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Speak & Inspire

Companion Workbook
with Lisa Nichols

Table of Contents
How to Succeed with Speak & Inspire 3
Pre-Assessment 6
How To Use Your Speak & Inspire Companion Workbook 7
Day 1: The Power of Your Voice: Its Impact, Use, and Purpose 9
Day 2: Discover & Own Your Voice 11
Day 3: Formulate Your Voice to Create Value in the Lives of Others 13
Day 4: Be Authentic in Your Voice 15
Day 5: The Essence of a Story 17
Day 6: Speak Your Legacy 19
Day 7: Manage Fear & Anxiety with Communication 21
Day 8: Digest & Reflect 23
Day 9: Clarity & Conviction: Speak to Impact 24
Day 10: Care-frontation vs. Confrontation 26
Day 11: Self-Work Day 28
Day 12: What Kind of Speaker Are You? 29
Day 13: Inspiration vs. Education: Stir the Soul of Your Audience 31
Day 14: How to Create a Safe Environment for Speaking 33
Day 15: Digest & Reflect 35
Day 16: From Passive Listening to Active Listening 36
Day 17: Your Body Talks 38
Day 18: Create Dialogue Not Monologue 40
Day 19: Digest & Reflect 42
Day 20: Verbal Highlights 43
Day 21: Uncover Your Valley Journey 45
Day 22: The Pregnant Pause 47
Day 23: Share Your Story 49
Day 24: Digest & Reflect 51
Day 25: Ask for Feedback 52
Day 26: Become a Master Enroller 54
Day 27: Non-Public Impactful Speaking 56
Day 28: Show Your Story 58
Day 29: Impact People across Multiple Platforms 60
Day 30: Find Your Unique Rhythm 62
Post-Assessment 64

How to Succeed with Speak & Inspire

Who Is This Program For?

Whether you are speaking to one person or an audience of a thousand, this

quest is meant to help take your impact and communication to the next-level.

This is a beginner-intermediate program, where Lisa will teach you the

foundational layers before leveling you up to mastering her most powerful
communication techniques.

Advanced learners will benefit from refining their skillsets from peer feedback
and verifying their purpose and core skills.

How We Learn

Here at Mindvalley, we are invested in your growth. As such, we seek to bring you
the most cutting-edge learning experience to create life-long transformations.

Here’s a brief explanation of how you can make the most out of your learning:

1. Information: We learn information, which creates knowledge. In this

program, you’ll learn Lisa’s step-by-step framework of how to be a
masterful speaker. Take notes.

2. Integration: Now, don’t just take notes of the information, integrate it

with what you already know or how it relates to your life/purpose. This is
how information sticks! Make the information meaningful.

3. Practice: Take action. Put what you know into practice. You’ll be asked
to practice and post videos in the Tribe. The key to transformation is
through action.

How This Program Is Structured

Each daily lesson consists of a 10-15 minute video and Actions for Today.

There are small actions and big actions, so be prepared to do your self-work.
Some daily actions will take longer than others to complete.

We recommend you schedule a time in your day dedicated to watching daily

lessons, completing your actions and engaging in the Tribe.

Each skill builds on top of the other, and so the activities will become more
challenging as your continue with the quest. Be prepared, because it is going to
get intense.

Top 3 Hurdles

1. Not enough time

Schedule when you will set aside 30 minutes in the day to dedicate to learning
and completing your daily actions. Note: Some days will require more time than

2. Low motivation

Remember why you started this quest in the first place, apply what you have
learned immediately, and know that practice and celebrating the little victories
are key to keeping up momentum. When in doubt, revisit your intentions and the
commitment you made on Day 1.

3. Resistance

Resistance is normal and expected. There will be challenges. Lisa encourages

you to take one step beyond fear, to show up and play full out.

What Happens If I Miss A Day?

We understand life happens, and you might miss a day or two. Don’t let that
detract you and continue where you left off.

You also have the opportunity to continue with the next cohort of students or
cycle back and complete tasks later on in the quest. The importance is showing
up and finishing.

Set Your Intentions

It is important to start with knowing what you wish to get out of the experience.

Intentions help to create more clarity, especially when the seed is planted right
before you start.

Write down your intentions for starting the Speak & Inspire quest. What do you
hope to leave with by the end of this quest?


Before you start your quest, let’s gauge where your speaking and
communications skills are first. This pre-assessment is helpful for two reasons:

1. It will help clarify what areas you should focus on in the quest.

2. It will help set a benchmark for yourself, so you can later evaluate which
areas you’ve developed as a result of participating in this quest.

You will be given the same assessment at the very end of the quest.

Rate how true these statements are to you on a scale from 1 to 10.
Rate 1 to 10
(1 - least true; 10 - most true)
1. I am crystal clear on my unique voice and how I want to use it.
2. I feel comfortable speaking in front of others (online or live).
3. I am able to speak with clarity and conviction.
4. I am able to have sensitive conversations and share vulnerabilities
with others.
5. I know what kind of speaker I am and aspire to be.
6. I know how to engage any audience.
7. I know how to tell a story.
8. I feel confident in my ability to inspire and impact others.
9. I feel connected with others.
10. I have a Tribe that supports me.

How To Use Your Speak & Inspire
Companion Workbook
Welcome to your Speak & Inspire quest!

To help you along with your learning journey, we have put together a
companion workbook to use side-by-side your quest. Don’t worry, it’s
completely optional to use the companion workbook, and you can opt to use
your own journal if you’d like.

This workbook will help you with 3 things:

1. Take better notes.

2. Prepare, reflect, and/or brainstorm your daily actions.

You see, there’s a learning curve, but there’s also a forgetting curve. Within 48
hours of learning something new, our brains will have forgotten up to 80% of the

That is, unless you become what Lisa calls ACTIVE.

Taking notes per verbatim is a passive learning experience, but using your brain
to make meaning of the information will help you retain it.

As such, we recommend employing a method called “Capture & Create” note-


Capture & Create Note-Taking

You are provided a space to “capture & create” your own notes for each lesson.

On the Left side: On the Right side:

This space is for normal note-taking Make your own notes. Integrate the
as per verbatim. information and make it meaningful.

We have included the general What are your impressions on the

summary points of each daily lesson notes on the left? How does this apply
for you, but you will have to watch the to what you know? What can you do
daily lessons to get more of Lisa’s with this information? Record any
nuggets of wisdom. ;) aha-moments.

You do not have to create all your notes in one sitting. Learning is cyclic in that
you will learn new information when you review and cycle back to previous

You can always come back after the quest is over and add more notes as your
mastery develops. For now, it’s important to enjoy the process of learning and
keep up the momentum.

You are welcome to share your notes with the community. Sharing your insights
and ideas could spark new inspiration for others.

TIP: We recommend you print these pages and write your notes by hand. You’ll
have better results, because writing by hand motivates us to be more selective
of key information.

Actions for Today

The most transformative experiences come through acting on what you know
and then reflecting on what you have learned. Get ready, because Lisa will be
teaching you through small and big actions in this quest.

Use the space in the Actions for Today section of every lesson as an optional
supplement to hold all your reflections, preparations, brainstorming, and/or

Alternatively, you may use your own journal, but we figured you might want a
space to hold all your notes and lessons for easy reviewing. ;)

Day 1: The Power of Your Voice: Its
Impact, Use, and Purpose

Make Your Own Notes

1. Most of us have never used our
voice to its full impact.

2. You are here because you

want to be and deserve to
know and utilise the full impact
of your voice.

3. As a human being, speaking is

the doorway to your greatest
needs and desires manifesting.

Day 1: Actions for Today
Write down and share in the Tribe:

• 3 things you are excited to learn in this course.

• 3 areas where you need support.
• 1 commitment to the Tribe for 30 days.

Day 2: Discover & Own Your Voice

Make Your Own Notes

1. Most of us have never used our
voice to its full impact.

2. You are here because you

want to be and deserve to
know and utilise the full impact
of your voice.

3. As a human being, speaking is

the doorway to your greatest
needs and desires manifesting.

Day 2: Actions for Today
Write down:

1. Write the names of 3 people with whom you have amazing

communication. Why is it amazing?

2. Write 3 names of the people with whom you have strained

communication. Why is it strained?

3. Write down the names of 2 people you spoke life into.

4. Write down the names of 2 people your words had a negative

impact on.

Day 3: Formulate Your Voice to Create
Value in the Lives of Others

Make Your Own Notes

1. It is important to speak with
intention so that your delivery
is fully understood by others.

2. Mastering the art of enrollment

means to inspire new thoughts
and action by building on
what’s important to the

3. How are you currently using

your voice to add value into
everyone who crosses your

Day 3: Actions for Today

Write down and share with the Tribe: who do you want to influence
with your voice?

Day 4: Be Authentic in Your Voice

Make Your Own Notes

1. Authentic does not mean
truthful. Authentic means
developing presence and
aligning with your naked truth.

2. Being able to give the gift of

transparency is a journey that
takes time and courage.

3. Authenticity cannot be done. It

does not turn off, but rather
turns on; and you decide to live
and be it.

Day 4: Actions for Today

Write down 4 things that you realized about yourself during the mirror

Day 5: The Essence of a Story

Make Your Own Notes

1. You are bigger than your
circumstances. If you did not
complete you self-work, ask
yourself, “Why?”

2. Show an experience to your

audience. Give them an “oral

3. Content provides information,

but stories are the bridge that
connect our hearts to each

4. Everyone has stories. Great

stories are birthed from
incidents and crafted with

Day 5: Actions for Today
Write down 3 incidents in your life that can be a story. Break down the
key things that happened in each incident and write them into
bullets points.

[Advanced Option: Find 25 incidents that can be a story.]

Day 6: Speak Your Legacy

Make Your Own Notes

1. Language shapes your
experiences. Your experiences
shape your story, and your
story leads to your legacy.

2. What life will you live to leave

the legacy you want?

3. As a human being, speaking is

the doorway to your greatest
needs and desires manifesting.

Day 6: Actions for Today

Write down and share with the Tribe:

1. What came up for you?

2. Who spoke on your behalf?
3. What did they say?
4. What do you want to be remembered for but have not done yet?

Day 7: Manage Fear & Anxiety with

Make Your Own Notes

1. It is normal to feel afraid or
anxious about something that
matters to you; however, act
when those emotions become

2. Fear is just an emotion that

informs you to gather more
knowledge on a particular
subject. Fear is a made-up
story you get to re-create.

3. With an audience, your job is

to speak and inspire one
person in multiple seats.

Day 7: Actions for Today
Make a list of what fear has cost you.

Day 8: Digest & Reflect

Write down your reflections from these past 7 days. What new
insights and self-discoveries have popped up?

Day 9: Clarity & Conviction: Speak to

Make Your Own Notes

1. Begin with the end in mind. Get
clear on the outcome desired,
and then speak to create that

2. Conviction, passion, and

transparency are contagious.
You infect others by first setting
the level of connection by
allowing yourself to be seen
and heard.

Day 9: Actions for Today

Use the space below to plan how you intend on displaying your
demonstrable passion and/or conviction about a topic to the Tribe.
Remember to give feed back to 3 other Tribe members (2 things you
liked and 1 area for improvement).

Day 10: Care-frontation vs. Confrontation

Make Your Own Notes

1. Be consistent with
implementing techniques to
excel in your care-frontation
with others.

2. Confrontation stems from the

source energy of “I am right,
and you are wrong.” This
energy is divisive, breaks down
relationships, and dismantles

3. Care-frontation is the intention

of completing the conversation
with the relationship still intact;
honour the other person first,
and then make a genuine

Day 10: Actions for Today
Follow Lisa’s guidelines and use the space below to plan and reflect
on your care-frontation conversation.

Day 11: Self-Work Day
It’s self-work time:

1. Reflect on your mirror work exercise. Post 3-4 sentences in the Tribe
of what came up for you in each phrase of the mirror work.

2. If you haven’t already, reflect on your care-frontation conversation.

3. Read your feedback on clarity and conviction from Day 9 exercise,

and write down what you’ve learned.

Day 12: What Kind of Speaker Are You?

Make Your Own Notes

1. There are 4 types of speakers,
and understanding which type
of speaker you are will help
diminish insecurities brought up
by comparison.

Day 12: Actions for Today
Write down and share with the Tribe:

1. Where are you now as a speaker?

2. What kind of speaker do you want to be?
3. What skillsets do you need to strengthen to be the speak you
want to be?

Day 13: Inspiration vs. Education: Stir the
Soul of Your Audience

Make Your Own Notes

1. Education delivers information
while inspiration stirs the soul of
your audience.

2. Inspiration wakes something up

that was dormant. It will push
boundaries, confront the
mediocre and tap into the
unspoken desires. It disrupts.

3. Education and inspiration can

work interdependently with
one another. Go beyond
educating and infuse it with

Day 13: Actions for Today
Use the space below to plan your answers and share with the Tribe:

• 7 things that you are proud of yourself for.

• 7 things that you forgive yourself for.
• 7 commitments that you have made to yourself.

Day 14: How to Create a Safe
Environment for Speaking

Make Your Own Notes

1. There are 3 things needed in a
safe space.

2. There are 3 agreements made

in a safe space.

Day 14: Actions for Today
Follow Lisa’s guidelines for creating safe spaces. Use the space below
to prepare to share your experiences with the Tribe.

Day 15: Digest & Reflect

Use the space below to reflect on everything you’ve learned thus far.

Day 16: From Passive Listening to Active

Make Your Own Notes

1. You create active listening by
engaging your audience on
multiple levels creating a 3D
listening experience.

2. There are 3 techniques you can

use to create active listening
with your audience.

Day 16: Actions for Today
Use the space below to:

1. Write down the names of at least 5 people you want to invite to

your speaking event.

2. Start brainstorming what topic you want to present.

Day 17: Your Body Talks

Make Your Own Notes

1. According to Lisa, using the
movement of your body can
increase the impact of your
message by 70%.

2. Be aware of your hands when

you speak.

3. Engage your full body when

you speak and give the
audience the gift of all of you.

Day 17: Actions for Today

Use the space below to prepare the delivery of your message with full
body movement.

Day 18: Create Dialogue Not Monologue

Make Your Own Notes

1. Active listening and a safe
environment engage to create
a safe space where your
audience feels like they are an
active part of the conversation.

2. Relationships form by
engaging in authentic
dialogue with others. It
increases loyalty and trust.

3. A dialogue is an exchange
between two people. Whether
you are speaking to one or one
thousand, the rules of
engagement are the same.

Day 18: Actions for Today

Use the space below to write down what you learned from the
feedback of your Day 17's Full Body Talk post.

Day 19: Digest & Reflect

Use the space below to reflect and prepare to share 3 lessons from
this journey with the Tribe.

Day 20: Verbal Highlights

Make Your Own Notes

1. Verbal highlights are used to
emphasize particular moments
in your message.

2. There are 4 techniques you can

use to create verbal highlights.

3. The verbal cadence in your

voice creates texture in your

Day 20: Actions for Today

Use the space below to write down what you learned from practicing
verbal highlights in the mirror.

Day 21: Uncover Your Valley Journey

Make Your Own Notes

1. There are 3 parts to sharing
your Valley Journey.

2. The difference between a

respected speaker and a
speaker who has a relationship
with their audience is
transparency and vulnerability.

To build a relationship, share

your lowest points and connect
with your Tribe’s journey.

3. We all have multiple Valley

Journeys, so it is important that
the particular Valley Journey
you share is relevant to your

Day 21: Actions for Today
Use the space below to identify and explain the “Show Me” story
after watching one of Lisa’s videos on YouTube. Remember to post
your answers in the Tribe.

Day 22: The Pregnant Pause

Make Your Own Notes

1. The Pregnant Pause is a
powerful technique.

2. You can use Pregnant Pauses

within Verbal Highlights,
following the rhythm and
cadence of your voice.

3. It is important to understand
your audience, so you know
how to use the Pregnant Pause
with finesse.

4. A Pregnant Pause is applicable

in any form of communication,
whether to one person or a

Day 22: Actions for Today

Use the space below to write down what you learned from practicing
the Pregnant Pause in the mirror.

Day 23: Share Your Story

Make Your Own Notes

Lisa’s tip on how you can
incorporate as many techniques
as you can in your speech:

1. Get 7-8 pieces of blank paper.

2. Write a technique on each


3. Lay each paper in front of you

as you practice your story.

4. Practice your story several times

before you present.

Day 23: Actions for Today

Use the space below to start crafting your story and planning what
techniques to use. Practice. You have 2 days to share your story with
the Tribe.

Day 24: Digest & Reflect
Use the space below to reflect on your journey thus far.

If you didn't post your 3.5-minute story to the Tribe yet, use this day to
complete the action.

Day 25: Ask for Feedback

Make Your Own Notes

1. Feedback is key to level up any
skillset, and it is also vital for
any relationship to work.

2. Healthy feedback gives us an

opportunity to instantly
improve our communication,
style and impact.

Day 25: Actions for Today

Use the space below for your “Self-Reflection” personal feedback (3

things you did well and 1 area for improvement. This is an optional

Day 26: Become a Master Enroller

Make Your Own Notes

1. In order to communicate more
powerfully, you need to listen
more effectively. First, seek
what your listener needs before
you focus on your own needs.

2. In any conversation, your

connection is more impactful
when you move from “me, me,
me” to a “me, we, you”

Day 26: Become a Master Enroller

Use the space below to track your experiences with enrollment.

Day 27: Non-Public Impactful Speaking

Make Your Own Notes

1. The same techniques used to
inspire many people are also
as impactful in inspiring one
person or a small group

2. Practice the same techniques

on and off the stage, so there
is consistency in the
experiences people have with

Day 27: Actions for Today

Use the space below to continue planning your speaking event. Write
down 5 more names you would like to invite to the event.

Day 28: Show Your Story

Make Your Own Notes

1. Show your story by creating an
oral movie. Set up your story by
first taking people to the
setting of your story (e.g., time,
origin, climate).

2. There are several techniques to

show your story.

3. Showing a story requires you to

give more texture.

4. Sharing your story takes

courage. Give yourself the
permission to bring others into
your real life experiences.

Day 28: Show Your Story
Use the space below to continue tracking your experiences with

Day 29: Impact People across Multiple

Make Your Own Notes

1. There are multiple ways to
touch people with your
message: live events, printed
book, audiobooks, blogs,
interviews, newsletters,
podcasts, social media apps,
YouTube or Facebook Live.

2. Remember your unique

fingerprint in order to remain
who you've always been. Learn
to stay comfortable in your
truth even when you have
achieved success.

Day 29: Actions for Today
Use the space below to brainstorm the 5 modalities for sharing your
message with the world. Remember to share your answers with the

Your sentence stems for sharing are:

In the next 6 months, you can expect me to share my message
via ... [list 5 modalities]. I am asking your support with … [x, y, z].

Day 30: Find Your Unique Rhythm

Make Your Own Notes

1. Music is a universal language,
and it has a healing energy.

2. Music can function as a

mnemonic device to help you
remember something.

3. Incorporating music adds a

different level of impact and
touch. It brings forth the rhythm
and “turbo boosts” your

Day 30: Actions for Today
Congratulations for showing up and playing full out.

It’s not over yet!

Lisa had a special message for you tomorrow. So stay tuned.

In the meantime, you may use the space below to write down what
you are grateful for having completed this quest.


Congratulations! You made it.

It’s time to look back and see how far you’ve come since the beginning of this

1. Retake the post-assessment.

2. Write down your previous rating from the pre-assessment beside it.
3. Compare which areas you have grown the most.
4. Be loud and proud. Share you greatest transformation with the Tribe. What
were you like before the quest? What are you like now?

Rate how true these statements are to you on a scale from

1 to 10. Rate 1 to 10 Pre-rating
(1 - least true; 10 - most true)
1. I am crystal clear on my unique voice and how I want to
use it.
2. I feel comfortable speaking in front of others.
3. I am able to speak with clarity and conviction.
4. I am able to have sensitive conversations and share
vulnerabilities with others.
5. I know what kind of speaker I am and aspire to be.
6. I know how to engage any audience.
7. I know how to tell a story.
8. I feel confident in my ability to inspire and impact others.
9. I feel connected with others.
10. I have a Tribe that supports me.


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