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Mathematics I
Prepared by F. K Mutasa
• Algebra
• Geometry And Mensuration
• Coordinate Geometry
• Calculus
Algebra is that part of mathematics in
which the relations
and properties of numbers are investigated
means of general symbols.
Complex Number System
Reals Imaginary

i, 2i, -3-7i,
Rationals etc.
(fractions, decimals)
(…, -1, -2, 0, 1, 2, …)
Whole (no
(0, 1, 2, …) fractions)
pi, e
(1, 2, …)
Whole numbers and fractions
• Numbers: real; integer; natural; complex.
• Fraction: proper fraction; improper fraction
and mixed number.
• Ratio: The ratio of one quantity to another is
a fraction, and is the number of times one
quantity is contained in another quantity of
the same kind.
• Proportion: if one quantity is directly
proportional to another, then as one quantity
doubles, the other quantity also doubles. When a
quantity is inversely proportional to another,
then as one quantity doubles, the other quantity
is halved.

• The order of precedence of operations for

problems containing fractions is the same as that
for integers, i.e. BODMAS (Brackets, Of, Division,
Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction).
• Decimals: The decimal system of numbers is based
on the digits 0 to 9. A number such as 53.17 is called
a decimal fraction, a decimal point separating the
integer part, i.e. 53, from the fractional part, i.e.
• Terminating decimal: A number which can be
expressed exactly as a decimal fraction, e.g. ½=0.5
• Non-terminating decimal: cannot be expressed
exactly as a decimal fraction, e.g. 4/3=1.33333. . .
• Significant figures: figures which signify something.
• Decimal places: the number of figures after the
decimal point.
• Percentages: are used to give a common standard
and are fractions having the number 100 as their
denominators. e.g. 25% means 25/100; ¼ is 25%.
Example: Simplify
• A piece of timber 273 cm long is cut into three
pieces in the ratio of 3 to 7 to 11. Determine the
lengths of the three pieces.
• A gear wheel having 80 teeth is in mesh with a 25
tooth gear. What is the gear ratio?
• Write 7.6183 correct to (a) 3 significant figures
(b) 3 decimal places.
• A German silver alloy consists of 60% copper,
25% zinc and 15% nickel. Determine the masses
of the copper, zinc and nickel in a 3.74 kilogram
block of the alloy, correct to 3 decimal places.
By direct proportion:
100% corresponds to 3.74 kg
1% corresponds to 3.74/100 = 0.0374 kg
60% corresponds to 60 × 0.0374 = 2.244 kg
25% corresponds to 25 × 0.0374 = 0.935 kg
15% corresponds to 15 × 0.0374 = 0.561 kg
Thus, the masses of the copper, zinc and nickel are
2.244 kg, 0.935 kg and 0.561 kg, respectively.
(Check: 2.244+0.935+0.561=3.74)
Laws of indices
• Base and index
Evaluation and transposition of
• The statement v=u+at is said to be a formula for v
in terms of u, a and t. v, u, a and t are called
symbols. The single term on the left-hand side of
the equation, v, is called the subject of the
• When a symbol other than the subject is required
to be calculated it is usual to rearrange the
formula to make a new subject. This rearranging
process is called transposing the formula or

Given t=2π√ l/g, find g in terms of t, l

and π.

• (3x −5) is an example of an algebraic

expression, whereas 3x −5=1 is an example of
an equation (i.e. it contains an ‘equals’ sign).
• An equation is simply a statement that two
quantities are equal.
• Solve 4(2r − 3) − 2(r − 4) = 3(r − 3) − 1.
Simultaneous equations
• Equations that have to be solved together to
find the unique values of the unknown
quantities, which are true for each of the
• Two methods of solving simultaneous
equations analytically are:
(a) by substitution, and (b) by elimination.
Method of determinants
Graphical method
Quadratic equations

• An equation is a statement that two

quantities are equal and to ‘solve an
equation’ means ‘to find the value of the
unknown’. The value of the unknown is
called the root of the equation.
• A quadratic equation is one in which the
highest power of the unknown quantity is 2.
There are four methods of solving
quadratic equations. These are:
(i) by factorisation (where possible);
(ii) by ‘completing the square’;
(iii) by using the ‘quadratic formula’;
(iv) graphically.
Completing the square
Graphical solution
Laws of indices and logarithms
Indicial equations
• The laws of logarithms may be used to solve
certain equations involving powers — called
indicial equations.
Graphs of logarithmic functions

• A graph is a pictorial representation of

information showing how one quantity varies
with another related quantity.
• The points on a graph are called co-ordinates.
The horizontal distance of a point from the
vertical axis is called the abscissa and the
vertical distance from the horizontal axis is
called the ordinate.
The straight line graph

• If the equation of a graph is of the form

y=mx+c, where m and c are constants, the
graph will always be a straight line, m
representing the gradient and c the y-axis
• The value of y when x=0 is called the y-axis
Determination of law

• Frequently, the relationship between two

variables, say x and y, is not a linear one, i.e.
when x is plotted against y a curve results. In
such cases the non-linear equation may be
modified to the linear form, y=mx +c, so that
the constants, and thus the law relating the
variables can be determined. This technique is
called ‘determination of law’.
Determination of law involving logarithms

• Examples of reduction of equations to linear form

involving logarithms include:
Conversion graphs

• A conversion graph is used to change one unit into

another. This could be changing between miles and
kilometres, pounds to a foreign currency, or the cost
of a journey based on the number of miles travelled.
• A conversion graph for kilometres and miles is
(a) Use the graph to convert 40 kilometres to miles.
(b) Use the graph to convert 10 miles to kilometres.
(c) Convert 200 kilometres to miles.
Areas under graphs

• Areas of irregular plane surfaces may be

approximately determined by using: a
planimeter, the trapezoidal rule, the
mid-ordinate rule, or Simpson’s rule.
• Such methods may be used by, for example,
surveyors estimating areas of plots of land or
naval architects estimating areas of water
planes or transverse sections of ships.
a) A planimeter is an instrument for directly
measuring small areas bounded by an
irregular curve. There are many different
kinds of planimeters but all operate in a
similar way. A pointer on the planimeter is
used to trace around the boundary of the
shape. This induces a movement in another
part of the instrument and a reading of this
is used to establish the area of the shape.
b) Trapezoidal rule
• (i) Divide base PS into any number of equal
intervals, each of width d (the greater the
number of intervals, the greater the accuracy).
c) Mid-ordinate rule
I. Divide base AD into any number of equal
intervals, each of width d (the greater the
number of intervals, the greater the accuracy).
II. Erect ordinates in the middle of each interval
(shown by broken lines).
d) Simpson’s rule. To determine the area PQRS
• Find the area of the field, whose ordinates are
0, 20, 22.5, 33.5, 45, 42, 33.5, 25.5 and 0
meter respectively. The width of each strip is
14m. Use (a) trapezoidal rule, (b) Simpson’s
• The mid-ordinates of a water plane are 15m
apart and their lengths are 1.9, 6.6, 11, 5, 17,
4, 19.4, 20.8, 18.8, 15.8, 10.6 and 2.6
respectively. Find the area of the plane.
• Find the area of cross-section of river along a
lone where the depths at equal interval of
10m are noted 0, 7, 11, 15, 5, 0m respectively.
Complex numbers

• Complex numbers are numbers of the form

a + bi, where i =√-1 and a and b are
real numbers.
• They are used in a variety of computations and
• Complex numbers are useful for our purposes
because they allow us to take the square root of
a negative number and to calculate imaginary
• z= a + bi represents a cartesian complex number.
• Addition and subtraction in polar form is not possible directly.
Each complex number has to be converted into Cartesian form
Roots of a complex number

• The square root of a complex number is determined

by letting n= ½ in De Moivre’s theorem,

There are two square roots of a real number, equal in

size but opposite in sign.

Example. Determine the two square roots of

the complex number z=5+j12 in polar and
Cartesian forms and show the roots on an
Argand diagram.
5+j12 =

√ (5+j12)
Field Based Assignment I (FBA I)

⚪ FBA I will be posted on

Google Classroom.
⚪ Exercises should be done
and submitted.


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