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HRM 4481 – Discussion 1

Name: Dinh Thi An Khanh

Troy ID: 1617029

Discussion Question 1:
Assume that your organization wants to pursue a staffing strategy of acquiring the best talent possible.
Give an example of how the firm’s ability to provide only average pay can affect the success of this
staffing strategy.

From my point of view, when it comes to pursuing a staffing strategy of acquiring the best talent, I
believe that for an organization to offer only average pay while aiming to implement a talent attraction
policy is a challenging endeavor. This is primarily because, for a simple reason, if a business seeks to
recruit top talent, it must provide compensation and benefits commensurate with those individuals.

Within the framework of the company's talent attraction policy, one of the most crucial factors to
consider is how employees are remunerated in a manner that is fair and aligned with the company's
conditions. In the current landscape of intense competition, not only in the market but also for high-
quality resources, employers are compelled to develop a compensation and rewards strategy based on
job performance. In doing so, potential candidates will perceive the salary they receive as
commensurate with their abilities, with the potential for further rewards based on exemplary

The reality is that acquiring top talent typically requires significant investment. This rings especially true
in industries where skilled individuals are scarce and demand is high. To attract the best candidates,
companies entice them with above-average salaries, a positive work environment, promising
opportunities for career advancement, enticing benefits, and a culture that fosters innovation. Similarly,
top candidates seek out employers who value their contributions, offer competitive compensation, and
provide avenues for professional growth. From the perspective of candidates, they expect to be valued,
fairly compensated, and given opportunities to showcase their abilities and advance in their careers.

If a company can only offer average pay, it must excel in other areas to compensate. However,
ultimately, financial compensation often takes precedence as a measure of corporate success.
Consequently, despite offering attractive work cultures and growth prospects, companies that pay less
frequently lose out on top talent to those offering higher salaries, with other factors often taking a
backseat. This scenario is observable across various industries. For instance, state-run organizations
known for their excellent work-life balance, employee benefits, and growth opportunities often lose
their top talent to multinational corporations that offer more lucrative compensation packages.

In conclusion, from my perspective, if a business can only afford to offer an average salary, then it will
likely attract candidates with only average skills.

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