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Mobile Computing Practical Viva Question Banks

1. What is android?
A. Android is a stack of software for mobile devices which has Operating System, middleware and
some key applications.

2. Describe the APK format.

A. The APK file is compressed the AndroidManifest.xml file, application code (.dex files),
resource files, and other files. A project is compiled into a single .apk file.

3. What is .apk extension?

A. The extension for an Android package file, which typically contains all of the files related to a
single Android application.

4. What is an activity?
A. A single screen in an application, with supporting Java code. An activity presents a visual user

5. What is a service?
A.A service doesn’t have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite
period of time.

6. What languages does Android support for application development?

A. Android applications are written using the Java programming language.

7. What is Mono for Android?

A. Mono for Android is a software development kit that allows developers to use the C# language
to create mobile applications for Android-based devices.

8. Android application can only be programmed in Java?

A. False. You can program Android apps in C/C++ using NDK .

9. What dialog boxes are supported in Android? Android supports 4 dialog boxes:
 AlertDialog: An alert dialog box supports 0 to 3 buttons and a list of selectable elements,
including check boxes and radio buttons. Among the other dialog boxes, the most
suggested dialog box is the alert dialog box.
 ProgressDialog: This dialog box displays a progress wheel or a progress bar. It is an
extension of AlertDialog and supports adding buttons.
 DatePickerDialog: This dialog box is used for selecting a date by the user.
 TimePickerDialog: This dialog box is used for selecting time by the user.

10. What is an Application?

A. Collection of one or more activities, services, listeners, and intent receivers. An application has
a single manifest, and is compiled into a single .apk file on the device.
11. What is Service?
A. Service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite
period of time.

12. Android Development Tools?

A. Android SDK, Virtual Device Manager, Android Virtual Devices, Android Emulator, Android
Asset Packaging Tool, Android Debug Bridge.

13. What is View in Android?

A. Views are the base class for all visual interface elements (commonly known as controls or

14. What View Group in Android?

A. View Groups are extensions of the View class that can contain multiple child View.

15. Types of Mobile Operating Systems

A. IOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry OS.

16. Android SDK components?

A. Platform-tools, Build-tools, SDK-tools, The Android Debug Bridge (ADB), Android Emulator.

17. Building Blocks of Android?

A. Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Provider, Intent.

18. Explain View class.

A. The View class is a superclass for all GUI components in Android. Android contains the
following commonly used View subclasses.

TextView, EditText, ImageView, ProgressBar, Button, ImageButton, CheckBox , DatePicker

19. Explain View Group

A. The ViewGroup class is a subclass of the View class. Android contains the following commonly
used ViewGroup subclasses:
LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ListView, GridView

20. Types OF Layouts.

A. There are many types of layout. Some of which are listed below −
Linear Layout, Absolute Layout, Table Layout, Frame Layout, Relative Layout.

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