2 scoops depending on brand)
After dinner 1 tablet of fish oil
30 minutes before sleeping 1 tablet of Magnesium Glycinate or magnesium

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