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Modal verbs

1. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

1)When he was young, my grandfather ...................... (run) 12 kilometres. 2) John can’t run
very fast but he ...................... (jump) high. 3) ...................... you ...................... (finish) your
homework last week? 4) The dog hurt its leg and it ...................... (walk). 5) ......................
Tony ...................... (find) his way to the party tonight? 6) Sorry I ...................... (not help) you
paint your house yesterday.

2. Circle the correct auxiliary modal verb in each sentence.

1) My boss told me that I (have to, must) work overtime this week.
2) I (must, have to) get my hair cut before the dance.
3) She (has to, must) pay monthly rent to live in her apartment.
4) Ted’s dad said that he (must, has to) clean his room before he can play.
5) I (have to, must) buy those pretty red shoes.
6) The runner (has to, must) win the race to get a gold medal.
7) The police officer said that I (must, have to) go to jail.
8) I (must, have to) win this game of cards.
9) I (have to, must) become a tennis champion.
10) People (must, have to) eat to live.

3. For each sentence, choose the modal (should, can,must) that is most appropriate.
1)She looks very sick. I think she ______ go to a doctor.
a.should b.can c.must
2) You are driving all day. You _______ be exhausted!
a.should b.must c.can

3) You ______ smoke so much. It is bad for your health.
a.can’t b.shouldn’t c.mustn’t
4) Hey I’m lost. _____ you help me?
a.can b.should c.must
5) You have a beautiful voice. You ______ sing for us!
a. should b.can c.must
6)I know he speaks five languages, but ______ he speak Chinese?
a.should b. can c.must
7)You _______ remember to send that e-mail. It’s very important!
a.should b.must c.can
8) I _______ believe that you failed your test!
a.can’t b.shouldn’t c.mustn’t
9)I _______ come to your house in about 10 minutes. I’m really fast!
a.should b.can c.must
10) I ______ afford that. It’s too expensive.
a.can’t b.shouldn’t c.mustn’t

Key answers

1) Answers
1 could run 4 couldn’t walk
2 can jump 5 Can ... find
3 Could ... finish 6 couldn’t help
2) Answers
1 have to 6 has to
2 must 7 have to
3 has to 8 must
4 has to 9 must
5 must 10 have to
3) Answers
1 should
2 must
3 mustn’t
4 can
5 should
6 can
7 must
8 can’t
9 can
10 can’t

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