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1. Geometry-study of properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles,

surfaces, and solids.
2. Point-fundamental concept in Geometry. It signifies exact location. A B
3. Line- a set of points extending in opposite directions without end.
4. Line Segment- it connects two endpoints. A B
5. Ray- a part of a line that extends without end in one direction.

6. Plane- two-dimensional flat surface that extends in all directions up to infinity.

3 Kinds of Lines
7. Parallel Lines- do not intersect no matter
how far the lines are extended.
8. Intersecting Lines-lines intersect if they
cross each other and meet at one point.
9. Perpendicular lines-two lines that
intersect, forming a right angle.

10. Angle- two rays meet at a point.

11. Protractor-use to measure an angle
12. Degrees- unit of measurement of an angle
Kinds of Angles

13. Polygons- plane figures made up three or more closed line segments.
14. Regular polygon- polygon with equal sides
Classifications of Triangle

15. Equilateral –all sides are equal in length

16. Isosceles-two sides are equal in length
17. Scalene-no sides are equal

18. Similar figure- same shape, but do not have the same size
19. Congruent figure- have the same shape and size.
20. Line of Symmetry- the line that congruently divides a figure.

Pattern – to find the missing number in a sequence, analyze the pattern and determine the rule.

21. Number pattern- sequence of numbers

22. Even number- ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
23. Odd number- ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
24. Time Measurement
60 seconds= 1 minute 12 months= 1 year
60 minutes= 1 hour 365 days= 1 year
24 hours= 1 day 366 days= 1 leap year
7 days= 1 week
25. Measuring length
1000 meters= 1 kilometer 10 centimeter= 1 decimeter
100 centimeters= 1 meter 10 millimeter= 1 centimeter
10 decimeter= 1 meter
26. Perimeter (P) – distance around an object.
• The sum of all sides
27. Area (A)- the number of square units it takes to cover something.
▪ The space occupied by a figure in terms of square units.
for rectangle A= length x width for square A= side x side for triangle A= ½ (base x height)

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