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Magnet Pendant Safety Cord


Arashi Vision Inc. Instructions for Use / 使用说明

ADD: 11th Floor, Building 2, Jinlitong Financial Center,
Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
TEL: 400-833-4360 +1 800 6920 360


V1.0 PB.ABK000501 English / 简体中文

How to Use / 如何使用 * Disclaimer / 免责声明
1. Install GO 3 into the protective case of the Magnetic Pendant Safety Cord. Please read this Disclaimer carefully. Using this product means that
Check the alignment to ensure the holes and buckles at the two ends of your you acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer. By using this
GO 3 remain uncovered. product, you hereby acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible
/ 将 GO 3 相机装入脖挂防丢绳的保护套中,使 GO 3 两端的孔与卡扣对齐保
for your own conduct when using this product and any consequences
thereof. You agree to use this product only for proper and lawful purposes.
护套上的位置。 You understand and agree that Arashi Vision Inc. (hereinafter referred to
as 'Insta360') accepts no liability for any and all misuse, consequences,
damages, injuries, penalties, or any other legal responsibility directly or
indirectly incurred by your using this product and associated accessories.
Before every use, make sure that your accessories are functioning properly.
If there’s any damage or irregularity, stop using them immediately. Within
the scope of state laws and regulations, Insta360 reserves the right of final
explanation and revision for the commitment.
/ 请仔细阅读本声明,一旦使用本产品,即视为对本声明的全部认可和接受。
2. Put GO 3 through the ring at the end of the Safety Cord to tie it to a stap, or 每次使用前,请仔细检查产品,若出现破损、变形,请勿使用。使用本产品,
the Magnetic Pendant's safety cord. 就意味着您认可并同意,您将对使用本产品的行为和可能产生的后果负全部
/ 将 GO 3 穿过脖挂防丢绳尾端的孔,可将脖挂防丢绳绑在胸牌挂绳或背包带上。 责任。您承诺仅会出于正当合法的目的使用本产品。您理解并同意,对于直
律法规范围内,本承诺解释权、修改权归 Insta360 所有。

After-Sales Service / 售后服务

The warranty period of the attached product is 3 months from the original
retail purchase. Warranty service may vary according to the applicable laws
of your state or jurisdiction. For detailed warranty policies, please visit
NOTE: Take care not to push the button of the camera when installing or
removing the Safety Cord, as to not accidentally start recording. / 自您最初零售购入之日起,本产品的保修期为 3 个月。详细的售后服务流
/ 注意:拆装脖挂防丢绳时,留意勿触碰相机按键,以免意外触发录像。 程和保修条款,请访问 。

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