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Second Semester-A.Y.



Name: Christine Mae Asuncion Gaspar Course & Year: BS-Architecture II Date: April 13, 2022

Directions: Answer the following questions reliably.

1. With the changing weather patterns experienced these days, it is important for future architects like
you to design buildings and other infrastructures that would mitigate climate change. In this regard
you are tasked to present your personalized and doable steps in planning climate responsive
architectures (100 pts)

A. Structure building, etc)

B. Steps
C. Generalizations

2. How will the growing trade for cacti and imported species negatively affect our ecosystem? (10 pts)

The growing trade for cacti and imported species negatively affects our ecosystem by threat of
extinction through Illegal trading. According to

illegal trade
Habitat loss is the number-one threat for most living organisms. While this is a threat to some
species, the main reason cactus are on the Red List is illegal trade and poaching. People find rare
and endangered species of cactus in the wild and take them for their own collections or to sell to the
highest bidder

Cacti Among World’s Most Threatened

3. How does this COVID-19 pandemic positively affect the following? (10 pts each)

a. Climate

b. Biosphere

c. Environment

Prepared by:
Mrs. Rebecca O. Codiamat
NS SES-Instructor
Second Semester-A.Y.2021-2022

4. Examine and reflect. What is your stand on the author’s point of view? (25 pts)

Prepared by:
Mrs. Rebecca O. Codiamat
NS SES-Instructor
Second Semester-A.Y.2021-2022

5. Formulate two criteria that guide you (or will guide you) in your decision concerning the most
desirable alternative.


6. Briefly explain the pros and cons of the alternative(s) that you have chosen with regard to future
implications. Compare your alternative(s) with any other alternatives that you did not choose.


7. In your estimation, are (1) societal and/or (2) values and/or (3) political (distinguished from the
scientific technological-environmental considerations) involved in your decision/choice of the desirable
alternative? Relate to 1, 2 & 3 in your answer and explain!


Prepared by:
Mrs. Rebecca O. Codiamat
NS SES-Instructor

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