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A Chaos Campaign Guide to Betrayal of Ideas – ComStar 10/07/2021, 13)55

BattleTech A Game of Armoured Combat

A Chaos Campaign Guide to Betrayal of Ideas

Posted on July 10, 2021July 10, 2021 by Stuart Marsh

At the start of the year 2823 there were 20 Clans. 20 named by the all father, Nicholas Kerensky,
the IlKhan. 20 Clans who had stood victorious, only two years earlier, after the liberation of the
Pentagon Worlds. By the end of 2824, there would only be 19…

Clan Wolverine was, without doubt, one of the most successful Clans to emerge from Operation
KLONDIKE. Having defeated implacable foes such as the Sand Confederacy and the Rasmussen
Elite, but even in their time of greatest triumph, the seeds of their annihilation would be sown.

The IlKhan, Nicholas Kerensky, criticized Khan Sarah McEvedy, for her use of total war tactics,
such as concentrated fire, during KLONDIKE. And despite their heroism, despite their bravery,
and despite their honor found in victory, others would look on, with anger, with fear, with jeal-
ousy… foremost amongst these was Khan Karrige of Clan Widowmaker.

After their victory the Wolverines claimed a large holding on the Pentagon Word of Circe, in addi-
tion to their holdings on Strana Mechty and other worlds and they continued to prosper. Their
cities and holdings grew. Their capital of Great Hope on Circe stood as a testament to their
strength, and some even called the great city McEvedy, in tribute to their Khan.

An avalanche starts with the smallest pebble. The pebble caught by the wind of fate slowly begins
to roll. As it does so, it gathers more energy, a slave to the very laws of physics themselves. One
pebble hits another, and then another, and if enough pebbles fall at the same time, the very earth
itself may crumble. The first pebble was Khan McEvedy’s decision to allow members of her Clan
to migrate between castes, a simple move to allow for the production of more food. The next peb-
ble was the production of new models of BattleMechs, something that no other Clan had done.
The Stag II and the mighty Pulverizer both were armed with new Enhanced PPC’s. With the same
range as the SLDF ERPPC using a magnetic constriction pulse to stabilize the particle burst, the
new Enhanced PPC was a fearsome weapon… and so the avalanche began… Page 1 of 31
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Writers Note:

A great deal of thanks a praise must go to the Clan Wolverine Lore Master, Blaine Lee Pardoe, au-
thor of Bretrayal of Ideals. First of all, for creating such a captivating story idea as the Nameless
Clan years ago in the Clan Wolf sourcebook, to feeding the tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theo-
rists, clues, hints, legends and bold face lies (Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents – well it got the
Ghost Bears into the fight).

When I decided to write this, I picked up the book just to skim it for notes and ended up reading it
from cover to cover (digitally) that day. It is such a page turner, full of suspense and action that I
couldn’t stop with just reading one chapter.

For creating the legend that is Clan Wolverine, you will have the BattleTech communities eternal
respect and frustration in equal measure….

One day, we might find what happened to Khan Trish Ebon as she leads a ragtag fugitive fleet on a
lonely quest…for a shining planet known as Earth (Well that’s what the Kuritans said anyway….) Page 2 of 31
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Also, thanks goes to for being the best Wiki in the Inner Sphere!

[For strictly legal reasons – Blaine Lee Pardoe, Catalyst Games Labs and Topps neither sanctions or
endorses this article, nor do they confirm or deny the existence of survivors of Clan Wolverine,
who may or may not be the secret rulers behind the Word of Blake. They also completely deny
that Sarah McEvedy and Andery Kerensky has a secret love child who will one day return to lead
the Inner Sphere into a new Golden Age! Well… they would… wouldn’t they…] Page 3 of 31
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What is Chaos Campaign?

Chaos Campaign is an abstract system which allows two players to design a CAMPAIGN
FORCE for a faction of their choice in a particular era. The players fight a campaign of several bat-
tles, each battle is not fought with the entire campaign force by with a fraction of the campaign
force called the EXPECTED TRACK FORCE which is usually about 1/3rd of the campaign force.
Each of these battles is referred to as a TRACK. During each track the players forces will
achieve OBJECTIVES and earn WARCHEST POINTS. After each battle the players will need to
use WarChest points to buy SUPPORT POINTS to pay to REPAIR AND REARM.

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The Chaos Campaign is designed for single player (or possibly a group of players) to play against
either a GM or another player acting as the OpFOR (Opposing Force). The player will create and
manage a Campaign Force from Clan Wolverine through the events of 2383-4, from the discovery
of the Brian Cache in Tiki Province, Circe, to their last stand on a word codenamed “Barbados”.

Force Construction

Players will construct a Trinary strength Campaign Force, with 3 Stars each of exactly 5 Battle-
Mech’s. The Total BV of the Campaign Force will be 30,000 BV, with each Star having 10,000 BV.

The Forces of the Wolverines are Elite. Players can select their MechWarriors to have a minimum
of a Veteran Level of Training, with at least one Star/Point Captain with an Elite level of training
per Star, and one Star Colonel in the Campaign Force with a Heroic Level of Training.

Experience Level Gunnery/Piloting Gunnery/Piloting Gunnery/Piloting

Veteran 4/4 3/4 4/3
Elite 3/3 2/3 3/2
Heroic 2/2 1/2 2/1
Legendary 1/1 0/1 1/0 (0/0) Page 5 of 31
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Players may either choose the BattleMechs they wish to use or may roll randomly using the Oper-
ation KLONDIKE Clan RAT (OK pg 147). In addition to this, the player may choose to include one
PUL-2V Pulverizer (TRO: Golden Century/Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents) and one ST-24G
Stag II (Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents) in their Campaign Force. After the campaign starts,
addition Pulverizer of Stag II BattleMechs may be purchased with Support Points.

WarChest Points

The Clan Wolverine force starts the Chaos Campaign with 1000 WP. If this value ever falls to 0
WP, then Clan Wolverine has been annihilated. (The WarChest debt rule is not in effect).

Players may elect to play a larger game where their Campaign Force consists of three Trinaries, in
which case each Trinary receives 1000 WP which can’t be exchanged between Trinaries.

Players may also choose to play an Extended Campaign. In such a campaign the player will fight
three engagements in each region, two randomly rolled Tracks (using those found in Chaos Cam-
paign or A Chaos Campaign Guide to Tracks ( and a Touch-
Point Scenario. In this case the Wolverines should start with 3000 WP. Page 6 of 31
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Battlefield Force Multiplier and Technology Level

Clan Wolverine has a Technology Rating of A (86%-100% of their force uses Standard Rules Tech-
nology i.e. SLDF) which gives a x 2 multiplier, and a Base Force Size Multiplier of x 4 (Campaign
Force of 3 Stars of 5 Battle Mechs).

The means that when Clan Wolverine units by Support Points using WarChest Points, they may
do so with a x 8 multiplier e.g. 100 WP will buy 800 SP.

Support Point Costs Page 7 of 31
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Refer the official Chaos Campaign supplement or to A Chaos Campaign Guide to…
( for a full list of Support Point
costs. Note: Clan Wolverine BattleMechs are not considered to be Clan Technology for the purpose
of Support Point costs. The ST-24G Stag II and PUL-2V Pulverizer and considered to be Mixed
Technology with a Support Point cost multiplier of x 1.5 when purchasing new units.

Formations (Optional)

You may choose to assign Formation types to each of the 3 Stars in the Campaign Force as per the
rules in Campaign Operations (CampOps pg 60)/Clan Box Set.

Special Pilot Abilities (Optional)

You may choose to allow MechWarriors to start with Special Piloting Abilities as per Campaign
Operations (CampOps pg. 71).

Each unit may choose SPA’s or purchased them later with Support Points but are limited to a max-
imum as per the following table based on their level of training.

Training Level 1 Point SPA 2 Point SPA 3 Point SPA

Veteran 1 0 0
Elite 2 1 0
Heroic 3 2 1
Legendary 4 3 2

Star Colonel Jax Benedict Page 8 of 31
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Rank/Position: Star Colonel, Zeta Galaxy

Born: 3 November 2784

(Age at the start of Operation SWITCHBACK in 2383, 39)

Jax Benedict was a true child of the exodus. He was born during the first month of the Exodus
from the Inner Sphere in the medical bay on board McKenna’s Pride, to Raymond and Tudi Bene-
dict. Both his parents were serving officer in the SLDF. Tudi was a MechWarrior in the 331st Divi-
sion, while Raymond was a MedTech in the SLDF Medical Core.

He grew up on the world of Circe as it was being colonised, and from an early age showed great
potential as a MechWarrior, and although his mother “Tested Out” form active duty, during Gen-
eral Kerensky’s demobilisation of the SLDF, she would encourage and support him with his mili-
tary career.

Then came the unrest and then the wars… His father Raymond Benedict was killed as he attempt-
ed to give medical treatment to an SLDF Infantry platoon on Circe who were trying to police a riot
by “Capellan” citizens. His Mother, Tudi, died a hero’s death, fighting alongside Andery Keren-
sky in the final moments of the second exodus in a Whitworth whose original pilot had been killed.
She remained as part of the rear guard holding back rouge SLDF forces for long enough to allow
the Drop Ships to escape.

On Strana Mechty, Jax had only one wish, to return to Circe, not for vengeance but for justice. He
had been raised with the true SLDF ideals at his core, and took his place amongst the 40 warriors
of the Clan Wolverine forces in Operation KLONDIKE.

Once victory had been declared, Khan Sarah McEvedy, decided to create a new Zeta Galaxy as a
place for newly trained recruits, but also for older troops. The IlKhan, Nicholas Kerensky, had ex-
pressed a view that older warriors, passed their prime, should not be allowed to serve in front line Page 9 of 31
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units. Although Khan McEvedy disagreed strongly with the policy, she saw the opportunity to
have her next generation of warriors trained and mentored by the SLDF and Operation Klondike
veterans. Star Captain Jax Benedict won the Trial of Position to take the position and gained the
rank of Star Colonel, and took on the position with honour, training the next generation of

Gunnery Skill: 1

Piloting Skill: 2

Special Pilot Abilities: Iron Will, Human TRO (BattleMechs), Marksman, Weapon Specialist
(Large Pulse Laser)

Special Command Abilities (Optional)

You may choose to give Stars from different Galaxies access to Special Command Abilities as
found in Campaign Operations (CampOps pg. 83). The details of Alpha, Beta and Zeta Galaxy are
shown below.

Alpha Galaxy (“The Maulers”)

Experience Rating: Elite

Equipment Rating: A (100% Standard Equipment)
Force Composition: 5 Trinaries + Command Star
Special Command Abilities: Tactical Specialisation/Attack, Forcing the Initiative
Commanding Officer: saKhan Dwight Robertson

Beta Galaxy (“The Iron Claws”) Page 10 of 31
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Experience Rating: Elite

Equipment Rating: A (100% Standard Equipment)
Force Composition: 5 Trinaries + Command Star
Special Command Abilities: Tactical Specialisation/Defence, Tactical Adjustments.
Commanding Officer: Star Colonel Franklin Hollis

Zeta Galaxy (“The Burrowers”)

Experience Rating: Veteran

Equipment Rating: B (50% Standard Equipment)
Force Composition: 2 Trinaries (SibCo) + 2 Trinaries (Solohma) + Command Star
Special Command Abilities: Tactical Specialisation/Defence
Commanding Officer: Star Colonel Jax Benedict

Historical Forces Page 11 of 31
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While players may choose to construct their own Campaign Force, they may also wish to play the
forces below (some of which can be found in Betrayal of Ideals.)

Historical Campaign Force

Clan Wolverine, Alpha Galaxy 331st Battle Cluster, Bravo Trinary Battle, First Star (9875 BV)

Battle Star MechWarrior (G/P) BV

PUL-2V Pulverizer Star Captain Trish Ebon (2/3) 3469
LNC25-1 Lancelot [60] MechWarrior Dolores (2/3) 2389
STN-3L Sentinel [40] MechWarrior Mahek (3/3) 1032
ST-24G Stag II [45] MechWarrior Tasha (3/4) 2145
HSR-200D Hussar [30] MechWarrior Raziya (343) 840

Clan Wolverine, Beta Galaxy 102nd Striker Cluster, Bravo Trinary Striker, Third Star (9828 BV)

Striker Star MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Kicker One GRF-2N Griffin [55] Point Commander Cale (2/3) 2698 Page 12 of 31
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Kicker Two TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt [65] MechWarrior Alayna 2129

Kicker Three CRB-27 Crab [50] MechWarrior Besiana 1725
Kicker Four MON-66 Mongoose [25] MechWarrior Sandi 1001
Kicker Five SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk [55] MechWarrior Eric 2275

Clan Wolverine, Zeta Galaxy 444th Assault Cluster, Alpha Trinary Battle, Command Star (9913

Command Star MechWarrior (G/P) BV

RFL-3N2 Rifleman II [80] Star Colonel Jax Benedict (1/2) 3117
WHM-6Rb Warhammer MechWarrior Jeronym (2/3) 2404
WVR-7H Wolverine II [55] MechWarrior Leonard (2/3) 2186
HBK-4G Hunchback MechWarrior Jamey (3/4) 1374
SL-1G Sling [25] MechWarrior In-sin (3/3) 832

TouchPoint: Tiki Cache


Tiki Province


Clan Space

28 July 2023

Star Captain Phillip Buhallin of Clan Jade Falcon, Gyrfalcon Galaxy, Eyrie Cluster had crossed the
border into Tiki Province 6 days prior on 22 July. Kicker Star from Clan Wolverine, Beta Galaxy
102 Striker Cluster, Bravo Trinary Striker, rode out to confront the trespassers but were shocked
when Star Captain Buhallin declared a Batchall to the Wolverines claiming that they were trespass-
ing on Clan Jade Falcon territory, and should withdraw from the area and the Brian Cache.

This surprised Point Commander Cale for two good reasons. One, this was clearly Clan Wolverine
territory as was everything east of the Rita river, and Two, what Brian Cache??? Point Comman-
der Cale managed to stall the Jade Falcons by refusing to acknowledge their Batchall and declaring Page 13 of 31
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the Falcon Star Bandits (a grave insult). This allowed time for a message to be sent to Clan
Wolverine Actual.

Star Colonel Franklin Hollis arrived 6 days later with additional forces from Beta Galaxy. Franklin
met Star Captains Buhallin’s challenge and they each bid a Star of BattleMechs for a Trial of Pos-
session of the surrounding area and the Brian Cache. As the defender, Franklin chose the site of
the challenge, the Rita River Valley where a tributary of the river slowly wound across the forested
hills. He also had the honour of deploying his force first. Star Colonel Franklin allowed Point
Commander Cale’s Kicker Star to see off the “surat-loving birdbrains”, while Franklin joined Kick-
er Star and replaced Kicker 2.


The game takes place on 3 map sheets with their long edges touching. Suggested maps are Rolling
Hills 3 (East), Streams (Centre) and Rolling Hills 2 (West)

ATTACKER (Clan Jade Falcon)

The Attacker Deploys a Star of 5 BattleMechs at 100% of the Defender’s force (in BV). The Clan
Jade Falcon Mechs enter from their home edge, the eastern map edge at the Start of Turn 1.

The Clan Jade Falcon for will follow Zellbrigen (Clan Honour Level 2) until it is broken.

The Attacker may roll randomly or use the below force:

Star Captain Phillip Buhallin of Clan Jade Falcon, Gyrfalcon Galaxy, Eyrie Cluster, Alpha Beak
(9884 BV) Page 14 of 31
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BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Beak One FLS-8K Flashman [75] Star Captain Phillip Buhallin (2/3) 2989
Beak Two EXT-4D Exterminator [65] MechWarrior Tae (2/3) 2327
Beak Three KTO-19 Kintaro [55] MechWarrior Mende (3/4) 1531
Beak Four CHP-1N Champion [60] MechWarrior Ngoc-Hanh (3/3) 1865
Beak Five FireFly FFL-3SLE [30] MechWarrior Melania (3/3) 1261

DEFENDER (Clan Wolverine)

The Defender should deploy 33% of their Campaign Force (1 Star of 5 Mechs/10,000 BV). The
Clan Wolverine player should replace one of his two largest BattleMechs with Star Colonel Frank-
lin Hollis (Gunnery 2/ Piloting 3) and his PUV-2 Pulverizer (this does not cost any extra BV and his
unit does not need to be repaired using support points).

The Defender deploys before the first turn (before the Attacker) and may deploy anywhere on the
centre or western maps.


Track Cost: 200

Optional Bonuses:

Streaming Surprise (-100) The Wolverine Force may deploy up to 2 BattleMechs in hidden deploy-
ment anywhere on the map (in forest or rough hexes) or prone in the stream with their reactors
powered down which counts as Hidden Deployment.

Clan honour (+100) If the Clan Wolverine force follows Level 2 Honour rules for Zellbrigen for the
entire track.


Wound them! (+100) Cripple or Destroy 20% of the opponent’s force.

Destroy them! (+100) Cripple or Destroy 40% of the opponent’s force.

Hammer them! (+100) Cripple or Destroy 60% of the opponent’s force.

Head Hunter (+100) Cripple or Destroy Star Captain Phillip Buhallin. Page 15 of 31
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Survival of the fittest (+100) Star Colonel Franklin Hollis Survives and his BattleMech is not


Forced Withdrawal is in effect.

Once 60% of a deployed force is crippled or destroyed, that side Yields the Field. The opponent
may claim Salvage of any Crippled BattleMech that has not yet retreated or any BattleMech un-
able to move off the field (Including BattleMechs with 1 leg destroyed, a destroyed engine, gyro or
with an unconscious MechWarrior).


The Trial of Possession by Clan Jade Falcon had been seen off, their forces defeated in battle. De-
spite this, Khan Sarah McEvedy was summoned to the Grand Council… The rocks had begun
tumble and soon the earth itself would be split asunder.

INTERLUDE: Trial of Refusal


Roth Plains

Strana Mechty

Clan Space

7 October 2023

The IlKhan, Nicholas Kerensky, had declared that the Tiki Brian Cache, which included a dozen
BattleMechs, some old uniforms from the SLDF 331st Division and 6 (or was it 7…) Killer Whale
capital ship killing missiles each with a functional nuclear warhead! Page 16 of 31
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Although she had no desire to possess the nuclear weapons, Khan Sarah McEvedy could not stand
by and allow the IlKhan to divide up the other materials in Brian Cache when it was her Clan
Wolverine that owned the holdings in Tiki and were entitled by right to the claim!

A stand had to be made, and a trial of refusal was declared. Khan Karrige, of Clan Widowmaker,
oubid the other Clans to be the one who would defend the IlKhans decision!

[Note: This is a special, optional, interlude track. It does not cost any WarChest Points to enter, nor
does it use any of the forces from the players Campaign Force. Any damage incurred does not
need to be repaired using Support Points].


The game takes place on 2 random map sheets with their long edges touching (or use the Circle of
Equals BattleMat). Choose a point to be the centre of the Circle of equals. Each player may not
move more than 10 hexes away from this point. If they do at any time in their movement, they
lose the Trial

ATTACKER (Clan Wolverine) Page 17 of 31
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The Attacker deploys the following forces on the eastern half of the map no more than 5 hexes
away from the centre of the circle of equals and at least 3 hexes away from any opposing

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

GLT-3N Guillotine Khan Sarah McEvedy (1/1) 2992
BL-6-KNT Black Knight saKhan Dwight Robsertson (1/2) 3133

DEFENDER (Clan Widowmaker)

The Defender deploys the following forces on the western half of the map no more than 5 hexes
away from the centre of the circle of equals and at least 3 hexes away from any opposing

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

KGC-000 King Crab Khan Jason Karrige (2/3) 3202
KGC-000 King Crab MechWarrior Tyr Ruby (1/2) 3202


Track Cost: NA

Optional Bonuses:



REFUTED! (+500) Both enemy BattleMechs are destroyed.


Forced Withdrawal is not in effect. This battle is to the death! Page 18 of 31
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SaKhan Robertson died that day, a warrior’s death! Khan McEvedy would have also died, had not
the IlKhan, Nicholas Kerensky, intervened as Khan Karrige attempted to crush the Cockpit of
McEvedy’s fallen Guillotine. But even though she had lost the Trial of Refusal, Khan Sarah
McEvedy had no intension of honouring the result…

TouchPoint: Caching in!


Tiki Province


Clan Space

11 October 2023

After the result of the Trial of Refusal, the Clans bid amongst themselves as to who would claim
the Brian Cache. In the end the Ghost Bears, Steel Vipers and Wolves moved to claim the Cache,
but Clan Wolverine was not ready to give it up without a fight.

Rather than attack the Wolverines as a unified force, the Clans instead followed honour which
each force engaging after the previous one failed. The Ghost Bears were first to fight, followed by
the Jade Falcons, Steel Vipers and then Clan Wolf. Page 19 of 31
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The game takes place on 4 map sheets. Suggested maps are Rolling Hills 3 (NE), Foothills (NW)
and Rolling Hills 2 (SE), Rolling Hills 1 (SW)

ATTACKER (Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Steel Viper and Clan Wolf)

The Attacker Deploys 200% of the Defender’s force (in BV). 50% Clan Ghost Bear, 50% Jade Fal-
con, 33% Clan Steel Viper and 66% Clan Wolf.

All Attackers enter the map from the northern edge on turn 1.

The Clan forces for will follow Zellbrigen (Clan Honour Level 2) until it is broken. Page 20 of 31
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At first only the Clan Ghost Bear forces will attack. The other clans can move only in the northern
map sheets but will not attack, unless they are attacked. Once at least 50% of the Clan Ghost Bear
forces are Crippled or Destroyed, the next Clan force (Clan Jade Falcon) can attack and may now
enter the southern half of the map, followed by Clan Steel Viper and finally Clan Wolf.

If any of the opposing Clan forces lose more than 50% of their units all BattleMechs of that Clan
will withdraw and retreat (as per Forced Withdrawal).

The Attacker may roll randomly or use the below force:

Clan Ghost Bear

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Orion ON1-V Star Captain Bjorn Ericson (2/3) 2181
Crab CRB-27b MechWarrior Darren (3/4) 1727
Sentinel STN-3L MechWarrior Kyle (3/4) 946

Clan Jade Falcon

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Bombardier BMB-12D Star Captain Marthe Trall (2/3) 2989
Stinger STG-3Gb MechWarrior Aidan (3/4) 2327
Whitworth WTH-1 MechWarrior Orel (3/3) 1531

Clan Steel Viper

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Lancelot LNC25-02 Star Captain Jeffery Sinclair (3/4) 1632
Lancelot LNC25-02 MechWarrior Stephen (3/4) 1632

Clan Wolf

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Highlander HGN-732b Star Captain Nam-Sin Ch’in (3/4) 3082
Crab CRB-27 Mech Warrior Jamia (3/4) 1581
Catapult CPLT-C1 Mech Warrior Orinosuke (3/4) 1847

DEFENDER (Clan Wolverine) Page 21 of 31
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The Defender should deploy 33% of their Campaign Force (1 Star of 5 Mechs/10,000 BV).

The Defender deploys before the first turn (before the Attacker) and may deploy anywhere on the
southern two map sheets.


Track Cost: 200

Optional Bonuses:

Tag Team (+200) – The Ghost Bears and the Jade Falcons attack at the same time.

Three’s a crowd (+400) – The Ghost Bears, Jade Falcons and Steel Vipers attack at the same time.

Battle Royal (+600) – All Attacking Clan forces attack at the same time.


Broken Bears (+100) 50% or more of the Clan Ghost Bear force is Crippled or Destroyed.

Falcons Clipped (+100) 50% or more of the Clan Jade Falcon force is Crippled or Destroyed.

Vipers Defanged (+100) 50% or more of the Clan Steel Viper force is Crippled or Destroyed.

Retreat (+100) Retreat with at least 20% of the remaining defending forces from the southern map
edge. *

Fighting Withdrawal (+100) Retreat with at least 40% of the remaining defending forces from the
southern map edge. *

We’re done here (+100) Retreat with at least 60% of the remaining defending forces from the
southern map edge. *

Clan Wolverine forces may only retreat once the first three objectives are achieved (unless in
Forced Withdrawal).

Wolves bought to heal (+200) 50% or more of the Clan Wolf force is Crippled or Destroyed.


Forced Withdrawal is in effect for both sides. Page 22 of 31
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Any Clan Wolverine BattleMech that has not yet retreated or any BattleMech unable to move off
the field (Including BattleMechs with 1 leg destroyed, a destroyed engine, gyro or with an uncon-
scious MechWarrior) is considered Truly Destroyed and the MechWarrior killed.


Despite their victory at the Tiki Cache, Sarah McEvedy knew that the other Clans would keep on
coming for her Wolverines, and now she had defied the Grand Council, there would be no stop-
ping them.

On the 11 October 2823, Khan McEvedy defied them one more time and announced to the stunned
Grand Council that Clan Wolverine was to secede from the Clans, and with that she left, never to
set foot in the Great Council again.

After Sarah McEvedy’s dramatic confrontation at the Grand Council, the IlKhan, Nicholas Keren-
sky, declared a Trial of Absorption against Clan Wolverine. Never before had such a trial been de-
clared. Any Clan could now attack the holdings of Clan Wolverine without reason and take con-
trol of buildings, technology and even the members warrior and civilian castes of the Clan.

TouchPoint: School’s OUT for EVER!


Rooster Plains


Clan Space

22 October 2023

The Fire Mandralls and Steel Vipers both moved to capture the Clan Wolverine training facility on
Circe, hoping to capture the facility and absorb the SibCo (Sibling Company), currently in training
to become the next generation of Clan Wolverine MechWarriors. After a fierce bidding process
against the Mandralls, the Clan Steel Viper Eightieth Fang won the right to the trial. Page 23 of 31
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Clan Wolverine were well prepared and had begun enacting the most auditions plan in Clan histo-
ry, Operation: SWITCHBACK. Phase one was to evacuate all holdings and retreat to only one site
on Circe and one site on Strana Mechty, and then to enact a scorched earth strategy, raising every
structure to the ground, leaving nothing for the other Clans but the bitter taste of ashes.

And on the horizon, a storm was approaching…


The game takes place on 2 map sheets (use any random map from the Grasslands Map Pack. At
the centre of the map place the SibCo training centre (Heavy CF90 3 hexes, Level 2) and three other
medium buildings (CF 40 1-2 hexes) withing 3 hexes of the training centre.

ATTACKER (Clan Steel Viper)

The Attacker Deploys 100% of the Defender’s force (in BV). All Attackers enter the map from the
Eastern map edge at the start of turn 1.

The opposing Clan forces for will follow Zellbrigen (Clan Honour Level 2) until it is broken.

The Attacker may roll randomly or use the below force:

Clan Steel Viper, 80th Fang

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV Page 24 of 31
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Pillager PLG-3Z Star Captain Mahanga Varga (3/4) 3560

Exterminator EXT-4Db MechWarrior Ita (3/4) 2236
Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb MechWarrior Megan (3/4) 1787
Hussar HSR-200-D MechWarrior Ion (3/4) 840
Hermes HER-1Sb MechWarrior Ahanmani (3/4) 1468

DEFENDER (Clan Wolverine)

The Defender should deploy 33% of their Campaign Force (1 Star of 5 Mechs/10,000 BV).

The Defender deploys before the first turn (before the Attacker) and may deploy anywhere within
6 hexes of any building.

At the start of each turn place one Armoured Personnel Carrier (Wheeled Machine Gun) adjacent
to the SibCo building. These vehicles are carrying the SibCo to safety. The vehicle will need to exit
through the Western map edge to retreat to safety. Page 25 of 31
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Track Cost: 200

Optional Bonuses:

What’s mine is yours (-100) – The defender may also secretly deploy 10 heavy density minefields
anywhere on the Eastern map sheet at least 6 hexes away from any building (Pg. 79 BattleMech


The first transports are away (+100) At least 2 APC’s retreat through the western map edge.

Get them out of here (+100) At least 4 APC’s retreat through the western map edge.

This is the last of them (+100) At least 6 APC’s retreat through the western map edge.

Retreat (+100) At Least 20% or more of the Clan Wolverine units retreat through the western map
edge. *

Fighting Withdrawal (+100) At Least 40% or more of the Clan Wolverine units retreat through the
western map edge. *

We’re done here (+100) At Least 60% or more of the Clan Wolverine units retreat through the
western map edge. *

*Clan Wolverine forces may only retreat after turn 6 once all APC’s are either destroyed, crippled
or have successfully retreated.


Forced Withdrawal is in effect for the Clan Steel Vipers only, but not the Clan Wolverine forces.

Bring on the Thunder. From the start of turn 1 the battlefield is affected by the Moderate Rainfall
and Moderate Gale weather condition (BattleMech Manual pg. 62). At the end of each turn roll
1D6. On a 1 the weather improves, to light rainfall and then to clear. On a roll of a 4+ the weather
worsens to Heavy Rainfall/Strong Gale, and then to Torrential Downpour/Storm. At this point a
lightning strike may occur. Roll 2D6. On an 8+ a lightning bolt hits a random BattleMech
(Wolverine or Viper) causing 20 damage in groups of 5 and causing an automatic Sensor critical
hit. Page 26 of 31
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KABOOM! On command at the end of any Weapon Phase after turn 6 all buildings explode.
Any units near the buildings take Area of Effect damage depending on the range from the
buildings (50 Range 0, 40/1, 30/2, 20/4, 10/1). After this all buildings become rubble.

Any Clan Wolverine BattleMech that has not yet retreated or any BattleMech unable to move off
the field (Including BattleMechs with 1 leg destroyed, a destroyed engine, gyro or with an uncon-
scious MechWarrior) is considered Truly Destroyed and the MechWarrior killed.


As the forces of the Clans closed in around Clan Wolverine, Operation: SWITCHBACK went into
full effect. Under the cover of fire from orbiting Warships, recovered from the Clan Bone Yards,
the Clan Wolverine forces managed to evacuate from Strana Mechty and Circe. Covered by War
Ships they jumped out of Clan space for ever. As the last of Clan Wolverine prepared to leave
Circe, the unthinkable happened.

A nuclear weapon was detonated on Circe, inside the Clan Wolverine capital, Great Hope. Khan
Sarah McEvedy was missing, presumed dead. A second nuclear warhead detonated, over the
Clan Snow Raven capital of Dehra Dun, completely destroying the city and thousands of Snow
Raven civilians.

IlKhan Nicholas Kerensky informed the Clans that the Wolverines had destroyed their own capi-
tal, in an act of ultimate defiance, along with the Snow Ravens capital as a warning to the other

This was no longer a Trial of Absorption. This was now a Trial of Annihilation!

TouchPoint: Barbados!


Continent Number Three

Gamma 1551 AV, codenamed “Barbados”

Along the Exodus Road

27 June 2824 Page 27 of 31
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Operation: SWITCHBACK had been a success. While the Clan’s Great Fleet travelled back down
the Exodus Road towards the Inner Sphere, the Clan Wolverine Fleet had doubled back, but before
they could continue on towards the Inner Sphere they needed to stop for supplies. The world of
Barbados, once visited by the SLDF during the initial exodus, was the idea place, with its lush edi-
ble vegetation and abundant fresh water.

Now Khan, Franklin Hollis, ordered the largest of his three fleets to head to Barbados and to gath-
er supplies. The two smaller fleets were to act as pickets. They jumped ahead, and if they detect-
ed the Clan Grand Fleet, they were to use their Lithium Batteries to immediately jump away and
bring warning to Khan Hollis’s fleet on Barbados. But disaster struck and for an unknown reason,
the picket fleet never arrived to warn the Wolverines on Barbados.

Sensing a diversion, the IlKlan led part of his fleet to instead of jumping forward to the Inner
Sphere, to jump back towards Clan Space.

Jumping into the Barbados System, they surprised the Wolverine fleet, and while the battle raged
in space, the Drops Ships of Clan Wolf fell towards the surface… and with them they bought only


The game takes place on 4 map sheets (use any heavily forested map from the Grasslands Map

ATTACKER (Clan Wolf) Page 28 of 31
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The Attacker Deploys 100% of the Defender’s force (in BV). All Attackers enter the map from the
northern map edge at the start of turn 1.

The Clan Wolf forces for will follow Zellbrigen (Clan Honour Level 2) until it is broken.

The Attacker may roll randomly or use the below force:

Omega Star (9915 BV)

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

King Crab KGC-000b Star Captain Victoria Sherbow (2/3) 3426
Bombardier BMB-12D Mech Warrior Alisa (2/3) 2486
Griffin GRF-2N Mech Warrior Dodo (3/3) 2313
Hussar HSR-200-D Mech Warrior Susan (3/3) 916
Mercury MCY-99 Mech Warrior Wilma (3/4) 774

Alpha Star (9968 BV)

BattleMech MechWarrior (G/P) BV

Crockett CRK-5003-1b Star Captain Dieu-Hien Tarr (3/3) 3322
Cestus CTS-6Y MechWarrior Luiz (3/3) 2449
Starslayer STY-3C Mech Warrior Patrick (3/4) 1991
Night Hawk NTK-2Q Mech Warrior Alex (3/4) 1316
Stinger STG-3Gb Mech Warrior Jon (3/4) 890

DEFENDER (Clan Wolverine)

The Defender should deploy up to 66% of their Campaign Force (2 Stars of 5 Mechs/20,000 BV)
from their remaining Campaign Force.

The Defender deploys before the first turn (before the Attacker) and may deploy anywhere on the
southern two map sheets. Page 29 of 31
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Track Cost: 200

Optional Bonuses:



Wound them! (+100) Cripple or destroy 20% of the opponent’s force.

Destroy them! (+100) Cripple or destroy 40% of the opponent’s force.

Hammer them! (+100) Cripple or destroy 60% of the opponent’s force.

Finish them! (+100) Cripple or destroy 80% of the opponent’s force.

Last Mech Standing (+100) Cripple or destroy 100% of the opponent’s force.


Cannon to the left of them, Cannon to the right of them: The Clan Wolf player has access to 12
BSP of Artillery Support. This is used to deliver 6 Inferno Thumper artillery rounds. When these
hit they do no damage but they automatically ignite any trees in the hexes that are damaged. They
also raise the heat of any BattleMech in the centre hex by 10 heat points, and to BattleMechs in the
surrounding hexes at range 1 they raise the heat by 5 heat points.

Cannon behind them, Volleyed and thundered. The Clan Wolverine forces fight with such feroci-
ty and abandon that they receive a +1 to all initiative rolls.

Stormed at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell. The Mech Warriors of Clan Wolverine
are so focused on the fight to the death, the receive a +5 to all consciousness rolls.

They that had fought so well, Came through the jaws of Death, Back from the mouth of hell.
The Clan Wolverine forces may not retreat from the battlefield and ignore Forced Withdrawal.
Forced Withdrawal is in effect for Clan Wolf only.

All that was left of them, Left of six hundred. If Clan Wolverine are successful in defeating the
Clan Wolf forces, the Clan Wolf Player may deploy another force from the Northern map sheet
equal to 100% of the Defenders original Track Force. Page 30 of 31
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Over the course of the next few days, every Clan Wolverine BattleMech was destroyed. Every
Clan Wolverine MechWarrior killed in battle or executed without honour. Every Clan Wolverine
civilian captured and then chemically sterilised. Their Remembrance, burned to ashes…

Not every member of Clan Wolverine died on that day…

Khan Trish Ebon would lead her fleet of survivors, to where? No one knows…

Tags: Betrayal Of Ideals, Chaos Campaign, Clan Wolverine Categories: Chaos Campaign,

Published by Stuart Marsh

View all posts by Stuart Marsh



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