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Section 1 acts can only be valid if there is a consent of all the

When a person becomes a partner in a partnership
Art. 1784-1809
he has to protect the interest of the partnership
A partners being in creation of a contract of partnership over his own interest
has create for in the relations…that is
If the partners agree that none of the managing
- Relation between partners partners can decide without the consent of the
- Relations between partners on one hand and other that is possible only if all the managing
the partnership on the other hand partners are able, in case of emergency any of the
- Relations between partners on one hand and managing partner can decide for the partnership
third persons on the other hand
This stipulation between the partners is only
- Relations between the partnership and the
between themselves this does not bind a third
third person
person because the third person is not obliged to
So therefore, a partner has an obligation towards know whether or not who are the managing
the partnership, towards each other as well as partners, it is presumed that you are a partner you
towards third person have the right to enter into managing contract

The obligation of a partner among themselves,

So, the agreement as to who manages, the
- the obligation to give their promise contribution partnership is binding only the agreement as to the
- to account and hold as trustee for any profits anonymous voting of the partners is binding only
derived without the consent of the other among the partners however if the partners did not
partners agree on how to manage who shall manage the
- not to engage in any business in which the partnership, all the partners shall be considered as
partner is also engaged into agent and whatever anyone do alone shall bond for
the partners and none of the partners may without
when a partnership is created, the partnership the consent of the other make any important
began from the moment of the execution of the alteration on the immovable property even if it may
contract of partnership. be useful to the partnership
After the articles of the partnership shall be In case of any dispute between the partners then
approved by the securities and exchange they go to court to settle the contract of
commission then the submission of the articles of partnership
partnership already creates a contract
Except if it is prohibited every partner may enter
In the absence of any appointment, all the partners into a contract of sub partnership, the admission of
are considered to be managers of the partnership any other person to associate themselves however
however the partners can appoint a manager which the associate shall not be admitted into the
could be done another document another than the partnership without the consent of all the others
articles of the partnership even if the partner who intents to bring an
If there are two or more partners, which who have associate was his appointed managing partner of
been entrusted with the management of the the partnership.
partnership without specification of their respective Another obligation of the partner is that they
duties or without a, it is understood each one of should kept a book of account in the principal
them may execute acts of administration but place of business and it is the right of every partner
should there be an opposition then the decision of to inspect the book within reasonable hour
the majority shall prevail.
Partnership is based on trust that all partner shall
In case if there is a tie of the number of persons, render on demand of full information of matters
there is tie between those who are in favor and affecting the partnership so, any partner or legal
those who oppose in management decision then representative of a disabled partner may demand
the tie shall be broken by the decision of the true and full information of all things affecting the
managing partner who owns more the controlling partnership
interest more than 50 percent
Every partner must account to the partnership for
The right to oppose is not given to non-managers if any benefit and hold as trustee for it any profits
there is an appointed managing partner which he is derived without the consent of the
Considering that a partner shift is a contract, if partners from any transaction connected with the
could also be possible that the partners will purpose of the partnership.
stipulate that none of the managing partner shall On the other hand, the partners should always be
act without the consent of the other so therefore all prioritized the benefits of partnership capitalist
partner cannot engage for their own account any partnership books. The assignee is to receive the
operation which is of the same time of business as profit in case of dissolution he shall get his interest
the partnership they shall bring to the common and only his dissolution may he request for an
fund any profit accruing from such transaction and account which should be agreed upon by all the
they shall personally bear the losses partners

At any time, partner also shall have the right to One of the contracts entered into by a partner in a
demand an account if they believe that the contract of partnership also creates his obligation to
partnership is, by the action of a partner or id a third person that is why every partner has to
partner is wrongfully excluded from the partnership operate under a firm name which may or may not
business. include the name of the partners. in fact, those
persons who are not member but whose name is
Industrial partner cannot engaged in any business
included in the partnership name shall be liable as
for himself unless the partnership expressive
a partner
permit him to do so otherwise the capitalist
partner may exclude him from the firm or they may The liability of the partners shall be PRO RATA in all
ask for damages, on the other hand capitalist their property and after all the partnership asset
partner cannot engaged the same kind of business has been exhausted for the contract entered into
as that of the partnership, and should they do so the name of the partnership.
they shall bring into the common fund all the profits
Being a partner automatically the partner becomes
which accrues from the transaction and shall
an agent of the partnership so any act of every
personally bear all the losses
partner for the carrying out of the business of the
partnership shall bind the partnership unless the
partnership currently acts without any authority
therefore if does not bind the partnership
Art. 1810 – 1827
To establish the barrier, the partnership any
Rights of a Partner partner cannot enter into the following contract
without the consent or authority of the other
One of the major rights of a partner is his property partners. these are enumerated in art. 1818 – shall
rights. not bind the partnership to persons having
When there is a partnership, the partnership knowledge of the frustration so a partner is an
becomes a co-owner with respect to all specific agent of a partnership so therefore he can act on
partnership property and being a co-owner, it any matters will carry out the business of the
means partially owns the partnership property partnership, he can make any act of ownership
there he will have equal rights. however any act of the partner does not bind the
partnership if the third person knows about.
He has the right to possess and one of the rights of
owner is that also have the right to assign, meaning Any losses which the partnership may incur by the
to say to let other person use the property any acts of the partnership of the partners in the
ordinary course of business – meaning in the
However, a partnership property is not subject to absence of any fraud or negligence he shall bind
legal support, means legal support for their family the partnership
There are two exemptions the first one is the The partnership is bound to make good to the laws
partnership property cannot be used for execution where one of a partner acts within the scope of his
of personal death of a partner and it also cannot authority or when the partnership is in the course
be used for legal support of its business receives money or property for a
A partner’s interest in the partnership is share in a third person and that money of property is
profit misapplied by any partner while it is the partnership
– meaning to say the partners cannot make an
Being a co-owner has the right to assign his share excuse they cannot be liable because they do not
property to another person called transfer of right know, all the acts of the partner shall bind the
partnership s
If a partner conveys his all interests in the
partnership, it may result to the continuation of the
partnership or the dissolution of the partnership
depends upon a partner, however the assignee who
actually is a third person or a stranger to the
original contract of the partnership, the assignee
cannot interfere in the management of the
partnership business he also is not allowed to
access information on the accounting books of the
partnership and he cannot even inspect the

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