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Global Indian International School, Dubai

Grade 2 English – Using a Semicolon

A semicolon contains a comma and a full stop. It is helpful to remember this. A semi-colon is stronger than a
comma, but not as final as a full stop.

Semicolons are used to link sentences that are closely related


The wood was silent and absolutely still; Little Red Riding Hood realized that she had not truly seen its beauty
until now.
A semi-colon works perfectly here to allow a smooth transition between sentences.
A full stop between the sentences might detract from the impact of Little Red Riding Hood’s observation and
create too great a ‘stop’. Using a comma here would be incorrect; a comma cannot be used to link two
independent sentences.
A semicolon can also be used to separate items in a list (where the list also contains commas).
For example:

There are lots of characters in the story: Big Bad Wolf; the baddie, Little Red Riding Hood; the heroine,
Grandma; the victim and Mr Woodcutter; the rescuer.
We spoke to the main characters: Grandma, 81; Big Bad Wolf; 30, Little Red Riding Hood; 11,and Mr
Woodcutter; 55.
Using Semicolons In the following sentences, draw a semicolon (;) in the correct position.
1. It was like the bad dream fog had evaporated away; I felt normal.
2. I didn’t get it; Noah was top in every subject.
3. We don’t really hit each other; we just pretend.
4. Mr Rivers and the leavers had been working on a secret plan; we were about to blow everyone’s
5. “It’s the middle of your exams; you have to go

Now complete the rest of the sentence after the semi-colon.

1. The journey had been long and tiring;


2. In the darkness, I saw something move;


3. Without my sister, I’d be lost;


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