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COMPETENCY CODE Evaluate / No. of Items
Remember / Understand/ Apply/ Analyze / Create /
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation
1. Distinguish text-types according to EN5RC- 1-5 6-9 16-20 10-14 15 20
purpose and features: classification, IIc-3.2.1
explanation, enumeration and time order
2. Summarize various text types based on 27-30 22-25 21 26 10
3. Make a stand EN5OL- 35 31-34 5
4. Provide evidence to support opinion/fact EN5OL- 36,37 38-40 5
TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS 12 15 5 6 1 1 40



Name:____________________________________Grade: ________________Score:_____
Directions: Read each paragraph carefully then answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers before the number.

1. What type of text is the given paragraph?

a. descriptive b. classification
c. narrative D. Both descriptive and narrative
2. What is the purpose of the given text type?
a. to describe b. to narrate events c. to classify d. To enumerate
3. What language features are used?
a. descriptive words b. simple present tense c. Both d. Flowery words

4. What type of text is the given paragraph?

a. descriptive b. classification c. narrative d. enumerate
5. What is the purpose of the given text type?
a. to classify b. to describe c. to narrate events d. To enumerate

2|P a g e
6. What type of text is the given selection?
A. descriptive B. classification C. explanation D. text type
7. What does the paragraph explain?
A. water cycle B. water vapor C. amount of water D. water in the earth
8. Why is water important?
A. It is because water builds houses
B. It is because water propagates plants
C. It is because water cleans our dirty clothes
D. It is because without water living things would die
9. Based on the selection you read, which of the following explains how water cycle happens?
A. The water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle.
B. This cycle happens because of the sun’s heat and gravity.
C. The water cycle includes how the earth’s water recycle itself.
D. The cycle includes evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
10. Natural events such as volcanic eruptions and meteor impacts can cause earthquakes, but the majority of
naturally occurring earthquakes are triggered by movement of the earth’s plates.
A. Most earthquakes occur along the edge of the oceanic and continental plates.
B. Earthquakes are caused by sudden release of energy within some limited region of the
rocks of the earth.
C. Antarctica has the least earthquake of any continent, but small earthquakes can occur
anywhere in the world.
11. Being a responsible family member is not measured by our status in life. It doesn’t matter whether we are
rich or poor, educated or unschooled nor by the accumulation of material wealth and possessions, neither by
A. Classification B. Explanation
C. Enumeration D. Time order
12. The string family is the largest in the orchestra. The instruments in this family are the double bass, which
is the biggest, cello, viola, and the smallest, the violin.
A. Explanation B. Enumeration
C. Classification D. Time order
13. Seashells belong to the classification, Mollusca or Mollusks. There are many classifications of mollusks.
Two of these are being singleshelled and two-shelled.
A. Classification B. Explanation
C.Enumeration D. Time order
14. Cheerfulness gives us the courage to go on in the face of trials. It lightens our burden. We feel sad and
disappointed whenever we cannot get what we would like to have.
A. Enumeration B. Classification
C. Explanation D. Time order
15. Children, like adults, also have rights. The rights of a child include the following: the right to live, right to a
name, a family, and citizenship, right to education, right to highest standards of health, and right to play,
enjoy recreation and leisure.
A. Explanation B. Classification
C. Enumeration D. Time order

Directions: The Covid-19 Pandemic is spreading globally. There are things that you should do in your simple
way to avoid spreading it in your family. Arrange the sequence of events from the following selection. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.

16. 1. They arrived early at home.

2. They washed their hands and left their shoes outside before entering the house
3. Mother and father went to the market.
A. 3,1,2 B. 3,2,1 C. 1,2,3 D. 2,1,3
17. 1. Father will go to his office today.
2. He put on his face mask and gloves before going out.
3. He went out and ride his bicycle.
A. 1,2,3 B. 2,1,3 C. 3,2,1 D. 2,3,1
3|P a g e
18. 1. He went to the doctor for a check-up.
2. Rick suffered a sore throat.
3. He gurgled water with salt.
A. 1,2,3 B. 2,3,1 C. 2,1,3 D. 3,1,2
19. 1. Last May, after the Enhanced Community Quarantine, the government implemented the Modified
Enhanced Community Quarantine.
2. The Enhanced Community Quarantine was implemented last March.
3. This month of June, the General Community Quarantine was implemented.
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 1, 3 C. 3,1,2 D. 2,3,1
20. 1. Fill out all the information and send it to the adviser.
2. Download the Learner’s Enrollment Survey Form.
3. Print the downloaded form.
A. 1,2,3 B. 3,1,2 C. 2,3,1 D. 1,3,2
21. Ariane showed her report card to her friend, Kyle. Ariane received all As. On her report card. Her teacher
said that she enjoys having Ariane in her class.
A. Ariane is a girl.
B. Ariane enjoys going to school.
C. Ariane received As in all of the subjects.
D. All of the above.
22. It is when and where the story happens.
A. plot B. setting C. characters D. resolution
23. The people and animals that are important in the story.
A. setting B. characters C. plot D. theme
24. It relates to the events that happen in a story.
A. plot B. climax C. moral D. characters
25. When determining a theme, the reader first considers the ________.
A. title B. topic C. illustrations D. length of the story
26. Once a boy was in a hurry. He ran across the street without looking at the other side of the road. He
nearly escaped being hit by a car. What do you think is the theme of the story?
A. Honesty is the best policy.
B. Stealing is against the law.
C. One good turn deserves another.
D. Looking both ways before crossing the street.

For 27-30. Susan was sitting near a window reading a book. Later, Martha and Rose passed by. They invited
Susan to go with them to attend a birthday party. Susan declined because she was the only one left at home.

27.The persons in the story are called _______.

A. plot B. theme C. setting D. Characters
28. The underlined phrase, near a window is an example of ______.
A. plot B. theme C. setting D. Characters
29. The characters mentioned in the paragraph are _______.
A. birthday C. Susan, Lorna and Rose
B. Susan and Martha D. Susan, Martha and Rose
30. The setting in the paragraph is ________.
A. Susan B. an old book C. birthday party D. near a window

Directions: Read the scene below about bullying. Then answer the questions that follow by choosing the letter
of the correct answer.
Marvin is a Grade 6 pupil who is bigger than other pupils. When the teachers are around, he is very
nice and respectful – however, when the teachers are not looking, he trips kids in the hallway and steals their
lunches. He has two close friends who tell the kids that if they say anything, it will get ten times worse for
them. Kids are dismayed, but they are frightened about what will happen if they try to do anything about it.

4|P a g e
31. How does Marvin bully other kids?
A. By being nice and respectful
B. By being friendly to others
C. By being kind to his classmates
D. By tripping kids in the hallway and stealing their lunches
32. If you were in the scene, what will you do to make the bullying stop?
A. I will just keep quiet.
B. I will just ignore them.
C. I will not go to school anymore.
D. I will speak out and tell my teachers about the bullying incident
33. The following are the skills you can use to try to stop the bully EXCEPT?
A. Act with awareness, calm, respect and confidence.
B. Use your voice
C. Protect your feelings, leave in a powerful and positive way.
D. Be cruel and hurtful
34. How can pupils who are NOT being bullied stand up for those who are?
A. Report the bullying to an adult you trust
B. Spread rumors
C. Join the bully group
D. Show them that you don’t care for them
35. If you wanted to make a difference in bullying outside of your school you must do the following EXCEPT?
A. Develop awareness of how bullying be prevented.
B. Support those who are bullied and show them that you care.
C. Have an open communication and listen to those who are bullied.
D. Be insensitive and hurt the feelings of others.
36. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.
A. Cheetahs have small rounded heads.
B. Cheetah’s special pads on its feet help create traction for the animal.
C. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals.
D. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour.
37. Green is a secondary color.
A. Mixing the primary colors yellow and blue makes the color green.
B. Green is associated with life, growth and nature.
C. The color green can be found in the color wheel.
D. Green is the second most popular favorite color.
38. Smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being of the people.
A. fact B. opinion C. idea d. known
39. I think air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities worldwide.
a. fact b. opinion C. idea d. known
40 Smoke-belching Vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating
from them under city ordinance..
a. fact b. opinion C. idea d. known

Prepared by: NOTED:

Teacher Principal 1

5|P a g e

No. Answer No. Answer

1 B 26 D

2 C 27 D

3 C 28 C

4 A 29 D

5 B 30 D

6 C 31 D

7 A 32 D

8 D 33 D

9 B 34 A

10 B 35 D

11 B 36 D

12 B 37 A

13 S 38 A

14 C 39 B

15 C 40 A

16 S

17 S
18 B
19 B
20 C
21 C
22 B
23 B

24 C

25 B

6|P a g e

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