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Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

by Michael Beckwith

Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or hypnosis tracks that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

• We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

Week 3 - Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness: By Me

A manifester believes that there is a law that can be used to bring our desires
into manifestation. Through the use of mind power, we can govern our life
experience. Manifesters make effective use of the law of manifestation and
thus feel a sense of control over their life. In this stage we begin to bring our
thoughts and actions into alignment with universal principles or Laws and we
begin to take greater responsibility for our lives.

The growth opportunity is to give up control and a false sense of power.

As we discussed last week, forgiveness is an integral practice which allows us

to release and let go of what is not serving and creates a space for us to
receive as well bringing us into alignment with the truth of our being.
Forgiveness brings us out of victim consciousness and increases our ability
to consciously manifest.

The Power of Visualization

Law of Manifestation

Law of Attraction

Visualization as opposed to Visioning

Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

In class process: Creative Visualization/Best Case Scenario

Journal in detail your visualization

Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

Session Notes

Use the space below to write down any insights that you have during the
session. These will be the important takeaway points from this session.


Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

Session Notes
Use the space below to write down any insights that you have during the
session. These will be the important takeaway points from this session.


Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness

Growth Work

From time to time during the course of this week, bring your attention to your best case
scenario of the weakest structure in your life. You can go into a reverie and deep feeling
tone of the best case scenario.

Creating your personally tailored affirmation. Identify a chronic complaint in your life.

Write what your chronic complaint is and in which life structure(s):

Identify the quality that appears to be lacking in your complaint.

For example: prosperity, peace of mind, health, love…

Create an affirmation with the quality that appears to be lacking as the focus.

Affirmations are positive, affirmative statements that activate a soul memory of the Truth
of your being. When you speak your affirmation you are shifting your vibration from
chronic fear and doubt to the vibration of that which is true about you. When you do it
repeatedly, it becomes a habit, it becomes subjectified. Ultimately, when done with
feeling and repetition, it becomes your personal law.

Stage Two - Manifester Consciousness



I, Michael, am available for ever increasing prosperity and abundance, and I know that all
of my needs are met.

You, Michael, are available for ever increasing prosperity and abundance, and you know
that all of your needs are met.

He, Michael, is available for ever increasing prosperity and abundance, and he knows that
all of his needs are met.


I, Leigh, am a perfect expression of divine love. I am lovable and I am loved.

You, Leigh, are a perfect expression of divine love. You are lovable and you are loved.

She, Leigh, is a perfect expression of divine love. You are lovable and you are loved.

For the next week you will write out your affirmation nine (9) times each in the 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd person point of view.

Through out the week in addition to writing out your affirmations, you can use
emotionally backed affirmations and mirror work to amplify your practice.

Remember to journal your experiences, aha’s and insights.

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