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Chapter 02

Periodic Properties
1. Introduction Table 2.2: Newland’s Octaves

Periodic table may be defined as the table which classifies all the
known elements in accordance with their properties in such a way
that elements with similar properties are grouped together in the
same vertical column and dissimilar elements are separated from
one another.

2. Historical Development of the Drawback or Limitation of Newland Octave Rule:

Periodic Table
(a) This rule is valid only up to Ca and fails in the case of heavier
All earlier attempts of the classification of the elements were based (b) When noble gas elements were discovered at a later stage,
upon their atomic weights. their inclusion in these octaves disturbed the entire

2.1 Dobereiner’s Triads 2.3 Lother Meyer’s Curve

In 1829, Dobereiner classified certain elements in the groups of
Meyer presented the classification of elements in the form of a
three called triads. The three elements in a triad had similar curve between atomic volume and atomic masses and stated that
chemical properties. When the elements in a triad were arranged the properties of the elements are the periodic functions of their
in the order of increasing atomic weights, the atomic weight of the atomic volumes.
middle element was found to be approximately equal to the He concluded that “Physical properties of elements are periodic
arithmetic mean of the other two elements. functions of their atomic masses.”

Table 2.1: Dobereiner’s Triads

Drawback or Limitation of Dobereiner’s Triads:

Dobereiner could not arrange all the elements known at that time
into triads. He could identify only three such triads that have Fig. 2.1: Lother Meyer’s curve
been mentioned.

2.4 Mendeleev’s Periodic Law

2.2 Newland’s Law of Octaves Mendeleev arranged elements in horizontal rows and vertical
In 1865, an English chemist, John Alexander Newlands observed columns of a table in order of their increasing atomic weights.
that When the lighter elements were arranged in order of their
increasing atomic weights, the properties of every eighth element “The physical and chemical properties of the elements are a periodic
were similar to those of the first one like the eighth note of a musical function of their atomic masses.”
scale. This generalization was named as Newlands’s law of octaves.

Periodic Properties

Characteristics of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table - Corrections were done in atomic wt. of elements - U, Be, In,
(a) It is based on atomic weight. Au, Pt.

(b) 63 elements were known, noble gases were not discovered. Demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table -

(c) He was the first scientist to classify the elements in (a) Position of hydrogen - Hydrogen resembles both, the alkali
systematic manner i.e. in horizontal rows and in vertical metals (IA) and the halogens (VIIA) in properties so
columns. Mendeleev could not decide where to place it.

(d) Horizontal rows were called periods and there were 7 periods (b) Position of isotopes- As atomic wt. of isotopes differs, they
in mendeleev’s Periodic table. have been placed in different position in Mendeleev’s
periodic table. But there were no such places for isotopes in
(e) Vertical columns were called groups and there were 8 groups Mendeleev’s table.
in mendeleev’s Periodic table.
(c) Anomalous pairs of elements - There were some pair of
(f) Each group upto VII is divided into A & B subgroups ‘A’ sub elements which did not follow the increasing order of atomic
groups element are called nomal elements and ‘B’ sub groups weight.
elements are called transition elements.
For example, Ar (atomic weight = 39.9) precedes K (atomic
(g) The VIII group consisted of 9 elements in rows (Transitional weight = 39.1) and similarly Co (atomic weight = 58.9) has
metals group). been placed ahead of Ni (atomic weight = 58.7).
(h) The elements belonging to same group exhibit similar (d) Unlike elements were placed in same group -

Merits or advantages of Mendeleev’s periodic table -

(a) Study of elements - First time all known elements were classified
in groups according to their similar properties. So study of
the properties become easier of elements.
(b) Prediction of new elements - It gave encouragement to the
discovery of new elements as there were some gaps in it. Sc
(Scandium), Ga (Gallium), Ge (Germanium), Tc (Technetium)
were the elements for whom position and properties were
defined by Mendeleev even before their discoveries and he More reactive Less reactive
left the blank spaces for them in table.
Alkali metal Coin metal
e.g.-Blank space at atomic wt. 72 in silicon group was called
Eka silicon (means properties like silicon ) and element Normal elements Transition element
discovered later was named Germanium. • Cu, Ag and Au placed in I st group along with Na, K etc.
Similarly other elements discovered after mendeleev periodic While they differ in their properties.
table were: (Only similar in having ns1 electronic configuration)
Eka aluminium - Gallium (Ga), Eka Boron - Scandium (Sc)
Eka Silicon - Germanium (Ge), Eka Manganese - Technetium Table 2.3: Mendeleev’s Predictions for the
(Tc) Elements
(c) Correction of doubtful atomic weights - Correction were done
in atomic wt. of some elements.
Atomic Wt.=Valency  Equivalent weight.
Initially, it was found that equivalent wt. of Be is 4.5 and it is
trivalent (V=3), so the weight of Be was 13.5 and there is no
space in Mendeleev’s table for this element. But, after
correction, it was found that Be is actually divalent (V = 2).
So, the weight of Be became 2  4.5=9 and there was a space
between Li and B for this element in Mendeleev’s table.

Periodic Properties

2.5 Modern Periodic Law (a) Position of isotopes - Atomic No. of isotopes are similar, so,
different isotopes can be placed at same place in periodic
In 1913, the English physicist, Henry Moseley observed table.
regularities in the characteristic X-ray spectra of the elements. A
(b) (Ar-K) (Co-Ni) (Te-I) are now in increasing order of atomic
plot of v (where v is frequency of X-rays emitted) against atomic number.
number (Z) gave a straight line and not the plot of v vs atomic (c) Lanthanides and actinides are in IIIB group.
mass. (d) In modern periodic table diagonal line separates out metals,
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law was, therefore, accordingly modified. metalloids and non metals.
This is known as the Modern Periodic Law and can be stated as: (e) Elements of same group have same general formula of
electronic configuration of outer most shell.
The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic
functions of their atomic numbers. Demerits of long form of periodic table -
Characteristics of Modern Periodic Table - (a) Position of hydrogen is still controversial.
(a) 18 vertical columns called groups. (b) ‘He’ is a inert gas but it has different electronic configuration
than other inert gas elements.
(b) I to VIII group +0 group of inert gases. (c) Lanthanides and actinides are still not placed in main frame.
(c) Inert gases were introduced in periodic table by Ramsay.
(d) Isotopes have different physical properties but have same
(d) 7 horizontal series called periods. place in periodic table.
Merits of long form of periodic gtable -

Periodic Properties

Fig. 2.2: Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Properties

Table 2.4: Nomenclature of Elements with Atomic Number Above 100

Atomic Name according to Symbol IUPAC IUPAC

Number IUPAC nomenclature Official Name Symbol
101 Unnilunium Unu Mendelevium Md
102 Unnilbium Unb Nobelium No
103 Unniltrium Unt Lawrencium Lr
104 Unnilquadium Unq Rutherfordium Rf
105 Unnilpentium Unp Dubnium Db
106 Unnilhexium Unh Seaborgium Sg
107 Unnilseptium Uns Bohrium Bh
108 Unniloctium Uno Hassium Hs
109 Unnilennium Une Meitnerium Mt
110 Ununnillium Uun Darmstadtium Ds
111 Unununnium Uuu Rontgenium Rg
112 Ununbium Uub Copernicium Cn
113 Ununtrium Uut Nihonium Nn
114 Ununquadium Uuq Flerovium Fl
115 Ununpentium Uup Moscovium Mc
116 Ununhexium Uuh Livermorium Lv
117 Ununseptium Uus Tennessine Ts
118 Ununoctium Uuo Oganesson Og

Nomenclature of elements with Atomic Numbers > 100 3. Prediction of Block, Period &
The naming of the new elements had been traditionally the privilege Group
of the discoverer and the suggested name was ratified by the
IUPAC. 1. Block - last electron enters into which orbital
2. Period - Max value of principal quantum number
Table 2.5: Notation for IUPAC Nomenclature of
Elements 3. Group - s block - No. of valence electron
p block - No. of valence electron + 10
Digit Name Abbreviation
0 nil n d block – ns + No. of (n – 1) d electron
1 un u f block – III B
2 bi b
3 tri t
4 quad q
4. Properties of an Element
5 pent p 4.1 Atomic Radius
6 hex h
We cannot measure the exact size of an isolated atom because its
7 sept s
outermost electron have a remote chance of being found quite far
8 oct o from the nucleus. So different types of atomic radius can be used
based on the environment of atoms i.e; covalent radius, van der Waals’
radius, metallic radius.

Periodic Properties

4.1.1 Covalent Radius 4.1.3 Metallic Radius (Crystal radius)

The half of the distance between the nuclei of two identical atoms It is one-half of the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent
joined by single covalent bond in a molecule is known as covalent metal atoms in the metallic crystal lattice.

Fig. 2.3: Representation of Covalent Radius

So covalent radius for A-A Fig. 2.5: Representation of Metallic Radius

So metallic radius for A-A
rA  A A d = rA + rA
If covalent bond is formed between two different elements then d
rA 
d A B  rA  rB  0.09 ( A   B )
* rcovalent < rmetallic < rvanderwaals
where A and B are electronegativity of A and B

4.2 Variation of Atomic Radii in the

4.1.2 Vander Waal’s Radius
It is half of the internuclear distance between adjacent atoms of Periodic Table
the two neighbouring molecules in the solid state. (a) Variation along a period
In general, the covalent and van der Waals radii decrease with
increase in atomic number as we move from left to right in a period.
It is because with in the period the outer electrons are in the same
valence shell & the effective nuclear charge increases as the
atomic number increases resulting in the increased attraction of
electrons to the nucleus.

rcovalent rvander Waal’s Table 2.6: Atomic Radii across the period
Fig. 2.4: Representation of Vander Waal’s Radius

d A A
rvander waal 

Periodic Properties

(c) Ionic Radius

The removal of an electron from an atom results in the formation of a
cation, whereas gain of an electron leads to an anion.
In general, the ionic radii of elements exhibit the same trend as the
atomic radii. A cation is smaller than its parent atom because it
has fewer electrons while its nuclear charge remains the same.
The size of an anion will be larger than that of the parent atom
because the addition of one or more electrons would result in
increased repulsion among the electrons and a decrease in
effective nuclear charge. For example, the ionic radius of fluoride
ion (F–) is 136 pm whereas the atomic radius of fluorine is only 64
pm. On the other hand ,the atomic radius of sodium is 186 pm
compared to the ionic radius of 95 pm for Na+.
(d) Isoelectronic Species

Fig. 2.6: Variation of atomic radius with atomic number Isoelectronic species are those which have same number of
electrons. For example, O2–, F–, Na+ and Mg2+ have the same number
across the second period
of electrons (10). Their radii would be different because of their
(b) Variation along a group different nuclear charges. The cation with the greater positive
Atomic radius in a group increase as the atomic number increases. charge will have a smaller radius because of the greater attraction
It is because with in the group, the principal quantum number (n) of the electrons to the nucleus. Anion with the greater negative
increases and the valence electrons are farther from the nucleus. charge will have the larger radius. In this case, the net repulsion of
the electrons will outweigh the nuclear charge and the ion will
expand in size.
Table 2.7: Atomic Radii down the group
Order of atomic radii is
Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < O2–
General Trend :

4.3 Ionization Energy

The minimum amount of energy required to remove the electron
from the outermost orbit of an isolated atom in the gaseous state
is known as ionization energy.
IE (First Ionization Energy)
2+ IE IE
1  M + 
M  2
–e–  M 
–e– 
M3+ 
–e–  M

IE1, IE2, IE3 and IE4 are successive ionization energies.

Fig. 2.7: Variation of atomic radius with atomic number
for alkali metals and halogens

Periodic Properties

= 96.49 kJ mol–1
IE 4  IE3  IE 2  IE1
or  i H 4  i H3  i H 2   i H1  1 electron volt (eV) per atom = 23.06 kcal mol–1
= 96.49 kJ mol–1
Variation of Ionisation Energy in Periodic Table Important Points
(a) Variation along a period  Ionization energy increases with decreasing the size of an
In a period, the value of ionisation enthalpy increases from left to atom or an ion
right which breaks where the atoms have some-what stable
 Ionization energy increases with decreasing screening effect.
configurations. The observed trends can be easily explained on
the basis of increased nuclear charge and decrease in atomic radii.  Ionization energy increases with increasing nuclear charge
Both the factors increase the force of attraction towards nucleus  Ionization energy increases if atom having half filled and fully
and consequently, more and more energy is required to remove filled orbitals
the electrons and hence, ionisation enthalpies increase.
 The penetrating power of orbitals is in the order
(b) Variation along a group s>p>d>f
On moving down the group, the atomic size increases gradually Increases
due to an addition of one new principal energy shell at each
succeeding element. On account of this, the force of attraction
towards the valence electrons decreases and hence the ionisation

enthalpy value decreases. n
en izat
erg ion


Application of ionisation potential:

(a) Metallic and non metallic character:
Metallic  I.P. Low (Na, K, Rb etc.)
Non metallic  I.P.High (F, Cl, Br etc.)
(b) Reactivity:

Fig. 2.8: Variation of first ionization enthalpies (iH) with atomic Reducing character 
Ionisation potential
number for elements with Z = 1 to 60

(a) IA group has minimum I.P. so they are strong reducing agents
in gaseous state (Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs )
4.4 Units of I.E./I.P. (b) VIIA group has maximum I.P. so they are strong oxidising
It is measured in units of electron volts (eV) per atom or kilo agents (F < Cl > Br > I )
calories per mole (kcal mol–1) or kilo Joules per mole (kJ mol–1). One
electron volt is the energy acquired by an electron while moving (c) Stability of oxidation states:
under a potential difference of one volt. (a) If the difference between two successive I.P.  16eV then
lower oxidation state is stable.
1 electron volt (eV) per atom = 3.83 × 10–20 cal per atom
= 1.602 × 10–19 J per atom (1 cal = 4.184 J) Na  Na  IP1 
= 3.83 × 10–20 23
× 6.023 × 10 cal mol –1 e.g.  2  42.7 eV
Na  Na IP2 
= 23.06 kcal mol
So Na+ is stable.
–19 23 –1
= 1.602 × 10 × 6.023 × 10 J mol

Periodic Properties
(b) If the difference between two successive I.P.  11eV, higher (b) Variation along a group
oxidation state is stable. The electron gain enthalpies, in general, become less negative in
going down from top to bottom in a group. This is due to increase
Mg  Mg  IP1  in size on moving down a group. This factor is predominant in
e.g  2  7.4 eV
Mg  Mg IP2  comparison to other factor, i.e., increase in nuclear charge.

So Mg2 is stable. Table 2.8: Electron gain enthalpies (in kJ/mol)

Al  Al  
 2 
12.8eVSo Al  is stable
Al  Al 

Al2+  Al3+} 6.0eV So Al3+ is stable

 Al  is stable only in gaseous state

 3 Increases
 Al is stable in liquid and solid state

Electron Gain Enthalpy: El

af ctro
fin n
When an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom (X) to convert ity
it into a negative ion, the enthalpy change accompanying the
process is defined as the Electron Gain Enthalpy (egH). Electron Group
gain enthalpy provides a measure of the ease with which an atom
adds an electron to form anion as represented by
Factors Affecting Electron Affinity (E.A.):
X(g) + e–  X–(g)
Depending on the element, the process of adding an electron to (a) Atomic size  EA  Atomic size
the atom can be either endothermic or exothermic. For many
elements energy is released when an electron is added to the atom
and the electron gain enthalpy is negative. For example, group 17 1
(b) Screening effect  EA  Screening effect
elements (the halogens) have very high negative electron gain
enthalpies because they can attain stable noble gas electronic
configurations by picking up an electron. On the other hand, noble (c) Effective nuclear charge (Zeff )  EA  Zeff
gases have large positive electron gain enthalpies because the (d) Stability of completely filled or half filled orbitals 
electron has to enter the next higher principal quantum level leading
to a very unstable electronic configuration. Electron affinity of filled or half filled orbital is very less or zero as
energy is given to introduce any electron. It is because of its
Variation of Electron Gain Enthalpy: stability.
(a) Variation along a period Applications of Electron Affinity:
Electron gain enthalpy becomes more and more negative from left (a) Electron affinity  Oxidising nature
to right in a period. This is due to decrease in size and increase in
But F has more oxidising power than Cl because F has more
nuclear charge as the atomic number increases in a period. Both
standard reduction potential.
these factors favour the addition of an extra electron due to higher
force of attraction by the nucleus for the incoming electron. (b) Electron affinity  Reactivity

Periodic Properties

 They form anions by gaining electron (c) Hybridisation state of an atom -

 Their bond nature is ionic Electronegativity  % of s-character in hybridised atom

(c) Electron affinity electronegativity sp > sp2 > sp3

(d) Elements of high electron affinity form oxide and hydroxides, s-character 50% 33% 25%
which are acidic in nature
Electronegativity 3.25 2.75 2.5
4.5 Electronegativity Because s-orbital is near so by increasing s-character in
The tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons hybridisation state, EN also increases.
towards itself is known as its electronegativity. (d) Positive oxidation state -
According to Pauling, the electronegativity of F is 4.0 and Electronegativity  Positive oxidation state
electronegativity of other elements can be calculated as
Mn 2  Mn 4  Mn 7
1/2 1/2
(A – B) = 0.208 [EA–B – (EA–A × EB–B) ]
O  O  O 
According to Mulliken
Fe  Fe2  Fe3
IP  EA • As atomic radius decreases by increasing oxidation state of
Electronegativity 
2 cation species, EN increases.

(where IP = Ionization potential, EA = Electron affinity) • In anionic species, the order of electronegativity is
If IP and EA are taken in electron volt O2  O  O
 Percentage ionic character = 16 (A – B) + 3.5 (A – B)2 where (e) Electronegativity does not depends on filled or half filled
A and B are electronegativities of A and B. orbitals, because it is a tendency to attract bonded electron,
not to gain electron from outside.
• If the difference in the electronegativities of combining atoms
is 1.7, the bond is 50% covalent and 50% ionic.
Table 2.9: Electronegativity values across the period
• If the difference in electronegativities of oxygen and element
is very high, the oxide shows a basic character.


Table 2.10: Electronegativity values down the group


The periodic trends of elements in the periodic table

Factors Affecting electronegativity :
(a) Atomic size -
Electronegativity 
Atomic size
(b) Effective nuclear charge (Zeff ) 

Electronegativity  Zeff

Periodic Properties
Application of electronegativity : X B  Electronegativity of B
(A) Metallic and non metallic nature -
If X A  X B  2.1 Ionic %  50% i.e. Ionic bond
Low electronegativity  Metals
If X A  X B  2.1 Ionic %  50% i.e. Covalent bond
High electronegativity  Non metals
(b) Gallis experimental values are-
Metallic character increases down the group but decreases along
a period. X A  X B  1.7 Ionic

(B) Bond length - X A  X B  1.7 Covalent

1  If X A  X B ; then A  B will be non polar, e.g. H  H, F  F

EN 
Bond length
If X A  X B and difference of EN is small then
Here EN  difference in electronegativities of bonded atoms A   B  bond will be polar covalent
HF < HCl < HBr < HI
e.g. H 2 O (H   O   H   )
 HF has minimum bond length because of much difference in
the electronegativities of H and F.  If X A  X B and X A  X B EN is high then,

(C) Bond energy - By increasing EN , bond length decreases A  Β bond will be polar or ionic
and hence bond energy increases.
e.g. Na  Cl
Bond energy  Electronegativity difference
 In HF, X A  X B  1.9, which is more than 1.7, even then it is
HF > HCl > HBr > HI covalent compound.
(D) Reactivity - (F) Nature of oxides - Consider an oxide AO

1 If X A  X O  2.3 Basic oxide

Bond energy  Stability 
If X A  X O  2.3 Amphoteric oxide
As bond energy  difference of electronegativities
If X A  X O  2.3 Acidic oxide
1 (a) Along the period, acidic nature increases.
So,  Electronegativity  Stability  Reactivity
(b) Down the group, basic nature increases.
HF HCl HBr HI
 

 HI is most reactive hydrohalides or strongest acid among all

(E) Nature of bonds -
(a) It can be determined by Hannay & Smith formula- i.e. when in periodic table the distance bewteen the element and
oxygen increases, basic character increases.
Ionic %  16 (X A  X B )  3.5 (X A  X B ) 2
NO 2  ZnO  K 2 O
Here X A  Electronegativity of A

Periodic Properties

acidic character decreases
 BeO, Al 2 O3 , ZnO,SnO, PbO,SnO 2 , PbO 2 ,Sb 2 O3
etc. are amphoteric oxides.

 CO, H 2 O, NO, N 2 O are neutral oxides.

PCl3  3HOH  3ΗCl  H 3 PO3
Acidic strength of oxide and oxyacid
B2O3 CO2 N 2O 5 PCl3  Cl2  H 2 O  2ΗCl  POCl3

EN increase, acidic nature increase

POCl3  3HOH  3ΗCl  H 3 PO 4
H 3 BO3  H 2 CO3  HNO3 (b) If electronegativity of X < electronegativity of A then on
hydrolysis product will be HOX
(hypohalous acid)

e.g. Cl 2 O
H 3 PO4  H 3 AsO4  H 3SbO 4

H 2 SO 4  H 2 SeO 4  H 2 TeO 4


HClO4  HBrO 4  HIO 4 So On hydrolysis

N 2 O5  P2 O5  As 2 O5

N 2 O3  P2 O3  As 2 O3  Sb 2 O3

Acidic nature  oxidation state

Acidic properties increases with increasing oxidation state of an

HClO 4  HClO3  HClO2  HClO

4.6 Periodic Trends in Chemical Properties

HNO3  HNO 2

H 2SO 4  H 2SO3

SO3  N 2 O 3

Sb 2 O3  Sb 2 O5  N 2 O  NO  NO 2  N 2 O5

(I) Hydrolysis of AX - Where A  Other element and

X  Halogen
(a) If electronegativity of X > Electronegativity of A then on
hydrolysis product will be HX.

 For example (BCl3 ), EN of Cl  EN of B

Fig. 2.9: Periodic trends in various chemical properties

Periodic Properties

4.6.1 Periodicity of Valence or Oxidation States may be defined as the charge acquired by its atom on the basis of
The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are called electronegativity of the other atoms in the molecule.
valence electrons and the number of these electrons determine (b) Variation within a group
the valence or the valency of the atom. It is because of this reason
When we move down the group, the number of valence electrons
that the outermost shell is also called the valence shell of the
remains the same, therefore, all the elements in a group exhibit the
atom and the orbitals present in the valence shell are called valence
same valence. For example, all the elements of group 1 (alkali metals)
have valence one while all the elements of group 2 (alkaline earth
In case of representative elements, the valence of an atom is metals) exhibit a valence of two.
generally equal to either the number of valence electrons (s- and
Noble gases present in group 18 are zerovalent, i.e., their valence
p-block elements) or equal to eight minus the number of valence
is zero since these elements are chemically inert.
4.6.2 Anomalous Properties of Second Period
Table 2.11: Valence of atoms of various groups
It has been observed that some elements of the second period
show similarities with the elements of the third period placed
diagonally to each other, though belonging to different groups.
For example, lithium (of group 1) resembles magnesium (of group
2) and beryllium (of group 2) resembles aluminium (of group 13)
and so on. This similarity in properties of elements placed
In contrast, transition and inner transition elements, exhibit variable diagonally to each other is called diagonal relationship.
valence due to involvement of not only the valence electrons but
d- or f-electrons as well. However, their most common valence are Table 2.13: Elements showing Diagonal relationship
2 and 3.

Table 2.12: Periodic Trends in Valence of Elements

The anomalous behaviour is due to their small size, large charge/

radius ratio and high electronegativity of the elements. In addition,
the first member of group has only four valence orbitals (2s and
2p) available for bonding, whereas the second member of the
groups have nine valence orbitals (3s, 3p, 3d). As a consequence
of this, the maximum covalency of the first member of each group
is 4 (e.g., boron can only form [BF4]–), whereas the other members
Let us now discuss periodicity of valence along a period and of the groups can expand their valence shell to accommodate
within a group. more than four pairs of electrons e.g., aluminium forms [AlF6]3–.
(a) Variation along a period Furthermore, the first member of p-block elements displays greater
ability to form p-p multiple bonds to itself (e.g., C=C, CC, NN)
As we move across a period from left to right, the number of
and to other second period elements (e.g., C=O, CN, N=O)
valence electrons increases from 1 to 8. But the valence of elements,
compared to subsequent members of the same groups.
w.r.t. H or O first increases from 1 to 4 and then decreases to zero.
In the formation of Na 2O molecule, oxygen being more
electronegative accepts two electrons, one from each of the two
sodium atoms and thus shows an oxidation state of –2. On the
other hand, sodium with valence shell electronic configuration as
3s1 loses one electron to oxygen and is given an oxidation state of
+1. Thus, the oxidation state of an element in a given compound

Periodic Properties
4.6.3 Periodic Trends and Chemical Reactivity The reactivity of non-metals increases from left to right in a period.
During reaction, non-metals tend to form anions.
Reactivity of Metals For example, in the second period, the reactivity of non- metals
increases in the order.
The reactivity of metals is measured in terms of their tendency to
lose electrons from their outermost shell.
C <N <O <F
In a period Less reactive More reactive
The tendency of an element to lose electrons decreases in going –— Reactivity increases 
from left to right in a period. So, the reactivity of metals decreases In a group
in a period from left to right. For example, the reactivity of third
The reactivity of non-metals in a group decreases as we go down
period elements follows the order.
the group. This is because the tendency to accept electrons
Na > Mg > Al decreases down the group. The reactivity of halogens follows
More reactive Reactive the order
In a group
F < Cl < Br I
The tendency to lose electrons increases as we go down a group. Most reactive Least reactive
So, the reactivity of metals increases down the group. Thus, in –— Reactivity decreases  
group 1, the reactivity follows the order.
The normal oxide formed by the element on extreme left is the
Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs most basic (e.g., Na2O) whereas that formed by the element on
Least reactive Most reactive extreme right is the most acidic (e.g., Cl2O7). Oxides of elements in
–— Reactivity increases 
 the centre are amphoteric (e.g., Al2O3, As2O3) or neutral (e.g., CO,
NO, N2O). Amphoteric oxides behave as acidic with bases and as
Reactivity of Non-Metals
basic with acids, whereas neutral oxides have no acidic or basic
The reactivity of a non-metal is measured in terms of its properties.
tendency to gain electrons to form an anion.
In a period

Periodic Properties
Some Important Facts about
 Bromine is a non-metal which is liquid at room temperature.  Iodine is the element which sublimes.
 Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.  Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.
 Gallium ( 29.8ºC), caesium ( 28.5ºC) and francium  Only ozone is the coloured gas with garlic smell.
( 27ºC) are metals having low melting points.  Metalloids have electronegativity values closer to 2.0.
 Tungsten (W) has the highest melting point (3380ºC) among  First synthetic (i.e., man-made) element is technetium
metals. (At. No. 43).
 Carbon has the highest melting point (4100ºC) among non-  Most poisonous metal-Plutonium.
metals.  Rarest element in earth’s crust-Astatine.
 Oxygen is the most abundant element on the earth.  The elements coming after uranium are called transuranic
 Aluminium is the most abundant metal. elements. The elements with Z = 104 – 112, 114 and 116 are
called trans-actinides or super heavy elements. All these
 Iron is the most abundant transition metal.
elements are synthetic, i.e., man-made elements. These are
 Highest density is shown by osmium (22.57 g cm–3) or iridium radioactive elements and not found in nature.
(22.61 g cm–3).  The elements ruthenium (Ru), germanium (Ge), polonium (Po)
 Lithium is the lightest metal. Its density is 0.54 g cm–3. and americium (Am) were named in honour of the countries
 Silver is the best conductor of electricity. named Ruthenia (Russia), Germany, Poland and America,
 Diamond (carbon) is the hardest natural substance.
 The members of the actinide series are radioactive and majority
 Francium has the highest atomic volume. of them are not found in nature.
 Boron has the lowest atomic volume.
 The element rutherfordium (Rf, 104) is also called
 The most abundant gas in atmosphere is nitrogen. Kurchatovium (Ku) and element dubnium (Db, 105), is also
 Fluorine is the most electronegative element. called hahnium.
 Chlorine has the maximum negative electron gain enthalpy.  Promethium (Pm, 61) a member of lanthanide series is not
 Helium has the maximum ionisation enthalpy. found in nature. It is a synthetic element.
 Cesium or francium has the lowest ionisation enthalpy.  Special names are given to the members of these groups in
 Helium and francium are smallest and largest atoms respectively. periodic table.
 H– and I– ions are the smallest and largest anions respectively. Group 1 or IA Alkali metals
 H+ and Cs+ ions are the smallest and largest cations respectively. Group 2 or IIA Alkaline earth metals
 Cesium is the most electropositive element. Group 15 or VA Pnicogens
 Element kept in water is phosphorus, P4 (white or yellow). Group 16 or VIA Chalcogens
 Element kept in kerosene are Na, K, Rb, Cs, etc. Group 17 or VIIA Halogens
Group 18 or VIIIA Inert or noble gases

Periodic Properties


 Mendeleev’s periodic table was based on atomic masses of of similar electronic configuration of the atom in the valence
the elements. When Mendeleev presented the periodic table, shell after certain definite intervals. These definite intervals
only 63 elements were known. He left 29 places in the table are 2, 8, 8, 18, 18 and 32. These are known as magic number.
for unknown elements. Periodicity is observed in a number of properties which are
directly or indirectly linked with electronic configuration.
 Modern Mendeleev periodic table is based on atomic numbers
of the elements. The modern periodic law is : “The physical  Effective nuclear charge increases across each period.
and chemical properties of the elements are periodic function  Atomic radii generally decrease across the periods.
of their atomic numbers”.  Atomic radii generally increase on moving from top to bottom
 The horizontal row in the periodic table is called a period and in the groups.
vertical column is called group. There are seven periods and  Atomic radius is of three types :
eight groups in the modern Mendeleev periodic table. (a) Covalent radius
 The long or extended form of periodic table consists of seven (b) Crystal or metallic radius
periods and eighteen vertical columns (groups or families).
(c) Van der Waals’ radius
The elements in a period have same number of energy shells,
i.e., principal quantum number (n). These are numbered 1 to 7.  Cations are generally smaller than anions.
 Cations are smaller and anions are larger than neutral atoms
 At present 114 elements are known.
of the elements.
 In a vertical column (group), the elements have similar valence
shell electronic configuration and therefore exhibit similar
chemical properties.
 The first element is each group of the representative elements
 There are four blocks of elements: s-, p-, d- and f-block shows abnormal properties, i.e., differs from other elements of
depending on the orbital which gets the last electron. The the group because of much smaller size of the atom.
general electronic configuration of these blocks are :
 The ions having same number of electrons but different
s-block : [Noble gas] ns1 or 2. nuclear charge are called isoelectronic ions.
p-block : [Noble gas] ns2np1–6 In isoelectronic ions, the size decreases if Z/e increases i.e.,
d-block : [Noble gas] (n – 1)d 1–10 1 or 2
ns greater the nuclear charge, smaller is the size of the ion.
f-block : [Noble gas] (n – 2)f 1–14
(n – 1)d0 or 1ns2  The energy required to remove the most loosely held electron
from the gaseous isolated atom is termed ionisation enthalpy.
 The elements are broadly divided into three types :
(i) Metals comprise more than 78% of the known elements.  Ionisation enthalpy values generally increase across the periods.
s-block, d-block and f-block elements are metals. The higher  Ionisation enthalpy values generally decrease down the group.
members of p-block are also metals.  Removal of electron from filled and half filled shells requires
(ii) Non-metals are less than twenty. (C, N, P, O, S, Se, H, F, Cl, higher energy. For example, the ionisation enthalpy of nitrogen
Br, I, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn are non-metals). is higher than oxygen. Be, Mg and noble gases have high
(iii) Elements which lie in the border line between metals and values.
non-metals are called semimetals or metalloids. B, Si, Ge, As,  Metals have low ionisation enthalpy values while non-metals
Sb, Te, Po and At are regarded as metalloids. have high ionisation enthalpy values.
 IUPAC given a new scheme for assigning a temporary name
 Successive ionisation enthalpies of an atom have higher values.
to the newly discovered elements. The name is derived directly
from the atomic number of the elements. IEI < IEII < IEIII ...
 The recurrence of similar properties of the elements after  The enthalpy change taking place when an electron is added
certain definite intervals when the elements are arranged in to an isolated gaseous atom of the element is called electron
order of increasing atomic numbers in the periodic table is gain enthalpy. The first electron gain enthalpy of most of the
termed periodicity. The cause of periodicity is the repetition elements is negative as energy is released in the process but

Periodic Properties

the values are positive or near zero in case of the atoms having  Metals have low electronegativities and non-metals have
stable configuration such as Be, Mg, N, noble gases, etc. high electronegativities.
 Electron gain enthalpy becomes more negative from left to right in  Metallic character decreases across the periods and
a period and less negative from top to bottom in a group. increases down the group.
 Successive electron gain enthalpies are always positive.  Valence of an element belonging to s- and p- block (except
 The elements with higher ionisation enthalpy have higher noble gases) is either equal to the number of valence
negative electron gain enthalpy. electrons or eight minus number of valence electrons.

 Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract the  The reducing nature of the elements decreases across the
shared pair of electrons towards itself in a bond. period while oxidising nature increases.

 Electronegativity increases across the periods and decreases  The basic character of the oxides decreases while the acidic
down the groups. character increases in moving from left to right in a period.

Periodic Properties

Solved Examples
Example-1 Example-4
Which important property did Mendeleev use to classify (a) What is modern periodic law ? Discuss the main features
the elements in his periodic table and did he stick to that? of long form of periodic table.
Sol. According to the Mendeleev’s Periodic Law, “the (b) Give the general electronic configuration of s, p, d & f-
properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic block elements.
mass”. Mendeleev arranged known 63 elements in Sol. (a) The physical and chemical properties of the elements are
horizontal rows and vertical columns of a table. Mendeleev periodic functions of their atomic numbers. The main features
of long form of periodic table are as follows :
violated his periodic law at certain places to give
1. The aufbau (build up) principle and the electronic
appropriate position to the few elements based on their
configuration of atoms provide a theoretical foundation for
properties. Assume that atomic measurements might be the periodic classification.
incorrect, placed elements with similar properties together. 2. The long form of the periodic table consists of horizontal
For example: Iodine having lower atomic mass than rows called periods and vertical columns called groups.
tellurium was placed ahead of tellurium because iodine 3. There are altogether seven periods. The period number
corresponds to the highest principal quantum number (n) of
showed similar properties with fluorine. The primary aim
the elements in the period.
of Mendeleev was to arrange the elements with similar
4. The first period contains 2 elements. The subsequent
properties in the same group periods consists of 8, 8, 18, 18 and 32 elements, respectively.
The seventh period is incomplete and like the sixth period
Example-2 would have a theoretical maximum (on the basis of quantum
What is the basic theme of organisation in the periodic numbers) of 32 elements.
table. 5. In this form of the Periodic Table, 14 elements of both sixth
and seventh periods (lanthanoids and actinoids,
Sol. The elementary idea of organization in the periodic table is respectively) are placed in separate panels at the bottom.
to classify the elements into groups and periods. This table
is arranged according to the properties of the elements. 6. Elements having similar outer electronic configurations in their
Same properties elements belong to same group. It is very atoms are arranged in vertical columns referred to as groups or
easy and systematic method to learn the properties of families. There are in all 18 vertical column or groups.
elements. 7. The elements of groups 1 (alkali metals), 2 (alkaline earth
metals) and 13 to 17 are called the main group elements.
Example-3 These are also called typical or representative or normal
What is the basic difference in approach between the elements.
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic Law? 8. The elements of group 3 to 12 are called transiation elements.
Sol. According to the Mendeleev’s Periodic Law, “the 9. lanthanoids & actinoids are together referred to as inner
properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic transition elements.
mass”. Mendeleev arranged known 63 elements in (b) (i) General outer electronic configuration of s-block elements
horizontal rows and vertical columns of a table on the other is ns1–2 i.e., either ns1 or ns2.

hand, the Modern periodic Law states that “the physical (ii) General outer electronic configuration of p-block elements
is ns2np1–6.
and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions
(iii) General outer electronic configuration of d-block elements
of their atomic numbers”. This modern law was proposed
is (n – 1) d1–10 ns0–2.
by Henry Moseley.
(iv) General outer electronic configuration of f-block elements is
(n – 2) f1–14 (n – 1) d0–1 ns2.

Example-5 Example-9
On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth What is the group number, period and block of the element
period of the periodic table should have 32 elements. with atomic number 43 ?
Sol. Sixth period corresponds to the filling of the sixth energy Sol. The electronic configuration of the element with atomic
level i.e; n=6. Since in this period only sixteen orbitals (one number 43 is
6s, seven 4f, five 5d and three 6p)are available, thereby 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d10, 4s24p64d5, 5s2
sixth period contains thirty two elements. It begins with
Since, the last electron is accommodated in d-subshell, the
Caesium in which electrons enters the 6s orbital and ends element belongs to d-block. The principal quantum number
at radon in which the filling of 6p orbitals is complete. After of outermost shell is 5, the element belongs to 5th period.
filling of 6s orbital, the next electron enters the 5d orbitals Group number of the element = 5 + 2 = 7 i.e.,
against the Aufbau principle and thereafter the filling of
The element belongs to group 7.
seven 4f orbital begins with cerium and end up with
lutetium. Maximum 2 electrons can be accommodated in
How does atomic radius vary in a period and in a group?
each orbital. Thus, 16 orbitals can accommodate a maximum
How do you explain the variation?
of 32 electrons. Therefore, the sixth period of the periodic
table should have 32 elements. Sol. Atomic Radius: It is defined as average distance from the
centre of nucleus upto the centre of outermost shell
Write the atomic number of the element present in the electrons. It is measured in angstrom or picometer. It is not
third period and seventeenth group of the periodic possible to measure the exact atomic radius because an
table. atom is unstable, and it can’t be isolated to get its radius
Sol. In the periodic table, each period starts with alkali metal and electron cloud around the atom do not have sharp
and ends with noble gases. Element in the 3rd period and boundary.
seventeenth group belongs to halogen family. Chlorine is
Trend in the periodic table:
belonging to the 3rd period and 17th group. Hence, Chlorine
(a) Across a period: Atomic radii decreases across a period
atomic number is 17.
from left to right. It is due to increase in atomic number; the
number of electrons increases but number of shells remain
Which element do you think would have been named by same due to which electrons fill in same shell which in turn
(i) Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
(ii) Seaborg’s group? increase the nuclear force of attraction between nucleus
and electrons of outermost shell and thus atomic size
Sol. (i) Lawrencium (Lr) with Z = 103 and Berkelium (Bk) with Z =
97 decreases.
(ii) Seaborgium (Sg) with Z = 106 Down the group: Atomic radii increases down in a group
Example-8 from top to bottom. It is due to increase in atomic number;
To which block (s, p, d or f) does the element with atomic the number of shells also increases in which electron in the
number 50 belong ? outer shell of each succeeding element lie farther and farther
Sol. The electronic configuration of element with atomic number away from nucleus. Due to increase in atomic number, the
50 is :
nuclear charge should also increase but it is dominated by
1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d10, 4s24p64d10, 5s25p2 screening effect on the valence electrons by the electron
The last electron enters into 5p-orbital. Hence, it is a present in the inner shells and hence atomic size increase
p-block element. down the group.

Example-11 Example-13
Consider the following species: N3–, O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+ and Define atomic radius. Explain various factors affecting it ?
Sol. Atomic radius is defined as the distance of valence shell of
(a) What is common in them?
electrons from the centre of the nucleus of an atom.
(b) Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii.
Sol. (a) All species are isoelectronic. The species in which atoms Factors affecting atomic radius :
(i) No. of shells : The atomic radius increases with the increase
or ions of different elements that have same number of
in the no. of the shells.
electrons but have different magnitude of nuclear charge
atomic radius  no of shells
are known as isoelectronic species. They may be neutral or
(ii) Nuclear charge : Atomic radius decreases with the increase
ionic species. All species have 10 electrons. in the Nuclear charge. Due to high nuclear charge, the
nucleus attracts the electrons towards itself thereby reducing
(b) The size of cation is always smaller than its parent atom its own size
and the size of anion is always greater than its parent atom.
Therefore, the arrangement of the given species in order of atomic radius 
Nuclear charge
their increasing ionic radii is as follows: Al3+< Mg2+< Na+<
(iii) Shielding or screening effect : Atomic radius increases with
F–< O2–< N3–
the increase in the shielding effect. This is because the
Example-12 electrons presents between the Nucleus and the valence
The increasing order of reactivity among group 1 elements shell shields the valence electrons from the Nucleus i.e. it
reduces the force of attraction between the Nucleus and the
is Li < Na < K <Rb<Cs whereas that among group 17
Valence electrons. atomic radius  shielding effect
elements is F > Cl > Br > I. Explain.
Sol. The group 1 belongs to the metals. The reactivity of metals
depends upon their tendency to lose electrons to acquire Among the elements Li, K, Ca, S and Kr, which one is expected
to have the lowest first ionization enthalpy and which the
the inert gas configuration. As we move down in a group of highest first ionization enthalpy ?
metal elements, the atomic size of the elements goes on Sol. K has the lowest first ionization energy. Kr has the highest
increasing. Due to increase in size of atoms the valence first ionization energy.
electrons of metal atom, which take part in chemical reactions Example-15
becomes more far away from the Among the second period elements, the actual ionization
energies are in the order :
nucleus and hence can be removed easily. Consequently,
Li < B < Be < C < O < N < F < Ne.
the increasing order of reactivity among group 1 elements
Explain why (i) Be has higher i H than B (ii) O has lower i
is as follows: Li < Na < K <Rb<Cs H than N and F ?
In the group 17th, The reactivity of non-metals depends Sol. (i) The ionization enthalpy, among other things, depends upon
upon their tendency to gain electrons to acquire the inert the type of electron to be removed from the same principal
shell. In case of Be (1 s2 2 s2) the outermost electron is present
gas configuration. As we move down in a group of non-
in 2s-orbital while in B (1 s2 2 s2 2 p1) it is present in 2p-orbital.
metal elements, the atomic size of the elements goes on Since 2s-electrons are more strongly attracted by the nucleus
increasing. Due to increase in size of atoms the distance of than 2p-electrons, therefore, lesser amount of energy is
required to knock out a 2p-electron than a 2s-electron.
nucleus of atom from the valence shell increases. The force Consequently, i H of Be is higher than that i H of B.
of attraction exerted by the nucleus of the atom on the
valence shell electrons decreases, as a result tendency to
gain electron also decreases. Consequently, the decreasing
order of reactivity among group 17 elements is as follows: F
> Cl > Br > I

(ii)The electronic configuration of N (1s2 2s2 2p1x 2p1y 2p1z) in Example-18

which 2p-orbitals are exactly half-filled is more stable than
the electronic configuration of O (1s2 2s2 2p2x 2p1y 2p1z) in The first ionisation energy of carbon atom is greater than
which the 2p-orbitals are neither exactly half-filled nor that of boron atom, whereas reverse is true for the second
completely filled. Therefore, it is difficult to remove an ionisation energy. Explain.
electron from N than from O. As a result, iH of N is higher Sol. The electronic configurations of carbon and boron are as
than that of O. Further, the electronic configuration of F is follows :
1s2 2s2 2p2x 2p2y 2p1z. Because of higher nuclear charge (+9),
the first ionization enthalpy of F is higher than that of O. C : 1s2, 2s2 2p1x 2Py1
Further, the effect of increased nuclear charge outweights
the effect of stability due to exactly half-filled orbitals,
B : 1s2, 2s2 2p1x
therefore, the iH of N and O are lower than that of F.
Example-16 Due to higher nuclear charge in carbon, the force of
Among the elements B, Al, C and Si attraction towards valency electron is more in carbon atom
(i) Which element has the highest first ionisation and hence the first ionisation energy is greater than boron
enthalpy ? atom. After loss of one electron, the monovalent cations
(ii) Which element has the most metallic character ? have the configurations as follows :
Justify your answer in each case. B+ : 1s2, 2s2
Sol. Arrange the elements B, Al, C and Si into different groups and
C+ : 1s2, 2s2 2p1x
periods in order of their increasing atomic numbers, we have,
Group  13 14 The B+ configuration is stable one and hence the removal of
Period 2 B C electron is difficult in comparison to C+. Hence, second
ionisation potential of boron is higher than carbon.
Group 3 Al Si
(i) Since ionization enthalpy increases along a period and Example-19
decreases down a group, therefore, C has the highest first Which of the following pairs of elements would have a
ionization enthalpy.
more negative electron gain enthalpy?
(ii)Since metallic character increases down a group and decreases
along a period, therefore, Al, is the most metallic element. (i) O or F (ii) F or Cl
Example-17 Sol. (i) The electron gain enthalpy of F is more negative than
How does the metallic and non metallic character vary on that of O because when we move from left to right the
moving from left to right in a period ? atomic size decreases. Fluorine size is smaller than oxygen.
Sol. On moving from left to right in a period, the number of Due to small size the interelectronic repulsion increases
valence electrons increases by one at each succeeding
causing for the decreases in the electron gain enthalpy
element but the number of shells remains the same. As a
result, the nuclear charge increases and the tendency of the values.
element to lose electron decreases and hence the metallic
(ii) The electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less negative
character decreases as we move from left to right in a period.
Conversely, as the nuclear charge increases, the tendency than that of chlorine because when an electron is added to
of the element to gain electrons increases and hence the F, the added electron goes to the smaller quantum level
non-metallic increases from left to right in a period. (n=2). Due to small size the interelectronic repulsion
Alternatively, metallic character decreases and non-metallic increases causing for the decreases in the electron gain
character increases as we move from left to right in a period.
enthalpy values. On the other hand, in chlorine the electron
It is due to increase in ionization and electron gain enthalpy.
enters the high quantum level(n=3) which occupies a larger
region of space where the electron repulsion is less.
Therefore, the electron gain enthalpy of Cl is more negative
than that of F.

Example-20 Example-23
Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of O as Distinguish between electronegativity and electron affinity.
positive, more negative or less negative than the first ? Justify Sol. Electron affinity Electronegativity
your answer.
Sol. The second electron gain enthalpy of O is positive as 1. Electron gain enthalpy or 1.Electronegativity of an
explained below : electron affinity is defined atom in a molecule is
When an electron is added to O atom to form O– ion, energy as the amount of energy defined as the tendency
is released. Thus, first electron gain enthalpy of O is negative. released when neutral of an atom to attract

O g   e–g   O–g  ;  eg H  141kJ mol1 gaseous atom, accepts an towards itself the shared
electron to form an anion. pair of electrons.
But when another electron is added to O– to form O2– ion,
2. It is expressed in eV/atom 2.It does not have any unit
energy is absorbed to overcome the strong electrostatic
repulsion between the negatively charged O– ion and the (electron volt per atom) or (it is a number)
second electron being added. Thus, the second electron in kil number) joules per mol (kJ mol–1).
gain enthalpy of oxygen is positive.
3. It is a kind of absolute 3.It is a relative term (atoms
–  2 1
O g e
g  O ; eg H  780 kJ mol
g property of the elements. are compared with fluorine,
Example-21 whose assigned value of
electronegativity is 4.0
‘Electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine’.
Explain. 4. Electron affinity value is 4. It is measured when the
Sol. (i) Def : Electron gain enthalpy or electron affinity is defined measured when the atoms atoms are in their
as the amount of energy released, when neutral gaseous are in their gaseous state. combined state (in state
atom, accepts an electron to form an anion.
(ii) The electronic cofiguration of fluorine is 1s22s22p5, while that Example-24
of chlorine, it is 1s22s22p63s23p5. In both the elements there
are 7 electrons in their outermost shell. The size of F-atom is Use the periodic table to answer the following questions:
smaller than Cl-atom. (a) Identify an element with five electrons in the outer
(iii) In fluorine, 2p-orbitals are compact and closer to the nucleus. subshell.
Thus, the screening effect is very low. Hence there is (b) Identify the element that would tend to lose two electrons.
electron-electron repulsion in the valence shell. Thus, when
(c) Identify the element that would tend to gain two electons.
an electron is added to the p-orbital of a fluorine. Thus,
when an electron is added to the p-orbital of a fluorine it (d) Identify the group having metal, non-metal, liquid as
experiences less attraction and hence less energy is liberated well as gas at room temperature.
to form fluoride ion. Sol. (a) The genral electronic configuration of the elements
(iv) In chlorine, the orbital accepting an electron to form chloride having five electrons in the outer subshell is ns2 np5. This
ion is 3p-orbital, which is away form the nucleus. electronic configuration is characteristic of elements of group
17, i.e., halogens and their examples are F, Cl, Br, I, At, etc.
(v) Therefore, the electron-electron repulsion is less and more
energy is liberated, when an electron is added to a chlorine (b) The elements which have a tendency to lose two electrons
atom forming a chloride anion. Thus, fluorine has less must have two electrons in the valence shell. Therefore, their
electron affinity than chlorine. general electronic configuration should be n s2. This electronic
configuration is characteristic of group 2 elements, i.e., alkaline
Example-22 earth metals and their examples are Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, etc.
Why are electron gain enthalpies of Be and Mg positive ? (c) The elements which have a tendency to accept two electrons
Sol. They have fully filled s-orbitals and hence have no tendency must have six electrons in the valence shell. Therefore, their
to accept an additional electron. Consequently, energy has general electronic configuration is ns2 np4. This electronic
to be supplied if an extra electron has to be added to the configuration is characteristic of group 16 elements and their
much higher energy p-orbitals of the valence shell. That is examples are O and S.
why electron gain enthalpies of Be and Mg are positive.

(d) A metal which is liquid at room temperature is mercury. It is

a transition metal and belongs to group 12. A non-metal
which is a gas at room temperature is hydrogen (group 1),
nitrogen (group 15), oxygen (group 16), fluorine, chlorine
(group 17) and inert gases (group 18).
A non-metal which is a liquid at room temperature is bromine
(group 17).
Halogens except Flourine shows positive oxidation state of
+1, +2, +3, +5, and +7.
Sol. (i) The outer Electronic configuration of halogens are ns2,
np5 they can gain one electron and show a common oxidation
state of –1.

(ii) The other halogen exhibit higher oxidation state as, +1, +2,
+3, +5, and +7 due to vacant d-orbitals in their shell.
(iii) Since Flourine does not have d-orbital, it only exhibits only
‘–1’ oxidation state.
Therefore Halogens except fluorine shows positive oxidation
state +1, +2, +3, +5 and +7.

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