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Assessment Brief

Submission and Feedback Dates: Submission Deadline: Before 14.00 on 22nd May 2024

Eligible for 48 hour late submission window

Marking and feedback due on: The feedback is due on 19th June 2024 (tentatively).

N.B. all times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of
submission) in the UK

Submission Details:

Module title and code: The Service Concept: Design and Delivery


Assessment Type Task A: Individual Report

Assessment Title The Service Concept: Individual Report

Assessment Weighting: 100% per cent of total module mark

Length of assessment: 2,000 words

There is no +/- 10%.

Module learning outcomes 1. Key marketing and operations management theory in relation to
assessed by this task: implementing the Service Concept
2. Customer expectations, service, and orientation within a service
3. The management and development of people within service
4. Recognition of ethical dilemmas, ethical values, corporate social
responsibility, and sustainability issues

Completing your assessment
What am I required to do on this assessment?

You will be expected to keep a journal throughout the course and record YOUR experience of the
services you encounter. You must include 5 detailed descriptions in your journal. Each entry
should be, up to 350-500 words maximum. These should be written from BOTH a marketing and
operations perspective. The journal is designed to help you understand customer service expectations,
and why as consumers we are sometimes satisfied or dissatisfied with the service experience from a
marketing and operational perspective.

Where should I start?

By recording and analysing your own service interactions, particularly in reference to the theories, tools
and techniques of services marketing and operations, you should begin to discover what is truly needed
to deliver customer requirements. You will apply relevant models and theory to the examples that they
record. It is expected that the journal will include details, which reflect the nature of the taught content of
the module and will be presented in a diary/reflective journal format.

You will Choose TWO of the Service Encounters from their service journal and provide suggested
solutions via the application of Marketing and Operations theory to the problematic issues you have
observed during your service encounters.

1. One of the selected encounters will apply only Marketing Models/theories.

2. The second selected encounter will apply only Operations models/theories.

Students will be provided with a list of suitable Marketing and Operations theories they have
encountered during the lecture series. See Appendix Two

++++++**PLEASE READ - IMPORTANT**+++++

The journal will be used to produce the Individual Report (2000 words)

The journal including ALL 5 encounters must be submitted as an appendix to the report, but it is not
included within the word count.
NOTE. If you do not submit the journal along with your individual report, you will receive zero marks
Formatting for this task

The journal should be word processed in 12-point font Times New Roman

Please use the following file format: Microsoft Word

Please ensure that you provide the following details on the first page of your coursework:

● Student Number

● Module Name and Number

● Word Count
● Journal Title

● Name both companies/events that are the focus of the 2000-word individual report

● Attach all 5 journals to the end of the report and submit together in a single document. The
journal MUST be attached to the report.

The maximum word limit for this coursework is 2000 words.

The journal is not included in the report's word limit

In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy),
word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including
headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and
diagrams, quotes, lists.

What do I need to do to pass?

Read the assessment brief. Use BB and the attached resources. Prepare for your lectures by familiarising
yourself with the lecture material available via BB. If you are requested to prepare for a session by
reading a journal article/document, read the document in advance of the session, and come prepared to
discuss. Attend all your lectures.

Week 2, using the journal template provided (see BB assessment) start recording/writing up your service
experiences. Each week Marketing and Operations theories will be presented. It is your task to select the
appropriate model/s and apply them to your recorded service experiences. It is imperative that you record
a minimum of 5 service experiences as the journal will be used to develop your individual report. The
service experiences must be your own and not descriptions of how service can / or should be. We are
interested in what you observed. For example, were your expectations met? If yes – how? If not, why

How do I achieve high marks in this assessment

Excellent understanding of concepts, significant relevant material. Excellent definition, explanation, and
critical appraisal of concepts. Shows detailed application of module concepts relevant to the case study.
Relevant concepts are applied for the area of study. Always uses extremely detailed and relevant
examples from the case study to support argument. Methodology (observation) is very well explained
using referenced support, clearly aligned to the area of study. Data is very clearly and effectively
presented. Excellent recommendations for the organisation have been made. These have been based on
and linked back to the analysis of the case. Several additional module topics are used in the
recommendations. See the marking template – Appendices 1.

How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?

This course will help students develop an understanding of services marketing and operations, from
planning to implementation. The course will cover a variety of key topics, such as: customers and
competitors; designing and implementing products and services; managing customer strategy.

Learning in the module is achieved through a combination of class-based activity and independent study.

The classroom sessions are designed to actively support the development of independent learning
strategies by the students. The sessions combine tutor lead delivery with a wide range of participative
activities including case studies, problem-solving activities and group discussion. The sessions require a
significant amount of preparation by the students in advance.
What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?

There are a number of sources of support to improve your study skills, including:

● The UWE Library Study Skills pages – for online support and bookable workshops

● The Faculty of Business and Law’s Academic Success Centre for bookable workshops

● Guidance on using UWE’s Library.

Specific study skills pages relating to this module include:

● How to plan and structure your writing

● Presentation skills

● Working in a group

● Writing skills

● Further research skills / techniques

● Report writing

● Reflective writing

● How to write critically

● Literature reviews

● English language support

Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your
assignment. This module incorporates a weekly lecture during which you will be able to develop ideas
and receive feedback from the module leader. Meetings can also be arranged with the module leader
outside of the lecture.

Early presentation of the journals is essential to gaining timely feedback that can help build the quality of
your submission. This will be repeatedly encouraged through the lecture series. If you wish to discuss
your work please contact myself or Kyle via email to arrange a meeting.

Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module. See
BB under additional resources.

What to do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?

Contact the module leader Dr Brian Liang or Dr Kyle Alves.

Read the assessment brief.

UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and
both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.

For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.

How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module?

● Read what do I need to do to pass - see above.

● Read the assessment brief. Follow the instructions.

● Attach the journal to your individual report - the report must include all 5 service
encounters that you 'personally' experienced.
● Use the prescribed journal template not your own version.

● Include and apply BOTH Marketing AND Operations concepts/models within the report.

● Do not submit a generic business report that does not address the brief - read the brief.

● Do not use concepts / models not taught on THIS module. A list of the recommended models and
concepts are posted on BB, listed under the assessment tab.
● Use the textbooks for base definitions of concepts.

Use the support above if you feel unable to submit your own work for this module.

Marks and Feedback
Your assessment will be marked according to the marking criteria in Appendix One.

You can use these to evaluate your own work before you submit.

In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy),
word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including
headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and
diagrams, quotes, lists.

1. In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy),
word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including
headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and
diagrams, quotes, lists.
2. UWE Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is entirely
your own and reflects your own learning, so it is important to:
● Ensure you reference all sources used, using the UWE Harvard/OSCOLA system (amend
as appropriate) and the guidance available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
● Avoid copying and pasting any work into this assessment, including your own previous
assessments, work from other students or internet sources
● Develop your own style, arguments and wording, so avoid copying sources and changing
individual words but keeping, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other
● Never give your work to others who may copy it

● If an individual assessment, develop your own work and preparation, and do not allow
anyone to make amends on your work (including proof-readers, who may highlight issues
but not edit the work) and

When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own, and
text-matching software and other methods are routinely used to check submissions against other
submissions to the university and internet sources. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how
to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.


Assessment criteria for the task: Individual Report

The Service Concept - UMKDQ4-15-M

criteria Needs
Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail
(Total mark: improvement

KNOWLEDGE understanding of Poor
understanding of
& Excellent concepts limited understanding of
Good concepts from
UNDERSTANDI understanding of relevant material course concepts,
understanding of both operations
NG of the course concepts, included or not significant
concepts, relevant and marketing,
concepts from significant provided concepts irrelevant material
material included. mostly relevant
both marketing relevant material. from both included.
material included.
and operations. operations and
Good definition
Excellent marketing. Unclear
and explanation Satisfactory
Provides definition, Definition definition, no
of concepts, with definition,
academic explanation, and provided but the sources used and
limited critical explanation, and
definitions and critical appraisal explanation might limited to no
appraisal. analysis of
explains concepts of concepts. not be clear or explanation of
concepts. Largely
in own words. complete, concepts.
improper sources.

Shows general
application of the
module concepts
relevant to the
Shows detailed case study from
APPLICATION application of Shows good both Ops &
Shows limited
module concepts application of marketing.
(Application of application of
relevant to the module concepts
concepts to the module concepts Very limited use
case study. relevant to the Understands most
case) relevant to the of concepts and
case. concepts which
case study. theories.
Relevant concepts are related to
Applies the A wider base of Application is not
are applied for the study.
module concepts Application is given or
area of study. relevant concepts Satisfactory
to the case study incomplete or considered.
(on that topic) is application of
from both Always uses inappropriate.
applied. Examples concepts with
operations and No use of
extremely from the study are minor Not many examples to
marketing and detailed and relevant; these are misunderstanding relevant examples support argument.
uses relevant relevant examples used well to s. used to support
examples from from the case illustrate each arguments made.
the case study. study to support argument. Sometimes uses
argument. relevant
(20%) examples, some
examples out of
context of

criteria Needs
Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail
(Total mark: improvement

METHODOLOGY Methodology is
AND DATA provided and an Methodology is
PRESENTATION attempt at not clearly
Methodology is presented; no
Methodology is explaining is No methodology
well explained referenced
Presents an very well provided, very is discussed.
with limited support provided.
understanding of the explained using little to no
appropriate method referenced referenced
support. The No attempt to
of collecting data, support, clearly support.
method aligns to align with area of Data is not
aligned to the area of aligned to the
the area of study study. presented or only
study. area of study. The method
but may not be partially,
doesn’t clearly
Data collected is Data is very clearly confusingly
link to the area of
presented in such a clearly and explained. presented.
study; not well Data is presented
way as to enhance effectively explained.
Data is presented in a confusing
the effectiveness of presented.
effectively. way.
the argument. Data is provided
but presentation
(10%) can be confusing.

Well integrated Mostly integrated

EVALUATION & study with in- Largely study with some Predominately
CONCLUSIONS depth original integrated study original and descriptive,
and critical with a good level critical analysis. without
Analyses the case Wholly
analysis. of original and originality or
study, evaluating the Evaluates using a descriptive.
critical analysis. critical analysis.
information provided In depth and selection of
Unable to judge
(discussion goes critical Critical techniques to Unable to make
the value of
beyond descriptive evaluation of evaluation of judge judgements
analysis or a mere material. Draws most data. Most information. about relevance
copy of case study detailed conclusions Conclusions are and significance
statements) conclusions relevant to study. not drawn from of information.
relevant to study. the information.

criteria Needs
Excellent Good Satisfactory Fail
(Total mark: improvement

Little to no
recommendation Good
RECOMMENDATI Reasonable s for the
s for the recommendation No
ONS recommendations organisation
organisation s for the recommendation
for the have been made.
Provides realistic and have been made. organisation s for the
organisation have Not directly
achievable These have been have been made. organisation
been made. Might based on or
recommendations for based on and Generally based have been made
not always be unclear how it is
the company in both linked back to on and linked and/or no link to
directly based on linked back to
marketing & the analysis of back to the the analysis of
or linked back to the analysis of
operations based on the case. analysis of the the case. No
the analysis of the the case.
the application and case. Some consideration of
case. General
Several additional other module
linking to other reference to other Limited to no
additional module topics topics in the
module topics (in module topics in reference to other
module topics are used in the recommendation
addition to the main the module topics in
are used in the recommendation s.
chosen topic. recommendations. the
recommendation s. recommendation
(10%) s.

COMMUNICATION Always Always Communicates

AND communicates communicates effectively in an Meaning is clear Does not
PRESENTATION effectively and effectively in an appropriate and format communicate
excellently in an appropriate format/language. conforms to effectively and
Can engage appropriate format/language Usually presents meaning is
effectively in debate format/ language in a clear and information in a unclear. Does not
in a professional in a clear and concise manner. clear and concise use appropriate
Limited use of
manner and produce concise manner. Good logical manner. format/ language.
language and
detailed and coherent Excellent logical flow. The Satisfactory Unclear message.
message is not
reports. flow. message is clear. logical flow. always clear.

Referencing Referencing
STYLE mostly according
Referencing mostly according frequently does Referencing
to Harvard style.
always according to Harvard style. not comply to frequently does
Referencing Mostly accurate
to Harvard style. Accurate in-text Harvard style. not comply to
according to Harvard in-text
Accurate in-text referencing and Persistent Harvard style.
style referencing and
referencing and consistent full mistakes with in- Incomplete or
mostly consistent
In-text referencing consistent full list of references text referencing inexistent
full list of
list of references with minor and full list of references.
references with
Full list of references inconsistencies. references.
some mistakes.

Additional Comments:

yassiier1nyncesals2t twih2trhseroatrughout
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