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NAME: _____________________________________
CLASS: 6___

UNIT 1: Why people trade

Exchange of goods
1. People buy and sell goods to get what they need. We call this exchange of goods trade. Trade
does not always use money. Look at the drawings below.

barter - exchanging goods in return

for other goods
goods – objects that people buy and
trade – the exchange of goods

Three learners exchange goods

The learners gave one piece of food to their two friends. They each got one piece of food from
their two friends. When people swap things it is called barter. Barter is a form of trade that does
not use money.

Activity One:

1. Name the goods that each learner has in Drawing 1.

2. What goods does each learner have in Drawing 2?

3. Explain what happened between Drawing 1 and Drawing 2. Use the word “trade” in your answer

Buying and selling goods

Most people don’t barter for the things that they need. We use money to make buying and selling
of things easier. Buyers and sellers agree on the price of goods. If the price is too high, buyers
will not trade. If the price is too low, sellers will not trade. People trade at markets or shops.
Countries also trade with each other.

South Africa’s imports and exports:

When a country sells goods to another country, the goods go out of the country. These goods
are exports.
When a country buys goods from another country, the goods come into the country. These goods
are imports. imports – goods we buy from other
International trade happens between countries. countries.
exports- goods we sell to other

A government tries to sell or export more than it buys or imports. In that way the government
earns more money than it spends, and has money for things like building schools and hospitals.
The maps below show South Africa’s main imports and exports.

Activity Two

Complete the table below by filling in the goods as either exports or imports.

chemicals ; machinery and equipment ; other minerals ; scientific instruments

; petroleum products ; gold ; electrical goods(cell phones) ; fruit and wines ;
clothes ; diamonds ; oil ; coal ; rice ; cars ; platinum


Unit 2 : The kinds of things people trade

People trade all kinds of goods, such as minerals, food and machinery. Some of these products
are raw materials. Others are manufactured goods. These are the two main products and we
also call them primary products and secondary products.

Primary products – These products come from jobs like farming, forestry, fishing and mining.
They are also called raw materials. Fish, fruit, wood and minerals are all examples of raw
materials. Raw materials are the things we get from nature.

Secondary products – These products are made or manufactured goods. Secondary products
come from jobs that change or manufacture raw materials into secondary products like canned
fish, fruit juice wooden furniture and cars.

To manufacture products you need:

• raw materials
• technology and equipment and
• people who have the skills and knowledge to make things

Skills and Services - Skills and labour can also be traded for money. Jobs that provide this are
described as providing services.
Examples of such services are :- a) teachers
b) nurses
c) mechanics
d) lawyers
e) doctors, etc.


Activity 3 : Classify goods and services

1. Look at the word box below then place the items into the correct columns in the table that

Maize teaching shirt fixing cars driving a bus gold eggs

canned fish wheat bread clay domestic worker motor car
door frying pan nursing coal

Goods Services

2. Look at the pie charts below then answer the questions that follow.

Exports Imports
Agricultural goods 16% goods
55% 82% Manufacture
Manufactured d goods

1. What percentage of South Africa’s exports are raw materials?

2. What percentage of South Africa’s imports are raw materials?
3. Which kind of raw materials are our most important exports?
4. What percentage of South Africa’s exports are manufactured goods?
5. What percentage of South Africa’s imports are manufactured goods?
6. Name any agricultural product that we export to other countries.
7. Name any three manufactured goods that we import from other countries.
Unit 3 : The Value Of Raw Materials And Manufactured Goods

Some countries have more natural resources than others. Natural resources include

Activity: List the manufactured goods and the raw material/s used in the picture above. Start with
the most expensive manufactured goods to the least expensive.

Manufactured goods Price Raw materials Price

a) How much does the ton of iron ore cost? _______________

b) How much does the car cost? _________________
c) Why do you think the iron ore is so much less than the car?

d) Why do you think having many natural resources such as iron ore does not always make a
country rich?
e) Why can’t countries that have a lot of natural resources produce more manufactured goods?

From cocoa to chocolate

Look at the chocolate bar that was produced in the Netherlands then answer
the questions that follow.

1. How much does whole slab of chocolate cost? Answer in cents.


2. How much money goes to Nigeria?


3. How much money goes to the Netherlands?


4 Why, do you think, does the Netherlands get so much more money from the chocolate? Mention
the processing of the cocoa bean.


5. Do you think this is fair? Give a reason for your answer.



6. Name at least 4 uses of the chocolate bean.





From gold to jewellery

1. Look at Stage 1 of the diagram on page 9.

a) Draw a piece of gold rock and next to it a gold bar in the block below.

Gold rock Gold bar

b) Write three things that happen to the gold rock before it becomes a gold bar.


c) What is the value of an ounce of gold at the end of stage 1?

d) What is the value of an ounce of gold at the end of stage 2?
e) Why is the value of the gold higher at the end of Stage 2? Use some of these words in your
answer: skills; transport; machines; manufacturing.
f) Which part of the diagram happens in South Africa?
g) Why would it be better for people in South Africa if both stages happened in this country?
h) List at least 4 uses of gold.
ii) ____________________
iii) ___________________
iv) ___________________

Unit 4 : Fair Trading

1. Look at the diagram at the top about Ethiopia’s coffee trade.
a) What has happened to the price of coffee since 1970?
b) What has happened to the price of the truck?
c) What does this mean for Ethiopia?

2. Write a sentence to explain how the trade of coffee can become fairer.


1. How were the early farmers treated by government organizations in Central America?
2. How did Fair Trade International help these farmers?
3. What is a co-operative?
4. How did the lives of the coffee traders change? Name six changes.

The human cost of unfair trade.
Unfair trade keeps countries poor. If countries are poor then the people are poor.

Exploitation: not paying or treating people in a fair way.

When people are not treated fairly or paid fair wages we say they are exploited. The most
common kind of exploitation is to be paid low wages.

Women and work

• Over half the things produced in the world are made by women
• Women often work very long hours
• Some women lose their jobs when they become pregnant
• Men are often paid higher wages than women who do the same job

Safety at work

• Some workers work with dangerous tools and chemicals

• Many workers get injured at work
• Often there is not enough safety equipment such as face masks and gloves

Child workers

In some countries children work in factories and on farms. Companies pay children lower wages
than adults. Companies say they pay children the low wages because they get very low prices for
their goods.

• Children often work with dangerous tools

• They may work with strong chemicals
• They carry heavy loads
• They do not go to school

Write down five basic rights of children in South Africa as described in the Children’s Bill of Rights.


Revision: Trade
1. Complete these sentences by choosing the words from the box below.

a) People and countries _____________ in order to get things they cannot ____________ for
b) When people trade , they can either exchange goods for other _____________ or goods for
c) People trade both goods and ___________________.
d) The goods a country sells to another country are its ________________ ; the goods it buys
from another country are its __________________.
e) Goods we trade can be __________________ materials or manufactured goods.
f) Raw materials are __________________ we use to _____________________ goods.
g) Manufactured goods are usually more ___________________ than the raw materials they are
made of.
h) Many costs have to be met in manufacturing. They include raw materials, transport,
________________, water and ______________________.
i) Trade is ___________________ if everyone is not treated in a reasonable and equal way.
j) Sometimes people who are desperate sell things or work for very little money. They are being

exports goods exploited labour money imports

raw manufactured valuable unfair trade produce
electricity resources services

2. Complete the sentences about chocolate.

The chocolate company and the chocolate farmer ________________by exchanging

_____________ for cocoa beans. The beans are the ___________ material for chocolate. Cocoa
beans are a _______________product and the chocolate is a ________________ product. Both
the chocolate and the beans are ______________ being traded. The chocolate company is
________________ the farmers to make a larger ________________ than if it paid a _________
price for the beans. Trade like this is __________________.

fair secondary unfair raw money exploiting goods

profit primary exploitation trade


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