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Meal Plans copyright document

There 5 meal plans in Hotel Industry and in Travel Industry we uses only
4 of those
Every meal plan by default has accommodation as part of it copyright document

E.P - European Meal Plan

Only accommodation no meals copyright document

C.P - Continental Meal Plan

Only Breakfast copyright document

C.P is known as BnB or B & B also which also means Bed and Breakfast

B.P - Bermuda Plan

Only breakfast. Here the difference in B.P and C.P is that in C.P the
breakfast given is lavish breakfast whereas in B.P the breakfast is very basic
and cold breakfast copyright document

M.A.P - Modified American Plan

Breakfast + any 1 major meal
Breakfast + Lunch or Dinner
90% people like to go with Dinner
M.A.P means
Breakfasts and Dinner
If it is not specified then always consider that Dinner is part of M.A.P copyright document

M.A.P is known as H.B - Half Board copyright document copyright document

A.P - American Plan

All meals
A.P known as F.B also which means Full Board
Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Dinner
The confusion is that many hotels they won’t give Evening Snacks but
when we are talking about resorts or theme based accommodation then
evening snacks is part of A.P copyright document

Let's count.

Assume you have made 6 Days Travel Package of Bangkok and Phuket in
which you have given Hotel of Bangkok on CP basis and Hotel of Phuket
on AP Basis. Now see how many breakfast, lunch and dinners your client
would be getting: copyright document

First of all convert days into nights. If it is 6 Days it means it is 5 Nights. If

it is 5 nights it is very obvious that it would be having 2 Nights in Bangkok
and 3 Nights in Phuket copyright document

Day 1 - Bangkok - No meals. First day there is no breakfast

Day 2 - Bangkok - Breakfast copyright document
Day 3 - Bangkok - Breakfast and Checkout and Arrival in Phuket. Lunch
and Dinner in Phuket copyright document
Day 4 - Phuket - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Day 5 - Phuket - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Day 6 - Phuket - Breakfast - Departure
So total copyright document

Breakfast Lunches Dinner

5 3 3

You can count in above mentioned rough itinerary made only for counting
the number of meals client is getting after taking 2 Nights Accommodation
in Bangkok on CP Basis and 3 Nights Accommodation in Phuket on AP
Basis copyright document

Read this document 4 times and give scenarios to yourself and count
number of meals. After practicing this 5 to 6 times your concept will get
clear. copyright document

Meal plans are basics for Hotels and Travel Packages also. It is asked in
interviews as well. Understanding, using and even writing them while
communicating with Hotels and Suppliers is very important for getting
lower rates. copyright document

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